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【题目】What a helpful girl she is! ___________. Which sentence can Not be best used to praise the girl highly?
A.She always helps others.
B.She is continually helping others.
C.She is constantly helping others.
D.She is always helping others.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I was waiting for a phone call from my agent. He had left a message the night before, telling me that my show was to be cancelled. I called him several times, but each time his secretary told me that he was in a meeting and that he would call me later. So I waited and waited, but there was still no call. Three hours passing by, I became more and more impatient. I was certain that my agent didn't care about my work, and he didn't care about me. I was overcome with that thought. I started to shout at the phone, “Let me wait, will you? Who do you think you are?”
At that time I didn't realize my wife was looking on. Without showing her surprise, she rushed in, seized the phone, tore off the wires, and shouted at the phone, “Yeah! Who do you think you are? Bad telephone! Bad telephone!” And she swept it into the wastebasket.
I stood watching her, speechless. What on earth...?
She stepped to the doorway and shouted at the rest of the house, “Now hear this! All objects in this room---if you do anything to upset my husband, out you go!”
Then she turned to me, kissed me and said calmly, “Honey, you just have to learn how to take control.” With that, she left the room.
After watching a crazy woman rushing in and out, shouting at everything in sight , I noticed that something in my mood (情绪) had changed. I was laughing. How could I have trouble with that phone? Her anties helped me realize I had been driven crazy by small things. Twenty minutes later my agent did call. I was able to listen to him and talk to him calmly.
(1)Why did the author shout at the telephone?
A.He was mad at the telephone.
B.He was angry with his agent.
C.He was anxious about his wife.
D.He was impatient with the secretary.
(2)What made the author laugh?
A.His own behavior.
B.His wife's suggestion.
C.His changeable feelings.
D.His wife's sweet kiss.
(3)What does the underlined word “anties” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.Angry words
B.Unusual actions
C.Surprising looks
D.Anxious feelings


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Before the summer of 2016,I had always been afraid of heights.For most of my life,even idea of climbing a mountain would give me butterflies in my stomach.
On my birthday that year,when my mother and I first made the decision to climb Mt.Ranier in August,my knees actually shook with anxiety.However,it was finally time for our first outdoor climbing practice and the butterflies in my stomach had certainly multiplied.Try to enjoy the feeling and turn the anxiety into hope.”She was always full of kind words,but could I apply her wisdom in time for the day of our final climb?
Though it was August,the skies were gray on the southernmost face of the mountain.Near the halfway point,I lost my footing and fell backwards down the trail,slightly twisting my ankle.Though I was sore,I kept going for another mile or so,but I had to give up before we reached our intended target.
However,I was able to recover in time for our planned summit climb.I had,over I gained the physical and emotional strength to recover quickly and come through adversity (even stronger.The breathtaking views along our climb no longer distracted me with fear but forced me to follow through with my goal.Unluckily,I had not overcome my fear of heights.
A.Don't let the butterflies get the best of you.
B.Eventually,I was not afraid of heights at all.
C.As it turned out,our practice hike proved challenging.
D.I didn't succeed on our first practice and suffered slight injury.
E.The breathtaking views made me relaxed and I went smoothly throughout the hike.
F.It was in that summer that I turned 16 and achieved something that deeply influenced my life.
G.However,I had made peace with it to the point where I could remain inspired by my own achievements.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


When we smile, our system recognizes that there’s an absence of threat, and relaxes: It slows down our heart rate, and may temporarily reduce blood pressure, too, promoting overall heart health. Even forcing your face into a smile can reduce stress and relax your heart rate.

Smiling is a language that everyone understands regardless of age, race, culture, language, and nationality. We all know that when you smile at people, even strangers, they almost always smile back, spreading a kind of peace and goodwill. This contagious(有感染力的) smiling comes from a subconscious tendency to match other people’s emotions. It’s why people who spend time around children, who smile often, naturally smile more than people who keep mostly adults company.

People who are generous with smiles are considered more likeable and approachable than people who wear a deadpan(面无表情的)expression. Consider successful salesmen and politicians. Can you imagine how we’d react if they wore sour expressions? People who smile a lot are more likely to gain our trust and earn better tips than someone who provides the same service with an impassive face.

In a study, Major League Baseball players from 1952 who wore full-faced, genuine smiles on their baseball cards lived longer, around 79.9 years, compared to players who only partly smiled or didn’t smile at all, who lived 5 to 7 years less. Smiling can make us look younger, too: People who smile frequently seem to age more slowly, appearing around three years younger than their less smiley counterparts.

