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19.The house prices have risen by 12.4% over the 12months to the end of March,completely ________ his plan to buy a more comfortable apartment.(  )
A.ruinedB.ruiningC.to ruinD.ruins

分析 房价在过去12个月到三月底已经上涨了百分之12.4,这完全毁了他要买一间更舒服的公寓的计划.

解答 本句的谓语是have risen,ruin作为"破坏,毁灭"时是动词,一个句子不能有两个谓语动词,先排除D(谓语)和A(动词过去式也可做谓语).应该把ruin变成非谓语动词,非谓语动词有三种形式:ing表主动,-ed表被动,to do表目的或将来.ruin的逻辑主语是house price,是逻辑上的主动关系,因此填ruining表主动.

点评 考查非谓语动词,必须分清楚句子成分,然后选用三种非谓语形式:ing表主动,-ed表被动,to do表目的或将来.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

9.Even after many years,she still has not forgotten the last day her whole class got together to say goodbye to their dearest schooldays.The sad faces,the (11)D eyes,the loving hugs,the firm handshakes promising to (12)C each other again up hill and down valley …those unforgettable memories always become (13)B every time she went to the old school,only to find a big,old tree with all of their names (14)Adeep into the trunk.
She wonders if any of them still remembers their (15)B,now that time has covered the past memories with layers of dust and changed each fate (命运)beyond any (16)D
The cheerful"dwarf'of the class has now turned into a successful businessman.The shy,skinny"bookworm"is now a talented Ph.D.trying his (17)A in some distant land in the Western atmosphere.The naughty tomboy has (18)Caway her carefree laughter in exchange for a comfortable life beside a caring husband.And she,a(19)C addict,was driven by an inner force to put her pen aside and become a (20)A instead.That's a life-choice,which she will never feel (21)B
She decided to (22)Dher old teacher,who had sowed (播种)the seed for the cause of nurturing (培养)people in her directionless mind through his (23)A lessons.She used to dream of the enlightened faces of her students (24)C in her lessons full of sunlight and sea waves.She promises herself to go ahead,bearing in mind the (25)C words of her dear teacher:
"Don't (26)Dfor what you give or receive.Learn to live (27)B to enjoy life,even when it's not generous towards us."
This teaching was not (28)A in his lesson plan,but she knew it would (29)D with her until the end of time.
Now,she is a teacher,(30)B she has to continue learning many difficult lessons of life.The more she experiences,the better she understands the value of her teacher's last lesson.

11. A. eagerB.brightC.curiousD. watery
12. A. apologizeB.missC.seekD. support
13. A. vagueB.vividC.distantD. delightful
14. A. carvedB.markedC.signedD.designed
15. A. dreamsB.promisesC.idealsD. classmates
16. A. powerB.reachC.imaginationD. expectation
17. A. luckB.theoryC.courseD. courage
18. A. putB.givenC.thrownD. taken
19. A. drugB.smokingC.literatureD. fighting
20. A. teacherB.doctorC.nurseD. worker
21. A. afraidB.regretfulC.comfortableD. happy
22. A. opposeB.thankC.blameD. follow
23. A. imaginaryB.interestingC.boringD. vain
24. A. lostB.buriedC.devotedD. caught
25. A. firstB.nextC.lastD. past
26. A. waitB.lookC.prepareD. care
27. A. simplyB.generouslyC.busilyD. naturally 
28. A. writtenB.includedC.reflectedD. selected
29. A. liveB.goC.involveD. stay
30. A. ifB.yetC.whenD. although


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

10.One day,when Little Tom was playing in the sandbox,he happened to find a rock in it.
He dug (挖) around the(16)A,trying to move it out from the dirt.With much effort,he tried to(17)D the rock out of the sandbox.When the boy(18)Cthe rock to the edge of the sandbox,(19)A,he found that he couldn't raise it up and over the little wall,because the rock was too\(20)Afor his small body.
As he (21)Cto accept his failure,the little boy dug and pushed,but every time he thought he had made some(22)B,the rock rolled and then fell back into the sandbox.The little boy(23)Bagain and again,but the only(24)Dwas to have the rock roll back.
(25)Ahe burst into tears.All this time the boy's father(26)Ahim from his living room.At the moment the tears(27)B,a large shadow covered across the boy and the sandbox.It was his father.(28)A but firmly he said,"Son,why didn't you use all the strength that you had?"The boy replied with(29)C,"But I did,Daddy,I did!I(30)D all that I had!"."No,my son,you didn't,"(31)Cthe father kindly."You didn't(32)Dme to help you."With that the father picked up the rock and(33)Cit out of the sandbox.
Are you(34)Bthat sometimes you don't have the strength to move your"rocks"away?There is one who is always willing to(35)Byou with the help you need.Don't forget that!



