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12.The practical suggestion came from the representatives _____ the new rule be adopted.(  )

分析 来自代表们的切实可行的建议是新规则应该被采纳.

解答 答案:D.根据 the new rule be adopted.可知整句是前面suggestion建议的内容,是同位语从句,故选D.另外注意看从句中用 be adopted,这里其实是省略了"should",因为这里用suggestion,它的从句中就要用虚拟语气,就是"should+动词原型",其中"should"可以省略,

点评 本题考查同位语从句,在熟知同位语从句连接词,充分分析句型以及suggestion从句中用虚拟语气"should+动词原型","should"可以省略,基础上便能选出正确答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.So sudden ________that the enemy had no time to escape.(  )
A.did the attackB.the attack didC.was the attackD.the attack was


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.-Mike,_________,but your radio seems too loud.
-Oh,I'm sorry.I'll turn it down right now.(  )
A.I'd like to talk with youB.I'm really tired of this
C.I hate to say thisD.I need your help


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.Family structure is the core of any culture.A major function of the family is to socialize new members ofa culture.As children are raised in a family setting,they learn to become members of the family as well as members of the larger culture.The family provides the model for all other relationships in society.Through the observations and modeling of the behavior of other family members,children learn about the family and society including the values of the culture.Family structure and their inherent relationships and obligations are a major source of cultural difference.
The family is the center of most traditional Asians'lives.Many people worry about their families'welfare,reputation,and honor.Asian families are often extended,including several generations related by blood or marriage living in the same home.An Asian person's misdeeds are not blamed just on the individual but also on the family-including the dead ancestors.
Traditional Chinese,among many other Asians,respect their elders and feel a deep sense of duty toward them.Children repay their parents'sacrifices by being successful and supporting them in old age.This is accepted as a natural part of life in China.In contrast,taking care of aged parents is often viewed as tremendous burden in the United States,where aging and family support are not honored highly.
The Vietnamese family consists of people currently alive as well as the spirits of the dead and of the as-yet unborn.Any decisions or actions are done from family considerations,not individual desires.People's behavior is judged on whether it brings shame or pride to the family.Vietnamese children are trained to rely on their families,to honor elderly people,and to fear foreigners.Many Vietnamese think that their actions in this life will influence their status in the next life.
Fathers in traditional Japanese families are typically strict and distant.Japanese college students in one study said they would tell their fathers just about as much as they would tell a total stranger.The emotional and communication barrier between children and fathers in Japan appears very strong after children have reached a certain age.
Although there has been much talk about"family values"in the United States,the family is not a usual frame of reference for decisions in U.S.mainstream culture.Family connections are not so important to most people.Dropping the names of wealthy or famous people the family knows is done in the United States,but it is not viewed positively.More important is a person's own individual"track record"of personal achievement.
Thus,many cultural differences exist in family structures and values.In some cultures,the family is the center of life and the main frame of reference for decisions.In other cultures,the individuals,not the family,is primary.In some cultures,the family's reputation and honor depend on each person's actions; in other cultures,individuals can act without permanently affecting the family life.Some cultures value old people,while other cultures look down on them.
(Adapted from R.L.Oxford & R.C.Scarcella,"A Few Family Structures and Values Around the Globe")
OutlineSupporting details
(71)IntroductionA to family structureFamily structure is of great (72)importance/significanceA in different cultures.
Children raised in a family will gradually learn how to (73)behaveA in a way which is acceptable in their culture or setting.
'Many cultural differences (74)arise/result/come/originateA from family structures.
Examples of
Asian families
Traditional Asians (75)center/centreA their lives around family.Not only the individual but the family is to (76)blameA for any wrongdoings.
O In China,parents'sacrific es will probably (77)payoff when children grow up.Children will also provide for the elders.
O In Vietnam,it's not from the personal desires but from family considerations that decisions or actions are done.
In Japan,children are (78)unwilling/reluctant/afraidA to share their emotions with father,thus making communication difficult.
Examples of families in the USA Americans don't lay much emphasis on family values.(79)Instead/HoweverA personal achievement is considered more important.
ConclusionFamily structures and values (80)vary/differA     in different cultures.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.---Where did you get to know her?
---It was on the farm ________ we both once worked in the 1970s.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.Do you have an English name,or have you ever considered taking one?This list of the UK's most popular names may be a useful ______.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

In the summer holiday,we travelled to Qingdao and paid visit to my uncle there.It's a long and bored journey.But the moment I arrived,I fall in love with the city.It's such beautiful a city that I can hardly find any word to describe it.The streets are cleaning and the sky is blue.If you walk along the coast,you can feel the wind to blowing on your face.The sea is vast and sometimes you can find a boat or a ship.You may also do some fishing as far as it is permitted.Moreover,I think the driver there drive too fast in the street.You can never be too carefully when crossing the street.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

Dear guests,
On behalf of our school,I would like to express our warm welcome to you.We
are luck to have you here in middle of our English Week Activities.
As planning,we have English Talent Show today.The purpose of this program
was to develop our interest in English learning and practically abilities in listening
and speaking.The program consist of the following activity:recitation,singing,
word spelling,story telling and so on.The show will begin at two o'clock in this
afternoon at the Student Centre.Dear guests,we are welcome to take part in
some activities.I hope we students will benefit from your presence but I sincerely
wish you a pleasant time with us.Thank you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.It was a snowy Friday.When I observed the snowflakes falling onto my car,I really began to wonder if I was going to make it on time.Of course I must,because I have no option.
About two weeks ago,what my daughter Ellen had talked about was he Christmas concert to be held in her school and some rumors about it."Mom,Rachel was supposed to sing alone,but guess what happened?She's not!Linda will replace her to do it.""Mom,I get to stand next to Tyler in the whole concert!""Mom,you won't believe it,but I Lexie's whole family is coming to the concert,even from another state!"Making a long way out of state to see third graders sing Christmas carols seemed to be a pretty big deal for her.
When I sat in traffic,I thought about all the school events I had attended alone.Elllen never mentioned it,but I wondered how she felt about me being the only one whoever came to her events.My own family lived out of town,and her father and his family never quite managed to fit those things into their schedules.I wondered if it bothered her.
At eight o'clock the concert was scheduled to begin.With only a few minutes to spare,I found myself running:first,through the snow-drifted parking lot,then through the school passage.I entered the crowded hall and found a vacant seat near the front.From her place onstage,Ellen saw me run for the chair,and she smiled.I was close enough to hear the loud conversation of the children onstage.
"Look,Ellen,there is my uncle and my cousin.They came all the way from West Virginia.I can't believe my whole family is here!"Ellen smiled at Lexie and said,"My whole family is here,too!Look,there she is!"Ellen gave me a big smile.I saved back at her,never once noticing the melting snow dripping off my head.It suddenly occurred to me that while we tried to teach our children all about life,they actually taught us what life was all about.
25.What can we know from the passage?D
A.Ellen didn't get along well with her family
B.Ellen's attitude towards the concert was defensive
C.Ellen's classmates fooled her
D.Ellen's mother put emphasis on her school events
26.What can we infer about the author from last two paragraphs?C
A.She came to the concert from another state
B.She regretted not accompanying her daughter
C.She was nearly late for the Christmas concert
D.She failed to understand her daughter's words
27.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?B
A.Understanding Is Everything              
B.My Whole Family Is Here
C.Speak out Your Love in Time              
D.Conflict Ends up With a Smile.

