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5.Dear All,
Happy New Year!A list of important dates for this term is attached to this letter.
Interviews for our April and September Primary One classes will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday,18th&19th January.Now is the time to apply for admission to Peak School.
Children are expected to weal their uniforms this term.As is usual at this time of the year,mornings at the school are quite cold and l would suggest children wear their sweaters to school.As the temperature goes up during the day,children tend to take off their outer clothes,so it is important that all sweatshirts are labeled(贴有标签).
I have received a few requests from parents asking if their children can wear summer uniforms this term.I am of the view that all children in the school should follow the school policy and be dressed in the appropriate uniforms.In the longer term,a number of US at school have questioned the need to have a winter and summer uniform.Perhaps.with careful consideration,we can develop a uniform that will serve children for the whole academic year.
As the foggy(多雾)mornings start to appear,a number of parents have raised concerns over the safety of those children who walk to school.  Our dark green uniforms are not particularly visible to motorists.Hopefully,the"Uniform Committee"to be set up this term will deal with this particular issue.I will keep parents informed of the channels through which views may be expressed in future newsletters.
We still have a"No Hat,No Play"rule on the playground,so children need to ensure that they have their sunhats in school at all times.
Yours sincerely,
P D Tunesi

49.The letter was most probably writtenB.
A.when the school year ended
B.before the new term started
C.after kids were admitted to school
D.after kids were interviewed
50.This letter was mainly written toD.
A.teachers    B.visitors    C.students    D.parents
51.What do we know about the present school uniforms?C
A.The school has solved the problems.
B.They are invisible to motorists on foggy days.
C.The school is considering changing them.
D.There is a winter and summer school uniform.
52.We can infer from the text thatA.
A.the school has strict rules on uniforms
B.kids can't have classes without wearing hats
C.parents are satisfied with the uniforms
D.most kids walk to school on foggy mornings.

分析 本文是关于在新的学年致家长的一封信..

解答 49.B 细节理解题.根据第一段提到A list of important dates for this term is attached to this letter这个学期重要的日期列表附加在这封信里.可知写在新学期开学前,故选B项.
50.D 细节推断题.根据本文的第一句话Dear All,所有人员,再根据倒数第二段提到I will keep parents informed of the channels through which views may be expressed in future newsletters我将会与家长保持联系,可知是给家长的,故选D项.
51.C 细节理解题.根据第四段提到Perhaps.with careful consideration,we can develop a uniform that will serve children for the whole academic year,也许,经过仔细的考虑,我们将研制适合整个学年的校服,故选C项.
52.A 细节推断题.根据第四段提到.I am of the view that all children in the school should follow the school policy and be dressed in the appropriate uniforms我的观点是学生必须遵守学校的缺席,穿相适应的校服,故得知A项正确.

点评 阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释.考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.On the high-speed train Avignon to Paris,my husband and I landed in the only remaining seats on the train in the middle of a car,directly opposite a Frenchwoman of middle years.It was an extremely uncomfortable arrangement to be looking straight into the eyes of a stranger.My husband and I pulled out books.The woman produced a large makeup case and made up her face.Except for a lunch break,she continued this activity for the entire three-hour trip.Every once in a while she surveyed the car with a bright-eyed glance,but never once did she catch my eye.My husband and I could have been a blanket wall.
     I was amused,but some people would have felt uncomfortable,even repulsed(厌恶的).there is something about making up in public that calls up strong emotional reactions.Partly it's a question of hygiene.And it's a matter of degree.Making up----a private act----has a way of neglecting the presence of others.I was once seated at a party with a model-actress who immediately waved a silly brush and began dusting her face at the table,demonstrating that while she was next to me,she was not with me.
     In fact,I am generally prohibited from making up in public,except when I am in the company of cosmetics moment.In a gathering more professional than social,I would do so.
     Kathy Peiss,a history professor at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst says that nose-powdering in the office was an occasion for outrage in 1920's and 30's.Deploring(强烈反对) the practice as a waste of company time,trade journals advises managers to discourage it among workers.Peiss theorizes that it was female's making up in what has been an all-male field that disturb some gentlemen.
      Peiss tells me that after the 30's,pulling out a make-up case was no longer an issue.It became an accepted practice.I asked if she feels free to apply lipstick at a professional lunch herself.Sounding mildly shocked,she says she would save that for the privacy of her car afterward.Why?Because it would be"a gesture of inappropriate feminity(女性化)."One guess is that most professional women feel this way.There is evidence of the popularity of the new lipsticks that remain in place all day without retouching.

