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  Alice Walker makes her living by writing.And her poems, short stories, and novels have won many prizes for her.She was born in Eatonton, Georgia.She went to public schools there, and then to Spelman College in Atlanta before coming to New York to attend Sarah Lawrence College, from which she graduated in 1966.For a time she lived in Jackson, Mississippi, with her lawyer husband and small daughter.About Langston Hughes, American Poet, her first book for children, she says, “After my first meeting with Langston Hughes, I promised I would write a book for children someday.Why?Because I, at twenty-two, know next to nothing of his work, and he didn't scold me; he just gave me a pile of is books.And he was kind to me; I will always be thankful that in his warmth he fulfilled my deepest dream(and neeD.of what a poet should be.”

  “To me he is not dead at all.Hardly a day goes by that I don't think of him or speak of him.Once, just before he died, when he was sick with flu, I took him a basket full of oranges.The joy I felt in giving that simple gift is undiminished(减弱)by time.He said he liked oranges, too.”


From the passage we know that Alice Walker is ________.

[  ]


a researcher at Sarah Lawrence College


a professor at Sarah Lawrence College


a prize-winning writer


a writer of plays for children


Before attending college, Alice Walker went to school in ________.

[  ]


Atlanta, Georgia


Eatonton, Georgia


Jackson, Mississippi


Lawrence, Massachusetts


From the passage we can conclude that Alice Walker was twenty-two years old when ________.

[  ]


she moved to Jackson, Mississippi


she moved to New York


she first met with Langston Hughes


Langston Hughes died


Which of the statements is not mentioned?

[  ]


Alice Walker was thankful to Langston Hughes.


Langston Hughes helped Alice realize her dream to be a poet.


Langston Hughes was fond of oranges.


Langston Hughes died of cancer.



从文章一二句可以看出Alice Walker是一个作家,并且多次获奖。A,B两个选项明显不对,她只是在该大学学习过。D选项play不对,她写poem,short stories and novels.


文章第三句提到她出生于Eatonton,第四句又说She went to public school there,因此选Eatonton。


第五行提到她第一次见Langston Hughes,第七行又提到当时22岁。




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053

阅读理解: 阅读理解:

    Ali runs a school in IndiaIn Ali’s school the children are asked to learn everything by heartIf a child studies several years in that school, he will have to recite everything he learns there for years on endAli is clever in many waysHe knows how to deal with the teachers in his school and he knows how to make children obey himBut we cannot expect him to be a good teacher himselfThe main cause is that he never pays any attention to teaching methodsBesides, he is not a good speakerHe often falters(结巴地讲话)in his speechBut this is not always the case with AliWhen he discovers that any child in his school can’t recite a text in full, he will squint(斜着眼看)at the child, for Ali is shortsighted, and then proceed to scold the childAli never falters when he scolds the childrenOnly on such occasions is his talent in speech revealedAnd very often the parents of the victim(child)turn up in Ali’s office the next day

    If anybody writes a short play based on the school run by Ali, I’m sure the play will run for years on endBut the trouble is I don’t think there’ll be anybody who is willing to be cast(派角色)in the role of Ali

1 “Ali runs a school in India” means ______

[  ]

    AAli is in charge of a school in India

    BAli is in the charge of a school in India

    CRunning Ali goes to a school in India

    DAli always has a running in a school in India

2Ali is clever in ______

[  ]

   Alearning everything by heart

   Bhaving a speech

   Cbeing a good teacher

   Ddealing with the teachers and making the children obey him

3He is not used to ______

[  ]

   Abeing cast

   Bscolding the children

   Cfaltering in his speech

   Dfaltering in scolding a child

4After a child is scolded, his parents ______

[  ]

   Aoften go to the school to criticize Ali

   Bgo to the school to ask to change a teacher

   Care often asked to go to the school for his being scolded

   Dare often asked to go to the school to reveal their talent

5Which of the following statements is not right?

[  ]

   AA child will study for several years in Ali’s school

   BIn Ali’s school he gets along well with the teachers

   CHe knows many kinds of teaching methods.

   DIf a play is put on about the school in which Ali stays, people will like it


科目:高中英语 来源:启东中学作业本  高二英语(下) 题型:050



  Published on 2002-02-10

  Posted on 2002-01-18 10:59:14

  Nervous uncertainty surrounds the fate (命运) of US journalist Daniel Pearl, with no clear communication from his kidnappers (绑匪) and no sign of his whereabouts after three separate police searches for his body in the troublesome port city Karachi, Pakistan.

