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It is reported that although our genes and environment play an important role, how happy we are largely depends on our choices and activities. The following are just several areas that tend to make a big difference to people's happiness.
Take a positive attitude
Positive emotions―like joy, gratitude, satisfaction, inspiration and pride― don't just feel good when we experience them. So although we need to be realistic about life's ups and downs, it helps to focus on the good aspects of any situation―the glass half full rather than the glass half empty.
Accept who you are and what you are
Learning to accept ourselves and being kinder to ourselves when things go wrong will increase our enjoyment of life. It also helps us accept others as they are. Ask a trusted friend or colleague to tell you what they think your real strengths are.

Caring about others is fundamental to our happiness. Helping other people is not only good for them; it's good for us too. It makes us happier and can help to improve our health. Giving also creates stronger connections between people and helps to build a happier society.
Take part in something bigger
People who have meaning and purpose in their lives are happier. They also experience less stress, anxiety and depression. It might come from doing a job that makes a difference, or spiritual beliefs, or our family. The answers may be different for each of us but they all involve being connected to something bigger than ourselves.
A. Our broader social networks bring a sense of belonging.
B. Nobody is perfect.
C. Give them a call or offer your support.
D. Try to make more use of these.
E. They also help us perform better, and improve our physical health.
F. But where do we find meaning and purpose?
G. Do things for others.

(1)考查上下文理解和推理判断能力。该段标题“ Take a positive attitude”,建议我们要有积极的态度。根据上文“ Positive emotions―like joy, gratitude, satisfaction, inspiration and pride― don't just feel good when we experience them.”积极的情绪不仅仅使我们感觉良好。故承接上文,E.They also help us perform better, and improve our physical health.”它们还使我们表现更好,身体健康“合题意。故选E。
(2)考查上下文理解和推理判断能力。该段标题“ Accept who you are and what you are”建议我们接受自己。根据下文“Learning to accept ourselves and being kinder to ourselves when things go wrong will increase our enjoyment of life. ”,当出现问题时,学会接受自己,对自己更仁慈一点将会增加我们的快乐感。故引出下文,B.Nobody is perfect.”没有人是完美的“。合题意。故选B。
(3)考查上下文理解和推理判断能力。根据上文“ Ask a trusted friend or colleague to tell you what they think your real strengths are.”告诉朋友你真正的长处。故承接上文,D.Try to make more use of these.”更好地利用你的长处“。合题意。故选D。
(4)考查上下文理解和推理判断能力。该段提到关心,帮助他们对我们有益。故G.Do things for others.”为他人做些事情“,合题意。故选G。
(5)考查上下文理解和推理判断能力。根据上文“People who have meaning and purpose in their lives are happier. ”有目标的人更快乐以及下文“It might come from doing a job that makes a difference, or spiritual beliefs, or our family. ”获得人生意义和目标的方式。故承上启下,F. But where do we find meaning and purpose?我们如何获得人生的意义和目标呢?“合题意。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】In the fall of 1985, I was a bright-eyed girl heading off to Howard University, aiming at a legal career and dreaming of sitting on a Supreme Court bench somewhere. Twenty-one years later I am still a bright-eyed dreamer and one with quite a different tale to tell.

My grandma, an amazing woman, graduated from college at the age of 65. She was the first in our family to reach that goal. But one year after I started college, she developed cancer. I made the choice to withdraw from college to care for her. It meant that school and my personal dream would have to wait.

Then I got married with another dream: building my family with a combination of adopted and biological children. In 1999, we adopted our first son. To lay eyes on him was fantastic-and very emotional. A year later came our second adopted boy. Then followed son No.3. In 2003, I gave birth to another boy.

You can imagine how fully occupied I became, raising four boys under the age of 8! Our home was a complete zoo-a joyous zoo. Not surprising, I never did make it back to college fulltime. But I never gave up on the dream either. I had only one choice: to find a way. That meant taking as few as one class each semester.

The hardest part was feeling guilty about the time I spent away from the boys. They often wanted me to stay home with them. There certainly were times I wanted to quit, but I knew I should set an example for them to follow through the rest of their lives.

In 2007, I graduated from the University of North Carolina. It took me over 21 years to get my college degree!

I am not special, just single-minded. It always struck me that when you're looking at a big challenge from the outside, it looks huge, but when you're in the midst of it, it just seems normal. Everything you want won't arrive in your life on one day. It's a process. Remember: little steps add up to big dreams.

1Why did the author quit school in her second year of college?

A. She wanted to study by herself.

B. She fell in love and got married.

C. She suffered from a serious illness.

D. She decided to look after her grandma.

2What can we learn about the author from Paragraphs 4 and 5?

A. She ignored her guilty feeling for her sons.

B. She wanted to remain a fulltime housewife.

C. She was busy yet happy with her family life.

D. She was too confused to make a correct choice.

3What does the author mostly want to tell us in the last paragraph?

A. Failure is the mother of success.

B. Little by little, one goes far.

C. Every coin has two sides.

D. Well begun, half done.

4Which of the following can best describe the author?

A. Caring and determined.

B. Honest and responsible.

C. Ambitious and sensitive.

D. Innocent and single-minded.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Where does the man want to go?

A. America. B. New Zealand. C. Japan.

2What time will the flight take off?

