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 (1)Before applying to colleges,many students wonder,what's the point of it all? This is an important question to ask yourself.College is a huge investment,not only of money,but also of 2—4 years of your life.No one should attend college without a very good reason.

(2)Some people go to college to earn more money.On average,people who obtain a Bachelor's degree will earn more than$1 million dollars more over the course of their lifetimes than people who don't attend college.Those who go for Master's,Doctor's,and professional degrees do even better.Holders of these degrees are suited to many high paying jobs while                   .

(3)Some go for the experiences.College is an amazing life experience.Students not only receive a traditional classroom education,but also learn a large amount about the ways of the world.For many students,college is the first time they live away from home.This creates a great opportunity to meet different types of people and have many brand new experiences that Call make you a much wiser and worldly person.

(4)Some others seek after a dream.For many people college is great way to start the next step towards achieving a dream. It Can help you break into a new career path or achieve expert status in your chosen field.

(5)However,there're also some people going to college because“my parents and family expect me to”or“I don't know what I want to do with my life”.If your main reason for going to college is one of these,you should reconsider your motivations seriously.If you go without a true purpose,you can end up finding what you spend on it might never be worth it.

76. How does the author further explain his point of view ? (no more than 10 words)


77. Fill in the blank in Paragraph2 with proper words. (no more than 5 words)


78. How could experiences mentioned in Paragraph3 change people ? (no more than 8 words)


79. Why could going to college help the students seek after their dreams ? (no more than 20 words)



80. What is the main idea of Paragraph5 ? (no more than 10 words)


76.By comparing some good reasons with some bad ones

77.non-degree holders/those without degrees are not/seldom

78.By making people much wiser and worldly

79.Because that could help them head for a flew career or make great achievements in your chosen field.

80.People should go to college with a true reason.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Language learning begins with listening. Children are greatly different in the amount of listening they do before they start speaking, and later starters are often long listeners. Most children will “obey” spoken instructions some time before they can speak, though the word “obey” is hardly accurate as a description of the eager and delighted cooperation usually shown by the children. Before they can speak, many children will also ask questions by gesture and by making questioning noises.

Any attempt to study the development from the noises babies make to their first spoken words leads to considerable difficulties. It is agreed that they enjoy making noises, and that during the first few months one or two noises sort themselves as particularly expressive as delight, pain, friendliness, and so on. But since these can’t be said to show the baby’s intention to communicate, they can hardly be regarded as early forms of language. It is agreed, too, that from about three months they play with sounds for enjoyment, and that by six months they are able to add new words to their store. This self-imitation(模仿) leads on to deliberate(有意的) imitation of sounds made or words spoken to them by other people. The problem then arises as to the point at which one can say that these imitations can be considered as speech.

It is a problem we need to get our teeth into. The meaning of a word depends on what a particular person means by it in a particular situation; and it is clear that what a child means by a word will change as he gains more experience of the world. Thus the use, at seven months, of “mama” as a greeting for his mother cannot be dismissed as a meaning-less sound simply because he also uses it at another time for his father, his dog, or anything else he likes. Playful and meaningless imitation of what other people say continues after the child has begun to speak for himself. I doubt, however, whether anything is gained when parents take advantage of this ability in an attempt to teach new sounds.

1. Before children start speaking _______.

A. they need equal amount of listening

B. they need different amounts of listening

C. they are all eager to cooperate with the adults by obey spoken instructions

D. they can’t understand and obey the adult’s oral instructions

2. Children who start speaking late _______.

A. may have problems with their listening

B. probably do not hear enough language spoken around them

C. usually pay close attention to what they hear

D. often take a long time in learning to listen properly

3. A baby’s first noises are _______.

A. an expression of his moods and feelings

B. an early form of language

C. a sign that he means to tell you something

D. an imitation of the speech of adults

4. The problem of deciding at what point a baby’ imitations can be considered as speech _______.

A. is important because words have different meanings for different people

B. is not especially important because the changeover takes place gradually

C. is one that should be properly understood because the meaning of words changes with age

D. is one that should be completely ignored(忽略) because children’s use of words is of-ten meaningless

5. The speaker implies _______.

A. parents can never hope to teach their children new sounds

B. children no longer imitate people after they begin to speak

C. children who are good at imitating learn new words more quickly


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年黑龙江省高一上学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

The first moment came when I was in the local dollar store. There was an older woman in front of me just wrapping(包裹) up her goods.   1.   

