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When he was there, he ______ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.

A.would B.should

C.used to D.might


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高三一轮复习新人教版选修6第1-2单元测试英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


For many, just taking part in a single marathon is the achievement of a lifetime. But for Julie Weiss, it has become a __________ routine. She has run 12 marathons once a week-for the past year in memory of her dad who _________ just 35 days after he was _________v with pancreatic cancer(胰腺癌). When Julie Weiss lost her father in 2010, she was _________ to find the research for pancreatic cancer is so short of fund. “ It made me feel _________ .” she said, “I knew I had to do something.”

So this marathon queen, _________ she calls herself, did what she did best; she went running. Having completed 25 marathons during the _________ two years, Julie now vowed(发誓) to run 12 marathons in 12 weeks in _________ of her father. After asking people to _________ money for each marathon, she _________ a website, marathon goddess, com, to collect money for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network(PANCAN), a nonprofit organization. Julie began her incredible _________ with a marathon is Rome and then entered a race every _________in some city across North America. _________ leaving work at 5p.m.on Friday she would be ready to begin the next race, before she _________ home to California on Sunday. Julie finished her 1,362.4-mile journey in March 2013, _________ more than $ 200,000 in the process for PANCAN.

While running, she stuck to a strict training schedule. “My body’s getting used to this. I’m changing my diet, becoming more healthy and learning to run more _________ .” she said. When her muscles began to _________, she kept her _________ in mind. “When you do what you love, for those you love, that is where the _________ happen. Together we can make a(n) _________,and pave the way for a happy, healthy, cancer free life.” she said.

1.A. weekly B. monthly C. daily D. yearly

2.A. passed by B. passed away C. died off D. died out

3.A. connected B. diagnosed C. treated D. dealt

4.A. inspired B. exhausted C. interested D. shocked

5.A. desirable B. helpless C. hopeful D. wishful

6.A. while B. what C. as D. since

7.A. previous B. precious C. present D. precise

8.A. search B. need C. honor D. place

9.A. pay B. donate C. make D. earn

10.A. set up B. made up C. held up D. broke up

11.A. experiment B. stage C. road D. challenge

12.A. day B. morning C. weekend D. weekday

13.A. At B. By C. With D. On

14.A. parted B. left C. headed D. missed

15.A. raising B. earning C. spending D. wasting

16.A. merrily B. efficiently C. specifically D. casually

17.A. swell B. stress C. burn D. ache

18.A. strength B. relief C. motivation D. interest

19.A. miracles B. accidents C. stories D. events

20.A. offer B. sacrifice C. promise D. difference


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高三一轮复习新人教版选修8第1-2单元测试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Apple picking

Apple picking is always a popular fall activity, with families looking for a fun way to spend time together outdoors. Check out some options on where and how to pick close to Toronto:


to pick

Pine Farms Tel: 905-833-5459

Hours: Tuesday to Sunday 9 am to 5 pm

Details: Pick your own apples from mid-August to November.

Albion Farms Tel: 905-584-0354

Hours: Daily 10 am to 6 pm

Details: Pick your own apples on weekends only

Watson Farms Tel: 905-623-9109

Hours: Monday to Friday 9 am to 8 pm Weekends 9 am to 6 pm

Details: Pick your own apples only in early September.

Brooks Farms Tel: 905-473-3920

Hours: Daily 9 am to 5 pm

Details: Picking your own apples is not available(可得到的),but apples are available in the farm market.

Willis Family Fruit Farms Tel: 905-876-2606

Hours: Weekends 10 am to 8 pm

Details: Pick your own apples only in September and October.

Apple picking tips

Call first: Certain apple types may not be available because demand and farm hours can change without notice. So call ahead before setting out.

What to bring: Some farms provide containers(容器) for you to carry the fruit home, but it’s not a bad idea to bring them yourself. Comfortable shoes and clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty are a must. And keep the weather in mind: pack a sweater for cooler days, and bring sun cream.

1.According to the author, apple picking ______ .

A. helps farmers harvest the fruit

B. can bring great pleasure to families

C. is better for teenagers than for adults

D. is becoming more and more popular in cities

2.If you are only free after 6 pm on Tuesday, you can choose _____ .

A. Pine Farms B. Albion Farms

C. Watson Farms D. Willis Family Fruit Farms

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. You may dirty your clothes when picking apples.

B. Apples on all the farms are on sale at the same time.

C. You have to pay to take the apples you have picked home.

D. You are not allowed to take containers for carrying apples.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高三一轮复习新人教版必修3第2单元讲析英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Is this TV set ______ you wish to have ______?

A.the one; repaired B.which; it repaired

C.the one; it repaired D.which; repaired


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高三一轮复习新人教版必修2第2单元讲析英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—What do you think of French?

—In my opinion, French is ______ English.

A.a subject so difficult as B.as difficult a subject as

C.as a subject difficult as D.difficult as subject as


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高三一轮复习新人教版必修1第2单元练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出可以填在空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

I got a guitar for my birthday, and since then I have been struggling. It’s kind of sad. To be honest, it is how many problems are caused by such little things in the life of a teenager .It has awakened another side of myself me. And it couldn’t have happened at a worse time.