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.How has smoking been controlled in recent years?
People were asked to stop smoking in a range of public places-such as doctors'surgeries,cinemas,theatres and churches-over the second half of the 20th century but it was after the King's Cross Underground fire on November 18,1987,caused by a cigarette end which resulted in 31deaths,that restrictions on smoking in public places gained rapid and widespread acceptance.
How did a ban on smoking in public places come into place?
In 1998the Smoking Kills White Paper set out a national strategy to reduce smoking prevalence (流行) and passive smoking,including in public places.The measures were voluntary and poorly carried out.After a public conference in England in 2004,the Government decided to choose for lawmaking.Scotland went first,with a ban in 2006,followed by the other nations a year later.
What is the current law?
Any person who smokes in enclosed public places,including pubs,offices,on public transport and work vehicles,is breaking the law.It does not extend to private houses.It is also an offence for people in charge of premises (营业场所) to permit others to smoke in them.
How was it received?
It was welcomed by most organizations-except for some pub owners and restaurateurs.Many workplaces in the UK had already introduced smoke-free policies consistent with the legislation (法律,法规) before it was carried out,while others have gone beyond its basic requirements.
All railway facilities,including platforms,footbridges and other areas-whether or not fitting the definition of an enclosed public space-are covered,as are all football grounds and some cricket and athletics stadiums.School grounds are not required to be smoke-free under the legislation,but the majority now are.
How has it been forced?
Compliance (服从) in public premises has been high,with inspections suggesting that 99per cent of places were sticking to the rules.The number of people charged for smoking in cars has been very low,which was due to the problems defining and identifying"work"vehicles.They said that a total ban on smoking in vehicles would end this confusion.
Has it improved health?
Studies in early adopters of the law,including in Scotland,suggest a reduction in hospital admissions for heart disease,which has been shown to be linked to passive smoking.There is also strong evidence of improved rates of smoking end and a drop in the number of cigarettes consumed by those who continue to smoke.

63.When did the first law come out to ban smoking in public places?D
A.1987.           B.1998.
C.2004.           D.2006.
64.Which of the following behaviors may NOT be against the law?C
A.Jack often smokes in the office when he is alone.
B.A taxi driver is smoking with a lady in his car.
C.Tom smokes while thinking of his future at home.
D.Max smokes for relaxation during time-out in the stadium.
65.Who might feel unhappy about the law according to the article?A
A.A restaurant owner.          B.A company manager.
C.A car owner.                  D.A policy maker.
66.What can you infer from the article?B
A.Most heart diseases have been proved to be linked to passive smoking.
B.A new law will soon come out with a total ban on smoking in vehicles.
C.The 1987fire has convinced more people that smoking is bad for health.
D.Most of the school grounds are not smoke-free,as it is not banned in the law.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I love to answer questions about children's health.Some questions and their answers become articles,FAQ's,Updates,Fast Facts,Top Tips,or Guidelines here on the site.I answer others in real time during chat.Either way,here is how to submit a question
I am available live,for one hour,every weekday.No appointments are necessary!All you have to do is log on to chat and ask your question.In most cases,you'll get your answer right there!Some of the questions from chat are selected for me to write about in greater depth.Even if you don't have time to stay at chat,send your question to the chat host to be considered for a future article
Please join me in chat,Monday-November 22,2009at 9:00p.m.
I will be in the chat room for one hour to answer your children's health questions.To ask your question,please type a"?"mark on the screen.A host will call upon you when it is your turn to ask a question
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72.The writer is probablyD
A.an advertiser      B.a lawyer       
C.a teacher          D.an adviser
73.If you want to have a talk,you have toC
A.wait patiently        B.write to the author in advance
C.be on the line        D.make an appointment
74.Which is NOT true according to the passage?D
A.The writer sometimes writes questions into an article
B.The writer can be visited on Monday-November 22
C.The talker has to type a"?"mark on the screen
D.Anyone who asks questions must come to the chat room
75.The chat with the writer on the screenB
A.lasts a long time
B.must be about children's health questions
C.has to be called on Monday
D.will become articles to be published.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.Many animals have disappeared during the long history of the earth.Finless Porpoise (江豚) is one of these endangered(46)animalsthat are dying out.As a student,I am asking you to pay attention (47)tothe situation of Finless Porpoises.Finless porpoises in the Yangtze River are in danger of becoming extinct because they are seriously (48)affected(affect) by human activities.To our disappointment,only about 1,000 are still living at present.We sincerely hope that WWF can play a role in (49)protecting(protect) this endangered species.Firstly,we find (50)itimportant to get sponsorship(赞助).If the government pays the farmers,they will allow tourists hunt only (51)acertain number of animals.But more importantly,we need information from experts in WWF to help us better understand the animal.In that case,we can take (52)better(good) care of them than before.And prizes will be given to the organizations (53)that/whichcan protect them well.What's more,more workers should(54)be employed(employ) to help us.(55)Although/Though/Whilethe task is challenging,we are confident that we will succeed sooner or later.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.If you think that running marathons will help you live a long and healthy life,new research may come as a shock.According to a recent scientific study,people who do a very  strenuous  workout are as likely to die as people who do no exercise at all.
Scientists in Denmark have been studying over 1,000joggers and non-joggers for 12years.The death rates from the sample group indicate that people who jog at a moderate pace two or three times a week for less than two and a half hours in total are least likely to die.The best speed to jog at was found to be about 5miles per hour.The research suggests that people who jog more than three times a week or at higher speeds of over 7mph die at the same rate as non-joggers.The scientists think that this is because strenuous exercise causes structural changes to the heart and arteries(动脉).Over time,this can cause serious injuries.
Peter Schnohr,a researcher in Copenhagen,said,"If your goal is to decrease risk of death and improve life expectancy,jogging a few times a week at a moderate pace is a good strategy.Anything more is not just unnecessary,and it may be harmful."
The implications of this are that moderate forms of exercise such as t'ai chi,yoga and brisk walking may be better for us than"iron man"events,triathlons and long-distance running and  cycling.According  to  Jacob  Louis  Marott,another researcher involved in the study,"You don't actually have to do that much to have a good impact on your health.And perhaps you shouldn't actually do too much."

