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You can advertise all kinds of products and services such as shoes, umbrellas, travel arrangements, and so on.




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Freezing can keep food fresh and safe to eat. Freezing lowers the food temperature below zero degree Celsius. That is the point where water turns to ice.    , it is important to lower the temperature to between minus fifteen and minus twenty degrees Celsius as quickly as possible. The faster the freezing process is, the fresher the taste of the food.

Fruits and vegetables can be spread out inside the freezer. Once the food is frozen,     . Fruits are usually not cooked before they are frozen. This allows them to keep their fresh taste. The simplest way to prepare fruits is to cut them up and place them in a container inside the freeze before putting it in the container. This will keep it from sticking to the container. This is called the “dry pack” method.

    , The fruit is prepared along with some of its liquid or juice. You can ad some sugar to fruits that are naturally juicy. The sugar sweetens the fruit and brings out its natural juices.

    . Blanching means placing the vegetables in boiling water for a few minutes and then quickly placing them into very cold water. Blanching slows down the natural chemical aging process. All extra water should be removed before placing the vegetables into containers and freezing.     .

A. it should be placed in containers and then stored at a temperature of about minus twenty degrees Celsius

B. Vegetables are either cooked or blanched before freezing

C. To start the freezing process

D. To keep them fresh for a long time

E. The second way is the “wet pack” method

F. Most foods can be stored frozen for up to one year


科目:高中英语 来源:2011届福建省宁德市普通高中毕业班质量检查英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Sublet.com is not just for sublets (转租,分租) and subleases(转租入,转租出)! If you are searching for a place to live or just need temporary rental housing, you will find the rental you need at Sublet.com. Sublet.com is a full service rental website where landlords(房东), tenants(房客) and roommates come together to rent apartments, houses and rooms.
At sublet.com tenants can search and find every type of rental housing. Sublet.com landlords rent and sublet apartments, houses, townhouses, rooms, hotels, Bed and Breakfasts, mobile homes, vacation rentals and dormitory rooms. Sublet.com rentals and sublets meet every demand: pet friendly rentals and subleases, furnished or unfurnished rentals, short term or long term rentals, roommates, rentals and sublets for tenants with bad credit and obviously rentals for tenants with good credit. At Sublet.com tenants can search for rentals in many different ways. Search rentals by location neighborhood, by zip code(区号), by specific rental needs like doorman, pets, high speed internet, no smokers and more.
If you are a landlord and you have an apartment, house, townhouse or room to rent, post it for free at Sublet.com. Post your apartment or house for a 1 year lease, for a one week rental or even for a 1 day rental. Whatever your rental goals are, sublet.com will help by sending quality rental leads(线索). Sublet.com also offers landlords a complete tenant screening service. At Sublet.com you can conveniently run credit reports, employment reports, criminal background checks to evaluate the quality of a tenant..
Sublet.com does not share personal information. Even email addresses are not accessible to landlords or tenants. Sublet.com does not save credit card information. Sublet.com posts a TRUSTED logo(专用标识) for landlords that have been screened and checked. And tenant reviews of landlords are posted with each listing to express the quality of a rental or a landlord. Since all landlords with tenant complaints are blocked, the length of time a landlord has been posting is shown to indicate the quality of the landlord.
【小题1】At Sublet.com, _________.

A.tenants with bad credit can not find their rentals
B.tenants can not find the rentals which provide Bed and Breakfasts
C.landlords can post a flat or a room to rent without paying any money
D.landlords and tenants are informed of each other’s email addresses
【小题2】This passage is probably_________.
A.an ad for a housing rental websiteB.a guide for people to rent houses
C.a direction of making rental dealsD.a collection of rental information
【小题3】People can do all the following at Sublet.com EXCEPT_________.
A.buy a well-furnished apartment
B.find a place to stay with their pets
C.evaluate the quality of a tenant
D.post their apartment or house for a short term or long term rental
【小题4】The purpose of the last paragraph is probably to_________.
A.attract more tenants
B.prove that sublet.com is the best
C.refuse people with bad credit
D.convince landlords and tenants of their privacy and security


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011河北衡水中学高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Count Me Out
Call me old-fashioned. Call me old. Call me what you want, but I refuse to become part of this new Internet world.
I do not possess a computer at home or at the office. Actually, I stopped going to an office 35 years ago, when all communications were done with a pen, a typewriter, or, if the matter was of world-shaking importance, over the telephone. Likewise, if you like something advertised in a newspaper or magazine, you visited the shop selling it at the given address, or you phoned the number shown. Then you spoke to the fellow and asked for further details.
Tell me what you think of the following ad that appeared the other day in the newspaper. It was for a cure for cancer and this is what it said: “Awareness is the key. Visit spfulford. com at the awareness site.” There was no address or telephone number for the site. So what do unfortunate people without a computer do if they are seeking a cure for their illness?
There are, I am told, certain advantages in having access to the Internet. You can, for example, send love messages across the world or even get married to someone that you meet online. This bit doesn’t interest me; I have been happily married for 60 years. There are, of course, other activities for Internet users besides finding love. They can pay bills, order groceries, or discuss with their doctors.
And this is by no means all. More amazing things are yet to come in the near future. I read a newspaper report recently that quoted Stephen Hawking, an important British scientist. “The complexity of a computer as it exists today is probably less than the brain of an earthworm,” he said. “But, as technology advances, computers will become more complex, and a time may come when the Internet may develop ‘consciousness.’ In other words, the Internet will be able to think, have feelings, and may well be able to act on its own.”
If Professor Hawking is right, I may change my attitude to computers. As I grow older each day, I would like one of those that not only thinks for me but also accepts responsibilities for all my mistakes.
What’s the meaning of the title “Count Me Out”?