I’m a senior, I’m going to soon and I know what college I’m going to. And now I have to deal with this little voice in my head constantly me that I’m going to be a rock star, not a scientist.

A few weeks ago I was given the simple task of writing a short story. I sat down to ___ a beautiful work of fiction that would ___ my teacher and classmates. To be honest, this is an area I generally feel very __ in. I really enjoy it and such writing tasks used to take the ________amount of time.

So I was to write my story, and across the room lay my beautiful birthday present. “Once upon a time,” I wrote. Then I stopped, in my chair, and stared for a moment at the . Its dark red paint was and I could see my reflection in its perfect surface. And then my reflection started dancing and singing. I wasn’t , but it sure was. I’d follow its . So I seized my guitar and plucked (拨动) a string. I sat rocking with my guitar until late the night. I was sure I was preparing for the much more efficiently now that I wasn’t spending time writing stories.

Needless to say, no story was written, and many arose in my mind. Since then, I have constantly asked, “Am I for not wanting to do my work anymore?” More importantly, , I’ve learned I really am going to be a rock star.

1.A.interesting B.exciting C.disappointing D.surprising

2.A.within B.with C.before D.beyond

3.A.work B.write C.graduate D.retire

4.A.teaching B.advising C.reminding D.fooling

5.A.actually B.seemingly C.obviously D.partly

6.A.plan B.create C.carry D.continue

7.A.frustrate B.amuse C.astonish D.admire

8.A.happy B.rich C.fortunate D.strong

9.A.least B.most C.largest D.best

10.A.trying B.helping C.refusing D.learning

11.A.seated B.edited C.turned D.digested

12.A.paper B.instrument C.floor D.desk

13.A.running B.shining C.deepening D.fading

14.A.playing B.dreaming C.moving D.repeating

15.A.lead B.music C.speed D.rule

16.A.of B.at C.for D.into

17.A.university B.life C.future D.exam

18.A.doubts B.fears C.discussions D.problems

19.A.curious B.clever C.normal D.alone

20.A.therefore B.though C.otherwise D.even


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高三一轮复习新人教版必修1第2单元练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It suddenly occurred to me I hadn’t locked my door.

A.which B.where

C.that D.whether


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高三一轮复习新人教版必修1第2单元测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Michael J. “Crocodile Dundee” (also called Mick), played by Paul Hogan, is the main character in the fictional Crocodile Dundee film series consisting of Crocodile Dundee, Crocodile Dundee II, and Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles. The character is a crocodile hunter, hence the nickname.

In the first film, Crocodile Dundee, Mick is visited by a New York reporter, Sue Charlton, who travels to Australia to investigate a report she heard of a crocodile hunter, who had his leg bitten off by a crocodile in the outback. The hunter supposedly walked more than a hundred miles back to civilization and miraculously survived his injuries. However, by the time she meets him, the story turns out to be a somewhat exaggerated legend where the “bitten-off leg” turns out to be just being some bad scarring on his leg; a “love bite” as Mick calls it. Still intrigued by the idea of “Crocodile Dundee”, Sue continues with the story. They travel together out to where the incident occurred, and follow his route through the bush to the nearest hospital. Despite his old-fashioned views, the pair eventually become close, especially after Mick saves Sue from a crocodile attack.

Feeling there is still more to the story, Sue invites Mick back to New York with her, as his first trip to a city (or “first trip anywhere,” as Dundee says). The rest of the film depicts Dundee as a “fish out of water,” showing how, despite his expert knowledge of living outdoors, he knows little of city life. Mick meets Sue’s boyfriend, Richard, but they do not get along. By the end of the film, Mick is on his way home, lovesick, when Sue realizes she loves Mick, too, and not Richard. She runs to the subway station to stop Mick from leaving and, by passing on messages through the packed-to-the-gills crowd, she tells him she won’t marry Richard, and she loves him instead. With the help of the other people in the subway, Mick and Sue have a loving reunion as the film ends.

1.Which of the following statements is true about Mick?

A. He is a crocodile hunter living in Los Angeles.

B. He is based on a real person in Australia.

C. He got his nickname because of his job.

D. He wrote a film series about himself.

2.In the film Crocodile Dundee, Mick ________.

A. pretends he was bitten by a crocodile

B. urges Sue Charlton to write his life story

C. hasn’t been abroad before his trip to America

D. shows Sue Charlton around the town he lives in

3.The underlined word “intrigued” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. annoyed B. interested

C. troubled D. surprised

4.When in New York, Mick ________.

A. makes friends with Richard

B. makes full use of his bush skills

C. feels excited about living in a big city

D. doesn’t know how to fit into city life

5.The film Crocodile Dundee can be best described as ________.

A. a romantic story B. an action movie

C. a science fiction D. a frightening story


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高三一轮复习新人教版必修3第2单元练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

____ you call me to say you are not coming, I will see you at the theatre at five this afternoon.

A. Though B. Whether

C. Unless D. Until

