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【题目】随着信息技术的不断发展,传统的靠读报获取信息的方式逐渐被看电视,上网所代替。对此我们学校开展了题为“Views on Newspaper”的假期社会调查。请你根据以下提示,给中学生英语报写篇稿,客观介绍你的调查情况,并简单陈述自己的看法。







Dear editor,

Recently students of our school have made a survey of “Views on Newspaper”. _____________________________







【答案】Dear editor,

Recently students of our school have made a survey of “View on Newspaper”. The people we interviewed have two different opinions. 45 percent of the people enjoy reading newspapers. First of all, as a convenient source of information, reading newspapers is not limited by time. Secondly, reading is a good habit. It also makes people think, which helps develop people’s intelligence. Moreover, people can select and read whatever section they are interested in.

However, 55 percent of the people don’t turn to newspaper to get information. They hold the idea that newspaper are not very attractive because they lack the sound and video that make other sources of information more exciting to look at than newspapers. What’s more, readers receive information from newspapers later than from the Internet and TV.

In my opinion, people can make use of whatever means to get information, so long as it’s convenient for them

【解析】本文是一篇提纲性作文,所写主题是考生比较熟悉的报刊的利弊,文中讲了人们对读报的两种态度,一部分人愿意读报而另一部分不愿意。“Recently students of our school have made a survey of “View on Newspaper”. The people we interviewed have two different opinions.”文章开篇点题,点出文章的主题,在第一段,采用“First of all,Secondly”介绍了人们愿意读报的两个原因,在写作本文时,注意使用高级的词汇和合适的连接词如: However,What’s more等,让文章更紧凑,更流畅。文章思路清晰,段落分明,是篇不错的文章。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

No one lives without a dream. Whether the path is smoothly or tough,we are on the path to achieving it . As a senior 3 student, I have the same dream like my classmates that I can be admitted to an ideal university. In the past three years, I have done everything I can equip myself with that I have learnt from my teachers. Not only have I enjoy the pleasure of study but also I have got closer to my dream. Anxiety and pressure discourage him now and then. Therefore, with the encouragement of my teachers and classmates, I think I’ll make out it.

I’m sure that there is still a long way to go to achieve my dream. No matter how challenged it is, I’ll make it come true. As the proverb says,Where there has a will, there’s a way.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


I always have my own ways to learn English. First, I always read the text in advance so that I can know what I must pay much attention to in class. 【1】_____ my delight, when my teacher raises a question, I know how to answer more often. And whenever I answer a question2______ (correct), I have a strong sense of achievement.

Besides, I always try to take notes in class. Important language points, grammar rules, useful3_____ (express) and key words are4_____ I want to take down. After class, I organize the notes so that I can have a better5_______ (understand) of them. Of course, I will certainly read aloud the notes in the morning.

To develop my interest in English, after class I6______ (wide) read English materials. By this means I can also develop my ability of reading.

7____ (chat) with my teachers and classmates is also one of my ways to learn English. We often talk8____ English about different topics concerning friendship, sports, etc. Free expression in English always9___ (give) me a sense of pride, 【10_____ in turn inspires me to learn English better.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】JOHANNESBURG—They say cats have nine lives. Now a Chinese toad(蟾蜍) has joined that club of clever survivors.

South Africans are shocked at the endurance of a toad that got trapped in a cargo shipment from China to Cape Town, after jumping into a porcelain(瓷器) candlestick(烛台) that was made there. South African officials reportedly planned to put down the creature, fearing it would cause harm as an invasive species if it were let go in the wild.

But the toad got a last-minute pardon. Mango Airlines, a South African airline, transported the toad on Friday to Johannesburg for delivery to an animal shelter, after officials decided to find a way to let the toad live. The two-hour fight was a breeze compared to the trip from China, a long way of many weeks and thousands of kilometers across the Indian Ocean.

Airline spokesman Hein Kaiser said the toad got “first-class treatment”, sitting in a transparent plastic container with escort Brett Glasby, an animal welfare inspector. There was even a ceremony, in which the toad’s boarding pass was handed to Glasby.

“He was the star of the show on the flight,” Kaiser said of the amphibious(两栖的) passenger. “I think every passenger stopped to have a look.”

On landing in Johannesburg, the toad was brought out of its container for a celebrity-style photo shoot. Observers said the brown toad seemed like a cool customer. It belongs to the Asian Toad species, which breeds during the monsoon(季风) season. It is believed to have survived the trip from China by hardening its skin to prevent it from drying out, and also by slowing its breathing and heart rate—methods that help the species survive in times of drought.

“We’ve had snakes in imported timber and scorpions(蝎子) in fruit. We were called because the toad was right inside the candlestick, and we had to break it to get it out” Glasby, the inspector, told The Star, a South African newspaper.

1What is the passage mainly about

A. An Asian toad gets a new home in South Africa.

B. Asian toads can’t get used to the life in South Africa.

C. Workers shipped a toad to South Africa on purpose.

D. South Africa ignores the protection of animals.

2What would/might happen if the toad were released into the wild?

A. It would make the locals feel shocked

B. It might harm the native species

C. It would lose its life in the wild

D. It might flee into another country

3Why was the toad able to arrive in South Africa alive?

A. Because it escaped all attacks and hunts

B. Because it used to stop its breath in winter

C. Because it formed hard skin to protect itself

D. Because it was lucky to be given a chance

4What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Sometimes animal are transported accidentally

B. No one has seen such a big toad in Africa

C. A candlestick is the best place for a toad

D. Droughts make toads live longer.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】You go to a store to buy food for a party.But when you get to the cash register,there are no plastic bags for the things you buy.If you live in San Francisco,this situation might not surprise you.1Many cities and towns around the United States may ban plastic bags.2Instead,they'd like people to use their own cloth bags when they shop.3They say they wouldn't buy as much if they couldn't get a free bag.Store owners don't want to lose business.So they want to keep offering plastic bags.