  Pearl, a 38-year-old Wall Street Journal reporter, disappeared two weeks ago on his way to an interview in Karachi. An e-mail allegedly from his kidnappers contained four photos of him and a variety of demands, including one for the release of Pakistani prisoners being held at the US naval base in Cuba.

  The searches were started last Friday night by an email claiming that Pearl had been, killed and his body thrown “in the graveyards of Karachi.”

  Pearl has worked for The Wall Street Journal for 12 years and is now their South Asia bureau chief. He was born in Princeton, New Jersey and graduated from Stanford University with a bachelor's degree in communications.

  He joined The Wall Street Journal in November 1990, first as a reporter in the Atlanta bureau. In 1993 he moved to the Washington office to cover transportation before beginning a series of overseas postings.

  The members of a radical (激进的) Islamic group in Pakistan who admit having kidnapped him say Pearl is a member of the Israeli intelligence service, Mossad. But Pearls employers have angrily denied (否认) that he is the agent (代理) of any government.

  Pearl's French wife, Marianne, is six months pregnant with their first child.

  For the past few weeks the couple have been living in Karachi while Pearl tried to arrange an interview with Mubarak Ali Shah Gilani, head of the small militant Islamic group Tanzeem ul-Fuqra.

1.We can see from the text that ________.

[  ]

A.Pearl has been murdered

B.Pearl has escaped from his kidnappers

C.Pearl is in danger

D.Pearl's fate still remains in question

2.According to the text, Pearl most probably disappeared ________.

[  ]

A.on January 24, 2002
B.on January 26, 2002
C.on January 4, 2002
D.on January 11, 2002

3.Pearl's disappearance has something to do with ________.

[  ]

A.Tanzeem ul-Fuqra

B.a radical Islamic group in Pakistan

C.the US naval base in Cuba

D.the Israeli intelligence service


科目:高中英语 来源:101网校同步练习 高二英语 外语教学与研究出版社 题型:050



  Publishedon 2002-02-10

  Postedon 2002-01-18 10∶59∶14

  Nervousuncertainty surrounds the fate(命运)of US journalist Daniel Pearl, with no clear communication from his kidnappers(绑匪)and no sign of his whereabouts after three separate police searches for his body in the troublesome port city Karachi, Pakistan.

  Pearl, a 38-year-old Wall Street Journal reporter, disappeared two weeks ago on his way to an interview in Karachi.An e-mail allegedly from his kidnappers contained four photos of him and a variety of demands, including one for there lease of Pakistani prisoners being held at the US naval base in Cuba.

  The searches were started last Friday night by an email claiming that Pearl had been killed and his body thrown“in the graveyards of Karachi.

  Pearl has worked for The Wall Street Journal for 12 years and is now their South Asiabureau chief.He was born in Princeton, New Jersey and graduated from Stanford University with a bachelor’s degree in communications.

  He joined The Wall Street Journal in November 1990, first as a reporter in the Atlanta bureau.In 1993 he moved to the Washington office to cover transportation before beginning a series of overseas postings.

  The members of a radical(激进的)Islamic group in Pakistan who admit having kidnapped him say Pearl is a member of the Israeli intelligence service, Mossad.But Pearls employers have angrily denied(否认)that he is the agent(代理)of any government.

  Pearl’s French wife, Marianne, is six months pregnant with their first child.

  For the past few weeks the couple have been living in Karachi while Pearl tried to arrange an interview with Mubarak Ali Shah Gilani, head of the small militant Islamic group Tanzeemul-Fuqra.


We can see from the text that ________.

[  ]


Pearl has been murdered


Pearl has escaped from his kidnappers


Pearl is in danger


Pearl’s fate still remains in question


Accordingto the text, Pearl most probably disappeared ________.

[  ]


on January 24, 2002


on January 26, 2002


on January 4, 2002


on January 11, 2002


Pearl’s disappearance has something to do with ________.

