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As we walked along , we all felt very much afraid, though we didn’t let it ____.


  A. show B. say C. touch D. find



show, “显示” ,“表露”,与句意相符。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

After our early morning wake-up, we are still a couple of

hours away from the overlooks.It is pitch black.I can feel the

heavy humid fog left behind my last night's rain. This is why

the tour memo listed "flashlight". Unfortunately; the majority

of our hiking party of nine must have missed the memo, so we

have only four flashlights between us.

    An hoar later,we are on the trail. It is dark, foggy, wet and the rocks are alippery.We alternate places between the flashlights "haves" and "have-nots". As we march, the only voices heard are from the "haves": "Step up, step down, watch out for the rock on your left."

    We reach Intipunku with only 15 minutes to spare. The view at sunrise is not what we were told in the travel brochures. Three feet in front of our faces is a white substance called "fog".

    As we walk towards the Machu Picchu ruins, my anticipation is mounting. When will the fog lift? Slowly, as if someone is cranking up a curtain, Huayna Picchu begins to appear,overlooking Machu Picchu. First there are fleeting glimpses, and then finally, there is, in its full splendor.

    When I envisioned going to Machu Picchu, I always thought of mysterious ruins and the famous postcard picture looking toward Huayna Picchu. But there is more to this man-made / natural wonder of the World. It is the adventure of getting there. I knew I wanted to experience the feel of the Inca culture and the energy of this sacred valley, I also knew I didn't want to take the train, but needed to hike. Depending on your starting point,the Inca Trail is 25 to 33miles of semi-arid desert, breathless mountain passes and stunning tropical cloud forest. Our hike took us four nights and 25 miles to finish.

    Our local guide MaurO keeps telling us "no worries, the hike is 90 percent mental and only 10 percent physical. "I am not convinced that the physical percentage is correct, but I definitely become more and more excited as we are now getting closer to Machu Picchu.By getting myself into good shape, running 20 miles and hiking a 500-foot-high hill five to seven times per week before I left for Peru, I was able to enjoy the beauty of the hike and not worry much about aching muscles and lungs.

About flashlights, which of the following statements is true?

    A. The local guide had asked them to take flashlights for the hike.

    B. They had taken enough flashlights for the hike.

    C. Before they got to Intipunku, they depended a lot on their flashlights.

    D. They used flashlights all the time.

Put the following events into the right order.

     a. They reached Intipunku,

     b. They read the travel brochures.

     c. They walked on the trail in the dark.

     d. They advanced to get closer to Maehu Picchu.

     e. They enjoyed the splendor of Huayna Picchu.

     A. ebade        B. bacde         C. abced         D. bcaed

What does the underlined word "anticipation" in Paragraph Four mean?

     A. expectation   B. excitement      C. disappointment  D. enthusiasm

What can NOT be inferred from the text?

     A. The writer made good preparation for the tour.

     B. The Inca Trail took them four nights.

     C. Machu Picchu is in the country of Peru.

     D. They reached Intipunku ahead of time.

According to the writer, what attracted him most in the tour?

     A. Mysterious ruins.               B. The famous post-card picture.

     C. The hiking.                     D. The Inca culture.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年广东华南师大附中高三综合测试英语卷(三) 题型:阅读理解

After our early morning wake-up, we are still a couple of
hours away from the overlooks.It is pitch black.I can feel the
heavy humid fog left behind my last night's rain. This is why
the tour memo listed "flashlight". Unfortunately; the majority
of our hiking party of nine must have missed the memo, so we
have only four flashlights between us.
An hoar later,we are on the trail. It is dark, foggy, wet and the rocks are alippery.We alternate places between the flashlights "haves" and "have-nots". As we march, the only voices heard are from the "haves": "Step up, step down, watch out for the rock on your left."
We reach Intipunku with only 15 minutes to spare. The view at sunrise is not what we were told in the travel brochures. Three feet in front of our faces is a white substance called "fog".
As we walk towards the Machu Picchu ruins, my anticipation is mounting. When will the fog lift? Slowly, as if someone is cranking up a curtain, Huayna Picchu begins to appear,overlooking Machu Picchu. First there are fleeting glimpses, and then finally, there is, in its full splendor.
When I envisioned going to Machu Picchu, I always thought of mysterious ruins and the famous postcard picture looking toward Huayna Picchu. But there is more to this man-made / natural wonder of the World. It is the adventure of getting there. I knew I wanted to experience the feel of the Inca culture and the energy of this sacred valley, I also knew I didn't want to take the train, but needed to hike. Depending on your starting point,the Inca Trail is 25 to 33miles of semi-arid desert, breathless mountain passes and stunning tropical cloud forest. Our hike took us four nights and 25 miles to finish.
Our local guide MaurO keeps telling us "no worries, the hike is 90 percent mental and only 10 percent physical. "I am not convinced that the physical percentage is correct, but I definitely become more and more excited as we are now getting closer to Machu Picchu.By getting myself into good shape, running 20 miles and hiking a 500-foot-high hill five to seven times per week before I left for Peru, I was able to enjoy the beauty of the hike and not worry much about aching muscles and lungs.
【小题1】 About flashlights, which of the following statements is true?

