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It happened to me recently. I was telling someone how much I had enjoyed reading Barack Obama’s Dreams From My Father and how it had changed my views of our President. A friend I was talking to agreed with me that it was, in his words, “a brilliantly written book”. However, he then went on to talk about Mr. Obama in a way which suggested he had no idea of his background at all. I sensed that I was talking to a book liar.

And it seems that my friend is not the only one. Approximately two thirds of people have lied about reading a book which they haven’t. In the World Book Day’s “Report on Guilty Secrets”, Dreams From My Father is at number 9. The report lists ten books, and various authors, which people have lied about reading, and as I’m not one to lie too often (I’d hate to be caught out), I’ll admit here and now that I haven’t read the entire top ten. But I am pleased to say that, unlike 42 percent of people, I have read the book at number one, George Orwell’s 1984. I think it’s really brilliant.

The World Book Day report also has some other interesting information in it. It says that many people lie about having read Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Fyodor Dostoevsky (I haven’t read him, but haven’t lied about it either) and Herman Melville.

Asked why they lied, the most common reason was to “impress” someone they were speaking to. This could be tricky if the conversation became more in–depth!

But when asked which authors they actually enjoy, people named J. K. Rowling, John Grisham, Sophie Kinsella (ah, the big sellers, in other words). Forty-two percent of people asked admitted they turned to the back of the book to read the end before finishing the story (I’ll come clean: I do this and am astonished that 58 percent said they had never done so).

1.What is the meaning of the underlined word “liar”?

A. A person who hates books.

B. A person who tells lies.

C. A person who loves reading.

D. A person who is honest with everything.

2.From the second paragraph we can know _____.

A. only 42 percent of people have read George Orwell’s 1984

B. two thirds of people haven’t read a book.

C. “Dreams From My Father” is listed the first of the top ten books

D. the writer haven’t read all of the top ten books

3.Why does a person lie about books?

A. Because they want to appear learned.

B. Because they want to attract others’ attention.

C. Because they do so out of habit.

D. Because they want to play tricks on others.

4.Which of the following statement is right?

A. The writer often leaves a book unfinished.

B. The writer was once caught out for telling lies.

C. The writer often reads the end of a book first before finishing the story.

D. The writer likes Barack Obama from the very beginning.

5.What do you think of the author?

A. Thoughtful and talkative.

B. Smart and helpful.

C. knowledgeable and experienced.

D. Wise and honest.







文章大意:作者在文中介绍了一种人:a book liar。他们往往装作很有学识,别人谈论什么书,他们都说自己读过,而且不喜欢被别人知道自己往往在没读完前先看结尾。

1.B 词义猜测题。根据上文内容可知和作者谈话的朋友没有读过Dreams From My Father这本书,他是在撒谎,而且第二段And it seems that my friend is not the only one. Approximately two thirds of people have lied about reading a book which they haven’t也是提示信息,选B。

2.D细节理解题。根据第二段I’ll admit here and now that I haven’t read the entire top ten.和I have read the book at number one可知作者没有都读过排前十名的本,选D。

3.A推理判断题。根据文章第四段Asked why they lied, the most common reason was to “impress” someone they were speaking to.可知人们撒谎读过书的原因是他们想显的有学识,选A。

4.C细节理解题。由文章末段Forty-two percent of people asked admitted they turned to the back of the book to read the end before finishing the story (I’ll come clean: I do this).可知作者常常先读故事的结尾,选C。




科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年内蒙古赤峰元宝山区第二中学高二下月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

“Neal, listen,” she said, looking straight at him, “I ask you not to get _____ in this kind of matter. It’s none of your business.”

A. caught B. connected

C. attached D. involved


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广西桂林第十八中学高二下开学英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Last summer I went through a training program and became a volunteer teaching people how to read. When I what other people’s lives were like because they could not read, I began to realize the true of reading.

My first student Marie was a 44-year- old single mother of three children. In the first lesson, I found out she walked two miles to the nearest twice a week because she didn’t know which bus to take. When I told her I would get her a bus schedule. She told me it would not help because she could not read it. She said she also had once she got to the supermarket because she couldn’t always the things that she really needed. she did not know words, she could not write out a shopping list. Also, she could only items by sight.