Stores should be banned from using plastic bags.Here's why:

All those plastic bags fill up garbage dumps (垃圾站).That hurts the environment.

People can use cloth bags instead.4Stores should not be banned from using plastic bags.Here's why:

People might buy less if stores don't offer plastic shopping bags.Some stores might go out of business.

Some people reuse plastic shopping bags for things like garbage.If they don't get them for free,they'll have to buy some.5That could get expensive.

A.These bags don't get thrown away until they've been used many times.

B.There should always be a choice.

C.If shoppers forgot a cloth bag,they would have to buy one.

D.But many people don't want to buy their own cloth bags.

E.Many people throw them away after using them.

F.That city has banned most plastic shopping bags from stores.

G.They hope that shoppers won't use paper bags either.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


A recent survey shows that many students have got into some bad living habit,which do great harm to their health.

As we all know it, health is more important than wealth.Without a healthy body,you cannot do everything even if you are a millionaire.In order keep healthy,it’s necessary to get rid of unhealthy habits and form good ones.

First of all,eat a healthy breakfast is a great way to start the day.You should eat more fruit and vegetables,which are rich of vitamins.Secondly,getting enough sleep.Early to bed and early to rise make you feel great all day long.Lastly,take exercise every day to make your body strong.

As long as you form health habits and keep them,you’ll have a strong body and live the healthy life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Gregory Kloehn is an artist 【1】 uses his skills for a really worthy cause—building homes for the homeless.Making use of recycled materials found on the street,he creates small mobile homes,each about the size 2 a sofa.These homes come with pitched roofs to keep out the rain and3 (wheel)at the bottom for mobility.So far,hes built about 10 shelters through theHomeless Homes Project,and hopes to create 4 (much)in the future.

5 theyre not made of much,the tiny homes are more than enough for someone with no other place 6 (sleep)in.They ale painted in bright colors and have a few odd elementslike washing machine doors for windows and minivan tops for roofs.

Before,I 7 (be)all about sculpture,but I realized it just sits there,he said.And youre just selling it to rich people.I kind of think if youre putting so much effort into something more valuable,it would be 8 (good).He 9 (write)a book calledHomeless Architecture at the time,【10 (admire)how they were able to recycle all day and make homes out of almost nothing.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Bejo is the name of my bird. He 1(belong ) to our family for more than one month. He is a very smart bird and good at imitating whatever we say 2 a clear voice. We all like Bejo and 3 is my job to clean Bejo’s cage.

One day my parents went to see my grandmother and I was made 4(stay) inside to feed the bird. On that particular afternoon, I was doing my lessons when I heard somebody open the front gate. I looked out and saw two men entering our yard. Obviously they were thieves.

My hands and 5(foot) were shaking. I didn’t know what to do. Just then Bejo cried out loudly, “Good afternoon!” There was 6(silent) for a moment. “Who is it?” Bejo said as if it was 7voice of my father. “There is someone else in the house! Come on! Let us run8we are caught,” one thief said to the other. Then they ran away. Bejo saved our money from 9(steal)!

When I told my parents how Bejo 10(successful) made those two thieves run away that very night, they both laughed.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】MALE Participants Needed for Social Communication Study

The Neuropragmatics and Emotion Lab is looking for healthy male volunteers to participate in an EEG experiment on social communication. You will hear stimuli and make decisions about stimuli that appear on a screen. With the EEG set-up, the entire participation will take about 4.5 hours and is conducted at 2001 McGill College Avenue. The compensation will be $10 per hour for your time and inconvenience. You are expected to be a MALE native Canadian English speaker, between 18-30 years old, right-handed and have normal hearing. If interested, please contact pell.lab.study@gmail.com.

Pell Lab: 514-398-4400

MALE Undergraduate Participants Needed

The CASC Lab in the Department of Psychology at McGill University (supervisor: Dr. Melanie Dirks) is looking for male McGill undergraduate students between the ages of 18-25 who are willing to complete an interview and a questionnaire about challenging friendship experiences. The interview will last approximately 2 hours. Participants will also be asked to complete a brief online questionnaire and to reach out to three of their friends who might also be willing to complete the same questionnaire. Participants will be compensated for their time ($ 20). If you are interested, please contact thomas__khullar@mail__mcgill.ca.

Thomas. Khullar: 514-398-3725

Participants Needed for Social Communication Study

The Pell Lab is seeking North American English speakers for a study on social communication. You will judge audio and video clips(片段) showing social interactions while wearing an EEG cap measuring brain activity. The session is about 2 hours and compensation is $ 30 for the experiment. If you are interested and meet ALL the following criteria, please email pellabtest.eeg@gmail.com. Please provide your name, email and telephone number.

Age between 18-35 years old

Native North American English speakers

Normal hearing and no history of mental and neurological disorder


Kelly Hennegan: 514-398-4400 Ext.: 00010

1To meet the requirements for the EEG experiment, you should be _________.

A. between the ages of 18-25

B. left-handed with normal hearing

C. healthy and able to work about 4--5 hours

D. a female native Canadian English speaker

2What will the CASC Lab expect participants to do?

A. To complete a detailed online questionnaire.

B. To do an interview about social communication.

C. To ask some friends to do an online questionnaire.

D. To judge audio and video clips showing social interactions.

3If you want to be paid best per hour, you should contact _____________.

A. 514-398-3725 B. 514-398-4400 Ext:00010

C. Thomas. khullar@mail.megill.ca D. pell.lab.study@gmail.com

