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Instead of hitting the beach, fourteen high school students traded swimming suits for lab coats last summer and turned their attention to scientific experiments.

     The High School Research Program offers high school students guidance with researchers in Texas A&M’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Jennifer Funkhouser, academic adviser for the Department of Rangeland Ecology and Management, directs this four-week summer program designed to increase understanding of research and its career potential.

Several considerations go into selecting students, including grades, school involvement and interest in science and agriculture. And many students come from poorer school districts, Funkhouser says, “This is their chance to learn techniques and do experiments they never would have a chance to do in high school.”

    Warner Ervin of Houston is interested in animal science and learned how to tell male from female mosquitoes(蚊子).His adviser, Craig Coates, studies the genes of mosquitoes that allow them to fight against malaria and yellow fever. Coates thought this experience would be fun and helpful to the high school students.

       The agricultural research at A&M differs from stereotypes. It’s “molecular(分子)science on the cutting edge,” Funkhouser says. The program broadened students’ knowledge. Victor Garcia of Rio Grande City hopes to become a biology teacher and says he learned a lot about chemistry from the program.

     At the end of the program, the students presented papers on their research. They’re also paid $600 for their work-another way this program differs from others, which often charge a fee.

     Fourteen students got paid to learn that science is fun, that agriculture is a lot more than milking and plowing and that research can open many doors.

1.The research program is chiefly designed for  _______.

A. high school advisers from Houston

B. college students majoring in agriculture

C. high school students from different places

D. researchers at the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

2.It can be inferred from the text that the students in poorer areas  ___________ .

A. had little chance to go to college

B. could often take part in the program

C. found the program useful to their future

D. showed much interest in their high school experiments

3.When the program was over, the students  ________.

A. entered that college            B. wrote research reports

C. paid for their research           D. found way to make money

4.The underlined expression “on the cutting edge” in paragraph 5 means “on the most  ___ position”.

A. important                     B. favorable

C. astonishing                   D. advanced










1.细节推断题。根据“The High School Research Program offers high school students guidance with researchers in Texas A&M’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences”可知这个计划是面向高中生的,另外这个计划里有来自Texas的Huston的,不只一个地方。选C。

2.推理题。根据“This is their chance to learn techniques and do experiments they never would have a chance to do in high school.”和“this four-week summer program designed to increase understanding of research and its career potential”可以推断出这个计划将在就业潜能方面对贫穷地区学生有帮助。选C。

3.细节推断题。根据“At the end of the program, the students presented papers on their research.”可以知道计划的最后学生们需要为研究准备报告。选B。

4.猜义题。从“The agricultural research at A&M differs from stereotypes.”农业研究不是在研究老套的东西(而是先进的技术)。所以划线部分“on the cutting edge”应该是stereotypes的反义词,是先进的意思。




科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年河南省安阳一中高二下学期第一次阶段测试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单选题

Mr Baker is always making _____comments instead of straightforward yes-or-no replies.



