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【题目】More than 27,000 people from around the UK set off at dawn from London to begin the cycle route through Surrey to the Sussex coast.

The annual 54-mile ride raises money for the British Heart Foundation(BHF) and is Europe’s largest charity cycling event. Cyclists began the exhausting journey at Clapham Common at 6 a. m. , hoping to reach Brighton seafront within an average of six hours.

Money from today's event will help the charity to continue its vital work through heart research and the development of its care and support services. Among those taking part was BBC Breakfast's resident(居民)Dr Rosemary Leonard and several colleagues.

BHF spokeswoman Gemma Cloke said, “It was quite cold this morning, but everyone set off without any problems.” Those taking part range in age from 14 to those in their 70s. Last year cyclists raised£4. 1 million for the charity, and have raised more than£50 million since the BHF became involved in the event in 1980. The first ride was held in 1976. It is hoped this year's fund raising total could reach£4. 5 million. She added : “We have a lot of people taking part, from the more experienced cyclists to those cycling with friends and family in memory of someone and to raise money through sponsorship.”

“People are always pleased knowing the money is going to a good cause. There is so much support along the route, with local residents watching the ride.

“One of the highlights for participants(参加者)is coming along the seafront while people are clapping, which can/span> really help when they've been in the saddle (自行车车座) for a long time.

【1 What can we know about the cycling event from the text?

A. It is the world’s largest charity cycling event.

B. Cyclists may raise more money than last year.

C. The first event was held by the BHF in 1980.

D. The route of the event is 54 kilometers long.

【2 What can we learn from what Gemma Cloke said?

A. Cyclists will receive encouragement from local people.

B. Some people doubt whether the money is properly used.

C. Most of the cyclists are professional.

D. Local people have little interest in cycling events.

【3 The local residents’ attitude towards the ride is .

A. doubtful B. unconcerned

C. supportive D. indifferent

【4 What is the text mainly about?

A. Cyclists have raised over£50 million for the BHF.

B. More than 27,000 people like travelling by bike in the UK.

C. Charity cycling event wins support from local people.

D. More than 27,000 people in the UK join in the charity bike ride.








【1】细节理解题。第四自然段“Last year cyclists raised£4. 1 million for the charity,”意思是去年筹集了410万英镑;第四自然段“It is hoped this year's fund raising total could reach£4. 5 million.”意思是今年有希望筹集450万英镑。可知今年筹集的钱可能比去年多,故选择B。

【2】细节理解题。文中最后一自然段“…people are clapping, which can really help when they've been in the saddle (自行车车座) for a long time. ”意思是已经骑行了很长一段时间的选手能够从人们的喝彩受到鼓舞,故选择A。

【3】推理判断题。第五自然段“There is so much support along the route, with local residents watching the ride. ”意思是比赛受到沿途观看比赛的当地居民的大力支持。故选择C。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It is in this factory I visited last month this kind of beer is produced.

A. /; where B. /; that

C. where; that D. that; which


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Marie Curie















Marie Curie








科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】What makes tomorrow’s successful citizens_________ the ability to cope with a changing world as well as the responsibility towards community.

A. is B. are C. has D. have


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Rocky Lyons was five years old when his mother, Kelly, was driving along the country road with him. He was asleep on the front seat of their truck, with his feet resting on her lap. As his mom drove carefully down the winding country road, she turned onto a narrow bridge. The truck hit a rock and slid off the road. She tried to bring it back up onto the road by pressing hard on the gas pedal and turning the steering wheel to the left. But Rocky’s foot got caught between her leg and the steering wheel and she lost control of the truck.

The truck fell into a 20-foot ravine(峡谷). When it hit bottom, Rocky woke up. “What happened, Mama?” he asked. “Our wheels are pointing toward the sky. ”Kelly was seriously wounded and blinded by blood. “I’ll get you out, Mama,” announced Rocky, who had surprisingly escaped injury. He climbed out from under Kelly, slid through the open window and tried to yank(用力拉)his mother out. But she didn’t move.

“Just let me sleep,” begged Kelly, who was out of consciousness. Rocky insisted, “Mom, you can’t go to sleep.”

Rocky managed to push Kelly out of the truck and told her he’d climb up to the road and stop a car to get help. Fearing that no one would be able to see her little boy in the dark, Kelly refused to let him go alone. Instead they slowly moved up to the road. The pain was so great that Kelly wanted to give up, but Rocky wouldn’t let her.

