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【题目】I arrived late one night on a business trip, so I decided to have dinner in the hotel I stayed in. As I was finishing my meal, an elderly couple came in. They were holding hands and had lovely smiles on their faces. They sat three tables from me. I was amazed at the love they showed for each other. It struck me because it was shortly after ending a 20-year marriage and I still had pain in my heart.

My waiter was also their waiter. As I paid my bill, I asked what their bill was. He told me, and I gave him $40 to pay their bill. He asked if I knew them and I told him “No, I just wanted to repay them for the love that they were showing to each other,” and then I left. The next day I entered the restaurant again. After I had been seated, the waiter who served me the night before told me that the strangest thing happened after I left the restaurant. When the elderly couple went to pay for their meal, they were told that it had been paid. The waiter just told them what I said. They were amazed. They looked around, asked for the bill of two young couples who were seated together, paid their bill and left.

I smiled and ordered my meal. About 45 minutes later, I finished my meal and was about to head out, but my waiter was nowhere to be found. I explained to the hostess that I needed to pay for my meal and hurry to the airport. She smiled and explained that I would not have to pay, because she felt she should pay for my bill because of the joy brought to the faces of the elderly couple and the amazement of the young couples.

When I told her that they didn’t have to do that, she said with a smile “Love creates Love.”

【1】From the first paragraph we know the writer must feel ________.

A. pleasedB. worriedC. sadD. nervous

【2】The elderly couple paid the bill of the two young couples because they ________.

A. knew the two young couples

B. were happy to pass the love they got

C. were always ready to help poor people

D. wanted to invite the young people to the meal

【3】The writer’s purpose of writing the passage is to ________.

A. suggest true love never dies

B. share an interesting experience

C. encourage us to help people in need

D. prove a show of love really makes a difference







【1】C 推理判断题。根据第一段中It stuck me because it was shortly after ending a 20-year marriage and I still had pain in my heart.可知,作者刚刚结束了20年的婚姻,还沉浸在伤痛中,故选C。

【2】B 推理判断题。根据第二段“I just wanted to repay them for the love that they were showing to each other”和第三段“The waiter just told them what I said. They were amazed. They looked around, asked for the bill of two young couples who were seated together, paid their bill and left.”可知,那两位老人感到惊讶的同时,也感激作者的好意,他们于是做出了相同的事情——传递爱。故选B。

【3】D 主旨大意题。文章主要通过一件小事来说明爱的力量。作者帮一对恩爱的老夫妇付账,之后,两位老人做出了相同的事情,他们也想把爱传递给他人。作者通过描述一个有趣的经历来证明一个道理,爱是可以在人与人之间传递的,排除A、B;老夫妇和两位年轻人并不是需要帮助,排除C;故选D。





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Every year seals would crowd ashore in Farne Island and give birth to their pups. Between early October and early December, 1,500 seal pups will be born. Almost half of them will not make it past the first three weeks of life.

“The pups have to stay out of the water for the first three weeks, when they have their white coat, which is not very waterproof,” explains the warden (监察员),who spends nine months on the Island.

“But when you’re born in November on a rock in the North Sea, it’s a tough start to life,” he said. Storms often wash young pups into the water. And occasionally, young, inexperienced mothers abandon their pups and head out to sea.

“We lost 41% last year,” said David Steel, the National Trust’s head warden on the Farne Islands. “Mother Nature certainly keeps them in check.”

Despite the early challenges for every newborn seal, the population is healthily and slowly and steadily growing. There are almost 4,000 seals on a set of islands, which is named a Special Area of Conservation(SAC), meaning it is protected under EU regulations. This successful human safeguarding of the seals’ habitat is huge turnaround(转机).

Just a few decades ago, the seal population was deliberately decimated. The animals used to be thought of as a threat to local fish stocks. During the late 1960s and 1970s, thousands of seals were shot in a cull(剔除)that aimed to protect the local fishing industry. According to the National Trust, between 1962 and 1983 approximately 2,000 adult females and 3,000 pups were shot.

But, as the fishing industry collapsed, it was gradually replaced by tourism. Today, several companies use fishing boats to take groups of people to visit the islands and admire the scenery, seabirds and, of course, the seals that make their homes in this bleakly beautiful place.

【1In the first three weeks after they were born, almost half of the seal pups _______.

A. would be abandoned by their mothers

B. would be protected by the wardens

C. couldn’t live independently

D. would die mostly in the sea water.

【2】According to David Steel, death of so many pups________.

