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Teachers have long said that success is its own reward. But these days, some students are finding that good grades can bring them cash and luxury gifts.

In at least a dozen states this school year, students who bring home top marks can expect more than just thankfulness.

The most ambitious experiment began in September, when seven states—Arkansas, Alabama, Connecticut, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Virginia and Washington—won spots in an Mobil?funded program that, in most cases, pays students $100 for each passing grade on advanced placement(AP) college?prep exams.

It’s an effort to get low?income and minority students interested in the courses, says Tommie Sue Anthony, president of the Arkansas Advanced Initiative for Math and Science. “We still have students who are not sure of the value, who are not willing to take the courses.” she says, “Probably the motivation will make a difference with those students.”

Gregg Fleisher of the National Math and Science Initiative, which runs the seven?state program, says the effort is modeled on a program adopted by Dallas in the 1995-1996 school year that saw AP course?taking jump obviously. That program is now statewide.

While many educators would be against offering kids cash for good grades, Fleisher and others say the idea is simple. “It’s an encouragement to get them to basically make the right decision and choose a more strict class.” he says, “This teaches them that if they work at something very hard and have a lot of support, they can do something they didn’t think they could do.”

An analysis of the Texas program last month by Cornell economist C.Kirabo Jackson found that it linked to a 30% rise in the number of students with high SAT and ACT scores and an 8% rise in college?going students.

(Notes:1.SAT:美国学术能力评估考试; 2.ACT:美国大学入学考试。)

51.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.Success is its own reward.           B.Success makes a difference.

C.Good grades deserves gratitude.      D.A new motivation for students.

52.What’s the purpose of the experiment?

A.To get relatively poor students interested in their studies.

B.To help poor students to keep on with education.

C.To offer poor students luxury gifts on their birthdays.

D.To make an effort to raise the value of money.

53.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Students who top at college?prep exams get $100.

B.The program was probably first adopted by Dallas.

C.The program has been going on half a dozen states this year.

D.The program didn’t have any effect on student’s achievements.

54.What is the writer’s attitude toward offering kids cash for good grades?

A.Favorable.     B.Worried.        C.Opposed.          D.Confident.

55.According to the passage, the program_______.

A.makes everything possible            B.encourages students to study harder

C.helps students choose right classes      D.teaches students to spend money

51---55   DABAB  


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省海安县实验中学高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Common sense would tell us that physically active children may be more likely to become active and healthy adults.
In the United States, elementary and middle schools are advised to give students two and a half hours of physical activity a week. That is what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Heart Association recommend. They say high schools should provide about four hours of physical activity each week.
Yet many schools across the country have reduced their physical education programs. Just this week, a study reported that life expectancy has fallen or is no longer increasing in some parts of the United States. The situation is worst among poor people in the southern states, and especially women. Public health researchers say it is largely the result of increases in fatness, smoking and high blood pressure. They also blame differences in health services around the country.
In 2006, a study found that only four percent of primary schools provided daily physical education all year for all grades. This was true of eight percent of middle schools and two percent of high schools. The study also found that twenty-two percent of all schools did not require students to take any P.E.
Charlene Burgeson , a health expert says one problem for P.E. teachers is that schools are under pressure to put more time into academic subjects. Also, parents may agree that children need exercise in school. Yet many parents today still have bad memories of being chosen last for teams because teachers favored the good athletes in class.
But experts say P.E. classes have changed. They say the goal has moved away from competition and toward personal performance, as a way to build a lifetime of activity. These days, teachers often lead activities like weight training and yoga.
Some parents like the idea of avoiding competitive sports in P.E. class. Yet others surely dislike that idea. In the end, schools may find themselves in a no-win situation.
【小题1】 The underlined word “expectancy” in Paragraph 3 probably means “       ”                            

