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96. 刘老师坐在桌旁,他的学生围着他站着。 (with + 宾语 + 分词)

97. 我3年前去过的古寺给我留下了很深刻的印象。(a……impression on + 定语从句)

98. 远处看起来有一团雾。(in the distance, a patch of)

99. 我宁愿你今天晚上呆在家里看电视。(would rather)

100. 他将为他自己所做的一切付出代价。 (pay for)

101. 我认为对人们来说低碳生活是十分有必要的。 (consider; low-carbon life)

102. 虽然我学习英语已经有几年了,但我在和英语是母语的人交流时依然有困难。(have problems doing; English native speaker)

103. 王老师不仅仅是一位教师,他总是照顾好自己的学生。 (more than + 定语从句)

104. 他的篮球事业是在多年的奋斗之后才成功的。 (career; take off)

105. 那些沉溺于电脑游戏的人不会取得成功的。(abandon oneself to + 定语从句)

Mr. Liu sat beside the table, with his students standing around him.

97. The old temple which I went to three years ago made a great / deep impression on me.

98. There seems to be a patch of fog in the distance.

99. I would rather you stayed at home watching TV tonight.

100. He will have to pay for what he has done.

101. I consider it very necessary for people to live a low-carbon life.

102. Although I have learned English for a few years, I still have problems talking with English native speakers.

103. Mr. Wang who always takes good care of his students is more than a teacher.

104. His basketball career took off only after many years of hard work.

105. Those who abandoned themselves to computer games can’t succeed.

