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 When ______ by the teachers, a student tends to study harder than usual.

A. to be praised                   B. praising            C. praised                           D. to praise


科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

  It's seven in the morning. Mr Li needn't go to work today. He knows English and is now looking through a list of TV programmes in today's newspaper. The list is as follows. Read it over and then do the exercises.

  TV programmes

  Friday, September 30

  Channel 2(频道2)

  9∶50 Olympic Games men's basketball final

  11∶40 Olympic Games track and field events

  19∶45 Olympic Games special

  20∶22 2002 National Day evening party

  20∶59 TV drama(戏剧): Juan and Her Braised Ship (1)

  22∶57 Olympic Games men's basketball final

  Channel 8

  9∶40 Daughter of the Sea

  14∶20 Olympic Games men's tennis single final

  15∶50 TV drama: Red Leaves Beyond the Mountain (3)

  16∶37 TV drama: The Tea House

  18∶00 Olympic Games women's table tennis double final

  CCTV English Service

  22∶10 News

  22∶30 Olympic Games Special

Invitation to a Farewell Party

  Friday, 22nd October

  Dear Michael and Lisa,

  You are invited to a farewell party for the“LIU FAMILY'S VISIT TO AUSTRALIA”.

  Departure(出发)date: 4th of November

  The best part of our big adventure to Australia will be when we come face to face with kangaroos and other Australian wildlife.

  Party given by: Mr and Mrs Liu, Liu Mei and Liu Tang

  Date: Saturday, 6 November, 2002

  Time: 7∶00 p. m. until 12∶30 a. m.

  Place: Beijing Hotel

  Reply by: Tuesday, 2 November

  Phone: 528--0903

  Food and drinks will be provided at the party.

  PS: This event is NOT to be missed!

  We hope to see you there.

(1) Mr Li wants to find out what day it is the day after National Day. Please help him find it out. It is ________.

[  ]


(2) Suppose Mr Li wants to watch TV in the morning and he doesn't feel much interested in sports or games. Which program would he like to choose?

[  ]

A.CCTV English Service, News.

B.Channel 2,2002 National Day evening party.

C.Channel 8, film: Daughter of the Sea.

D.Channel 8, TV Drama: The Tea House.

(3) From the invitation we can tell ________.

[  ]

A.Liu Mei and Liu Tang will attend the farewell party

B.only Mr and Mrs Liu will travel to Australia

C.the Liu family have been to Australia before

D.the Liu family will not return from Australia

(4) By what date is it necessary to reply to the invitation?

[  ]

A.2 nd November.
B.2 nd October.
C.22 nd October.
D.4 th November.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

“Racism (种族歧视) is a grown-up disease,” declares the saying on Ruby Bridge’s website along with a photo of Mrs. Bridge today, a 6-year-old girl four decades ago. In the photo, she is walking up the steps of the William Frantz Public School in New Orleans, a little black girl accompanied by two officers who protect her on her way to school.

       Her name then was Ruby Nell. It was Nov. 14, 1960. She was the first black child to enroll at this all-white elementary school according to the court order to desegregate in New Orleans schools. Her story is moving -- she was a very courageous child -- and remains a significant proof against intolerance (不宽容) of all kinds. Ruby’s photo brings out another powerful image on her website: Norman Rockwells symbolic painting for Look magazine on Jan. 14, 1964, “The Problem We All Live With.”

       Rockwell was an illustrator of exceptional skill and charm. He produced a vast number of unforgettable images over a long career, many of them involving children. His American kids are innocent and appealing, but often, at the same time, decidedly naughty. His method was to photograph his models, and the resulting paintings were photographic. But it is revealing to see how the artist slightly changed facial expressions from photo to oil painting in order to make his paintings communicate with the viewer. Communication, even persuasion, lay at the back of his work; this was art for effect.