Rocky kept repeating the inspirational phrase, “I know you can, I know you can.” When they finally reached the road, Rocky broke into tears seeing his mother’s torn face clearly for the first time. Waving his arms and shouting, “Please stop!” the boy stopped a truck. His mother was sent to hospital.

It took 8 hours to rebuild Kelly’s face. She looks quite different today---“I used to have a straight long nose, thin lips and high cheekbones; now I’ve got a flat cheeks and much bigger lips”--- but she has few scars and has recovered from her injuries.

Rocky’s heroics were big news. Everyone was surprised at this little boy’s power. “It’s not like I wanted it to happen,” The boy explained. I just did what anyone would have done. “If it weren’t for Rocky, I’d have died,” said his mother.

【1】According to the text, Rocky and Kelly _________ .

A. were lost on a country road

B. had limited time to find their way

C. were involved in a truck accident

D. knew little of what happened to them

【2】When he woke up, Rocky ___________ .

A. was frightened by his mother’s blood

B. found his mother had fallen asleep

C. was stuck against the door of the truck

D. found the car was turned over

【3】What happened to Kelly at last?

A. She passed away.

B. She survived and recovered from injuries.

C. She became a hero.

D. She had a different life.

【4】What is the best title for the text?

A. A Boy and His Mother

B. How to Behave Well?

C. I Think I Can

D. Nothing is Lost


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】As children,loving our parents is an important part of life. It is our parents who create us, 1】 (抚养) us, make us who we are and keep a roof over our heads in all kinds of weather.

Here are some ways to love our parents. Firstly, tell them we love them every day. A gentle“I love you”will w 2】 a coldest heart. Parents brought us into this world. 3】 them,we might still wander at an unknown corner of an unknown world. Then,show 4】 (尊敬)to them and don’t get angry easily because anger helps 5】 us nor our parents. Instead,keep c 6】 and sometimes share our feelings with them. Besides, obey their requests, 7】 will make our attitudes better. What’s more,understand that parents should be f 8】 when they make mistakes . We should also keep company with them as much as p 9】 . Learn from them by listening to their stories as parents are one of the 10】 (资源) of our growth and even our teachers in one way or another.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Being positive is very important. So I often my son to be positive. But one day I was caught not doing what I often tell him to do.

My son is 7 years old and he was a show to be put on at his school. He was playing the role of an angel. On the evening before the show, he asked me, “Mom, can we ___angels?” As usual, I seized(抓住)the _____to teach him to be positive and I said, “Yes, but only those who are perfect, and think and talk positively can.” He asked, “You must have seen them then?”

I was ____for a few seconds, not knowing what to say. I was touched by his ___that his mother was a perfect person. He looked into my eyes, __ a positive answer. I chose to be _______with him and told him, “No. I’ve not been a good person all the time.” I was almost____to admit this to him. I thought that his____of a perfect mother would now surely be torn into pieces. But he ___it positively and said, “It’s all right. You know to try to be better from now on.” I smiled as I replied, That’s ____. Sometimes, we might make a _____, but when we do, we must always try to do better.”

My son’s _____struck me right in my heart and are always with me. I learned a good lesson that day “to always try to be better.” This will always___ me in all situations where I’ll need to be positive.

【1A. show B. refuse C. worry D. encourage

【2A. going through B. preparing for C. turning to D. looking for

【3A. describe B. draw C. invite D. see

【4A. feeling B. attitude C. chance D. method

【5A. pleased B. quite C. calm D. quiet

【6A. thought B. behavior C. dream D. story

【7A. making B. expecting C. trying D. choosing

【8A. patient B. angry C. strict D. honest

【9A. glad B. surprised C. relaxed D. embarrassed

【10A. description B. speech C. picture D. idea

【11A. finished B. took C. caught D. changed

【12A. right B. fine C. impossible D. unnecessary

【13A. change B. decision C. difference D. mistake

【14A. words B. performances C. idea D. progress

【15A. teach B. protect C. help D. Find


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The soldiers are well _____ with food and clothing.

A.supplied B. offered C. given D. supported


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】— Alan seems a lot taller than when I last saw him.

— He ________. He’s grown a foot since you saw him in Shanghai.

A. is B. will be C. has been D. Was