科目:高中英语 来源:贵州省云峰中学2010届高三下学期3月月考(英语) 题型:完型填空

It was New Year’s night, An aged man was standing at a window. He raised his mournful(悲哀的)eyes towards the deep  36 sky, where the stars were  37 like white lilies(百合花)on
the surface of a clear calm lake.Then he threw them on the earth.Where a few more  38 people than himself now moved towards their certain goal-the  39 ,He had already passed sixty of the  40  leading to it,and he had brought from his journey nothing but errors and regret.Now his health was poor,his mind  41 ,his heart sorrowful,and his old age short of  42
The days of his youth appeared like dreams before him.and he recalled the  43 moment
when his father placed him at the  44 to the two roads-one leading to a  45 .sunny place.
covered with flowers,fruits and resounding with soft,sweet songs;the other 1eading to a deep,
dark cave.which was endless. 46 poison flowed instead of water and where deviIs(恶魔)and
poisonous snakes hissed and crawled.
He saw the  47  fading away in the darkness.and these were the days of his  48 life;He saw a star fall from the sky and disappeared,and this was the  49 of himself.His regret,which was like a sharparrow.Struck deeply into his heart.Then he remembered his friends in his
childhood.who entered on life together with him.But they had  50 to success and were now
honored and happy on this New Year’s night
The clock in the high church tow struck and the sound made him remember his parents’
early love for him.They had taught him and  51 to God for his good.But he chose the 52
way.With shame and grief he   53  no longer look towards that heaven where his father lived.
His darkened eyes were full of tears,and with a despairing  54  ,he burst out a cry;“Come back,my  55  days!Come back!”
36.A.grey           B,blue           C. black        D. cloudy
37.A.floating         B, flashing       C hanging      D shinning
38.A.purposeless     B purposeful      C hopeful      D hopeless
39.A.house          B tomb         C church        D birthplace
40.A.dreams         B moments      C incidents      D stages
41.A.strange         B pale           C blank        D shallow
42.A.allowances      Bcomforts        C experiences   D  memories
43.A.serious         B awful          C tough         D desperate
44.A.end            B entrance        C origin        D base
45.A.  lonely          B noisy           C quiet        D peaceful
46.A.which          B that             C whose       D where
47.A.people         B lights            C  stars       D clouds
48.A.accustomed     B rewarded         C wasted      D occupied
49.A.symbol          B fate             C future       D outcome
50.A.lost their heart B devoted their attention
C.made their way D given their way
51.A.prayed       B attached         C adjusted      D turned
52.A.ordinary     B unfamiliar        C wrong        D difficult
53.A.would      B could            C should         D dared
54.A.anxiety     B effort            C patience       D attempt
55.A.early       B good             C old           D shamdful


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省实验中学2009-2010学年度高二下学期模块考试(英语) 题型:完型填空

第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Everyone has experienced trying but failing to master a difficult book, which was begun with the hope of increasing one's understanding. When that happens, it is    16  to think that it was a mistake to try to read it, but that was not the mistake. The mistake was in    17   too much from the first reading of a(n)   18   book. If you read it in the right way, no book written for the    19    reader, no matter how difficult, need be a cause for despair (绝望).
What is the right method? The    20   is an important and helpful rule of reading that is either not known or often forgotten. That rule is simply this: when reading a difficult book for the first time, read it through without ever    21   to think about the things that you do not understand immediately.
Do not be stopped by what you can't understand. Read through the difficult    22   , and you’ll soon come to things that you do understand. Read these    23   . You will have a much better chance of understanding all of the book when you read it again, but that    24   you to have read the book through once    25   .
What you understand by reading the book through to the   26   will help you when you try later to read the places that you did not    27    in your first reading. Or if you never re-read the book, understanding half of it is much better than understanding nothing of it, which will happen if you allow yourself to be stopped by the first difficult part of the book.
Most of us were taught to    28   the things that we do not understand. We were told to find the  29  of unfamiliar words, and to try to find an explanation in another    30   for anything that we did not understand in the book that we were reading. But when these things are done before the proper time, they only harm our reading, instead of helping it.
16. A. necessary              B. useful                    C. natural                  D. effective   
17. A. learning                  B. hoping                   C. accepting       D. expecting              
18. A. easy                 B. difficult                   C. important      D. correct                
19. A. ordinary           B. young                   C. serious                  D. sincere                
20. A. method           B. question       C. answer                 D. problem               
21. A. starting            B. hesitating       C. stopping       D . repeating 
22. A. words             B. articles        C. parts         D. points                 
23. A. quickly              B. immediately     C. clearly         D. carefully              
24.A. requires     B. causes                     C. advises                     D. allows             
25.A. later       B. after                      C. before                    D. again              
26.A. top        B. end                       C. bottom                    D. cover 
27.A. see        B. turn                      C. notice                      D. understand         
28.A. put away     B. put down                  C. think aloud                 D. think about         
29.A. uses        B. meanings                 C. spellings                    D. troubles           
30.A. thinking     B. reading                    C. book                D. way             


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省宿迁市2010届高三下学期第二次模拟考试试题(英语) 题型:完型填空