       “The Problem We All Live With” belongs to Rockwell’s later work, when he began openly showing his strong belief in liberty. This is a highly persuasive image. Before he arrived at the final copy, one sketch (草图) shows the little girl closer to the two officers following her than to those in front. In the finished picture, the girl seems more determined, independent, and untouched. The unfriendly tomatoes thrown on the wall are behind her now, and she, is completely unaffected.

Ruby Nell was protected by officers on her way to school, because    .

       A.she was a little fighter against racism

       B.she was very young, short and timid

       C.she was the first black to study in an all-white school

D.she was chosen by the com t0be’wi’th white children

According to the passage, “The Problem We All Live With” is a(n)      .

       A.social program for American children

       B.famous painting by Norman Rockwell

       C.photo displayed on Ruby Bridges’ website

       D.exhibition at the Norman Rockwell Museum

The word “desegregate” in paragraph 2 probably means“    ”.

       A.fight against the white B.end racial separation

       C.struggle for freedom D.stop the black-white conflict

The main topic of this passage is    .

       A.how Rockwell encouraged Ruby to fight against racism

       B.how Ruby won her fight to go to an all-white school

       C.how Rockwell expressed his protest in .Iris work

       D.how persuasive Rockwell’s earlier work of art is


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省合肥市2010年高三第二次教学质量检测英语试题 题型:阅读理解


NANJING, June 13,2009 (Xinhua) – China will see the longest total solar eclipse (日食) in 500 years on July 22, a scientist said Saturday.

The most important time of the total eclipse was expected to
begin from 9:00 a.m. to 9:38 a. m. (Beijing Time), said Wang
Sichao, a research fellow with the Nanjing – based Purple
Mountain Observatory under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
“The total eclipse will l ast up to six minutes, which is the longest
one that can be seen in China in almost 500 years from 1814 to 2309,” Wang said.
He said viewers in parts of eleven provinces in China's southwestern, central-southern and eastern areas, such as Tibet, Hunan and Jiangsu, will be able to witness the total solar eclipse, while in most parts of Shanghai, viewers can see the spectacular phenomenon. For viewers in other provinces, including Beijing, they can observe a partial eclipse, he said.
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon is caught between the sun and the earth while each of them moves along their fixed orbits. In a total solar eclipse, the sun, the moon and the earth are directly aligned as the sun swings into the cone of shadow cast by the moon.
Wang said the next total solar eclipse that can be seen in China will fall on March 20 th, 2034.     "But it can only be seen remote provinces, such as Tibet and Qinghai. It cannot not be compared with the upcoming one -- in terms of duration and number of cities that can see the eclipse," he added. The last total solar eclipse visible in China took place on Aug. 1 last year. It was observed in northwest China and lasted two minutes in Yiwu County of northwestern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the best place to see the phenomenon.
72.According to the report, the total eclipse on July the 22 nd will last         .
A.over a month                                                    B.about 38 minutes
C.about 6 minutes                                              D.less than 30 minutes
73.Viewers can possibly witness the total solar eclipse in            .
A.Liaoning                   B.Sichuan                    C.Beijing                      D.Xinjiang
74.When a total solar eclipse happens,          .
A.the moon goes into the shadow cast by the sun
B.the earth stays between the sun and the moon
C.the sun temporarily moves into the moon’s orbit
D.the sun is in a line with the moon and the earth
75.Which is the best title for this report?           .
A.China to witness longest total solar eclipse in 500 years
B.The most important total solar eclipse will favor China
C.The beginning time of the total solar eclipse is expected
D.China has been the best place to witness the solar eclipse


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省合肥市2010年高三第二次教学质量检测英语试题 题型:阅读理解




NANJING, June 13,2009 (Xinhua) – China will see the longest total solar eclipse (日食) in 500 years on July 22, a scientist said Saturday.

The most important time of the total eclipse was expected to

begin from 9:00 a.m. to 9:38 a. m. (Beijing Time), said Wang

Sichao, a research fellow with the Nanjing – based Purple

Mountain Observatory under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

“The total eclipse will l ast up to six minutes, which is the longest

one that can be seen in China in almost 500 years from 1814 to 2309,” Wang said.