We worked hard together, learning how to build Marie’s , which encouraged her to in her studies. She began to make rapid and was even able to take the bus to the supermarket. After this trip, she told me how self-confident she felt. the end of the program, she began her youngest son with his reading. She sat with him before he went to and read bedtime stories. When his eyes became with excitement as she read, was written all over her face. As she described this experience, I was proud of myself as . I found that helping Marie to build self-confidence was very rewarding.

I learned a great deal about and helping others and I may have learned more from the than Marie did.

1.A.forgetB. discoveredC. pickedD. supplied

2.A.importanceB. intelligenceC. possibilityD. responsibility

3.A.restaurantB. schoolC. supermarketD. station

4.A.difficultyB. moneyC. friendsD .pleasure

5.A.affordB. learnC. explainD. remember

6.A.IfB. SinceC. OnceD. Though

7.A.recognizeB. tasteC. touchD. sell

8.A.determinationB. confidenceC. conclusionD. consideration

9.A.stopB. forgetC. failD. continue

10.A.differenceB. mistakesC. progressD. noise

11.A.hopefulB. meaningfulC. carefulD. successful

12.A.AtB.InC. ForD. With

13.A.helpingB. expressingC. studyingD. learning

14.A.schoolB. workC. marketD. bed

15.A.newB. wideC. farD. sad

16.A.pressB. prideC. surpriseD. kindness

17.A.wellB.terribleC. goodD. bad

18.A.myB. herC. yourD. his

19.A.learningB. teachingC. readingD. communicating

20.A.experienceB. trainingC. planD. lesson


科目:高中英语 来源:2015年高考原创英语预测卷 01(新课标1卷) 题型:语法填空

A water carrier had a cracked pot so water in it leaked out .But he could see the good and make use 1. the crack to water flowers along the road.

What the water carrier said 2. (impress) me. No one in the world is perfect. We should learn to see the good in others 3. (tell) them they are extraordinary.

The lovely cracked pot reminds me of my desk-mate , 4. I always helped with maths. One day, she told me she was sorry for wasting so much of my time. I was 5. (shock) at her words. As a matter of fact, it was her diligence that pushed us 6. (work) together. It was her who let me know that whether we could 7. (success) achieve our goal didn't depend on how clever we were 8. how much we desired and how long we could insist on. To be frank, what I taught her were only some maths problems but what she taught me was a 9. (mean) lesson of life.

So in my opinion, everyone must have many virtues. Take a moment to observe 10. good in others and tell them. It is a simple but very powerful way to light up the whole world.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015年高考原创英语预测卷 01(广东卷) 题型:书面表达

第二节 读写任务 (共1小题,满分25分)


The Power of Appreciation

Lilly was a French Canadian girl who grew up in the farming community. When she was 16, she had to drop school. With English as her second language and poor education, the future didn’t look bright for Lilly.

Lilly’s father told Lilly to find a job. One day, Lilly saw a sign at a big company. Cautiously, she knocked on her very first door. In her broken English, Lilly told the office manager she was interested in the secretarial position. The manage decided to give her a chance. He directed her to type a single letter, and then left. It was 11: 40 a. m. Lilly thought everyone would be leaving for lunch, when she could slip away in the crowd. But she knew she should attempt the letter.

On her first try, Lilly got through one line of five words and made four mistakes. On her second attempt, she completed a full paragraph, but still made many mistakes. She looked at the clock:11:55——five minutes to freedom. Just then, the manager walked in. He came directly over to Lilly, read the letter and said, “Lilly, you’re doing excellent work!”

With those simple words of encouragement, her desire to escape disappeared and her confidence began to grow. Lilly thought, “Well, if he think it’s good, then it must be good. I think I’ll stay!” Lilly did stay——all because someone had given a shy and uncertain girl the gift of self-confidence when she knocked on the door.


1. 请你以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2. 请你以约120词谈谈你的看法,内容包括:

1) 赞赏的重要性;

2) 介绍具体事例;











科目:高中英语 来源:2015年高考原创英语预测卷 01(福建卷) 题型:语法填空


A few years ago, I drove to a gas station. It was a fine day, I was feeling good. As I walked into the station to pay for the gas, the attendant said to me: “You don’t look well” That completely took me by ___1.___, I told him I had never felt 2. (well). Without hesitation he told me I looked terribly bad and my skin appeared yellow.

