精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情


1Officials believe that more than one person is ________(blame) for the big fire.

2She won’t go to Tom’s party unless _______ (invite) .

3—Where did you buy the T-shirt?

— It was in the shopping mall _______ my mother works.

4There ______(be) no buses, we had to walk there.

5Young ______ Tom is , he has been to many countries.

6Hardly _______ he arrived home when it began to rain.

7________ it rain tomorrow, we wouldn’t go to the park.

8At first my new surroundings were difficult to _________(tolerate).

9Please keep your seat belt ________ (fasten) while the seat-belt light is on.

10I saw a boy _____ (jump) into the river yesterday.


1to blame











1句意:官员认为不止一个人应该为这次大火承担责任。be to blame应承担责任,该用法是固定用法,所以填to blame


3句意:——你在哪里买的这件T恤?——在我妈上班的那个大商场。_______ my mother works.是一个定语从句,先行词是the shopping mall,关系词在从句中作地点状语,所以填关系副词where

4句意:没有公共汽车,我们不得不走过去。There be句型的独立主格结构作原因状语,所以填being



7句意:如果明天下雨,我们就不去公园了。与将来事实相反的条件从句中,谓语有三种不同的形式:过去式、were +to doshould +do,所以填Should

8句意:起初,我的新环境让我难以忍受。主语 + be + 形容词 +不定式,主动形式表示被动含义,所以填tolerate

9句意:当安全带的灯打开时,请保持安全带系好。“安全带”和“系好”之间是被动关系,所以用Keep sth. done结构, 强调保持某件事被做,所以填fastened

10句意:昨天,我看到了一个小孩跳到了河里。感官动词 see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to, smell, taste, feel +doing 表示动作的连续性,进行性,所以填jump


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


The teenagers want to look good. As1matter of fact, any type of regular physical activity can improve your fitness. The most important thing is 2you keep moving!

A good mental attitude is of great importance. So first of all, keep positive and fun. You are more 3 (like) to keep with it if you choose something you like.

Small changes can add up to better fitness, so take one step at a time. For example, walk or ride your bike to school instead of getting a ride. Get on or 4 the bus several blocks away and walk the rest of the way.

5 you choose, make sure it includes aerobic(有氧的) activity that makes you 6 (breath) harder and increases your heart rate. This is the 7 (good) type of exercise because it increases your fitness level and makes your heart and lungs work better. It also burns off your body fat. Examples of aerobic activities are basketball, running, or 8 (swim).

Last but not the least, don’t forget to warm up with some easy exercises before you do any physical activity, which may help protect against many 9 (injure).

Exercise should be a regular of your day. Keep moving and you 10 (stay) fit.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意:1 .每处错误及其修改均限一词。


Our school will hold a English knowledge competition, focus on American history and culture. The competition will be held in the hall of us school on October 10th from 3:00 to 5 : 00 at the afternoon. Three local teachers and one foreign teacher will be our honorable judge. Those want to take part in the competition should sign up at the office of the Student Council before the September 10th. Students in our school is welcome to join in the competition. Please trying your best and get ready in time. We hope you will have a good knowledge of America through the experience.

Wish you successfully!

Student Council


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Though it is one of the faded memories of my life today, there are times when I remember his face clearly, especially his eyes. As he had yellow spots on his eyes we called him Spotty. He would have been a stray(流浪) dog, until he came to me.

I was seven years old. My dad had just got a new job in Nasik. We had moved into a rented house. It was raining very heavily on the day we moved.

It was a cold dark night. We had our meal and went to sleep. Somehow in the midnight I heard some strange sounds outside the main door. I gathered courage and looked out through the window and I was really amused with what I saw outside.

There was a small puppy lying on an old doormat which my mother had put outside the door. It was wet and trembling. At first it was difficult to see the little one. It was the yellow spots on its eyes that made me realize its presence.

It was trying to get under the doormat to avoid the cold air outside and it had managed to get in as I could see only its head outside the doormat. Was it sick or injured?

I felt pity for the poor soul. I went in and came out with an old towel. I went near the innocent one and held it in my hand and wiped the puppy till he had become dry. I took him into my room and made a bed for him with a woolen blanket and a small pillow. He seemed very healthy and comfortable in his new bed as he went to sleep immediately.

The next morning, everyone in the family came to know about the unusual guest. “Shall we keep him with us?” I questioned my mom.

Like any other parents would, my parents first totally refused my idea but my sister and I convinced them to keep Spotty.

Slowly Spotty got on with everyone and became one of the family members.

Paragraph 1:

Days passed on and one evening when Spotty returned from his long walk, he appeared very exhausted.


Paragraph 2:

Almost a year later, one midnight we heard Spotty barking breathlessly.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】With my friend, who is a mechanic, ______ me, I’m sure this second-hand motorbike will soon be as good as new.

A.having helpedB.helpingC.helpedD.helps


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







As is known to us, we can meet with various challenges in our life. Facing with challenges, how should we do? Last week, our class climbed Mount Tai, which was more than 1,500 meters above sea level. Lacking exercises, I thought that this activity was great challenge for me. I felt very exhausted half way that I wanted to give up. See this, my classmates and even some strangers encouraged me. In the end, I managed to reach on the top of the mountain. Therefore, don’t give up in the face of challenges. If you are determined enough, it is certainly that you can overcome it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1There is no ________(证据) to connect them with the attack.

2The president’s________ (时间表,日常安排) includes a two-day visit to St Petersburg.

3The father’s always telling her what to do, but she usually just ________(不理睬) him.

4It was several months before John had fully ________(痊愈) from his heart attack.

5As the weeks passed, I ________(逐渐地) accepted the idea of him leaving.

6It’s strange Ben isn’t here. He’s usually so ________(可信赖的).

7The Great Fire of London, which lasted four days, ________(毁坏) more than three quarters of the city.

8As a doctor, it’s against my ________(原则) to accept gifts from patients.

9Only 12 of the 140 passengers on the plane ________(幸存).

10Mr. Smith had the whole house ________(装修) before he moved in.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是李华,你校计划下周日去南山潮(Nanshan Lake)开展保护水资源的宣传活动,就此请你写封信给外教Smith,邀请他一起参加,活动主要内容包括:

1. 在湖边捡垃圾;

2. 派发宣传广告;

3. 讲解保护水资源的重要性。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。









科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last month, China celebrated its 70th anniversary of its founding. It is known to we all that October 1st is a National Day of the PRC. In this day, there are usually plenty of celebrations holding all over the country. In recent years, the national holiday also refers to the golden week, what is a mini-holiday that all people look forward to it. With the improvement of people’s living standard, they have more money or desire to travel. Beside, it is a good chance have a good rest. Therefore, the National Day mean a lot to the Chinese.

