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In the present _______, I wouldn’t advise you to sell your house.



科目:高中英语 来源:天利38套《2008全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(大纲版)》、英语 大纲版 题型:001




1.Where does the conversation most likely take place?

A.At a bus stop.

B.In a food market.

C.In a post office.

2.When did the woman make a speech?

A.This morning.

B.The day before yesterday.


3.What does the woman mean?

A.She wonders whether it's raining.

B.She got caught in the rain.

C.She wants to wash her clothes.

4.What is the woman doing?

A.Refusing to help.

B.Asking for permission.

C.Giving advice.

5.What can we learn about the man from the conversation?

A.He will probably wait until summer to go to Canada.

B.He will probably go to Mexico for his vacation.

C.He will probably go to Canada for his vacation.




6.What does the man want on his pizza?

A.Ham and pineapple.

B.Bacon and tomatoes.

C.Sausage and mushrooms.

7.At what time does this conversation take place?





8.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Headmaster and teacher.

B.Assistant and customer.

C.Boss and employee.

9.What does the man think about the woman's first request?

A.It's unbelievable.

B.It's unacceptable.

C.It's reasonable.

10.What will happen to the woman if she insists?

A.She will have to find a new job.

B.She will work fewer hours a week.

C.She will get what she asks for.


11.Why did the man buy his niece some fish?

A.Because they had beautiful colors.

B.Because the girl only liked fish.

C.Because they were easy to take care of.

12.What's the man's name?





13.What does the woman want to buy?

A.A bag.

B.A pair of shoes.

C.A sweater.

14.What can we learn about the woman from the conversation?

A.She will go to another shop.

B.She prefers blue to green.

C.She is really good at bargaining.

15.How much does the woman spend at last?





16.What's the trouble with the woman?

A.She was walking in the opposite direction.

B.She was making a wrong turn.

C.She was mistaking Broadway as Bakery.

17.What will probably happen after the conversation?

A.The man will take the woman to the place.

B.The woman will get lost again.

C.The woman will find the place.


18.What is the talk mainly about?

A.The entertainment awards.

B.The Nobel Prizes.

C.People's Choice Awards.

19.In some people's opinion, what draws more attention in the ceremonies?

A.What the winners say.

B.What the winners wear.

C.What the winners show.

20.What can we learn about the speaker?

A.She is interested in the pre-show.

B.She is not interested in all the award shows.

C.She is interested in what the stars will say.


科目:高中英语 来源:北京市朝阳区2012届高三3月第一次综合练习英语试题 题型:053


Early Childhood Education

  Early childhood education is the formal(正规的)teaching and care of young children.It primarily focuses on learning through playing to encourage the child's different kinds of development.  1  

  Studies with Head Start programs throughout the United States have shown some evidence that there are quite a few advantages to early childhood education, which can produce significant gains in children's learning and development.Compared to a child who does not attend pre-school, children completing their early education programs are found to be better at math and reading skills.They are excited to learn and have the tools to do so.  2   These children are more competent in their pre-school, kindergarten and school-age years, and they are usually reported as “friendlier” by parents and the children's peers(同伴).

    3   In studies with matched control groups, more students who had early schooling experiences were employed at the age of 19, fewer were on welfare, and fewer were involved with the criminal activity.What's more, some studies show that children attending pre-school are more likely to graduate and have higher education, and be well integrated(综合)as an adult.

  Early childhood education gives most children a jump-start on education for their kindergarten and primary school years.It is clear that early childhood education can have some great benefits for children.  4   If early childhood education is less effective, perhaps the best model is finding strategies for allowing a parent to stay home with his or her child for at least the first two to three years.Also important is considering a child's own personality.  5  

A.The long-term influence of early education is significant as well.

B.They can benefit greatly from encouragement in their early childhood.

C.Yet its quality must be assessed to see what kind of benefits it actually provides.

D.They are also able to relate to others in a superior way and that improves their social skills.

E.Many experts of education have concerned about what early childhood education means today.