When I left the gas station, 3. (feel) a little uneasy, I pulled over to the side of road and look at my face in the mirror. How did I feel? Was everything all right? Had I __4.___ up a rare disease? Had I had hepatitis(肝炎)?

The next time I drove into the gas station, I figured out what 5. (happen). The place had recently been painted a bright yellow, the light 6. (reflect) off the walls made someone inside look as __7._ they had hepatitis. I wondered how many folks had reacted the way I did. I had let one short conversation with a total stranger 8. (change) my attitude for an entire day. He told me I looked sick, and before long, I was actually feeling sick. That single negative observation had a profound effect 9. the way I felt and acted.

A little while later I saw how funny the incident was. I wonder how many other people that the man had told were ill 10. he realized that the gas station had a paint job.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015年高考原创英语预测卷 01(福建卷) 题型:单项填空

—Can we go camping tomorrow,as planned?

—_____________The dark clouds promise a heavy rain.

A. I'm afraid not. B.Is that so ?

C.Don’t mention it. D. Why not ?


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东泰安市高三下学期一模诊断测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空

My school goes from kindergarten to 6th grade.I1. (be)a 6th grader.Because of that,the younger 2. (kid)look up to me and my fellow classmates.This is the story about when I used my power 3. (make)a kid feel empowered:One day,some of my friends and I were walking to our lunch period.We were a little late,4. the halls were empty.Then a little 5. (disable)boy he needs a walker to walk in kindergarten) came from the elevator with his guide.We were 6. (teach)to let those kids go first,so while we waited,his guide told us he refers 7. himself as “Fast Freddy” and then asked him to show as how fast he can go.“Fast Freddy”put a smile on his face and 8. (go)as fast as possible.Without thinking,I said“he’s so fast”,then as if by magic,that little boy’s smile got wider and he went even 9. (fast)!Next his guide gave me a thumbs—up and they went wherever they had to go,and so did we.I said three simple words10. brightened someone’s day.Three simple words!


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江西南昌第三中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Years ago, I worked at the Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus. One day, as I was passing the elephants, I suddenly stopped, by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. It was _that they could, at any time, break free, strangely enough, they didn’t. I asked a trainer the for this.

He said, “When they were very young we used the size rope, and it was enough to hold them. As they grow up, they believe the rope can hold them, so they never try.”

Like the elephants, how many of you believe you cannot do a thing, simply because you once before? Do you often tell “I cannot dance” or “I’m not good at math”?

These are of self limiting beliefs. You must realize you’re for them. A limiting belief that says you’re poor at math may have as a reaction to the embarrassing experiences related to math, or the remarks made by someone important to you which you. The cool thing is that because you create the ___you can choose to change it! Here is how:

First, it with “I am good at math”. Once you change your , your subconsciousness will make this by driving you to act. That might be to take a math course or to go online help, etc. Gradually you’ll really see your math skills are .

This is such a simple process that you can it today. Don’t be like the poor elephant and make your life at a place because of a limiting belief you developed years ago.

1.A. excitedB. confusedC. discouragedD. worried

2.A. impossibleB. doubtfulC. uncertainD. obvious

3.A. butB. orC. andD. so

4.A. caseB. resultC. reasonD. choice

5.A. sameB. biggerC. smallerD. different

6.A. narrowlyB. almostC. stillD. hardly

7.A. didB. failedC. triedD. succeeded

8.A. yourselfB. othersC. your teacherD. your partner

9.A. causesB. storiesC. resultsD. examples

10.A. consciousB. honestC. responsibleD. depended

11.A. stoppedB. referredC. changedD. originated

12.A. interestedB. disappointedC. boredD. inspired

13.A. beliefB. experienceC. embarrassmentD. remark

14.A. representB. compareC. mixD. replace

15.A. actionB. thoughtC. aimD. plan

16.A. come trueB. run outC. on guardD. keep cool

17.A. atB. byC. forD. in

18.A. improvedB. judgedC. realizedD. recognized

19.A. finishB. continueC. keepD. begin

20.A. involvedB. stuckC. unfinishedD. changed

