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写作句型填空。(共10题; 每小题2分, 满分20分)

61. Now more and more people ________________________(过着舒适的生活)

62. He promised to come, but up till now he ____________________(还没有出现) yet.

63. Yesterday she __________________(刚要出去)when it began to rain heavily.

64. _________________(非常遗憾的是), I can’t join you and your family.

65. Mary is a hard working student. Now she________________(不可能在睡觉). She must be studying.

66. Henry Adams is not a millionaire. __________________(相反), he is penniless in London.

67. I ________________ (熟悉)the music but I can’t remember when and where I heard it.

68. The girl _____________(和男孩们)has learned to drive a car.

69. Please ________________________(把注意力集中在)the teacher’s words.

70. _________________________(哪种食物是最好的) is still not certain.

61. are living a comfortable life   62. hasn’t turned up       63. was about to go out   

64. To my great regret          65. can’t be sleeping       66. On the contrary/ Instead 

67. am familiar with            68. as well as the boys     69. focus your attention on      

70. Which kind of food is the best


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广东湛江高一下期期末调研考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

写作句型填空。(共10题; 每小题2分, 满分20分)

1.Now more and more people ________________________(过着舒适的生活)

2.He promised to come, but up till now he ____________________(还没有出现) yet.

3.Yesterday she __________________(刚要出去)when it began to rain heavily.

4._________________(非常遗憾的是), I can’ t join you and your family.

5.Mary is a hard working student. Now she________________(不可能在睡觉). She must be studying.

6.Henry Adams is not a millionaire. __________________(相反), he is penniless in London.

7.I ________________ (熟悉)the music but I can’t remember when and where I heard it.

8.The girl _____________(和男孩们)has learned to drive a car.

9.Please ________________________(把注意力集中在)the teacher’s words.

10._________________________(哪种食物是最好的) is still not certain.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

IV. 词汇、句型与写作 ( 共四节,满分50分)



I was always told that the three Ps, --- patience, positive thinking and perseverance (毅力) were a sure path to success. But this advice does not always work   61   _ planned. One of my high school maths exams is one example.  The exam,   62   _ was originally (最初) to be held in our classroom,

   63  _ (change) to the library at the last minute. This,   64    , didn’t make me feel worried because maths had always been my strongest of all the subjects. I patiently walked to the library, took my seat and did some deep breathing in order to help relax   65    . But my mood (情绪) quickly changed when I saw    66    first question. I really had no idea how to do it. I tried to keep calm as my teacher had told me but after I thought it over for a few minutes, I still couldn’t find the solution to it. Even then I wasn’t discouraged and tried my best to stay positive and persevered   67     I finally worked it out. With the problem   68      (solve ), I felt delighted and very proud of my achievement. But    69     ( fortunate ),  just at that time I realized that I had only ten minutes left    70     (complete ) the rest.