[  ]




a radical Islamic group in Pakistan


the US naval base in Cuba


the Israeli intelligence service


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省如皋市2011-2012学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


  Ali is from a Middle Eastern country.He now stays in the USA.He smokes a lot of cigarettes(香烟)every day.He has smoked for nine years.Ali says, “ I tried to quit(放弃)smoking in my hometown, but it was impossible.My brothers smoke.All my friends smoke.At parties and at meetings, almost all the men smoke.Here in the United States, not as many people smoke.It will be easier to change my habit here.”

  Many smokers are like Ali:they want to stop smoking.The smokers know that smoking is bad for their health.They know it can cause cancer and heart disease.But it is difficult for them to give up smoking because cigarettes have a drug in them.The drug is nicotine(尼古丁).People who smoke a lot need nicotine.

  When a person first begins to smoke, he usually feels terrible.The nicotine makes him sick.In a few days, the smoker's body is used to the nicotine, and he feels fine.Later, the smoker needs nicotine to keep feeling fine.Without nicotine, he feels bad.

  It is very hard to quit smoking, and many people who quit will soon smoke again.At a party or at work they will decide to smoke “just one” cigarette.Then they will smoke another cigarette, and another.Soon they become smokers again.Maybe there is only one easy way to quit smoking:never start.


How long has Ali smoked?

[  ]


Nine years.


Seven years.


Five years.


Three years.


How do the smokers feel without nicotine?

[  ]










According to Paragraph 2, many smokers want to stop smoking because they ________.

[  ]


want to go to parties


can't smoke at work


may suffer from cancer


need nicotine and drugs


By writing this text, the writer hopes that people will ________.

[  ]


stay in their hometown


never start smoking


eat less and smoke more


not live in the United States


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省烟台市2012届高三5月适应性练习(二)英语试题 题型:050


  Teofilo Stevenson was born in 1952 and grew up in a small town in Cuba.He started boxing as a teenager and, when he was 13, went to Havana to train at the national sports complex."I lost 14 of my first 20 fights," said Stevenson."I hated getting hit.What happened was that I decided I hated losing even more."

  When he was just 20, Teofilo went to the Olympic Games in Germany and won a gold medal.He was tall and powerful with a long "reach".His long arms could hit opponents(对手)before they could hit him.At the Games in Canada in 1976 he won the gold again.In the ring, boxers were afraid of Teofilo, they tried to stay away from him and not get too close to his powerful punches(拳).He won another gold medal in Moscow in 1980.Only two of the fights he had at the Olympic Games lasted for the full three rounds.That means he either knocked his opponents to the floor and they were counted out or the referee stopped the fight because it was dangerous for the other boxer.

  Stevenson was such a good boxer that people wanted him to turn professional.After he had won his first gold medal, managers and famous promoters started to offer him money to fight around the world.Teofilo turned them all down.He wanted to stay in Cuba and didn't want to fight for money or fame.

  Lots of people think that Teofilo Stevenson was as good as the famous boxer Muhammad Ali, but the two fighters never fought each other.They did meet outside the ring and the two men are now friends.Teofilo thinks "it would have been a draw" if they had fought.

  Teofilo now works for the Cuban Ministry of Sport and he is also the vice president of the Cuban Boxing Federation.He likes spending his time with his family and he is still regarded as a legend(传奇)around the world.


We can learn from Paragraph 1 that Stevenson ________.

[  ]


was an excellent boxer as a teenager


hated boxing very much when he was young


lost most of his fights when he started boxing


refused to fight because of getting hit as a teenager


What does Paragraph 2 aim to tell us?

[  ]


Stevenson's way of winning fights in the Olympic Games.


Stevenson's great success in Olympic Games.


The number of fights that Stevenson had in the Olympic Games.


Stevenson never lost a fight after he was 20 years old.


Stevenson refused to turn professional because ________.

[  ]


he was afraid of being defeated


he hated the managers and promoters


he was not short of money


he didn't want to fight for money or fame


From Stevenson's words "it would have been a draw" in Paragraph 4 we can infer that Stevenson ________.

[  ]


was a boxer as great as Muhammad Ali


was eager to have a fight with Muhammad Ali


thought the fight with Muhammad Ali would be dull


predict that he would lose the fight with Muhammad Ali


What can be a proper title for the text?

[  ]


Teofilo Stevenson-the most successful boxer


Teofilo Stevenson-Olympic boxing legend


Teofilo Stevenson's way of Olympic successes


A boxer star who failed to turn professional

