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【题目】Before World War IIall bank tellers(出纳)were men. But as men went to war during the early 1940s, banks trained women to take their place. I was among 20 women selected by Bank of America to work as a teller at a small branch in Los Angeles.

November 231942 was a day I'll never forget when I was 22 years old and just two months on the job. When a well-dressed man in a suit, tie and hat came to my window. I greeted him with a friendly “Good afternoon.” But he shouted,“This is it!”

'The man placed a brown bag on the counter and said; "Fill it up.”Because of 'the way he was dressed, it didn't dawn on me that this was a hold-up(持枪抢劫). I was sure it must be a test of the new tellers' ability to follow bank rules. Eager to pass such a test, I coolly opened the bag, and then calmly filled it with marked bills.

“None of these!” the man shouted, insisting that I fill the bag with cash from another teller’s drawer. Well, that was a big no-no from training: You never touch another teller's cash! I firmly told him it was against bank rules. You can imagine the disbelief on the robber' s face. Other tellers later told me they couldn't believe I refused the robber's demands.

When the man told me to stand in front of the other staff along the wall, threatening to shoot me if anyone moved, I finally realized this was real. After the robber fled the bank, the manager got his gun and went after the robber but he failed to catch him. The robber was caught after another bank hold-up, and I was told I was the first female teller to be held up in California, which was a fact that attracted many reporters.

1Why was it easy for the author to become a bank teller?

A. Females were thought responsible.

B. There was a lack of male workers.

C. She worked far better than men

D. Women could be trained easily.

2Why did the author feel calm at the beginning of the incident?

A. She was well trained.

B. She took it for a test.

C. She knew the man had no gun with him.

D. She had experienced the same thing before.

3How did the robber feel when he heard the author's words in Paragraph 4?

A. Worried. B. Disappointed.

C. Skeptical. D. Ashamed.

4What can be inferred about the author after the incident?

A. She was the subject of many news stories.

B. She caught the robber in another hold-up.

C. She was to blame for losing money.

D. She succeed in changing her job.

【答案】fact that attracted many reporters. A选项She was the subject of many news stories..关键词the subject of many news stories


1推理判断题。根据第一段的句子But as men went to war during the early 1940s, banks trained women to take their place.因为男士们在20世纪40年代早期,都去打仗了银行训练女士来取代他们的位置。可推断作者容易地成为银行出纳的原因是缺少男职工,故选B。

2细节理解题。根据第三段中的句子Because of 'the way he was dressed, it didn't dawn on me that this was a hold-up(持枪抢劫). I was sure it must be a test of the new tellers' ability to follow bank rules.因为他的穿着,我并没意识到这是一个持枪抢劫。我认为这一定是对新出纳的能力测试所以我一开始保持冷静是因为我误认为这是一次测试。故选B。

3细节理解题。根据第四段中的句子I firmly told him it was against bank rules. You can imagine the disbelief on the robber' s face.可知听到作者拒绝他他感到难以相信。故选项C(怀疑的)正确

4推理判断题。根据最后一部分内容I was told I was the first female teller to be held up in California, which was a fact that attracted many reporters.我被告知我是加州第一位被抢劫的女出纳,这是一个吸引很多记者的事实,可推断这次事件之后,作者成为很多新闻故事的焦点,故选A。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1It is highly ___________(推荐)that the students read the following books.

2Now I have the great___________(特权)of introducing our speaker from Japan.

3I regretted ________ (购买) the second-hand car.

4You shouldn’t have believed him. His actions often ________(矛盾)his words.

5The meeting discussed the fair______(分配)of income and wealth.

6There are several people with a lower rank than me in our factory--that is , they are_____(资历较浅的) to me.

7I felt much ________ (同情) for the blind.

8It seems quite_____(荒谬)to expect anyone to drive for three hours just for a ten-minute meeting.

9Cycling is highly b______to health and the environment.

10He never even stopped to______(祝贺) me.

11He is a terrible dancer; he is too c_____ and keeps stepping on his partner's feet.

12From James’s face, I could see he was terrified of being ____________(抛弃) by us.

13We can use honey to s_____ for sweet.

14As we know, the Internet helps people have easy a_____ to all kinds of information.

15The poor workers d_____ the heavy stones in teams with ropes over their shoulders.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








I’m tired and covered in dust. I’ve been digging all day and I’ll be doing the same tomorrow. Sound awful, doesn’t it ? But I’ve never had so many fun in my life. As an archaeology student, I have already knew something about the Qin Tomb and the terracotta warriors. Most Chinese children can tell you Qin Shihuang was the emperor first unified China. He was a brilliant ruler, and he was also a cruel man who killed thousands of people. When he became the king of the state, he immediately ordered workers to construct an underground tomb for him, which is said to contain great treasures. But, the actual entrance to the tomb has ever been found, nor has the tomb been opened. There are ancient descriptions of crossbows hiding at the tomb’s entrance. It’s said that if everyone steps across the entrance, the crossbows will fire.