A.The local guide had asked them to take flashlights for the hike.
B.They had taken enough flashlights for the hike.
C.Before they got to Intipunku, they depended a lot on their flashlights.
D.They used flashlights all the time.
【小题2】 Put the following events into the right order.
a. They reached Intipunku,
b. They read the travel brochures.
c. They walked on the trail in the dark.
d. They advanced to get closer to Maehu Picchu.
e. They enjoyed the splendor of Huayna Picchu.
【小题3】 What does the underlined word "anticipation" in Paragraph Four mean?
【小题4】 What can NOT be inferred from the text?
A.The writer made good preparation for the tour.
B.The Inca Trail took them four nights.
C.Machu Picchu is in the country of Peru.
D.They reached Intipunku ahead of time.
【小题5】 According to the writer, what attracted him most in the tour?
A.Mysterious ruins.B.The famous post-card picture.
C.The hiking.D.The Inca culture.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年黑龙江省哈三中高一上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

When you do some minor image editing (修正) on your computer screen, you may make some mistakes, so from time to time you’d click undo (撤消).
There are things in life we cannot undo as easily and completely as we would with our computer files. A wrong turn, a hurtful word said to a loved one, a bad move — these we all commit as we walk our life’s journeys, no matter how careful we are in our steps. Once committed, we can no longer undo many of these mistakes, especially because unlike with our computer documents, each thing we do and say has vast impact as they involve not just us — the file that we are working on — but also others, the unopened files and computer programs in our system.
So I guess our life’s mistakes are not like our pencil scrawls (潦草书写) that can be effectively corrected with an eraser, or errors on our computer works that can be undone with an undo button. But there are effective and reliable tools we can use—APOLOGY and FORGIVENESS. Simply click the APOLOGY button when you have committed a mistake that has hurt a loved one and the words “I’m Sorry” will flash on the other person’s screen. But, you have to be truly sorry and you must be prepared not to commit the same mistake again for your APOLOGY to work. Sincerity is definitely a necessary part.
When someone clicks the APOLOGY button and the words “I’m sorry” flash on your screen, all you have to do is click back the FORGIVENESS (原谅) button. It means that you have wholeheartedly accepted the other person’s APOLOGY. But not only that. You also have to click it when someone has sent you back the message “It’s okay. Forget about it.”. It means that you are also forgiving yourself for your mistake; that you won’t keep feeling so bad having committed it.
And lastly, don’t forget to keep clicking the SAVE button. Going through the whole process of editing—of doing and undoing, of apologizing and forgiving — is useless if you fail to save the LESSON for future use. Let the saved file be a reminder of the healing process you once went through to make yourself better; for you not to forget the lesson; and for others to access and learn from.
【小题1】Which of the following is TRUE?

A.However careful we are, we still make mistakes in life.
B.Things we do and say can affect computer programs in our system.
C.We can undo life’s mistakes if we are careful enough.
D.An eraser is an effective tool for our computer works.
【小题2】 The APOLOGY button should be clicked when ________.
A.one wants to make the computer work perfectly
B.one’s mistakes won’t influence others any more
C.one is actually saying “I’m sorry”
D.one won’t make the same mistake again
【小题3】What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.The UNDO button.B.The APOLOGY button.
C.The SAVE button.D.The FORGIVENESS button.
【小题4】We need to click the SAVE button in life because ________.
A.we want to go through the whole process of editing
B.we need to learn a lesson from the past mistakes
C.we want to make the healing process faster
D.we need to use the computer properly


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年海南省高二上学期第二次月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

I’m lying on my back in my grandfather’s orchard(果园),looking up at the branches above me. It is one of the last days of summer. Already the days are shorter and the nights are cooler. Some kinds of apples are already ripe(成熟的). Others will be ready to pick soon. I think of my grandmother’s apple pie(苹果馅饼), and how I used to make it with her. She died last year, before the apple harvest, and I have not had her pie since. I really miss her. I hear bees busily humming about, visiting the late summer flowers. The gentle hum of their wings nearly sends me to sleep.

The sky is as blue as my grandfather’s eyes. Above me, big white clouds race across the sky like pieces of cotton blowing in the wind. School starts in another week, and time seems to have slowed down.