A.Get me out of the Internet world.
B.Computers are trying to take control of life.
C.Modern technology pushes old people away.
D.Do not expect me to be a supporter of the Internet.
According to Paragraph 2, the author thinks computers are         .
What might the author like about the future computer?
A.Taking blames.B.Curing illnesses.
C.Delivering messages.D.Responding to emotions.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏宿迁泗洪县洪翔中学高一下学期期中考试英语卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Job advertising on the web
Register a new account
Log in to an existing account
Promote your casual work, graduate or internship(实习职位),opportunity with an advertisement on the Careers Centre database free of charge. Your advertisement will be viewable to all university of Sydney students and appear in 'Job Alert' – a daily email to subscribing students. You can also target alumni (up to five years after graduation) – advertise on our database and it will be visible at AlumniOnline.
If you advertise through the Careers Centre you will need to agree to our advertising terms and conditions.
Unpaid work
We are unable to advertise unpaid internship work experience or volunteer positions unless:
the position fulfills part of a University curriculum and has faculty approval, or
it is a volunteer position with a registered not-for-profit organisation.
Our unpaid and volunteering work info brochure has essential information for employers wishing to offer unpaid work including alternative suggestions. You can also contact the Careers Centre for assistance.
Submit an advertisement
To upload your job advertisement:
log in to the Careers Centre employer database – if you don't have a username you'll need to request a new account
click 'job ads' and fill out the form
agree to our advertising terms and conditions
submit your advertisement for review by the Careers Centre.
Advertisements are displayed for a maximum of two months. If your position is filled before your registered deadline please log in to the database and withdraw your ad.
What to include in your advertisement
We've found there is generally a better response to advertisements that are clear and informative. The following information is important to include:
job title and description of duties
skills and/or experience required
hours worked, and flexibility with regard to study/exam timetables
location of the work
pay rate/basis of payment – visit the Fair Work online website for pay rates and other employment conditions, or call their help line on 131394
how to apply and close date for applications
your contact details, including email address and phone number for Careers Centre staff (these do not appear with the job advertisement, however they are required for office purposes should we need to contact you).
It is free to advertise on our jobs database.
Related services
For greater promotion of your opportunities, consider:
sending a targeted email-out to the students you wish to recruit(雇佣 )
booking a booth at a careers fair if you are promoting a graduate or internship program.
Contact us
For help submitting an advertisement or more information, contact the Industry Development Team:
P (02) 8627 8408
E careers.administration@sydney.edu.aucareers.administration[at]sydney.edu.au.
【小题1】What kind of people is the passage intended for?

A.people recruiting employers
B.members in the Careers Centre
C.job-hunters in university of Sydney
D.undergraduates who need to improve the ability to study and work
【小题2】Which of the following is TRUE according to the article?
A.Registering a new account every time you log in
B.Advertisements are displayed for a minimum of two months.
C.Advertising unpaid positions with registered non-profit organizations is permitted.
D.All job ads will appear online once they are submitted.
【小题3】What should be included in your advertisement?
A.job title, experience required and sex
B.hours worked, age and location of the work
C.marriage, contact details and location of the work
D.experience required, payment and contact details


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年广东省高三第一次月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解


Freezing can keep food fresh and safe to eat. Freezing lowers the food temperature below zero degree Celsius. That is the point where water turns to ice.  1. , it is important to lower the temperature to between minus fifteen and minus twenty degrees Celsius as quickly as possible. The faster the freezing process is, the fresher the taste of the food.

Fruits and vegetables can be spread out inside the freezer. Once the food is frozen,   2. . Fruits are usually not cooked before they are frozen. This allows them to keep their fresh taste. The simplest way to prepare fruits is to cut them up and place them in a container inside the freeze before putting it in the container. This will keep it from sticking to the container. This is called the “dry pack” method.

 3. , The fruit is prepared along with some of its liquid or juice. You can ad some sugar to fruits that are naturally juicy. The sugar sweetens the fruit and brings out its natural juices.

 4. . Blanching means placing the vegetables in boiling water for a few minutes and then quickly placing them into very cold water. Blanching slows down the natural chemical aging process. All extra water should be removed before placing the vegetables into containers and freezing.   5. .

A.it should be placed in containers and then stored at a temperature of about minus twenty degrees Celsius

B.Vegetables are either cooked or blanched before freezing

C.To start the freezing process

D.To keep them fresh for a long time

E. The second way is the “wet pack” method

F. Most foods can be stored frozen for up to one year