    Before I could even offer to help, the young cashier gave her a big smile. She said, “Oh, don’t worry about it,” and sent the woman on her way.

    As I came up she said, “It’s only a few cents. I can’t make a big deal out of it.” I responded, “Here’s the seventeen cents.   2.    In this way your cash won’t be short.”

      3.  We passed a young man whose arms and face were covered in tattoos (纹身). He wore torn clothes and sat on the sidewalk with a sign that said “Homeless—Hungry—Sick.”

    Now as we passed I was thinking “Junkie (有毒瘾者)”.    4.    But, as we went a little further, I said to myself, “Who am I to judge? I should just put something in his paper cup.”

    At the same moment my son said, “That man is homeless, hungry and sick. I want to help him.”

    I gave him some money and told him he could put it in the cup. As I watched the young man gave my son a big smile and said, “Thank you!” My son told him, “No problem.” When my son came back to me he said, “That was good. Now he can get better.”

     5.   And, once again, I learned that children are often our best role models for the acceptance of others.

A. You did a really nice thing.

B. It was an automatic reaction (自动反应).

C. His sign says he needs more clothes.

D. The rate (几率) of people giving her money is low.

E. Just two little moments, but they taught me lots.

F. The second moment came when I was walking along with my son.

G. When she came to pay for them she discovered that she was seventeen cents short.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年河南省高三上学期第一次月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Remembering your dreams will require some efforts on your part. But what your dreams can offer and tell you about yourself will be well worth   it.  Here are some tips to help recall your dreams:

1. Before going to bed, keep a clear mind. Tell yourself that “I will remember my dreams when I wake up”. This is actually a proven and effective way to recall your dreams.

2. Have a regular bedtime and wake-up time. Make this your routine. Going to bed and waking up at a regular time every day could aid in dream recollection.

3. Avoid alcohol consumption and taking medicine before going to bed. These things may prevent you from remembering your dreams.

4. Keep a pencil and a notebook next to your bed so that they will be within reach as soon as you wake up. Having a small lamp by your bedside is also a good idea, so you wake up in the middle of the night and can record your dreams immediately.

5. Do not get out of bed immediately. Upon waking from a dream, lie still in your bed, keeping your eyes closed and moving as little as possible. Let your mind wander among the images of what you have just dreamed.

6. Write down as many details in your dreams as you can, no matter how seemingly unimportant they may be. Do not judge the content or worry if they make sense.

7. Sometimes it may help to draw pictures. A picture is worth a thousand words, as the saying goes. Even if you are not an artist, a simple drawing can help to recall details of your dreams.

1.This passage tells you ______ .

A. some useful tips to recall your dreams         B. the way to recall your dreams

C. the reason to remember dreams              D. many details in your dreams

2. Which of the following ways may NOT be useful for recalling dreams?

A. Avoiding taking alcohol and medicine.   B. Not getting out of bed immediately.

C. Drinking a cup of hot milk.            D. Writing down as many details as possible.

3.What does the underlined “it” in the first paragraph mean? ______   

A. Remembering your dreams.               

B. Some tips to help recall your dreams.

C. Your making efforts to remember your dreams.

D. What your dreams can offer and tell you about yourself.

4. The author uses the saying “A  picture is worth a thousand words” to_______.

A. show that a picture is better than words

B. say a picture is equal to thousands of words

C. prove that it’s more important to draw pictures than to speak

D. indicate drawing pictures really helps to recall dreams



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年重庆一中高一上学期10月月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Language learning begins with listening.Children are greatly different in the amount of listening they do before they start speaking,and later starters are often long listeners. Most children will“obey”spoken instructions some time before they can speak,though the word“obey”is hardly accurate as a description of the eager and delighted cooperation usually shown by the child.Before they can speak,many children will also ask questions by gesture and by making questioning noises.