32.The underlined word"strenuous"in Paragraph 1is closest in meaning to"A".
A.hard           B.regular
C.practical      D.flexible
33.The author presents some figures in Paragraph 2toC.
A.suggest giving up jogging
B.show risks of doing sports
C.provide supportive evidence
D.introduce the research process
34.According to the scientists,why is too much exercise harmful?A
A.It may injure the heart and arteries.
B.It can make the body tired out.
C.It will bring much pressure.
D.It consumes too much energy.
35.What can be inferred from the text?D
A.No exercise at all is the best choice.
B.More exercise means a healthier life.
C.Marathons runners are least likely to die.
D.Proper exercise contributes to good health.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.Our club is open to everyone no matter what age,sex or educational background is.
Our club is open to everyoneregardless of age,sex or educational background.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Friday,December 30,2011 has been cut for the tiny South Pacific island nation,Samoa as it moved its time zone 24 hours ahead to catch up with Asia,New Zealand and Australia. On New Year's Eve,Samoa will Slave jumped to the west of the international dateline,which runs through the Pacific Ocean and broadly follows the 180 degree line of longitude (经线).
Its Prime Minister said it would make it easier for Samoa to trade with their key partners."No longer shall we have people ringing us up on Monday from New Zealand and Australia thinking it is Monday when we are closing our eyes and praying at churches.And in the same way,on our Fridays when we ring up and already our contacts are holidaying on their Saturdays,"he told Radio New Zealand on Friday.
To help win public support,the government declared employers must still pay workers for the missing Friday,although banks will not be allowed to charge interest for the lost day.
Countries are free to choose whether the dateline passes to the east or west,and Samoa's decision means all new maps will need to change.But some tourism operators are worried Samoa will lose business by losing its position as the last place on earth to see the sunset each day,although it is now one of the first places to see in each new day.
Samoa,a country of about 180,000 people,used to be in the same time zone as New Zealand and Australia,but went back a day in 1892,celebrating July 4 twice and aligning itself with the United States.The date change is not the first major change in Samoa in recent years.In 2009,the country switched to driving on the left hand side of the road from the right hand side,in line with New Zealand and Australia.
71.Samoa moved its time zone 24 hours ahead toD   
   A.trade with the United States
    B.be the first place to see in each new day
    C.follow the international dateline
    D.be in the same time zone as Australia
72.Which of the following is true according to the text?A
A.It's Monday now in Samoa while it is Sunday in America.
    B.Samoa once had a date change about 200 years ago.
    C.Samoa and America are now in the same time zone.
    D.In Samoa,cars move on the right hand side of the road.
73.On the missing Friday,___ in Samoa,C
    A.banks still charged interest      B.all the people had a day off
    C.workers still got paid            D.all celebrated New Year's Eve
74.The underlined word"aligning"in the last paragraph possibly meansB.
    A.celebrating     B.adjusting        C.moving           D.trading
75.What's the text mainly about?D
    A.The change of international dateline.
    B.The first nation to greet New Year.
    C.A new neighbor of Australia.
    D.A new date change in Samoa.