We now have evidene that we are hardwired to smile. While smiling used to be considered a learned behavior that babies acquired at around six weeks of age, more advanced ultrasound testing has shown that even babies who are born blind can smile. Babies have been known to make breathing and sucking movements while still in the womb(子宫), and these reactions are thought to prepare them for their life outside. Now smiling has joined the list. Say cheese!

【1】What can smiling do according to Paragraph 1?

A. Remove your life pressure.

B. Improve the condition of the heart.

C. Make your blood pressure steady.

D. Prevent you from being absent-minded.

【2】What should you do if you want to smile more according to the author?

A. Stay more with people smiling more.

B. Approach smart children.

C. Care more about others’ feelings.

D. Volunteer together with more strangers.

【3】What does the author want to show by mentioning salesmen and politicians?

A.A false smile may hurt people. B. Smiles contribute to a career.

C. Generous people tend to smile more. D. Work pressure stops people smiling.

【4】What does the author suggest in the last paragraph?

A. Babies smile within 2 months.

B. Blind babies learn to smile.

C. Smiling is a natural ability.

D. Breathing and sucking are similar to smiling.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The Parthenon(帕特农神庙) in Athens is a building with a long and complex(复杂的) history. Built nearly 2,500 years ago as a temple celebrating the Greek goddess Athena, it was for thousands of years the church of the Virgin Mary of the Athenians, then a mosque (清真寺), and finally a ruin. The building was changed and the sculptures(塑像) much damaged over the centuries. By 1800 only about half of the original sculptural decoration remained.
Between 1801 and 1805, Lord Elgin, the British ambassador to the Ottoman Empire(奥斯曼帝国), which controlled Athens, acting with the full knowledge and permission of the Ottoman authorities,removed about half of the remaining sculptures from the fallen ruins and from the building itself. Lord Elgin loved Greek history and transported the sculptures back to Britain. The arrival of the sculptures in London had a huge effect on the European public, greatly increasing interest in ancient Greek culture and influencing contemporary artistic trends. These sculptures were gained from Lord Elgin by the British Museum in 1816 and since then they have all been on show to the public, free of charge.
Since the early 1980s, however, the Greek government has argued for the return of all the Parthenon sculptures in the British Museum. They have also challenged the British Museum Board of Trustees' legal title to the sculptures.
The British Museum, however, insists that it exists to tell the story of cultural achievement throughout the world, from the dawn of human history over two million years ago until the present day. The museum considers itself an important resource for the world: the breadth and depth of its collection allows the world public to re-examine cultural identities and explore the complex network of interconnected world cultures.
It also says that, within the context of this unparalleled collection, the Parthenon sculptures are an important representation of ancient Athenian civilization. Each year millions of visitors admire the artistry of the sculptures and gain insights on how ancient Greece influenced — and was influenced by — the other civilizations that it came across.
(1)For most of its history people went to the Parthenon to ________.
A.admire the goddess Athena
B.pray to their god
C.search for sculptures
D.learn about its complex history
(2)What can we infer from the passage?
A.The sculptures introduced ancient Greek culture to the west.
B.Ancient Greek culture has greatly influenced world culture.
C.The British Museum has made much money from the Parthenon sculptures.
D.The British Museum is the most suitable place for protecting these sculptures.
(3)What can we learn about Lord Elgin from the passage?
A.He is greatly admired in Greece.
B.He worked for the Ottoman Empire.
C.He saved the Parthenon sculptures from being destroyed.
D.He had a deep interest in Greek culture.
(4)The author's main purpose in writing this passage is to tell________.
A.the history of the Parthenon and its sculptures
B.what people can see in the British Museum
C.why the British Museum refuses to return the sculptures
D.the influence of Greece on British culture


