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When someone has 1.(deep)hurt you,it can be very difficult to let go of your anger.But forgiveness is possible and it can be surprisingly 2.(benefit) to your physical,and mental health.So far,research 3.(show) that people who forgive can have more energy,better appetite and better sleep.“People who forgive show 4.(1ittle) anger and more hopefulness.”says Dr.Frederic Luskin,who wrote the book Forgive for Good.“So it can help reduce the tiredness out of the immune system and allow people 5.(feel) more energetic.”

So when someone has hurt you,cool down first.Take a couple of breaths and think of something, 6. gives you pleasure: a beautiful scene in nature,or someone you 1ove.Don’t wait for an 7.(apologize).“Many times the person who hurt you may never think of apologizing.” says Dr. Luskin. “They may have wanted to hurt you or they just don’t see things in 8. same way.So if you wait for people to say sorry,you could be waiting a very long time.”

Next keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean 9.(accept) the action of the person who upsets you.Instead,learn to look for the love, beauty and kindness around you. Finally, try to see things from the other person’s perspective.You may realize that he or she was acting out of ignorance. To gain perspective, you may want to write, a letter to 10.(you) from that person's point of view.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年山西阳高县一中高二上期第三次模块考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Recently, a painting of actress Elizabeth Taylor, which was drawn by American artist and filmmaker Andy Warhol, sold for US $63 million. Another simple black-and-white image of a Coca-Cola bottle sold for US $35 million. But the all-time record for a Warhol painting is $100 million for a piece titled “Eight Elvises”. What’s amazing is not that the pieces sold for so much, but the fact that they are not what you would call traditional art. They are “pop art”, art based on simple images of things and people from advertising, movies, music and day-to-day life.

Born in the 1920s, Warhol grew up mostly separated from other children due to (由于) health problems. He spent a lot of his time alone drawing and then went on to study art in college. He began his career as a commercial (商业的) artist, creating pictures for magazine articles and newspaper ads. That inspired him to experiment with pop art and he hosted America’s first pop art exhibition in the 1960s. The show met with a lot of discussion with some people saying that what he was doing was not art.

Warhol followed his first works with a series we are all familiar with — paintings of Coca-Cola bottles, Brillo soap pad boxes, and portraits (肖像) of famous people. Soon after, Warhol stopped creating his own artwork. Instead, he had assistants and other artists create them at his studio called “The Factory”. Warhol wanted to show the world that art doesn’t have to be complex or original; it can be created by anyone using ordinary things.

Today, Warhol’s work is unmistakable in its uniqueness. No matter how you may feel about his work, one thing cannot be argued. He introduced the world to a whole new art form, inspiring future generations of artists, and eventually becoming one of the most famous and successful pop art artists in the world.

1.During his childhood, Warhol _____.

A. drew pictures for magazines

B. always lived a lonely life

C. showed no interest in art

D. liked to paint and dance

2.Calling his studio “The Factory”, Warhol tried to show _____.

A. his studio was as big as a factory

B. pop art is different from traditional art

C. artists prefer to work in a factory

D. art should be simple and easy to produce

3.What would be the best title for the text?

A. Andy Warhol’s world of pop art

B. Women in the pop art movement

C. A fun pop-art self-portrait for kids

D. Popular paintings by Andy Warhol


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017湖南浏阳一中、攸县一中高二12月联考英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Have you ever felt a sudden feeling of joy because you heard a favorite song playing? Then you know that music can have a strong effect on your emotions. 1. It can help get you out of a bad mood (心情) or stay in a good one, says Alicia Ann Clair, professor at the University of Kansas. 2.

To cheer up, listen to Latin music or anything with a strong beat or a fast speed _3. . When you want to relax after a busy day, music with a slower speed can calm you down.

Listen to calming music before you start any stressful activities, advises Dr. Clair. "Once you' re in a good state of mind, it' s easier to keep it." You can lower stress at work with music, too, by playing relaxing tunes (曲调). 4. "If you listen to them all day long, you' 11 stop noticing them," Dr. Clair explains. Then the music won't have any effect.

5.."To feel energetic, start with something relaxing, and then gradually increase the speed and beat," says Dr. Clair. For example, first play some nice slow love songs, and then listen to something more energetic. When you want to calm down after a busy week at work, just do the opposite.

