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阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

     Eating at restaurants hasn’ t always been known as the best choice for  people 61. are trying to keep

a healthy diet. It is 62.(extreme) hard for people to avoid food that isn’t  so good for them when dining out. However,you don't have to give 63. your love of restaurants.

There are ways that you can eat healthier food when dining out while you can still enjoy the experience.

   One method is to take time  64. (read) the nutrition infor- mation. Some restaurants post it on their menus or their website. If you know  you’re going to visit 65.  certain restaurant,you should check the website first. If no nutrition information 66. (list) , you should check the  menu at the restaurant before you order.

    Another way is to think about not eating cream or butter sauces. Instead,  consider 67. (choose) a sauce

that could add a rich flavour to your food without extra calores (卡路里) . All restaurants have water available. Whether it is free 68. you have to buy it,you should choose to drink water over other drinks like beer or soda,which contains a lot of calories.

Eating out doesn’t have to be an unhealthy 69. (decide) as long as you make wise choices. You could still enjoy all of the benefits of dining out  and be 70. (please) with your choices later on.

61. who/that。考查关系词。设空雙引导定语从句,修饰先行词people且在从句作主语,故填who/that。

62. extremely。考查副词。设空处修饰 形容词 hart 故填 extremely 

63. up。考查固定搭配。give up意为 “放弃,停止”。

64. to read。考查不定式作g吾的用法。take time to do sth.意为“花时间做某

65. a。考查不定冠词。restaurant是可数名词且在此表泛指。故填a。 

66. is listed。考查一般现在时被动语态。information与list之间是被动关 系,且此处表示一般情况,故填is listed 。

67. chasing。考查动词-ing形式作宾语 的用法。 consider doing sth.意为“考虑做某事”。

68. or。考查连词。whether ... or ...意为 “不管•…•还是••”

69. decision。考查名词。由 an unhealthy 可知,在此应填名词decision。

70. pleased。考查形容词作表语的用法。 be pleased with sth.意为“对某 事满意”。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课标 > 第34期2015-2016年高一新课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. .两年前她靠做自由撰稿记者来维持生计。

She    as a freelance journalist

two years ago.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



     One part of the world is still largely unexplored. It is the deep sea. Over the years,many people have explored under the sea. But the first deep-sea (潜水员) wanted to find sunken treasure. They weren’ t really interested in studying the creatures of life there. Only recently have they begun to learn some of the mysteries of the sea.

    not easy to explore the deep sea. A diver must have a way of breathing underwater. He mus be able to protect himself from great pressure (引 力) .The pressure of air is ábout 15 pounds or every square inch. But the pressure of water ii about 1,300 pounds on every square inch!

     The first 叹似治(潜水服) were made rubber. They had a metal 心/w以(头盔) with windows in it. The shoes were made of lead and weighed twenty pounds each!These suits let divers go down a few hundred feet,but they were no good for exploring the very deep waters. With a metal diving suit,a diver could go down 700 feet. Metal suits were first used in the 1930s.

     In 1927, .a diver named William Beebe wanted to explore deeper than anyone had ever gone before. He was not interested in finding treasure. He wanted to study the creatures and plants of the sea. His friend invented a metal ball called the Bathysphere. It weighed more than 5 ,000 pounds,but in it Beebe went down 3 ,028 feet. He saw many things that had never been seen by humans before.

25. People who first explored the deep sea hoped to

   A. learn about the animals and plants of the sea

   B. solve some mysteries about the sea 

    C. have an exciting trip in the sea

   D. discover treasure under the sea

26. According to the text,what make (s) deep-sea diving difficult?

   A. The pressure of water.

   B. The temperature of water,

    C. The dangerous sea creatures.

   D. The heavy breathing equipment.

27. Compared with rubber diving suits,metal diving suits .

   A. had windows in the metal helmet

   B. weighed twenty more pounds

    C. were good for exploring deeper waters  

    D. began to be used much earlier

28. What do we know abou Wiman Beeb roni the text?

   A. He broke the diving record in his time.

   B. He failed to find the treasure he wanted.

    C. He met something terrible under the sea.

   D. He was the first diver to explore the deep sea.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Task I. Read the text and fill in the blanks in the chart below.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 1 hadn,t got much money on me but I gave them that I had.

2. 1 doubt that he will be able to arrive here on time.

3. He has made that clear that the meeting will be held tomorrow morning.

4. The weather was so awflil and that was because we didn't enjoy the day.

5. My first question was if Holmes had arrived yet.

6. She asked me if I knew whom had got the job.

7.I don't know what decision is worse,spending Christmas alone 6r

watching my friends get drunk.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


2. What is even more important is that as the earth cooled down,water began to appear on its surface?



① 本句是一个主从复合句。

② 主句是What is even more important is,that 引 导从句。

③ 主句中包含二个由what引导的主语从句,that从句中

包含一个由 引导的时间状语从句。

[句意]更为重要的是,地球冷却了下来,地球的表面就 开始出现了水。

[仿写]更为奇怪的是,我下公交车时,又看见了那位老 太太。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

11. If you want to take photos here,you (can/ should) ask permission or we might get into trouble.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. They only give you a (n)   (折扣) if you buy more than a certain amount.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. whether和if都意为“是否”,通常情况下,二 者都可以引.导宾语从句,但在介词之后或直接与