A. is a normal and natural phenomenon

B. is mainly caused by farmers’ killing

C. can be prevented efficiently by man

D. will be controlled by Mother Nature

【3】The underlined word “decimate” in Paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to ____.

A. increase B. kill C. reduce D. control

【4】What’s the best title for the passage?

A. The Beautiful Farne Island

B. A Tough Beginning

C. How to Protect Grey Seals

D. Tourism or Fishing Industry


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。

Jane Scott is fourteen years old and last year she 【1】______ (begin) to study in a middle school. She likes 2】_________ (dance) and singing and spends a lot of time on them. But she hates math and 【3】__________ (not study) hard at it. She thinks it difficult to learn math. Once she failed the math exam, and now she decides to give it up. Her father is angry with her when he knows about it.

It was Sunday. Mr. Scott gave a call to his sister. She teaches math in another school. He hoped she 【4】________ (come) and tell his daughter how【5】_______ (learn) math. The woman came quickly and said, “You’re a clever girl, Jane. I’m sure you’ll soon do well in math if you work hard at it. ”

“I'm afraid I can’t, Aunt,” said Jane. “I am not interested in math at all.”

“I don’t think so.” said the woman. “You 【6】 ________ (be) good at it if you try your best. You 7】 ________ (do) more exercises and practice a math problem again until you make it. Well, here’s a math problem. Think it over and practice it again and again, then you 【8】________ (work) it out. ”

“OK,” said the girl, “Let me 【9】________ (have) a try.”

About an hour later Jane took the exercise book to her aunt and said, “I 【10】 _______ (do) the problem ten times by now.”

“Well done!” her aunt said happily, “What answers did you get?!”

“Ten answers.”


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Helsinki, capital of Finland, is offering young people the chance to rent1cheap apartment in an old people's home, if they agree2(spend) time socializing with the elderly residents.

The city council(议会)is seeking3(apply) from renters under the age of 25 who would like to spend between three4five hours each week with their older neighbors.5exchange, they'll get a studio flat6(measure) 23 square meters with a private kitchen, bathroom and balcony for 250 euro per month. Those7apply don't need any specific care experience. There are staff to look after the elderly.

More than 60 people have applied for the spaces in less than a week, and the idea has also Been8(warm) welcomed by Finns on social media. "Great project! Hopefully it will spread to other areas, "9(write) one person on Facebook, while another supports the scheme for bringing10(difference) generations together.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked

A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with a word or phrase that best fits the context.

When I was in high school, I didn’t know anything about engineering. At that time, when the car I drove needed repairing, I was afraid to take it to the . Because honestly, the mechanic could have me an electric can opener and said, “This is part of your car and it’s -----pay me to fix it.” Then I wouldn’t have known any better.

At the end of my junior year of high school, I heard about a summer program to interest girls in engineering. The six-week program was free, and students were college credits and a dorm room at the University of Maryland. I applied to the program, not because I wanted to be an engineer, but because I was looking forward to and wanted to stay away from my parents for six weeks.

I was accepted to the program and I earned six engineering credits. The next year I entered the university as an engineering student. Five years later I had a degree and three good job offers.

I can’t help shaking I hear about studies that show women are when it comes to math. They imply that I am a little stupid. I’m not, but I know that if I hadn’t met with that summer program, I wouldn’t be an engineer.

When I was growing up, I was told, as many students were, to do what I was best at. But I didn’t know what that was. Most people think that when you are something, it comes easily to you. But this is what I discovered: just because a subject is to learn, it does not mean you are not good at it. You just have to grit your teeth and work hard to get good at it. Once you do, there’s good that you will enjoy it more than anything else.

【1】A. engineer B. salesman C. factory D. mechanic

【2】A. shown B. given C. brought D. taken

【3】A. old B. broken C. fixed D. dirtied

【4】A. designed B. performed C. controlled D. described

【5】A. sent B. afforded C. offered D. awarded

【6】A. independence B. success C. happiness D. beauty

【7】A. until B. when C. since D. before

【8】A. at a disadvantageB. at a loss C. in a trap D. in a shock

【9】A. never B. do C. hardly D. nearly

【10】A. good at B. bad at C. interested in D. devoted to

【11】A. easy B. funny C. difficult D. interesting

【12】A. will B. feeling C. desire D. chance


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


注意: 1、词数:100左右;




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。

修改: 在错词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I've learned from the newspaper that your company is looking for receptionist. I’m very interesting in the job and I’d like to apply to the position.