A. Music can also help you relax and feel active.

B. Try to take advantage of this power of music.

C. But only play them when you really need them.

D. Loud and fast music can fill you with energy.

E. There are different kinds of music around the world.

F. Put on your favorite song, but only if it is one that can lift your spirits.

G. You can change your mood by changing from one kind of music to another.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年江苏南通中学高二12月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

A decision was ________ that those who once ________ to the company in order to get the job would not be let ________.

A. made; lied; to stayB. given; lay; stay

C. done; lay; stayingD .made; laid; stayed


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年江苏南通中学高二12月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Can you help me with my English?

—Oh, sorry. I ________ all day.

A. am rushed off my feet

B. am struggling to my feet

C. am standing on my own feet

D. am knocking off my feet


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届山东莱州市高三上期第二次质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

In Florida,one McDonald’s customer started a pay-it-forward chain that inspired other 249 customers to be generous and do the same.

ABC News reports the spirit of giving is in the air as 250 drive-thru(免下车服务) customer at a local McDonald’s paid for the meals of the people next to the them.Lakeland customer Torie Keene was paying for her food on Wednesday morning when she decided to pay for the meal of the car next to her.

Keene then purposely told McDonald’s cashier Marisabel Figueroa to greet the other customer “Merry Christmas” and not “Happy Holidays.”The next customer was moved when Figueroa said her food was already paid by the previous car.That’s when she thought that she would love to do the same and the domino effect followed.

Figueroa,who worked from 9 a.m.to 3 p.m.on Wednesday,said that the chain reaction almost lasted for her entire shift.“I just kept giving everyone the same message,and they were all so stunned and so happy,”she continued.“One lady even paid for the meals of the next three cars behind her.”

While people were amazed by how generous they could get,Figueroa said she had “never experienced something like that before” in her 12 years of working for McDonald’s.“I feel very blessed to have been a part of a11 that,”the cashier said.

Keene contacted Figueroa on Facebook when the pay-it-forward chain came out in the local news.She revealed that she was the “mystery customer” that started the long chain of kindness.

Keene added that she was surprised by the number of people who continued her good deed when she was only trying to brighten someone’s day.

1.Who started the pay-it-forward chain?

A.Father Christmas.

B.Marisabel Figueroa.

C.Manager of a McDonald’s.

D.Torie Keene from Lakeland.

2.What’re the drivers’ reactions towards the generous behavior?

A.Lucky and unbelievable.

B.Funny and surprised.

C.Amazed and moved.

D.Ridiculous and happy.

3.For how long did the chain last?

A.A week.

B.A whole day.

C.About twelve hours.

D.About six hours.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届宁夏高三上第五次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A new study, conducted by British company Mindlab International, has found that listening to music at work increases accuracy and speed, The Telegraph reported. Perhaps, some parents disagree with this idea, saying, "Switch off the music and concentrate!" Well, if that's the case with your parents, you might now be able to convince them that you have science on your side.

The company gave 26 participants a series of different tasks for five days in a row, including spell checking, mathematical word problems, data entry, and abstract reasoning. The participants completed these tasks while listening to music or no music at all.

The results showed that while music was playing, 88% of participants produced their most accurate test results and 81% completed their fastest work. David Lewis, chairman of Mindlab International, told The Telegraph, "Music is a very powerful management tool if you want to increase not only the efficiency of your workforce but also their emotional state... they are going to become more positive about the work."

However, you may have a list of your favorite songs, but not all kinds of music match all homework. For maths or other subjects involving numbers or attention to detail, you should listen to classical music, the study found. In the study, pop music enabled participants to complete their tasks 58% faster than when listening to no music at all. If you are reviewing your English writing, pop music is the best choice, as it is the best kind for spell checking. It cut mistakes by 14%, compared to listening to no music. After finishing your homework, do you often take time to check your answers? Maybe, some dance music is suitable for you.

1.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. Music helps us to learn

B. We cannot live without music

C. Different music, different lives

D. Music in the classroom.

2.What did the participants have to do in the study?

A. Persuade their parents to listen to music.

B. Listen to the same music together.

C. Try their best to choose the most suitable music.

D. Finish tasks with music or without music at all.

3.What does the underlined word "they" refer to in Para 3?

A. tools B. results

C. tests D. participants

4.When you review your English writing, what kind of music is the best choice?