【小题2】According to the passage which of the following may not lead to poor health?
C.High blood pressure.D.Health service
【小题3】 What can be inferred after you read this passage?
A.Physical activities are becoming more and more popular in American schools.
B.All the schools provided daily physical education all year for all students.
C.Parents think children need physical education for their bad memories.
D.Students spent less time on physical education for academic pressure.
【小题4】 What is the main idea about this passage?
A.P.E. is the most important subject for all students.
B.P.E has changed its goal for some reasons in America.
C.It introduces us the present situation of P.E in American schools and its cause.
D.P.E can help students improve their academic subjects.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届江苏省泰州二中高三第二次限时作业英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Common sense would tell us that physically active children may be more likely to become active and healthy adults.
In the United States, elementary and middle schools are advised to give students two and a half hours of physical activity a week. That is what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Heart Association recommend. They say high schools should provide about four hours of physical activity each week.
Yet many schools across the country have reduced their physical education programs. Just this week, a study reported that lifeexpectancy has fallen or is no longer increasing in some parts of the United States. The situation is worst among poor people in the southern states, and especially women. Public health researchers say it is largely the result of increases in fatness, smoking and high blood pressure. They also blame differences in health services around the country.
In 2006, a study found that only four percent of primary schools provided daily physical education all year for all grades. This was true of eight percent of middle schools and two percent of high schools. The study also found that twenty-two percent of all schools did not require students to take any P.E.
Charlene Burgeson , a health expert says one problem for P.E. teachers is that schools are under pressure to put more time into academic subjects. Also, parents may agree that children need exercise in school. Yet many parents today still have bad memories of being chosen last for teams because teachers favored the good athletes in class.
But experts say P.E. classes have changed. They say the goal has moved away from competition and toward personal performance, as a way to build a lifetime of activity. These days, teachers often lead activities like weight training and yoga.
Some parents like the idea of avoiding competitive sports in P.E. class. Yet others surely dislike that idea. In the end, schools may find themselves in a no-win situation.
【小题1】The underlined word “expectancy” in Paragraph 3 probably means “       ”                            

【小题2】According to the passage which of the following may not lead to poor health?
A.Fatness.B.SmokingC.High blood pressure.D.Health service
【小题3】What can be inferred after you read this passage?
A.Physical activities are becoming more and more popular in American schools.
B.All the schools provided daily physical education all year for all students.
C.Parents think children need physical education for their bad memories.
D.Students spent less time on physical education for academic pressure.
【小题4】What is the main idea about this passage?
A.P.E. is the most important subject for all students.
B.P.E has changed its goal for some reasons in America.
C.It introduces us the present situation of P.E in American schools and its cause.
D.P.E can help students improve their academic subjects.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省高三第二次限时作业英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Common sense would tell us that physically active children may be more likely to become active and healthy adults.

In the United States, elementary and middle schools are advised to give students two and a half hours of physical activity a week. That is what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Heart Association recommend. They say high schools should provide about four hours of physical activity each week.

Yet many schools across the country have reduced their physical education programs. Just this week, a study reported that lifeexpectancy has fallen or is no longer increasing in some parts of the United States. The situation is worst among poor people in the southern states, and especially women. Public health researchers say it is largely the result of increases in fatness, smoking and high blood pressure. They also blame differences in health services around the country.

In 2006, a study found that only four percent of primary schools provided daily physical education all year for all grades. This was true of eight percent of middle schools and two percent of high schools. The study also found that twenty-two percent of all schools did not require students to take any P.E.

Charlene Burgeson , a health expert says one problem for P.E. teachers is that schools are under pressure to put more time into academic subjects. Also, parents may agree that children need exercise in school. Yet many parents today still have bad memories of being chosen last for teams because teachers favored the good athletes in class.

But experts say P.E. classes have changed. They say the goal has moved away from competition and toward personal performance, as a way to build a lifetime of activity. These days, teachers often lead activities like weight training and yoga.

Some parents like the idea of avoiding competitive sports in P.E. class. Yet others surely dislike that idea. In the end, schools may find themselves in a no-win situation.

1.The underlined word “expectancy” in Paragraph 3 probably means “       ”                            

A.quality            B.length            C.exception         D.depth

2.According to the passage which of the following may not lead to poor health?

A.Fatness.           B.Smoking           C.High blood pressure. D.Health service

3.What can be inferred after you read this passage?

A.Physical activities are becoming more and more popular in American schools.

B.All the schools provided daily physical education all year for all students.

C.Parents think children need physical education for their bad memories.

