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Scott and his companions were terribly disappointed. When they got to the South Pole, they found the Norwegians(挪威人)had    36     them in the race to be the first ever to reach it. After   37    the British flag at the Pole, they took a photograph of themselves    38    they started the 950-mile journey back.

The journey was unexpectedly    39     and the joy and excitement about the Pole had gone out of them. The sun hardly    40    . The snow storms always made it impossible to sight the stones they had     41    to mark their way home. To make things    42    . Evans, whom they had all thought of    43     the strongest of the five, fell badly into a deep hole in the ice. Having     44    along for several days, he suddenly fell down and died.

The four who were     45    pushed on at the best speed they could    46    . Captain Oates had been suffering for some time from his    47     fact; at night his feet swelled(肿胀) so large that he could    48     put his boots on the next morning, and he walked bravely although he was in great    49     . He knew his slowness was making it less likely that      50    could save themselves. He asked them to leave him behind in his sleeping-bag, but they refused, and helped him     51    a few more miles, until it was time to put up the   52      for another night.

The following morning,     53    the other three were still in their sleeping-bags, he said. “I am just going outside and may be     54     some time.” He was never seen again. He had walked out    55     into the snow storm, hoping that his death would help his companions.

36.A.hit                      B.fought                 C.won                       D.beaten

37.A.growing              B.putting                C.planting                  D.laying

38.A.after                   B.until                    C.while                      D.before

39.A.safe                    B.fast                     C.short                      D.slow

40.A.rose                    B.set                      C.appeared                 D.disappeared

41.A.taken up              B.cut up                 C.set up                     D.picked up

42.A.easier                  B.better                  C.bitter                      D.worse

43.A.to                       B.upon                   C.as                          D.in

44.A.battled                 B.struggled             C.speeded                  D.waited

45.A.left                     B.lost                     C.defeated                  D.saved

46.A.manage               B.try                      C.employ                   D.find

47.A.ached                  B.frozen                 C.harden                    D.harmed

48.A.hardly                 B.never                  C.seldom                   D.nearly

49.A.pain                    B.fear                     C.trouble                    D.danger

50.A.all others             B.some others         C.others                     D.the others

51.A.away                  B.with                    C.off                         D.on

52.A.bed                     B.tent                        C.blanket                D.sleeping-bag

53.A.while                  B.since                   C.for                         D.once

54.A.missed                B.separated             C.passed                    D.gone

55.A.patiently              B.lonely                  C.alone                      D.worriedly


答案  36.D   37.C  38.D  39.D  40.C  41.C  42.D  43.C  44.B  45.A  46.A  47.B  48.A  49.A  50.D  51.D  52.B  53.A  54.D  55.C



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Here’s How to Get Your 6 Movies for 1¢Each

         Just Write in the Numbers of the 6 movies you want for 1¢each, plus shipping. In exchange(交换),you agree to buy just six more movies in the next three years, at our regular Club prices (which currently start as low as $19.95 plus shipping) — and you may cancel(取消)membership at any time after doing so. What’s more, you can get two more movies for the low price of $6.95 each and you will, after that, spend much less on the movies you want.

        Free Video Magazine sent every four weeks (up to 13 times a year), with our Director’s Selection —plus many lower-priced cassettes, down to $14.95. And you may receive Special Selection mailings up to four times a year (a total of up to 17 buying opportunities per year).

         Buy Only What You Want! If you want the Director’s Selection, do nothing — it will be sent automatically(自动的). If you prefer some other selection, or none at all, just mail the answer card always provided by the date specified. And you’ll always have 14 days to decide.

         Instant Bonus Plan. As soon as you become a member, you’ll immediately have the right to our money-saving plan! It enables you to enjoy more great savings on the movies you want — right from the start of your membership!

         10-Day Risk-Free Trial. If not satisfied, return everything within 10 days, and then you’ll get your money back and there will be no further obligation.

64.How can you get 6 movies for 1 ¢ each?

        A.Buy six more movies at the Club prices in the next 3 years.

         B.Buy two more movies at the low price of $6.95 later.

         C.Buy six more movies at the price of $19.95 all the time.

         D.Buy many more movies at lower prices anytime.

65.You may receive a free Video Magazine _________ a year.

        A.13 times             B.12 times               C.4 times                D.17 times

66.You can have _______ besides a free Video Magazine every four weeks.

        A.Special Selection and Director’s Selection

         B.lower-priced cassettes and movies

         C.lower-priced cassettes and Special Selection

         D.Director’s Selection and a number of lower-priced cassettes

67.We can learn from the passage that the members of the Club ________.

        A.cannot cancel their membership anytime

         B.can return everything 10 days later, if not satisfied

         C.can always buy what they want at the lowest price.

         D.can enjoy more savings from the very beginning


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


When building houses, people used to think about not only the climate of the areas but also the building materials and the fashions for their houses. However, since electricity became more and more expensive, people began to pay much more attention to the energy they could get for their houses and the new ways they could find to protect their houses from both cold and heat.

Now, houses of an old yet new type have been widely built. In some parts of the world, people share their houses with their livestock(家畜).During cold weather, they gather their cows, goats, or other animals and keep them on the first floor of their houses. The reasons are that the animals can be protected from the cold and that they can help to heat the houses as well. The body heat given off by the animals rises to the second floor of the houses, where people live. By sharing their houses with their livestock, people gain a source of heat.