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)George didn't find it difficult at all, but it was really a (challenge) task for me.
(2) (blame) for the breakdown of the computer, Alice was in low spirits.
(3)Your statement is in conflict the rest of the evidence.
(4)The town hall (complete) in the 1800's was the most distinguished building at that time.
(5)I keep my reference books near my desk convenience.
(6)I've been told that the medical team, (consist) of five doctors, is to be sent.
(7)The West Lake is very beautiful and it is beyond (describe).
(8)He was surprised to find the room (furnish) with modern equipment.
(9)Under the (guide) of the local guide, we had a tour of the small town.
(10) (lack) enthusiasm for sports, rejected the invitation to a football game.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Last week I was in the boarding(登机)area of the airport excited about my Christmas trip home to see my parents. I was busy planning for the weekend,1 I was taken out of my daydreaming by an elderly woman talking 2 into her cellphone. She kept asking the person to 3 her where she was. She 4 the gate number again and again. She got a little louder each time she did that. Many people snickered(窃笑)because she was nearly 5 and thought how silly old people could be.
Then I heard her say, “I'm 6, but I can't hear you. There seems to be something wrong with my hearing aid.” “That's too 7” I thought as I moved forward to board the flight. Then I noticed her 8 was becoming increasingly frantic(发狂似的)as she tried to understand the person on the other end of the phone. It was almost my 9 to board. I couldn't 10 looking back at the woman. It made me think how 11 I was to have my hearing. And I realized I could offer her some 12.
I suddenly got out of the 13 and went to the woman. I showed her to 14 me the phone and shouted, “Let me help you. I'll tell you what the person is 15.” She looked at me and agreed 16. I took the phone from her,17 who I was, listened for a moment, and told the woman her husband was 18 her outside the airport as he could not enter the gate area. Finally, I pointed her in the 19 direction.
It took me less than two minutes to finish the task, but my 20 in having been able to help her remains strong.
(1)A.so B.unless C.but D.if
(2)A.sadly B.quickly C.secretly D.loudly
(3)A.tell B.meet C.call D.help
(4)A.repeated B.guessed C.asked D.wrote
(5)A.leaving B.dying C.shouting D.singing
(6)A.sorry B.busy C.sick D.tired
(7)A.possible B.strange C.bad D.funny
(8)A.friend B.mind C.step(脚步) D.tone(语调)
(9)A.task B.turn C.duty D.idea
(10)A.continue B.keep C.avoid D.stop
(11)A.lucky B.normal C.healthy D.proud
(12)A.comfort B.money C.guide D.help
(13)A.space B.line C.thought D.circle
(14)A.examine B.throw C.fix D.hand
(15)A.saying B.doing C.planning D.watching
(16)A.bravely B.honestly C.thankfully D.angrily
(17)A.considered B.explained C.lied D.forgot
(18)A.turning to B.thinking of C.staring at D.waiting for
(19)A.right B.left C.dark D.bright
(20)A.hope B.pity C.pride D.love


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

“A good book might clarify something you knew little about, transform your world view, or move you in ways you didn't think possible. The Soul of an Octopus(章鱼)delivers on all three, ”the magazine New Scientist commented.
After writing about birds, pigs and tigers, US naturalist Sy Montgomery decided to choose these many-footed animals as the subject of her latest book, The Soul of an Octopus: a surprising exploration into the wonder of consciousness.
“Here is animal with poisonous liquid like a snake,a beak(喙)like a parrot,and ink like an old-fashioned pen. It can weigh as much as a man and extend as long as a car, yet it can pour its baggy; boneless body through an opening the size of all orange. It can change color and shape. It has a tongue covered with teeth. It can taste with its skin.” Montgomery explained to the National Geographic on why octopuses inspired her.
What Montgomery is able to show in The Soul of an Octopus is that octopuses are creatures who exhibit personality, intelligence and emotion, despite having nervous systems completely different from our own. She uses different experiments to show that they possess consciousness as well as individual personalities. For example, based on her research, she finds out that Octavia, an octopus caught in the wild, is friendly and good at multi-tasking. And Kali, another octopus,who has been living at the New England Aquarium, is playful and loves exploring.
Montgomery is a good storyteller. Through her study of, and communication with, these extraordinary creatures she shares what she learns from both science and her experiences. Her skillful writing presents facts together with personal description, which makes the book very informative but easy to read.
(1)Why is The Soul of an Octopus thought highly of ?
A.It is themed with a many-footed animal.
B.It mainly explores consciousness and wonders.
C.It compares octopuses with birds, pigs and tigers.
D.It offers new knowledge and changes your viewpoints.
(2)Octopuses impress Montgomery greatly because.
A.they have unique physical functioning
B.their liquid can be used as good ink
C.they behave more like snakes and parrots
D.their body can be shrunk to the size of an orange
(3)What does Montgomery think of octopuses according to Paragraph 4?
A.They are friendly with each other.
B.They are similar to humans in a way.
C.They communicate with humans well.
D.They have different nature from humans.
(4)Which of the following best describes the book?
A.Vivid but unreal.
B.Scientific and readable.
C.Boring and ridiculous.
D.Interesting but fictional


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear Flower,
I'm glad to receive your e-mail. You asked me about how to make friends.
Best wishes!
Yours truly,