A. At 11:30 am. B. At 10:30 am. C. At 11:30 pm.

3How long does the whole journey take?

A. Less than one hour. B. About two hours. C. About eleven hours.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1). 出发时间:上周六早上7点;
2). 准备物品:零食、衣服、照相机、雨伞等;
3). 交通方式:乘公交;
4). 主要活动:游览昆明湖、佛香阁(Tower of Buddhist Incense)、17孔桥(17-Arch Bridge)和石坊(Stone Archway)等景点,并拍照;
5). 你的感受。
2). 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Mike,
I am writing to tell you about my trip last weekend. My family and I went to the Summer Palace for a holiday.
Wang Wei


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】We use flowers as messengers, to say something we might have trouble saying 1 (direct) ourselves. Over time flowers have come to symbolize the most powerful human experiences: beauty,love,hope,and rebirth. Sweetflowersalone cansay 2 one fears expressing.We’ve listed some of the most famousflowers 3 have a special significance.

In Mao Zedong’s poem OdetoPlum Blossom (《咏梅》),the plum blossom was used 4 (praise) great soldiers who sacrificed their lives for a better life for Chinese people.

5 great Chinese poet Li Bai from the Tang Dynasty once compared Yang Yuhuan’s beautiful facetoblooming peonies(牡丹). Flowering in May,peonies’ large petals and strong colors are linkedtoprosperity(成功) and 6 (rich) in traditional Chinese culture. The orchid (兰花) is well known for its delicate smell. Beautiful articles and poems 7(call) “lanzhang” by Chinese people in ancient times. Roses,of course,have the 8(colorful) meaning among all theflowers. Red rosesmean “I love you.” A red rose,rather than yellow roses,9(act)asthe traditional romantic gift giventoyour love on Valentine’s Day. Sending yellow roses can be risky,asthey represent either friendship 10 envy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What is the woman planning to study?

A. The types of celebration.

B. The origins of the festivals.

C. People’s attitudes to the festivals.

2What has the woman already discovered?

A. Similar ways of having carnivals in countries.

B. The link between the carnivals and the seasons.

C. Seasons in which different festivals are celebrated.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The world is becoming more and more connected, but many people feel lonely in the midst of it. You might not feel lonely right now, but there might be times when you do. Here are some tips on dealing with loneliness:

Be positive about yourself. 1 If you constantly think of yourself as ugly, mean, or unattractive, then it will be difficult for you to connect with others. You must accept yourself before you can accept others. It’s common that you might have some negative qualities. So does everyone else. So in order to get rid of loneliness, you should focus on your positive side and think of yourself in a positive way.

Have an attitude of gratitude (感恩).2 It’s easy to focus on the negatives in life, but don’t forget that there are also many positives. Remember them and be thankful. What does this have to do with loneliness? Well, if you are grateful, then you will become cheerful.3 See the positive side of others. Just as you should see the positive side of yourself, you should also see the positive side of others. Everyone has shortcomings, but everyone also has a positive side.4 That will make you like them and make it easier for you to connect with them.

5 The more you think about yourself, the more likely it is for you to have a pity party and feel lonely. For example, you might think that nobody likes you or cares about you. So it’s important that you shift your attention away from yourself. It can be as simple as smiling at your neighbors or holding a door for a stranger.

A. Join a community group.

B. Do something for others.

C. Negative thoughts can kill you.

D. Instead, try to make more friends.

E. And that will attract people to you.

F. Count your blessings and be grateful for them.

G. So choose to value the positive aspects of them.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What did the man probably watch?

A. A historical play. B. A comedy performance. C. A funny concert.

2How long has the man been going to the club?

A. For a few months. B. For almost a year. C. This was his first time.

3What have other people told the woman?

A. They never knew she was so funny.

B. She is more humorous in small groups.

C. She should tell more jokes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Nowadays, people tend to take a selfie(自拍)wherever they are. However, not all of them can take a perfect selfie. 1So I am going to give you some tips on how to get a perfect one.

Use Several Devices. Before you can even think about uploading a selfie on your social networking site, you need to decide which device to use in the first place. Although there are many devices you can use to take a selfie, the best one is a smart phone with a front and back camera. However, it doesn’t mean that your other devices can’t come in handy. 2In the end, all that matters is how well you practice and how to get the right shots.

Catch Good Lighting and Background. To capture a classic selfie, you have to pay close attention to the lighting and background. If you’re taking a selfie indoors, you are supposed to face a window or door where natural light is shining right on your face. This really brightens up the picture.3.

Aim for Unconventional Shots. For a refreshing twist, try taking a selfie with your pet.4One great thing about selfie is that you don’t need to wait for the right time or place. You can instantly reach out for your camera, strike a pose, and get a rocking selfie.

5Relax, enjoy and click ---these are the three basic rules you need to follow. A selfie is not an activity where you need to follow some guidelines or set rules.

A. Try to avoid the serious face.

B. Pretend to be very happy all the time.

C. Taking a selfie needs practice and skills.

D. You remember to show your best smiles there.

E. For an outdoor selfie, face the sun to make it work.

F. You just have to understand how each of them works.

G. It’s interesting to see what king of expression it will give.

