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Unlike modern animal scientists, dinosaur scientists cannot sit on a hillside and use telescopes to watch dinosaurs in order to know how they lived and whether they were good parents. Instead, they have to search hard for information from dinosaurs’ fossils (恐龙化石) because dinosaurs died out millions of years ago.

It’s very difficult for the scientists to reach an agreement because different results can be got from the same fossils. Many fossils of the same kind of dinosaurs have been dug out from one place. They might have formed when an entire group of dinosaurs got stuck (陷入) all at once, or they might have been the result of dinosaurs getting stuck one after another over a course of a few centuries. Thus we can say that dinosaurs might have in the first case lived in big groups and in the second lived alone.

Though there are two different results, dinosaur scientists now generally agree that at least some kinds of dinosaurs lived in big groups. “That’s pretty much settled at this point,” says Paul Sereno. A kind of dinosaurs called Sauropods left behind tracks in the western United States that appear to run north and south, suggesting that they even moved long distances together.

As to whether dinosaurs cared for their young, dinosaur scientists have turned to the closest living relatives of dinosaurs-birds and crocodiles-for possible models. Birds give a lot of care to their young, while crocodiles just help their young to the water. The discovered fossils of dinosaurs sitting on their eggs and staying with their young suggest the parents were taking care of their babies, but we still cannot say that all dinosaurs did the same.

There is still a long way to go before the above questions could be answered. Dinosaur scientists, will have to find more proof to reach an agreement.

1.Dinosaur scientists can get information directly by .

A. studying dinosaur fossils

B. examining modern animals

C. watching dinosaurs

D. using telescopes

2.What is pretty much settled according to Paul Sereno?

A. Half of the dinosaurs lived alone.

B. Most dinosaurs moved long distances.

C. Many dinosaurs settled in the north.

D. Some dinosaurs lived in big groups.

3.Dinosaur scientists can probably know whether dinosaurs were good parents by .

A. watching many kinds of animals

B. studying dinosaurs’ living relatives

C. following the tracks left behind

D. working on dug-out dinosaur eggs

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the 4th paragraph?

A. Birds hardly pay attention to their young.

B. Baby crocodiles can look after themselves well.

C. Some dinosaurs took care of their young.

D. Birds and crocodiles take good care of their young.








1.dinosaur scientists cannot sit on a hillside and use telescopes to watch dinosaurs ...they have to search hard for information from dinosaurs’ fossils”可知,研究恐龙的专家不能使用望远镜实地观察恐龙,他们只能努力从恐龙化石中寻找信息,故选A。

2.dinosaur scientists now generally agree that at least some kinds of dinosaurs lived in big groups. “That’s pretty much settled at this point,” says Paul Sereno.”可知,可以大致确定的是,一些种类的恐龙过着群居生活,故选D。

3.dinosaur scientists have turned to the closest living relatives of dinosaurs-birds and crocodiles-for possible models”可知,科学家转向与恐龙有着近亲关系的鸟类和鳄鱼以查证恐龙是否是合格的父母,故选B。

4.Birds give a lot of care to their young”排除A;根据“while crocodiles just help their young to the water”可知,小鳄鱼无法照顾自己,排除B;根据“Birds give a lot of care to their young, while crocodiles just help their young to the water.”可知,鳄鱼不会悉心照顾幼崽,排除D;根据“The discovered fossils of dinosaurs sitting on their eggs and staying with their young suggest the parents were taking care of their babies,”可知,从已发现的化石中能够看出,恐龙照顾幼龙,但不能一概而论地说,所有的恐龙都照顾幼龙,故选C。



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年北师大版高中英语选修十一第三十一单元练习卷1(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Nine thousand guests took part in the outdoor ceremony, that impressed so many people at the White House.

A.that B.this C.it D.one



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖北黄梅华宁高级中学高一下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My mother bought a new skirt for me at a yesterday.

A.pay B.discount

C.cost D.bargain



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江富阳第二中学高一下期中质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The guitar ________ Dave composed our first hit is in a music museum.

A. in which B. to which

C. with which D. by which



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江富阳第二中学高一下期中质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--- I think he is taking an active part in social work. --- I agree with you _______.

A. in a way B. on the way

C. by the way D. in the way



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏淮安涟水中学高一下第一次模块检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Shall we go to see the snow sculptures (雕塑)?


A. Sorry, I promise

B. It depends on the weather

C. Never mind

D. It doesn’t matter



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏淮安涟水中学高一下第一次模块检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

You’re our manager, so ______ or not you’ll attend today’s meeting is very important.

A. / B. what C. if D. whether



科目:高中英语 来源:2016届山西吕梁学院附属高级中学高一下期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达













3.参考词汇:成绩差的学生:a slower student



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届黑龙江哈尔滨第三十二中学高三9月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Along the river banks of the Amazon and the Orinoco there lives a bird that swims before it can fly, flies like a fat chicken, eats green leaves, has the stomach of a cow and has claws (爪) on its wings when young. They build their homes about 4.6m above the river, an important feature (特征) for the safety of the young. It is called the hoatzin.

In appearance, the birds of both sexes look very much alike with brown on the back and cream and red on the underside. The head is small, with a large set of feathers on the top, bright red eyes, and blue skin. Its nearest relatives are the common birds, cuckoos. Its most striking feature, though, is only found in the young.

Baby hoatzins have a claw on the leading edge of each wing and another at the end of each wing tip. Using these four claws, together with the beak (喙), they can climb about in the bushes, looking very much like primitive(远古的) birds must have done. When the young hoatzins have learned to fly, they lose their claws.

During the drier months between December and March hoatzins fly about the forest in groups of 20 to 30 birds, but in April, when the rainy season begins, they collect together in smaller living units of two to seven birds for producing purposes.

1.What is the text mainly about?

A.Hoatzins in dry and rainy seasons.

B.The relatives and enemies of hoatzins.

C.Primitive birds and hoatzins of the Amazon.

D.The appearance and living habits of hoatzins.

2.Young hoatzins are different from their parents in that____ .

A.they look like young cuckoos

B.they have claws on the wings

C.they eat a lot like a cow

D.they live on river banks

3.What can we infer about primitive birds from the text?

A.They had claws to help them climb.

B.They could fly long distances.

C.They had four wings like hoatzins.

D.They had a head with long feathers on the top.

4.Why do hoatzins collect together in smaller groups when the rainy season comes?

A.To find more food.

B.To protect themselves better.

C.To keep themselves warm.

D.To produce their young.