People who live in or near cities do not usually keep livestock. However, home builders use the fact that heat rises. This natural law can be used in building houses in these areas. Instead of keeping livestock on the first floor, builders fill it with large rocks. As they are open to the sun’s rays during cold weather, these rocks take in heat. They also give off the heat, and, of course, the warm air rises into the living areas of the houses. So these houses are energy-saving.

House-building becomes a great challenge(挑战)to building designers and energy engineers. They try to meet this challenge by learning from old traditions and by using modern technology. And someday in the future, people will be able to live in more energy-saving houses.

56.What did people begin to consider as electricity was no longer cheap?

       A.The climate of their areas.                               

B.The energy for their houses.

       C.The fashions for their houses.                       

D.The building materials for their houses.

57.People in some areas gain a source of heat by _________.

       A.keeping their livestock downstairs                

        B.protecting their livestock from the cold

        C.sharing their houses only with their cows   

        D.living on the second floor with their livestock

58.The underlined words “natural law” in the third paragraph refer to the fact that ________.

       A.heat raises the temperature in the houses

       B.heat goes in the upward direction

       C.heat goes up if temperature is raised

       D.heat increases the temperature of rocks

59.From the passage, we can conclude that __________.

       A.people will no longer consider building materials in the future

        B.energy-saving buildings will become more popular in the future

        C.almost all people will move into the houses heated by large rocks

        D.energy engineers will devote themselves only to modern technology


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


There are two kinds of physical activity which require special training. The first demands exact careful movements of the muscles(肌肉). This kind of activity must be strictly controlled because even a slight movement in the wrong direction will lead a mistake. To type quickly, for example, a person needs training; the slightest movement of a finger in the wrong direction may cause a spelling mistake. A dancer who has to dance on the point of her shoes or turn around on one foot must be trained for a long period of time before she can sense her own center and balance herself. You may have seen a girl walking on a rope across an empty space, which, too, requires a lot of practice.

The second kind of physical activity needs greater strength or extra effort. Most of us get tired if we try to run half a mile without stopping, but a specially-trained person can do this without much effort. Three years ago, some scientists carried out experiments, which produced meaningful and unexpected results. They wanted to find out whether a certain amount of physical exercise would injure those suffering from heart problems. They selected some male patients and trained them in continuous bicycle riding. They were surprised to find that the harmful effect of given amount of physical effort was actually less on the hearts of these trained patients than on those of the patients who were not similarly trained. This is important because it shows that regular physical exercise enables us to make better use of the oxygen(氧气)we breathe in and that this training, in fact, reduces the amount of work our hearts do. Many tasks which are hard for untrained people are not hard at all for trained people.

72.The first kind of physical activity must be strictly controlled because _________.

        A.a mistake in the wrong direction is dangerous to the fingers

         B.a wrong movement in a direction will cause no mistakes

         C.a movement in the wrong direction will cause a mistake

         D.a slight movement of a finger will lead to a mistake

73.What must a dancer do before she can balance herself?

        A.She must dance on the point of her shoes.

         B.She must receive long-time training.

         C.She must turn around on one foot.

         D.She must perform again and again.

74.The experiments done by some scientists showed that ________.

        A.some male patients were asked to ride bicycles regularly in the experiments

        B.the physical exercise had more harmful effect on the hearts of the untrained patients

       C.the physical exercise was harmless to the male patients with heart trouble

       D.the physical exercise could be helpful for the patients to take in more oxygen

75.What would be the best title for this text?

        A.Training Our Bodies                                         B.Physical Activities

C.Movement Training                                                D.Extra Body Effort


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


While income worry is a rather common problem of the aged, loneliness is another problem that aged parents may face. Of all the reasons that explain their loneliness, a large geographical distance between parents and their children is the major one. This phenomenon(现象)is commonly known as “Empty Nest Syndrome”(空巢综合症).

In order to seek better chances outside their countries, many young people have gone abroad, leaving their parents behind with no clear idea of when they will return home. Their parents spend countless lonely days and nights, taking care of themselves, in the hope that someday their children will come back to stay with them. The fact that most of these young people have gone to Europeanized or Americanized societies makes it unlikely that they will hold as tightly to the value of duty as they would have if they had not left their countries. Whatever the case, it has been noted that the values they hold do not necessarily match what they actually do. This geographical and cultural distance also prevents the grown-up children from providing response(回应)in time for their aged parents living by themselves.

The situation in which grown-up children live far away from their aged parents has been described as “distant parent phenomenon”, which is common both in developed countries and in developing countries. Our society has not yet been well prepared for “Empty Nest Syndrome”.

68.According to the passage, the loneliness of aged parents is mainly caused by _________.

        A.their earlier experience of feeling lonely

         B.the unfavorable living conditions in their native countries

         C.the common worry about their income

         D.the geographical distance between parents and children

69.Many young people have gone abroad, leaving their aged parents behind, to _________.

        A.live in the countries with more money

         B.seek a better place for their aged parents

         C.continue their studies abroad

         D.realize their dreams in foreign countries

70.If young people go abroad, _________.

        A.they do not hold to the value of duty at all

         B.they can give some help to their parents back home

         C.they cannot do what they should for their parents

         D.they believe what they actually do is right

71.From the last paragraph, we can infer that ________.

        A.the situations in the developed and developing countries are different

         B. “Empty Nest Syndrome” has arrived unexpectedly in our society

         C.children will become independent as soon as they go abroad

         D.the aged parents are not fully prepared for “Empty Nest Syndrome”