61.According to the author,"My husband and I could have been a blanket wall."(Line 6,Para.1)most probably means"A".
A.We were of no existence in the French woman's eyes.
B.We looked at the French woman expressionlessly.
C.We were treated with an expressionless face.
D.We used books as a wall to avoid the woman's eyes.
62.In the author's opinion,sheD.
A.feels comfortable when making up in public.
B.makes up before any professional gatherings.
C.only makes up on social occasions.
D.allows public making up on certain occasions.
63.According to Peiss,nose powdering in an office was criticized mainly for the reason thatB.
A.normal office work was disturbed.
B.make dominance was emphasized there.
C.it discouraged women's interest in career.
D.it distracted make workers'focus on work.
64.Why do most professional women give up using lipsticks in public?D
A.Because they are worried about being looked down upon.
B.Because it implies women's disadvantages in academic fields.
C.Because they are ashamed to be seen making up in front of males.
D.Because it emphasizes their female features in wrong situations.
65.It can be inferred that in a highly open society,the differences between men and womenC.
A.have attracted little attention.
B.hinder the social development.
C.still call for great concern.
D.are attractive topics in talk shows.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.A Korean wave is sweeping across China,and You Who Came From The Star and The Heirs have been subjects of hot online discussions throughout Asia.Besides,the book,The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane,read by the hero in You Who Came From The Star was a hard-to-get item on Amazon for a while.
After the enormous craze generated by Great Jang-Geum in 2003,the resurgence (复活) of South Korean TV dramas can be attributed to the joint efforts of the country's government and TV series makers.The South Korean government issued regulations saying at least 80percent of the TV programs had to be domestically produced.It also fixed the minimum number of homemade TV series to be broadcast in the country.That not only helped South Korean TV productions gain a firm foothold in the domestic market,but also laid the foundation for their successful attempt into overseas markets.
Recent years have seen great innovations in South Korean TV productions in terms of themes and narrative patterns.Take You Who Came From The Star as an example.Although aliens visiting Earth is an often-used theme,You Who Came From The Star's script remains logical and fast-paced.It mixes the plot with romance and murder and keeps the audience guessing about how the story will unfold.When it comes to love stories,the new South Korean teleplays no longer use the sorrow card; instead,they introduce them with unpredictable ideas and romantic punch lines.
The three TV stations,SBS,KBS and MBC,control the majority of South Korean TV market,each specializing in a different area and appealing to people of different ages.The productions are smooth and use advanced technologies such as high-speed photography and computer-generated effects,creating a real-life visual impact.
Moreover,the filming for South Korean productions generally starts when the scripts (剧本) are just one-third ready.Many popular productions have their own websites,where scriptwriters post part of the finished scripts,inviting viewers to leave messages,discuss the plot and come up with suggestions for future series.This not only keeps viewers'interest in the TV dramas alive,but also helps scriptwriters and directors make changes to the storylines to suit the audience's demand.
Hopefully,the success of South Korean TV programs will prompt Chinese TV drama makers to think up new ideas and abandon their bad practice of copying foreign productions in order to attract more viewers at home,and possibly abroad.

67.According to the passage,which of the following is NOT one South Korean TV drama?C
A.You Who Came From The Star.               B.The Heirs.
C.The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.  D.Great Jang-Geum.
68.Why are most of South Korean TV programs required to be produced within South Korea?C
A.Because the TV programs produced out of South Korea are poorly made.
B.Because they can't match up to better produced works from other countries.
C.Because South Korean TV series are encouraged to promote its development.
D.Because just South Korea can provide enough TV market for them.
69.What kind of ending does You Who Came From The Star probably have?D
A.Sad and surprising.  B.Violent and frightening.
C.Romantic and sad.    D.Romantic and happy.
70.What's the advantage of South Korean TV programs over Chinese TV dramas?D
A.Government's support.  B.Often-used theme.
C.Different technologies. D.Changeable scripts.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Different countries and cultures celebrate New Year in different"ways.Many countries still follow the lunar calendar,meaning that their new year often starts in late January or in February.New Year celebrations for some countries (like China,Vietnam and Korea)last not one day,but up to two weeks!
In the US,many people attend New Year parties.They drink champagne,dance,and cheer at the stroke of midnight.Fireworks,which in olden times scared away evil spirits,are very popular throughout the US.US residents often make one or more New Year's resolutions,such as promising to quit smoking,lose weight,stop drinking.Most of these resolutions last little longer than a month.
In the southern US,many people eat black-eyed peas for good luck in the new year.In Mexico and Venezuela,many people wear red or yellow underwear for good luck.In Brazil,residents wear white clothes for good luck,and in China,they wear red clothes and give children red envelopes with money in them.In Iran,people wear brand new clothes on the first day of the new year.
In Scotland,homeowners open the front door at midnight to let in the new year,and open the back door to let out the old year.In Switzerland,people kiss each other three times at midnight.In Spain people eat 12grapes-one per chime-as the clock chimes midnight.In Japan,they ring a bell 108times to get rid of the 108bad desires that people have.In Korea,they ring a bell 33times in honor of 33ancient soldiers.

