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【题目】Old-fashioned carpooling (拼车) where a group of people take turns driving each other to work has always faced a resistance. In a study by ABC News, 84%of those who drive to work say that they still do it alone. 1 For example, sometimes they simply cannot find anyone to share a ride with.

2 NuRide, a company providing online carpooling service, offers daily travelers not just a web-based list of would-be carpoolers but also a way to arrange a trip online. Here’s how it works: rider seekers enter the positions where their trip will begin and end, the time they want to leave and if they’re willing to drive or just ride in someone else’s car. The website’s search engine then looks for matches and makes lists of the names of traveling companions, along with the car model and the exact time and place to meet for each trip. 3 Then they meet their car mates when it’s time to go.

4 They are required to provide the name of their employer and a work e-mail address. Both need to be checked before being listed on the website.

So far, NuRide has arranged more man 50,000 rides on the website. 5

A. NuRide users aren’t riding with total strangers.

B. It has resulted in 1.4 million fewer miles driven.

C. They insisted that carpooling is just too inconvenient.

D. Now technology makes carpooling easier and more fun.

E. It is an environmentally friendly and economical way to travel.

F. Carpooling reduces travel cost, such as fuel cost and stress of driving.

G. People who want to share the ride can show their interest in joining in online.







【解析】 本文主要讲述了相对于老式拼车的不方便,现在的网络技术使得拼车更容易和更有趣。NuRide公司,提供网上拼车服务在线安排,满足所需,并且是实名制,安全放心。


考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。由空前的内容: 84%的开车上班的人说他们仍然独自开车,及空后内容:比如有时他们根本找不到人拼车。再分析七个选项可以推断出拼车因为不方面,故C项符合。






考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据本空后面“They are required to provide the name of their employer and a work e-mail address, Both need to be checked before being listed on the website.”可知要求提供雇主的名字和工作电子邮件地址并接受检查,可知都是经过登记检查的,而不能让陌生人搭乘,故A符合本空。故选A。


考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。本空前内容:到目前为止,NuRide users已经有更多的人搭乘超过50.000次。通过分析剩下的三个选项,可知B. It has resulted in 1.4 million fewer miles driven减少了140万英里的行驶.EIt is an environmentally friendly and economical way to travel.这是一种环保和经济的旅行方式。F. Carpooling reduces travel cost, such as fuel cost and stress of driving. 拼车降低出行成本,如驱动燃料成本和应力。而NuRide提供的主要是人们为了工作而提供的“offers daily travelers”,所以B更为合适。故选B。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The Healthy Habits Survey shows that only about one third of American seniors have correct habits. Here are some findings and expert advice.

1)How many times did you brush your teeth yesterday?
● Finding: A full 33% of seniors brush their teeth only once a day.
● Step: Remove the 300 types of bacteria in your mouth each morning with a battery-operated toothbrush. Brush gently for 2 minutes at least twice a day.
2)How many times did you wash your hands or bathe yesterday?
● Finding: Seniors, on average, bathe fewer than 3 days a week. And nearly 30% wash their hands only 4 times a day---half of the number doctors recommend.
● Step: We touch our faces around 3,000 times a day-often inviting germs(病菌)to enter our mouth, nose, and eyes. Use toilet paper to avoid touching the door handle. And, most important, wash your hands often with hot running water and soap for 20 seconds.
3)How often do you think about fighting germs(病菌)?
● Finding: Seniors are not fighting germs as well as they should.
● Step: Be aware of germs. Do you know it is not your toilet but your kitchen sponge (海绵) that can carry more germs than anything else? To kill these germs, keep your sponge in the microwave for 10 seconds.

(1)What is found out about American seniors?
A.Most of then have good habits.
B.Nearly 30% of them bathe three days a week.
C.All of them are fighting germs better than expected.
D.About one third of them brush their teeth only once a day.
(2)Doctors suggest that people should wash their hands ________.
A.twice a day
B.three times a day
C.four times a day
D.eight times a day
(3)Which of the following is true according to the text?
A.We should keep from touching our faces.
B.There are less than 300 types of bacteria in the mouth.
C.A kitchen sponge can carry more germs than a toilet.
D.We should wash our hands before touching a door handle.
(4)The text probably comes from ________.
A.a guide book
B.a popular magazine
C.a book review
D.an official document