“Sophie!” calls my grandfather. “Is that you?” I stand up, take his hand, and tell him all about my day as we walk through the orchard. We talk about apples, and bees, and Grandma. He tells me that he misses her too.

He puts his rough, brown farmer’s hand around my shoulder and pulls me close. “You know, Sophie,” he says, “ I spent the morning in the attic(阁楼), and you’ll never guess what I found. It’s the recipe(烹饪法)for Grandma’s apple pie. I used to help her make it sometimes. I can’t do it all alone, but you used to help her too. Maybe between the two of us, we can work it out. Want to try?”

“ But it won’t be the same without Grandma,” I tell him.

“ That’s true,” he says, “ but nothing is the same without Grandma. Still, I don’t think that she would want us never to have another apple pie. What do you say?” I nod yes, and we walk towards home… towards an afternoon in the farmhouse kitchen, making Grandma’s famous apple pie.

1. We learn from the passage that Sophie       .

A.likes to watch clouds in the attic

B.comes to the orchard after school

C.enjoys Grandma’s apple pie very much

D.picks many apples in the orchard

2.Both Sophie and her grandfather used to        .

A.help Grandma make apple pies

B.spend summer afternoons in the orchard

C.enjoy fresh fruit in the farmhouse kitchen

D.walk alone among the apple trees

3.The underlined part in the last paragraph shows          .

A.how much Sophie’s grandmother loved Sophie

B.how much Sophie’s grandfather likes apple pies

C.how much Sophie loves her grandfather’s orchard

D.how much Sophie’s grandfather misses Grandma

4. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?.

A.My grandfather’s orchard

B.My grandmother’s apple pie

C.A morning in the attic

D.The last days of summer



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年广东华南师大附中高三综合测试英语卷(三) 题型:阅读理解

After our early morning wake-up, we are still a couple of

hours away from the overlooks.It is pitch black.I can feel the

heavy humid fog left behind my last night's rain. This is why

the tour memo listed "flashlight". Unfortunately; the majority

of our hiking party of nine must have missed the memo, so we

have only four flashlights between us.

    An hoar later,we are on the trail. It is dark, foggy, wet and the rocks are alippery.We alternate places between the flashlights "haves" and "have-nots". As we march, the only voices heard are from the "haves": "Step up, step down, watch out for the rock on your left."

    We reach Intipunku with only 15 minutes to spare. The view at sunrise is not what we were told in the travel brochures. Three feet in front of our faces is a white substance called "fog".

    As we walk towards the Machu Picchu ruins, my anticipation is mounting. When will the fog lift? Slowly, as if someone is cranking up a curtain, Huayna Picchu begins to appear,overlooking Machu Picchu. First there are fleeting glimpses, and then finally, there is, in its full splendor.

    When I envisioned going to Machu Picchu, I always thought of mysterious ruins and the famous postcard picture looking toward Huayna Picchu. But there is more to this man-made / natural wonder of the World. It is the adventure of getting there. I knew I wanted to experience the feel of the Inca culture and the energy of this sacred valley, I also knew I didn't want to take the train, but needed to hike. Depending on your starting point,the Inca Trail is 25 to 33miles of semi-arid desert, breathless mountain passes and stunning tropical cloud forest. Our hike took us four nights and 25 miles to finish.

    Our local guide MaurO keeps telling us "no worries, the hike is 90 percent mental and only 10 percent physical. "I am not convinced that the physical percentage is correct, but I definitely become more and more excited as we are now getting closer to Machu Picchu.By getting myself into good shape, running 20 miles and hiking a 500-foot-high hill five to seven times per week before I left for Peru, I was able to enjoy the beauty of the hike and not worry much about aching muscles and lungs.

1. About flashlights, which of the following statements is true?

    A. The local guide had asked them to take flashlights for the hike.

    B. They had taken enough flashlights for the hike.

    C. Before they got to Intipunku, they depended a lot on their flashlights.

    D. They used flashlights all the time.

2. Put the following events into the right order.

     a. They reached Intipunku,

     b. They read the travel brochures.

     c. They walked on the trail in the dark.

     d. They advanced to get closer to Maehu Picchu.

     e. They enjoyed the splendor of Huayna Picchu.

     A. ebade        B. bacde         C. abced         D. bcaed

3. What does the underlined word "anticipation" in Paragraph Four mean?

     A. expectation   B. excitement      C. disappointment  D. enthusiasm

4. What can NOT be inferred from the text?

     A. The writer made good preparation for the tour.

     B. The Inca Trail took them four nights.

     C. Machu Picchu is in the country of Peru.

     D. They reached Intipunku ahead of time.

5. According to the writer, what attracted him most in the tour?

     A. Mysterious ruins.               B. The famous post-card picture.

     C. The hiking.                     D. The Inca culture.