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Here are four pieces of news from China Daily.

SHANGHAI-The Huachen Group, which has put 83 million yuan in the development of the e-commerce market since its official registration late last year, recently held a meeting in Shanghai to show the use of its newly opened tourism business payment network. The network aims to serve tourists from all over the world, but especially from Europe and the United States where credit cards are popularly used. After opening the www.chinaecnet.com website, netizens can get information about hotels and tourism services on tourism page. Hotels and services can be reserved and payments made through credit cards. The network opened in February in Beijing.

SYDNEY-The Sydney Olympic flame will travel underwater on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef during the torch relay following a successful test.

Scuba diver Wendy Craig, a marine biologist, will carry the torch on a three-to-four-minute underwater journey at Agincourt Reef on June 27, creating Olympic history, organizers said yesterday.

Burning at 2000 degrees, the torch is expected to remain alight three metres underwater because of a special kind of technology which creates a ―fierce flame“ -too powerful to be drowned out by water.” Charles Tegner, managing director of torch creator, said the flame would burn like a flare from oxygen-producing chemicals.

BEIJING-The election of a new leader in Taiwan can not change the fact that Taiwan is a part of Chinese territory.“Taiwan Independence”in whatever form will never be allowed, according to a statesman of China’s central government. ―“We should listen to what the new leader in Taiwan says and watch what he does. We will observe where he will lead cross-Straits relations. We are willing to exchange views on cross-Straits relations and peaceful reunification with all parties, organizations and personages in Taiwan who favor the one China principle”, says the statesman, which was released by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee.

HAIKOU-Customs officers in Haikou, capital of South China’s Hainan Province, recently stopped a boat loaded with 781 cases of foreign-brand cigarettes being smuggled(走私)into China. The cigarettes are estimated to be worth more than 1.8 million yuan, said a customs discovered the smuggling boat as they were going around the northern sea area of Yangpu Port.

The smuggled cigarettes cases, packed into two containers, were disguised to avoid being examined. The boat was registered in the coastal city of Xiamen in East China’s Fujian Province. All eight suspects aboard the boat were kept by the police in Haikou.

【1】Why does the network aim to serve tourists especially from Europe and the USA?

A. Because they are from developed countries.

B. Because the payments of hotels and services should be made through credit cards.

C. Because people in these countries travel much more than those countries.

D. Because they have more computers than others.

【2】Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the second piece of news?

A. The whole torch relay will be held three metres underwater.

B. The underwater journey of the torch will play an important part in Olympic history.

C. A test has been made before this activity.

D. Some chemicals will help the flame burn by producing oxygen.

【3】Which is the best title for the third piece of news?

A. Ready to Fight B. No Good End

C. Wait and See D. Peace Comes First

【4】Which of the following best explains the underlined word “disguised” in the last piece of news?

A. made different from normal

B. designed for a good purpose

C. hidden

D. pretended


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:






Dear Editor',

I'm a senior high school student named Li Hua. Now many students have iPads and think it's a fashion to use them.


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】How to Make Friends

Good friendship has many advantages.1 But for many of us it is difficult and requires courage. Below are some helpful suggestions on how to make and keep friends.

Start a conversation.

Starting a conversation is an important step in making new friends.2 You can always start the conversation. Being able to make a small talk is a very useful skill.


Choosing friends with common interests is important in building friendship as these interests would always bring you and your friends together. Hanging out will always be a pleasant experience.

Let it grow.

It is a good thing to stay in touch. However, try not to disturb your new friend with too many calls, messages or visits as this would likely make him or her upset and finally you may lose your friend. .4

Enjoy your friendship.

The best way to enjoy your friendship is to allow your friends to be themselves. Try not to change them from who they are to what you want them to be.5

A. Be cheerful.

B. Do things together.

C. Do not wait to be spoken to.

D. Making new friends comes easy for some people.

E. For a friendship to develop you need to stay in touch.

F. The best friendships are the ones that grow naturally.

G. Become the kind of friend you want your friend to be to you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





1Judge from his accent, he is a southerner. ______________

2She merried with a man with a lot of money. ______________

3I have been devoted to learn hard since I was young. ______________

4Your words encouraged me to go on my study. ______________

5Between the two rivers stand a big city. ______________


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】A survey of the opinions of the students _______ that two hours of physical exercise a day _______ acceptable in our campus.

A. shows; are B. shows; is

C. show; is D. show; are


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


假设你是李华,你上个星期天去市图书馆看书时发现以下问题,你写信向馆长Mr Li 反映:

1. 新书太少

2. 书架上的书比较混乱

3. 阅览室的一盏灯坏了

4. 管理员工作时彼此闲聊,读者无法安心看书


1. 词数100-120左右

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯

3. 信的开头和结尾已经为你写好,不计入总词数

Dear Mr Li,

Last Sunday, I went to do some reading in your library.__________________________________________







So, for the sake of readers, I suggest that you change all these as soon as possible.