First of all, allow me to introduce myself. I had just graduated from high school and taken the University Entrance Examination. I want to find out a part-time job this summer. I'm 18 year old and have a good command of English, especial in terms of speaking and listening. In fact, I once won the first prize in the English speech competition hold in our school. Besides, I'm quite easy-going but therefore very popular among my classmates.

I sincerely hope you can give us a chance. I’m looking forward to your early reply.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The Coalition for the Homeless is an organization that seeks to address the needs of the homeless population in the United States. It is a network of offices, some of which provide food and houses for the homeless population, and some of which fight for the passing of laws that would give every American the right to a place to call home. According to the Coalition’s studies, of over two hundred million people living in the United States, up to three million are homeless---and number is still growing. Since the late 1970s, fast rising house prices, large cuts in government supported housing programs, and economic recession(经济衰退)have made it impossible for many Americans to meet housing costs. Sadly, this has resulted in a number of persons being forced to leave their homes and /or unable to find new affordable homes. According to another research, families with children appear to be the fastest –growing part of the homeless population, making up 39% of it. The old idea of a homeless person, that of the single man who gets drunk all the time, is no longer true. A much larger part of the population now finds itself homeless. Even worse, once a person becomes homeless, he often finds it impossible to find a job, since most employers require anyone who wants a job from them to provide a home address on a job application.

1The word “address” in the first line probably means“ ”.

A. talk about B. deal with

C. fight for D. write to2How many people are homeless in the U.S. according to the Coalition studies?

A.39% of the population.

B. 200 million people.

C. About 3 million people.

D. About one-fifth of the population.

3Homeless people often have difficulty finding a job because .

A. they have no home addresses

B. they mostly have a drinking problem

C. they aren’t supported by government programs

D. they often don’t have enough work experience

4What is the main cause of the rising number of the homeless in the U.. S.?

A. The passing of new housing laws.

B. The fast growth of family size.

C. the slow construction of houses.

D. the ever-rising price of housing.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Charles Dickens is often thought of as one of the greatest British writers. February 7 marked the 200th anniversary of his birthday. Yet for many, his language is old-fashioned and his stories often improbable. So why do so many people know and read Dickens today?

One reason is the British government’s insistence that every child studies a Dickens novel at school. Alongside William Shakespeare, Dickens is on every English literature school reading list.

His stories, though often long by today’s standards, are great moral tales. They are filled with colorful characters.

Earlier this month, a ceremony was held in Portsmouth, where Dickens was born. Prince Charles said at the ceremony, “Dickens used his creative genius to campaign passionately for social justice… His characterization (人物刻画) is as fresh today as on the day it was written.”

His books stand out from many other writers because of his insight into human nature. Dickens, like Shakespeare, tells us truths about human behavior. They are as true in the 21st century as they were to his readers in the 19th century.

Readers have returned to Dickens’ books again and again over the years to see what he has to say about their own times.

No surprise then that it was Dickens whom Britons turned to during the economic crisis in the last couple of years. Dickens helped them make sense of a world that was rapidly falling apart. The BBC adapted one of his less well-known novels, Little Dorrit, into a popular television drama that introduced many Brits to the novel for the first time. A dark story about greed and money, it was the perfect illustration of bad times.

As long as Dickens’s novels have something to say to modern audiences, it seems likely that he will remain one of Britain’s best-loved writers.

【1】 In the article, the author intends to tell us ______.

A. why Dickens’ novels still appeal to readers in modern times

B. that Dickens’ works are no longer popular among young people

C. why the British government puts Dickens on school reading lists

D. that Dickens and Shakespeare’s works are required for study at school

【2】In Britain, people still read Dickens because of ______.

a) romance in his books

b) moral value in his books

c) his colorful characters

d) his insight into human nature

e) government education requirement

f) his prediction of the current economic crisis

A. abdf B. bcde C. bdef D. abed

【3】We can infer from the article that ______.

A. it’s better to read Dickens in time of difficulty

B. Dickens was a great social observer of his time

C. human nature seems worse during bad times

D. Dickens’s novels are short and easy to read

【4】Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Little Dorrit is one of Dickens’ best-known novels.

B. Dickens’ novels are of greater value during economic crisis.

C. Dickens’ works have gained more popularity than Shakespeare’s

D. Dickens’ novels are still of realistic significance to today’s world.