A. Classical music B. Dance music

C. Pop music D. Rock music


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年浙江绍兴一中高二上期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Science has a lot of uses. It can reveal (揭示) laws of nature, cure diseases, make bombs, and help bridges to stand up. Indeed science is so good at what it does that there’s always a temptation (诱惑) to drag it into problems where it may not be helpful. David Brooks, author of The Social Animal, The Hidden Sources of Love, Character, and Achievement, appears to be the latest in a long line of writers who have failed to resist the temptation.

Brooks gained fame for several books. His latest book The Social Animal, however, is more ambitious and serious than his earlier books. It is an attempt to deal with a set of weighty topics. The book focuses on big questions: What has science revealed about human nature? What are the sources of character? And why are some people happy and successful while others aren’t?

To answer these questions, Brooks surveys a wide range of subjects. Because of this, you might expect the book to cover a variety of facts. But Brooks has structured his book in an unusual, and perhaps unfortunate way. Instead of introducing scientific theories, he tells a story, within which he tries to make his points, perhaps in order to keep the reader’s attention. So as Harold and Erica, the hero and heroine in his story, live through childhood, we hear about the science of child development and as they begin to date we hear about the theory of sexual attraction. Brooks carries this through to the death of one of his characters.

On the whole, Brooks’s story is acceptable if uninspired. As one would expect, his writing is mostly clear and, to be fair, some chapters stand out above the rest. I enjoyed, for instance, the chapter in which Harold discovers how to think on his own. While Harold and Erica are certainly not strong characters, the more serious problems with The Social Animal lie elsewhere. These problems partly involve Brooks’s attempt to translate his tale into science.

1.The author mentions the functions of science at the beginning of the passage to ________.

A. show the value of Brooks’s new book

B. show where science can be applied

C. remind the reader of the importance of science

D. explain why many writers use science in their works

2.According to the author, which of the following could be a strength of the book?

A. Its clear writing.

B. Its convincing points.

C. Its strong characters.

D. Its strong basis.

3.What is the author’s general attitude towards the book?

A. Cautious.

B. Critical.

C. Contradictory(矛盾的).

D. Supportive.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年西藏拉萨北京实验中学高一上期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Mr.Jones had always wanted to make a trip into the middle of Africa to shoot wild animals. first he had no enough money, and then he was married.His wife had not wanted him to her.At last his wife to the trip if he allowed her to go, too.

“But it will be very uncomfortable,” Mr.Jones her, “ It will be very hot and we shall live in a tent, and it be dangerous.”“I don’t care,” said his wife, “I want to go with you.” So they bought a big tent, camp beds, a refrigerator(电冰箱)which did not need and many other things which would make the trip comfortable, and went off to the of Africa.

The first morning, Mr.Jones took his gun and left the tent, he his wife a bell and explained to her , “If you fall in and you need me , this bell and I’ll come at once.”

After a few minutes, he heard the bell and returned to the tent.“What’s the matter?” he asked.“ ” said his wife, “I was only the bell.” Mr.Jones went off, but after a quarter of an hour, the bell rang

Mr.Jones hurried back to the tent, but his wife said, “I’m .I was cleaning our tent, and I knocked the bell over by mistake.” Mr.Jones returned to his , but soon he heard the once more.This time, when he got back to his , the tent was burning and Mrs.Jones was lying on the ground, with running from a big cut on her shoulder.“That’s better!” said Mrs.Jones.“This time the bell had been used correctly!”

1.A.And B.But C.ForD.So

2.A.leave B.miss C.marry D.care

3.A.allowed B.permittedC.satisfied D.agreed

4.A.told B.advised C.persuaded D.warned

5.A.may B.ought C.can’t D.shall

6.A.money B.electricity C.force D.power

7.A.south B.middleC.east D.west

8.A.while B.until C.before D.after

9.A.gave B.sentC.lentD.bought

10.A.hurry B.surprise C.safetyD.danger

11.A.hit B.knock C.beat D.ring

12.A.again B.back C.quickly D.home

13.A.Something B.Nothing C.No D.None

14.A.ringingB.tryingC.using D.testing

15.A.again B.onceC.acrossD.away

16.A.happyB.sorry C.tired D.all right

17.A.wife B.tent C.trip D.hunting

18.A.cry B.shot C.bellD.shout

19.A.garden B.houseC.camp D.office

20.A.water B.tears C.bloodD.sweat

