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Mr Perfect

  With a healthy image, handsome face and Japan's coolest haircut, Takeshi Kaneshiro(金城武)is one of Asia's most attractive stars.

  When “Turn Left Turn Right”(《向左走向右走》)opens in Chinese cinemas next month, there's no doubt the 29-year-old boy will get even more attention.

  Takeshi stars as John, a lonely violin player who falls in love with a translator called Eve, played by Gigi Leung(梁咏琪).

  Many of Takeshi's fans like to copy his haircut, clothes and even his smile.But they will find it hard to copy the way he plays the violin in the movie.He impressed his director To Keifung(杜琪峰)by learning to play the violin in a few weeks.

  This attitude to hard work is one of the reasons why Takeshi is such a good role model for young people.Like many young people, he values friendship more than anything else.“My best friends are my former schoolmates,” he once said, “We became close when we were at school and will be friends forever.”

  Besides his good looks and hairstyle, he is well known for his healthy image.He started his acting career at the young age of 15 but, unlike other pop stars, he has rarely behaved badly.He stays away from drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.Violence, rude words and dirty jokes seldom appear in his movies.

  “I hated foreign language classes when I was in school, but now I find speaking several languages helps me a lot in my career,” he said.For someone who only took up acting, Takeshi has come far.No doubt his star will rise even higher.


The title “Mr.perfect” suggests that ________.

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Takeshi always plays a perfect role in the film


Takeshi impressed his audience and fans with a perfect image


Takeshi acts perfectly in all the films


Takeshi can speak Chinese perfectly


According to the passage, which of the following is right?

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Takeshi has become even more attractive because of the film “Turn Left Turn Right”.


Takeshi falls in love with Gigi Leung


Fans like to copy his life style including the way he smokes.


Takeshi will be more successful in the future.


Why is Takeshi thought to be “healthy”?

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He works hard.


He is seldom ill.


He behaves in a healthy way.


Both A and C


The reason why Takeshi took up acting is that ________.

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he wanted to buy a motorbike


he loves movies more than anything else


he was attracted by some movie stars when he was 15


none of the above


科目:高中英语 来源:厦门市内厝中学2006-2007学年(上)高三年级英语科期中考试卷 题型:050


  A 15-year-old girl has walked across an Arctic(北极的)island quicker than her father -one of Britain’s top explorers.Her name is Alicia Hempleman-Adams.

  Alicia took 10 days to walk and ski 240 kilometers across Baffin Island in northeastern Canada.Her success has made her the youngest person to complete the crossing on foot and skis.However, this isn’t her first world record.At 8, she was brought to meet her father at the end of his 600-mile journey to the North Pole and became the youngest person ever to reach the place.

  As an explorer, Mr.Hempleman-Adams knew well how hard it was for his daughter to gain such a success.

  He said, “Because I’ve done the route.I know all the dangers.I didn’t sleep for days knowing she was out there and thinking of all the things that could have gone wrong.What she’s achieved is really great.This teenager girl is only one hundred and five pounds and being that thin you feel the cold more.”

  Mr.Hempleman-Adams said that he was very proud of Alicia but also a bit ‘angry’ that his daughter had completed the journey faster than him.

  During the trip, the 15-year-old girl met a lot of difficulties.Her most frightening moment came when she and her teammates, including her PE teacher Jo Simmons, had to cross a lake covered with a thin layer(层)of ice.

  At the end of her trip, Alicia said that she was glad to have returned.“It was really great to get back to society and a hot shower,” she said.“It was quite weird(怪异)out there when there was nothing around - no buildings, no people, no animals, and nothing else.”

  Will the young girl start a job in exploration later?No.“I want to try other things first,” she said.


What do we know about Alicia from the text

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As a young girl, she walked and skied alone across Baffin Island in ten days


So far she is the youngest person in the world who has ever been to the North Pole.


She would start her career in exploration after crossing Baffin Island.


She had planned the journey to Baffin Island with her father before she started out.


How did Mr.Hempleman-Adams feel while his daughter was exploring Baffin Island?

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He felt proud of his daughter.


He felt confident of his daughter’s success.


He felt worried about his daughter’s journey.


He felt a bit angry about his daughter’s exploration.


What was Alicia’s most dangerous experience during her trip?

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The freezing cold weather.


Walking and skiing 240 kilometers.


Not knowing the route well.


Walking on the thin layer of ice on a lake.


What was Alicia’s impression of Baffin Island?

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It was a lonely and strange place.


It was large and attractive.


It was dangerous and challenging.


It was beautiful and interesting.