F.Individual differences in children mean that not all children will get equal benefits from early childhood education.

G.It consists of activities that serve children in the pre-school years and is designed to improve later school performance.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Early Childhood Education

Early childhood education is the formal (正规的) teaching and care of young children. It primarily focuses on learning through playing to encourage the child’s different kinds of development.   71 

Studies with Head Start programs throughout the United States have shown some evidence that there are quite a few advantages to early childhood education, which can produce significant gains in children’s learning and development. Compared to a child who does not attend pre-school, children completing their early education programs are found to be better at math and reading skills. They are excited to learn and have the tools to do so.   72  These children are more competent in their pre-school, kindergarten and school-age years, and they are usually reported as “friendlier” by parents and the children’s peers (同伴).

  73  In studies with matched control groups, more students who had early schooling experiences were employed at the age of 19, fewer were on welfare, and fewer were involved with the criminal activity. What’s more, some studies show that children attending pre-school are more likely to graduate and have higher education, and be well integrated (综合) as an adult.

  Early childhood education gives most children a jump-start on education for their kindergarten and primary school years. It is clear that early childhood education can have some great benefits for children.   74  If early childhood education is less effective, perhaps the best model is finding strategies for allowing a parent to stay home with his or her child for at least the first two to three years. Also important is considering a child’s own personality.   75 

A. The long-term influence of early education is significant as well.

B. They can benefit greatly from encouragement in their early childhood.

C. Yet its quality must be assessed to see what kind of benefits it actually provides.

D. They are also able to relate to others in a superior way and that improves their social skills.

E. Many experts of education have concerned about what early childhood education means today.

F. Individual differences in children mean that not all children will get equal benefits from early childhood education.

G. It consists of activities that serve children in the pre-school years and is designed to improve later school performance.


科目:高中英语 来源:0114 期中题 题型:听力题

1. What is the talk mainly about? 
A. The entertainment awards.
B. The Nobel Prizes.
C. People's Choice Awards.
2. In some people's opinion, what draws more attention in the ceremonies?
[     ]
A. What the winners say.
B. What the winners wear.
C. What the winners show.
3. What can we learn about the speaker?
[     ]
A. She is interested in the pre-show.
B. She is not interested in all the award shows.
C. She is interested in what the stars will say.


科目:高中英语 来源:模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     根据短文内容, 从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为
                                              Early Childhood Education
     Early childhood education is the formal (正规的) teaching and care of young children .It primarily
focuses on learning through playing to encourage the child's different kinds of development.    1   
     Studies with Head Start programs throughout the United States have shown some evidence that there
are quite a few advantages to early childhood education, which can produce significant gains in children's
learning and development. Compared to a child who does not attend pre-school, children completing
their early education programs are found to be better at math and reading skills. They are excited to learn
and have the tools to do so.    2   These children are more competent in their pre-school, kindergarten
and school-age years, and they are usually reported as "friendlier" by parents and the children's peers
     3  In studies with matched control groups, more students who had early schooling experiences were
employed at the age of 19, fewer were on welfare, and fewer were involved with the criminal activity.
What's more, some studies show that children attending pre-school are more likely to graduate and have
higher education, and be well integrated (综合) as an adult.
    Early childhood education gives most children a jump-start on education for their kindergarten and
primary school years. It is clear that early childhood education can have some great benefits for children.
    4   If early childhood education is less effective, perhaps the best model is finding strategies for
allowing a parent to stay home with his or her child for at least the first two to three years. Also important
is considering a child's own personality.    5    

A. The long-term influence of early education is significant as well.
B. They can benefit greatly from encouragement in their early childhood.
C. Yet its quality must be assessed to see what kind of benefits it actually provides.
D. They are also able to relate to others in a superior way and that improves their social skills.
E. Many experts of education have concerned about what early childhood education means today.
F. Individual differences in children mean that not all children will get equal benefits from early
     childhood education.
G. It consists of activities that serve children in the pre-school years and is designed to improve
     later school performance.