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
A couple of weeks ago, my friend offered to sell some of our things for us. I thought it was a good opportunity to 1 my 7-year-old son's room and 2 some toys that were no longer suitable for him to play with. We 3 that all the money we got from selling the toys would be his money.
The night before the 4, we loaded up the truck with toys and a little bike that was too 5 for him. In the yard he 6 the bike for the last time and then happily put it onto the truck. This little bike had at least two previous owners as far as we 7. It wasn't in the best 8 and was certainly not new, but the tires were 9 good.
We put a price of $10 on it, but it didn't sell. So, after the sale was 10, my friend put it on the sidewalk with a sign that 11 “FREE BIKE”. Within five minutes her doorbell rang. A little boy was 12 there. In poor English he asked whether the bike was 13 free. She said yes and that he could have it for 14. He smiled, got on the bike and rode away.
Later that evening when I told my son how much money he had made at the sale, he was very 15, shouting happily. He asked about a few of his things, wondering 16 they had been sold. When he asked about the bike, I told him about the little boy and that made him 17. He was much happier than when I told how much he had 18. He was so happy to 19 that someone else would make good 20 of that little bike.
(1)A.clean B.check C.display D.design
(2)A.look for B.go through C.show off D.deal with
(3)A.refused B.agreed C.wrote D.lied
(4)A.trip B.show C.sale D.decision
(5)A.weak B.small C.new D.thin
(6)A.rode B.found C.watched D.felt
(7)A.doubted B.knew C.told D.thought
(8)A.time B.chance C.place D.shape
(9)A.also B.never C.still D.hardly
(10)A.ahead B.on C.near D.over
(11)A.said B.repeated C.copied D.expressed
(12)A.jumping B.standing C.walking D.shouting
(13)A.barely B.usually C.really D.always
(14)A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing
(15)A.calm B.scared C.excited D.disappointed
(16)A.when B.if C.why D.where
(17)A.smile B.worry C.leave D.cry
(18)A.enjoyed B.lost C.bought D.made
(19)A.hear B.understand C.remember D.think
(20)A.interest B.money C.use D.price


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Form Teacher: G. Baker Pupil's Name: Simon Watkins
Term: Summer 2016 Form: B








Simon has reached a satisfactory standard but now needs to
apply himself with more determination.




Sound work and progress throughout the year. Well done!




A disappointing exam result. He is unable to give attention to
this subject for long.




His obvious ability in the subject was not fully reflected in
his exam work, but I have high hopes for him nevertheless.




An excellent term's performance. He goes from strength to
strength. A born scientist, I feel.




This time next year he will be taking the "O" Level exam. He needs to concentrate on(全神贯注于) the work, not on class conversation.




Clearly he didn't revise. His general attitude is far too casual.




Weak. It's time he exercised his body more and his voice less.
He should try to work with a team.

Basically satisfactory work and progress though he will now have realized, I hope, that in certain subject areas he needs to make speedy improvement.
I shall pay attention to his progress in his weaker subjects though his success in the sciences is most pleasing.

(1)According to the comments of the Physical Education teacher, Simon _____.
A.is too talkative in the class
B.likes to work with his classmates
C.doesn't exercise his body at the right time
D.becomes weak because he doesn't exercise at all
(2)Which of Simon's subjects will attract the headmaster's attention in future?
A.Biology and Maths.
B.History and French
C.English and Chemistry.
D.Physics and Physical Education.
(3)Which of the following statements best describes Simon?
A.He has made great progress in language classes.
B.His potential has been fully reflected in science classes.
C.His grade in maths makes him a born scientist.
D.He needs to improve his attitude on certain subjects.
(4)Based on the school report, which of the following statements is true?
A.Simon didn't bother his teacher to revise French.
B.Simon is a determined learner in English.
C.Basically, Simon did a good job in science.
D.Simon is able to pay attention to history for long.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I was born in Thailand, where I feel at home. I am used to jumping on to a song taow (red taxi), and squeezing (挤过) in between two strangers. I am used to bargaining at the market to get a shirt that I like. I love telling bilingual (双语的) jokes and I am used to the surprised looks I get from the Thais when I can speak their language fluently.
Every two years my family goes to America for the summer, and every two years my world is turned upside down. The prices of everything are three times what they were in Thailand, but there is the sweet drink Dr. Pepper! And Bluebell Ice-cream! And everything you could imagine! I am amazed at it all, but the biggest change for me is the people. There are white people everywhere. I am not tall but average (中等的), my yellow hair is no longer out of place, and speaking English no longer draws looks. I should feel comfortable. I'm not out of place anymore, and nobody is looking at me, but I feel like they are. Now I feel out of place and different. I'm not used to giving people handshakes and hugs when I meet them for the first time. I get looks when I have trouble figuring out how much money to pay. I know different music, different places, and different fashion. I can't understand these people who have never left their town or city.
Still, there are quite a few perks about living overseas. I get to meet people from all over the world, and I know how to adjust to (适应) different cultures and places. I have been to places most people see only in geography books. Still, being so different makes it hard to know who you are. I'm not Thai, but I am not American either. I am a mix of both cultures, a third culture kid.
(1)When the Thais give the author surprised looks, she feels _____.
(2)When the author returns to America, _____.
A.she makes more friends
B.she becomes more polite
C.she can't find what she needs
D.she is like a fish out of water
(3)The underlined word “perks” in the last paragraph can be replaced by _____.
(4)In this text, the author mainly wants to describe _____.
A.her different lifestyles
B.a kind of culture shock
C.a feeling of loneliness
D.her ability to face difficulties


