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Teenagers杂志Conversation With Brad栏目的负责人Brad收到了李华的一封来信。仔细阅读下面的来信,帮助Brad用英语写一封回信, 给出分析并提出合理建议。回信应包括以下要点:
Dear Brad, ?
I’m a student from Xinhua Senior High School. I have some difficulty communicating with my parents. Although I have tried my best, I find it really difficult to make them satisfied……So I feel lonely sometimes. I would be grateful if you could give me some advice.?
Li Hua
Dear Li Hua, ?
I feel greatly honored to be trusted with your personal affairs.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年河北省高三上学期第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。

What Teenagers Can Do To Earn More Respect?

As teenagers continue to grow and develop into young adults, the transition(过渡) into adulthood has begun. With so many physical and emotional changes going on, certain manners are often forgotten and other adult traits are not yet accepted as a way of life.   1.   By doing the following things, you will earn more respect.

Contribute to the household

At the very least, clean up after yourself. As a teenager, you are old enough to clean up after yourself. When you make a mess, clean it up.   2.  All chores (杂活) that you do help to reduce the load of the person who did them before. Now that you’re old enough and capable, why shouldn’t you contribute to the household?   3.    

Be responsible

      4.  Whether they are basic things, like brushing your teeth or doing your homework, or more involved chores that contribute to the household, simply fulfill your responsibilities on time. When adults know that they can rely on you, their trust and respect for you will increase.

Solve more of your own problem without asking for help

Instead of taking the easy approach and asking for help, make an effort to solve your problems on your own first. The “easy way ” is only easy for you, but it is an extra task for the person from whom you are seeking help. Seek help only after you have made an honest effort to solve your own problems.   5.   When you become a good problem solver, you increase your valve to the community.

A. The people doing the chores before will greatly appreciate the help.

B. It will make your life more pleasant.

C. Everyone has certain responsibilities.

D. When speaking to a group, speak loud enough.

E. This includes, but is not limited to, your dishes and your room.

F. By being aware of these manners and traits, you can manage them sooner.

G. Depending on the problem, 15 minutes of effort is usually a good guideline.