He said viewers in parts of eleven provinces in China's southwestern, central-southern and eastern areas, such as Tibet, Hunan and Jiangsu, will be able to witness the total solar eclipse, while in most parts of Shanghai, viewers can see the spectacular phenomenon. For viewers in other provinces, including Beijing, they can observe a partial eclipse, he said.

A solar eclipse occurs when the moon is caught between the sun and the earth while each of them moves along their fixed orbits. In a total solar eclipse, the sun, the moon and the earth are directly aligned as the sun swings into the cone of shadow cast by the moon.

Wang said the next total solar eclipse that can be seen in China will fall on March 20 th, 2034.     "But it can only be seen remote provinces, such as Tibet and Qinghai. It cannot not be compared with the upcoming one -- in terms of duration and number of cities that can see the eclipse," he added. The last total solar eclipse visible in China took place on Aug. 1 last year. It was observed in northwest China and lasted two minutes in Yiwu County of northwestern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the best place to see the phenomenon.

72.According to the report, the total eclipse on July the 22 nd will last         .

A.over a month                                                    B.about 38 minutes

C.about 6 minutes                                              D.less than 30 minutes

73.Viewers can possibly witness the total solar eclipse in            .

A.Liaoning                   B.Sichuan                    C.Beijing                      D.Xinjiang

74.When a total solar eclipse happens,          .

A.the moon goes into the shadow cast by the sun

B.the earth stays between the sun and the moon

C.the sun temporarily moves into the moon’s orbit

D.the sun is in a line with the moon and the earth

75.Which is the best title for this report?           .

A.China to witness longest total solar eclipse in 500 years

B.The most important total solar eclipse will favor China

C.The beginning time of the total solar eclipse is expected

D.China has been the best place to witness the solar eclipse



科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省合肥市2010年高三下学期第三次教学质量检测试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解


    A team from Krakow, in Poland, used functional magnetic resonance imaging (机能性核共振成像) (FMRI) to assess brain activity when 40 volunteers were shown various images. Men showed activity in areas which dealt with what action they should take in order to avoid or face up to danger. But the study found more activity in the emotional centers of women's brains. The researchers, from another university, carried out scans on 21 men and 19 women. Brain activity was monitored while the volunteers were shown images of objects and images from ordinary life designed to remind different emotional states.

The images were displayed in two runs. For the first run, only negative pictures were shown. For the second run, only positive pictures were shown.

While viewing the negative images, women showed stronger and broader activity in the left thalamus(神经床). This is an area which passes sense information to the pain and pleasure centres of the brain. Men showed more activity in an area of the brain called the left insula(脑岛), which plays a key role in controlling natural functions, including breath, heart rate and digestion. Generally, activity in this area tells the body to either run away from danger, or meet it head on - the so-called "fight or flight response".

While viewing positive images, women showed stronger activity in an area of the brain associated with memory. With men, the stronger activity was recorded in an area associated with visual processing. Dr Urbanik believes these differences suggest women may analyze positive stimuli(刺激)in a broader social context and associate positive images with a particular memory.

For instance, viewing a picture of a smiling child might remind memories of a woman's own child at this age. On the contrary, male responses tend to be less emotional.

1.The research shows that men response differently to         compared with women.

         A.different images                  B.ordinary life

         C.different activities              D.medical scan

2.According to the passage, when faced with danger,            .

         A.women react more slowly than men         B.women usually try to avoid it   

         C.men usually have no reaction   D.men react to it more directly

3.What is discussed in the 4 th paragraph?          .

         A.Men and women’s different memories

         B.The different responses to the children

         C.Different reactions to positive stimuli

         D.Negative results of the visual processing

4.The passage mainly develops           .

         A.by inferring                  B.by comparing

         C.by listing examples    D.by giving explanations