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Many people travel during the holiday season but do not make sure that their houses and homes (protect). Crime goes up (rapid) during the winter and summer holiday seasons. Here are some things that you should keep in mind when you go on a holiday.
Always give (strange) the feeling that you are at home. Have the snow (clean) off your stairs or out of your driveway during the winter season. You might ask someone to park car in your driveway.
Tell your newspaper deliverer that you are not at home. (have) a pile of newspapers and other mail on your doorsteps tells people that are not at home, so you could also have a neighbor a relative get your mail every day.
Fix a timer in some of your rooms turns lights on and during different time of the day. Some TVs also comes with a timer that you could set to be turned on during certain time. Have a sensitive light outside your house that (keep) thieves away when you are not at home.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:














科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

On a Sunday morning, I was driving down a road and saw something I couldn't believe. A little girl, less than two, was pushing her stroller (婴儿车) across the road. It was Sunday morning and traffic was not heavy.
I stopped my car at once and ran toward her. This little girl knew enough to run from a stranger. I tried to catch her in order that I could get her out of the road.
Suddenly her father came running down a hill across the road from where I had parked my car. He ran right to her and caught her up, saying “bad girl” to her. I picked up the stroller and gave it to him. The father grabbed the stroller and walked toward where he came from without a word.
I went back and sat in my car for a few minutes with my son. My hands were shaking and tears were about to run out of my eyes. “Do you feel cold, Mom?” asked my son. I just shook my head.
After this happened, I thought about how thankful I am. Even though the father didn't say thank you, I feel that I did something good. Doing something for someone else is pleasing, even when it's only a matter of being in the right place at the right time.
I didn't really “save” her, but I feel like it was important that I happened to be there. It is sad that I was the only one who stopped. It really made me a little disappointed that no one else stopped to help.
(1)When the author saw the little girl, ________.
A.the girl had lost her way
B.she was driving to work in a hurry
C.the girl feared to go across the road
D.there weren't many cars on the road
(2)The little girl ran away from the author because ________.
A.she wanted to stay on the road
B.she didn't know the author at all
C.she wanted to look for her father
D.she needed to catch her stroller
(3)The author thought that her help was ________.
A.really necessary
B.worth praising
C.not welcome
D.not useful
(4)What can we learn from the passage?
A.The girl's father didn't like the girl at all.
B.The girl's father had wanted to thank the author.
C.The author shared her experience with her son.
D.The author felt sad that no one else helped the girl.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear Guests
Now we are updating (更新) our information folders in the rooms in order to help you during your stay. Please notice the following:
Phone number:
Reception(接待处): Dial 7
Housekeeping: Dial 4
Apartment-to-Apartment: dial the apartment number ( except 1st floor apartments: dial the apartment number followed by the #key)
Outside line: dial 0, wait for dial tone, and then the number required.
Please keep your key with you at all times. The main doors to the apartments are locked from about 10:30 pm ~ 07:00 am, and you will need to swipe (刷卡) your key to gain access (通道) to the apartment.
If in the event of the fire alarm(警报) sounding please stay calm. If evacuation ( 疏散 ) is necessary, please go to the fire exits. DO NOT USE LIFTS. Remember to take your valuables and key with you. When you go down, please gather at the Wishing Tree and the Corner of Sussex and Hay Street and either the Fire Brigade. A staff(职员)member or Hotel security(安全)will issue necessary instructions. For future details on this, please dial 7.
Please see reception for any advice on tours and Sydney's attention, and please dial 7 if you want any further information.
We hope your stay with us is an enjoyable one.
Kind regards,
Paul Williams
Guest Services Manager
(1)How can you dial from your room in Pacific to Room 115 on the 1st floor?
A.Just dial 115.
B.Dial 6, then 115.
C.Dial 115 and press the # key.
D.Press the # key, and then dial 115.
(2)If you want to go back to your room in Pacific at 11:45 pm, you can _______.
A.dial 0, and phone the reception
B.open the main door with your key
C.call the reception for help
D.use the lifts
(3)If a fire broke out in Pacific, guests should _______.
A.dial 7 and wait for the hotel security
B.take their keys and leave Pacific by lifts
C.leave Pacific through the fire exits
D.be together with the Fire Brigade
(4)This letter most probably appears in ______.
A.a guest' s room
B.the official guide
C.a manager' s office
D.at the train station