D.Students spent less time on physical education for academic pressure.

4.What is the main idea about this passage?

A.P.E. is the most important subject for all students.

B.P.E has changed its goal for some reasons in America.

C.It introduces us the present situation of P.E in American schools and its cause.

D.P.E can help students improve their academic subjects.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届江苏省高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Common sense would tell us that physically active children may be more likely to become active and healthy adults.

In the United States, elementary and middle schools are advised to give students two and a half hours of physical activity a week. That is what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Heart Association recommend. They say high schools should provide about four hours of physical activity each week.

Yet many schools across the country have reduced their physical education programs. Just this week, a study reported that life expectancy has fallen or is no longer increasing in some parts of the United States. The situation is worst among poor people in the southern states, and especially women. Public health researchers say it is largely the result of increases in fatness, smoking and high blood pressure. They also blame differences in health services around the country.

In 2006, a study found that only four percent of primary schools provided daily physical education all year for all grades. This was true of eight percent of middle schools and two percent of high schools. The study also found that twenty-two percent of all schools did not require students to take any P.E.

Charlene Burgeson , a health expert says one problem for P.E. teachers is that schools are under pressure to put more time into academic subjects. Also, parents may agree that children need exercise in school. Yet many parents today still have bad memories of being chosen last for teams because teachers favored the good athletes in class.

But experts say P.E. classes have changed. They say the goal has moved away from competition and toward personal performance, as a way to build a lifetime of activity. These days, teachers often lead activities like weight training and yoga.

Some parents like the idea of avoiding competitive sports in P.E. class. Yet others surely dislike that idea. In the end, schools may find themselves in a no-win situation.

1. The underlined word “expectancy” in Paragraph 3 probably means “       ”                            





2.According to the passage which of the following may not lead to poor health?



C.High blood pressure.

D.Health service

3. What can be inferred after you read this passage?

A.Physical activities are becoming more and more popular in American schools.

B.All the schools provided daily physical education all year for all students.

C.Parents think children need physical education for their bad memories.

D.Students spent less time on physical education for academic pressure.

4. What is the main idea about this passage?

A.P.E. is the most important subject for all students.

B.P.E has changed its goal for some reasons in America.

C.It introduces us the present situation of P.E in American schools and its cause.

D.P.E can help students improve their academic subjects.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012年人教版高中英语选修十Unit5练习卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

In the United States, elementary and middle schools are advised to give students two and a half hours of physical activity a week.

Yet many schools across the country have reduced their physical education programs. Criticism(批评) of the cuts has led in some places to efforts to give students more time for exercise, not less.

A study reported that life expectancy(寿命) has fallen or is no longer increasing in some parts of the United States. The situation is worst among poor people in the southern states, and especially women. Public health researchers say it is largely the result of increases in obesity(肥胖), smoking and high blood pressure. They also blame differences in health services around the country.

A study found that only four percent of elementary schools provided daily physical education all year for all grades. This was true of eight percent of middle schools and two percent of high schools. The study also found that twenty-two percent of all schools did not require students to take any P.E.

Charlene Burgeson is the executive director of the National Association for Sport and Physical Education. She says one problem for P.E. teachers is that schools are under pressure to put more time into academic subjects. Also, parents may agree that children need exercise in school.

But experts say P.E. classes have changed. They say the goal has moved away from competition and toward personal performance, as a way to build a lifetime of activity. These days, teachers often lead activities like weight training.

Some parents like the idea of avoiding competitive sports in P.E. class. Yet others surely dislike that idea. In the end, schools may find themselves in a no-win situation.

1. . How many reasons have caused some Americans’ life expectancy to fall?





2.  The underlined part “that idea” (the last paragraph) refers to _______.

A.competitive sports

B.a lifetime of activity

C.no-win situation

D.uncompetitive exercise

3. . From the passage we can infer that _______.

A.physically active children have more chances to be fit when growing up

B.most American schools let students take physical activity enough

C.the older a student is, the less exercise he gets

D.not all parents think exercise is good for students

4. . The passage mainly tells us about _______.

A.school and students’ health

B.how to make children healthy

C.American schools’ physical education

D.American students’ health