63.How do Americans celebrate their New Year?
A.They kiss each three times at the stroke after midnight.D
B.They use fireworks to scare away evil spirits.
C.Men and women make New Year's plans together.
D.Many people attend New Year parties.
64.The underlined word"resolutions"in Paragraph 2probably meansD.
A.beliefs     B.solutions     C.principles         D.promises
65.In which countries is red regarded as a lucky color?B
A.Mexico and Brazil.                    B.Mexico and China.
C.Venezuela and Brazil.                 D.China and Iran.
66.The best title for the passage would be"C".
A.Different customs around the world
B.New activities in America and Europe
C.New Year celebrations around the world
D.Different countries have different customs.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.---He was nearly drowned once.
---When was ______?
---_____ was in 2000 _____he was in middle school.(  )
A.that; It; whenB.this;This; that
C.that; This; whenD.that; It; that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.It's reported that the world's food price in March is 2.9% lower than _______ in February.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.It was a cold December,and Mrs.Bell wanted to do a lot of shopping.She waited until it was Saturday,when her husband was free,and she took him to the shops with her to pay for everything and to carry for her what she had bought.They went to a lot of shops,and Mrs.Bell bought everything she could think of.
She often stopped and said,"Look,Peter!Isn't that beautiful?"
"All right,my dear.How much is it?"answered Mr.Bell,and then he took money out to buy it for her.
It was almost dark when they came out of the last shop,and Mr.Bell was tired.He was thinking about a nice drink by the side of a warm fire home.Suddenly his wife looked up at the sky and said,"Look at that beautiful moon,Peter!"
Without stopping,Mr.Bell answered at once."All right,dear.How much is it?"Then he took his wallet out of his pocket.

56.Mrs.Bell did shoppingB.
A.alone                      B.together with her husband
C.every day                  D.in the morning
57.Mrs.Bell took her husband to the shops becauseC.
A.he liked beautiful things       B.he liked to do shopping too.
C.she wanted him to pay money     D.he was always free
58.Mrs.Bell boughtD in the shops.
A.nothing                    B.a drink
C.the most beautiful thing   D.a number of things
59.Mr.BellC shopping.
A.was addicted to        B.was thinking about
C.was tired of           D.was very interested in
60.According to the last paragraph,we know Mr.BellB.
A.wanted to buy the moon     B.did not really know what his wife was saying
C.was a millionair           D.did not like the idea of buying the moon.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Billie Holiday was one of the greatest jazz singers in America.Her life was just a mixture of success and tragedy (悲剧).Her singing expressed her experiences and feelings.
Billie Holiday was born Eleanora Fagan in 1915in Baltimore,Maryland.Her parents were Sadie Fagan and Clarence Holiday.They were young when their daughter was born.Their marriage failed because Clarence Holiday was often out.He traveled as a musician with some of the earliest jazz bands and inspired his daughter.
Sadie Fagan cleaned people's houses to make a living.But she could not support her family with the money she earned.So she moved to New York City where the pay was higher.She left her daughter in Baltimore with one of her distant relatives (亲戚).
The young girl Eleanora Fagan changed her name to Billie,because she liked a movie star,Billie Dove.The talented Billie Holiday loved singing.She sang and listened to music whenever she could.In one place near her home there was a machine that played records.The building was a theater where many famous singers also performed their newly-made songs for free.
Billie cleaned floors and did other jobs for the theater so that she could listen to the records.It was there that young Billie first heard the records of some famous black American blues artists of the 1920s.She heard Bessie Smith sing the blues.And she heard Louis Armstrong play the horn.Both musicians had a great influence (影响) on her.
Billie Holiday once said,"I do not think I'm singing.I feel like I am playing a horn.What comes out is what I feel.I hate straight singing.I have to change a tune to my own way of doing it.That is all I know."

72.Who might be the first to have an influence on Billie Holiday's career in music?B
A.Sadie Fagan        B.Clerence Holiday.
C.Bessie Smith.     D.Louis Armstrong
73.From the passage,we can learn thatD.
A.Sadie Fagan was fond of living in New York
B.Clerence Holiday didn't love his wife at all
C.Billie lived a happy childhood
D.Billie had a gift for music
74.The underlined sentence"What comes out is what I feel"meansD.
A.Billie Holiday doesn't like to sing for others
B.Billie Holiday's songs complain about her unhappy childhood
C.Billie Holiday is fond of the songs written for herself
D.Billie Holiday's music is filled with feeling
75.In order to listen to the records in the theater,Billie HolidayA.
A.cleaned floors for the theater      B.changed her name
C.moved to New York                   D.separated from her parents.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.Mr.Black _____ for Shanghai in a few days.Do you know when the earliest plane ____on Sunday?(  )
A.leaves; takes offB.is leaving; takes off
C.is leaving; is taking offD.leaves; is taking off