Rest is critical to life and work and a positive attitude towards rest needs to be maintained. Enough rest is significant to our body and mind   36   a lack of adequate rest, as well as  __37__ attitudes to rest, will do great harm to our health.
Rest is vital to our ability to   38   at our best. Recent news stories report that scientists are learning surprising things about the importance of sleep. There is enough __39_  suggesting that rest will refresh us,  40   our body and mind to work efficiently. Besides, rest is important for   41   that; it is helpful in setting   42   goals and deciding what goals to attain first. Those who are caught up in extremely busy lives   43   the time to think about what they are doing and to make objective   44  , which blocks the maximization of their   45  .
On the contrary, lack of adequate rest damages brain function, so much so that sleep experts have been able to   46   drops in IQ in patients who are   47   of sleep. Other studies have presented a negative effect on body movements in sleep-wanting subjects. It should not, therefore, be a   48   that the California Highway Patrol has stated that sleep-wanting drivers are as great a   49   to road safety as are drunken drivers.
However, rest is widely   50   by some people. Instead of sleep, they go to pubs and clubs   51   what they call social drinking or having a smoke with friends and they   52__   that this kind of entertaining is rest. Nowadays, the economy forces people to drink and gamble for the sake of the   53   one moves in. The truth is that rest means not using our  _54 _ both physically and mentally, even spiritually. We need to rest correctly and   55  ; otherwise, tiredness and illness will occur.
36. A. when                  B. though                      C. until                    D. while
37. A. critical                B. misleading                C. puzzling                 D. ambiguous
38. A. survive                B. create                       C. function                 D. advance
39. A. evidence              B. theory                      C. belief                  D. information
40. A. encouraging         B. enabling                 C. persuading             D. concentrating
41. A. more than            B. rather than                C. other than              D. less than
42. A. ideal                   B. appropriate               C. professional            D. high
43. A. afford                 B. expect                      C. lack                       D. waste
44. A. comments            B. complaints                C. attempts                 D. decisions
45. A. potential              B. limit                         C. vision                    D. goal
46. A. predict                B. evaluate                    C. measure                 D. assume
47. A. short                   B. afraid                       C. full                        D. tired
48. A. fact                     B. warning                    C. rule                     D. surprise
49. A. burden              B. reminder                   C. threat                     D. blow
50. A. accepted              B. valued                      C. abandoned              D. misunderstood
51 A. with                     B. like                         C. as                          D. for
52. A. claim                  B. suggest                     C. announce               D. promote
53. A. traps                   B. circles                      C. mysteries               D. troubles
54. A. judgment             B. time                         C. labor                     D. power
55. A. completely          B. partly                       C. sufficiently             D. permanently


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届安徽泗县双语中学高三5月模拟测试英语卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

"Everything happens for the best." my mother said whenever I felt disappointed. "  36 , and one day something good will happen. Then you'll realize it wouldn't have happened  37  the disappointment you had experienced  38 ." Mother was right,  39  I discovered after graduating from college, I had decided to try for a job  40  radio, then  41  my way up to a sports announcer. I hitchhiked (搭免费车) to Chicago and tried every station, but got  42 . In one studio, a kind lady told me big stations couldn't risk hiring inexperienced persons. "Try your luck in the  43 " she said.
I hitchhiked home to Dixon, Illinois, where there was no radio-announcing jobs. My father said a store wanted a local  44  to manage its sports department. Since Dixon was  45  I had played high school football, I  46 . The job sounded just  47  for me. But l wasn't hired.
My disappointment  48  have shown. "Everything harem for the best." Mother  49 . Then I tried WOC Radio in Davenport, Iowa. The program director, Peter MacArthur, told me they had already hired an announcer. As I left his office, my disappointment boiled  50 . I asked aloud. "How can a fellow become a sport announcer if he can't get a job in a radio station?"
I was waiting for the  51  when I heard MacArthur calling, "What was that you said about sports? You know something about football?" Then he  52  me before a  53  and asked me to broadcast a(n)  54  game.
On my way home, as I have many times  55 , I thought of my mother's words.

A.Get onB.Carry on C.Work onD.Concentrate on
A.in spite ofB.regardless ofC.but forD.instead of
A.salesmanB.athleteC.shop assistantD.manager
A.in whichB.whenC.whereD.how