Any attempt to study the development from the noises babies make to their first spoken words leads to considerable difficulties.It is agreed that they enjoy making noises, and that during the first few months one or two noises sort themselves as particularly expressive as delight,pain,friendliness,and so on.But since these can’t be said to show the baby’s intention to communicate,they can hardly be regarded as early forms of language.It is agreed,too,that from about three months they play with sounds for enjoyment,and that by six months they are able to add new words to their store.This selfimitation(模仿) leads on to deliberate(有意的) imitation of sounds made or words spoken to them by other people.The problem then arises as to the point at which one can say that these imitations can be considered as speech.

It is a problem we need to get out teeth into.The meaning of a word depends on what a particular person means by it in a particular situation and it is clear that what a child means by a word will change as he gains more experience of the world.Thus the use at seven months of“mama”as a greeting for his mother cannot be dismissed as a meaningless sound simply because he also uses it at other times for his father,his dog,or anything else he likes.Playful and meaningless imitation of what other people say continues after the child has begun to speak for himself,I doubt,however whether anything is gained when parents take advantage of this ability in an attempt to teach new sounds.

1.Before children start speaking        .

A.they need equal amount of listening

B.they need different amounts of listening

C.they are all eager to cooperate with the adults by obeying spoken instructions

D.they can’t understand and obey the adult’s oral instructions

2.Children who start speaking late        .

A.may have problems with their listening

B.probably do not hear enough language spoken around them

C.usually pay close attention to what they hear

D.often take a long time in learning to listen properly

3.The problem of deciding at what point a baby’s imitations can be considered as speech        .

A.is important because words have different meanings for different people

B.is not especially important because the changeover takes place gradually

C.is one that should be properly understood because the meaning of words changes with age

D.is one that should be completely ignored(忽略) because children’s use of words is often meaningless

4.The speaker wants to tell us that        .

A.parents can never hope to teach their children new sounds

B.children no longer imitate people after they begin to speak

C.even after they have learnt to speak,children still enjoy imitating

D.children who are good at imitating learn new words more quickly



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011哈尔滨六中高一下学期期中英语试题 题型:阅读理解

Most of us use the telephone several times a day to talk with friends or make social arrangements(安排). These calls are usually quite easy and require little planning.

     Using the telephone for business purpose is different. In any organization the person on the telephone represents the company and gives an impression of the firm to the outside world.

     If you want to ensure good public relations, you need to master effective telephone techniques.

    You should try to give an impression of an efficient, friendly, progressive company eager to give good service.

 Before calling

       Choose the right time. Consider the cost, urgency and convenience. When calling overseas, you need to consider the time difference.

Check the number. A great deal of money is wasted each year on dialing wrong numbers.

  Plan your call. Make a list of points and questions to be raised.

Be prepared. Gather any files, papers or information that may be needed during the call. It is unprofessional to have to say “Hold on while I look for that.”

    If you have to ask a caller to hold on, keep going back and assuring him/her that you will be as quick as possible.

Avoid interruptions. Call at a time when you are unlikely to be distracted(分心).

During the call

    Be courteous, polite. Make time for suitable greetings like “How are you today, Jim?” and “Did you enjoy your holiday”?

Put a smile in your voice. Remember, your caller can not see you, so use intonation to good effect and try to sound confident, decisive, helpful, and interested.

    Check your notes. Look back at your notes to ensure that you have covered everything and quote figures and other data correctly.

Get feedback. Make sure the caller understands the message correctly, especially deadlines and actions that are involved.

Be courteous. Finish by thanking the caller for his or her time and trouble.

After the call

       Make notes. Let it become a habit to make notes of the call and place them in an appropriate file.

Take actions. If you need to send a letter of confirmation or inform someone in your organization about any details of the call, do it immediately so that you do not forget important points.

1. Before calling, you have to _____.

     A. stay at your company only                   B. learn important data and figures by heart

     C. get things ready for the communication          D. choose the right time and place

2. During the call, it is unsuitable to _____.

     A. be decisive                 B. be heard in low spirits     C. check your notes                D. get feedback

3. What does the underlined word “courteous” in the passage mean?

    A. Polite.                 B. Active.                   C. Effective.                 D. Correct.


