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【题目】Nowadays, people tend to take a selfie(自拍)wherever they are. However, not all of them can take a perfect selfie. 1So I am going to give you some tips on how to get a perfect one.

Use Several Devices. Before you can even think about uploading a selfie on your social networking site, you need to decide which device to use in the first place. Although there are many devices you can use to take a selfie, the best one is a smart phone with a front and back camera. However, it doesn’t mean that your other devices can’t come in handy. 2In the end, all that matters is how well you practice and how to get the right shots.

Catch Good Lighting and Background. To capture a classic selfie, you have to pay close attention to the lighting and background. If you’re taking a selfie indoors, you are supposed to face a window or door where natural light is shining right on your face. This really brightens up the picture.3.

Aim for Unconventional Shots. For a refreshing twist, try taking a selfie with your pet.4One great thing about selfie is that you don’t need to wait for the right time or place. You can instantly reach out for your camera, strike a pose, and get a rocking selfie.

5Relax, enjoy and click ---these are the three basic rules you need to follow. A selfie is not an activity where you need to follow some guidelines or set rules.

A. Try to avoid the serious face.

B. Pretend to be very happy all the time.

C. Taking a selfie needs practice and skills.

D. You remember to show your best smiles there.

E. For an outdoor selfie, face the sun to make it work.

F. You just have to understand how each of them works.

G. It’s interesting to see what king of expression it will give.



















科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

It is reported that although our genes and environment play an important role, how happy we are largely depends on our choices and activities. The following are just several areas that tend to make a big difference to people's happiness.
Take a positive attitude
Positive emotions―like joy, gratitude, satisfaction, inspiration and pride― don't just feel good when we experience them. So although we need to be realistic about life's ups and downs, it helps to focus on the good aspects of any situation―the glass half full rather than the glass half empty.
Accept who you are and what you are
Learning to accept ourselves and being kinder to ourselves when things go wrong will increase our enjoyment of life. It also helps us accept others as they are. Ask a trusted friend or colleague to tell you what they think your real strengths are.

Caring about others is fundamental to our happiness. Helping other people is not only good for them; it's good for us too. It makes us happier and can help to improve our health. Giving also creates stronger connections between people and helps to build a happier society.
Take part in something bigger
People who have meaning and purpose in their lives are happier. They also experience less stress, anxiety and depression. It might come from doing a job that makes a difference, or spiritual beliefs, or our family. The answers may be different for each of us but they all involve being connected to something bigger than ourselves.
A. Our broader social networks bring a sense of belonging.
B. Nobody is perfect.
C. Give them a call or offer your support.
D. Try to make more use of these.
E. They also help us perform better, and improve our physical health.
F. But where do we find meaning and purpose?
G. Do things for others.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】__________spending summer moving from the coach to the computer, by aiming for a specific goal, like volunteering, mastering a new skill, or working at a job.

A. Avoiding B. Avoid

C. Resisting D. Resist


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








Dear Sir or Madam,

I am Li Hua, a student in Class 1, Grade 2. I have read the notice








Li hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


(1)The railway line runs p_____ to the road,so they will never meet.

(2)People here are rich,partly because this area is ________in natural resources.

(3)You must not be ________(支配) by the opinions of others.

(4)The travel agency offers a lot of d______ for us to have our holidays.

(5)He makes his r_____ trip to the store every day.

(6)Certain courses are compulsory,while others are o_____.

(7)She made it ________(充分) clear that she wanted me to leave.

(8)We s_____ the children into new schools when we moved to London.

(9)I have been instructed by my _____(代理人) that you still owe me 100 pounds.

(10)The tiger lashed its tail around whenever anyone came near its c____.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Recently, I felt like I reached a very low point in life. My relationships weren't good, I wasn't enjoying my classes, and I felt like I had nothing to1.My life seemed to be full of endless homework, tests and loneliness. Nothing anyone said seemed2o me. I wasn't sure what to do about myself. All I wanted was to be happy again, but I didn't know who or what would3that.
During these days, I had trouble sleeping. I had to take sleeping pills but still woke up in the midnight. I had no4but to tell my dad. He5the book The Secret. I immediately bought the e-book online and read the whole thing that night. I'm6quite a stubborn person, but the effect on my mood after finishing the book was7. Suddenly, I felt like life was beautiful again. I had never felt such a deep and quick8in my life before.
In fact, the book's message was very simple—think positively(积极地).The book had many success stories about how people were able to9money, soul mates(心灵伙伴)and old friends back into their lives. I started learning to thank everything in my life like them. Little by little, I realized that The Secret could only work10I believed these people's success stories.
Now I'm sure I can bring myself happiness.
(1)A.take care of B.come up with C.look down on D.look forward to
(2)A.helpful B.colourful C.peaceful D.powerful
(3)A.serve B.offer C.answer D.prevent
(4)A.problem B.idea C.need D.doubt
(5)A.borrowed B.collected C.returned D.recommended
(6)A.normally B.mainly C.finally D.probably
(7)A.realistic B.common C.obvious D.serious
(8)A.breath B.notice C.surprise D.change
(9)A.attract B.control C.imagine D.mention
(10)A.until B.When C.unless D.before


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Bad customs and laws ought to be _______ (废除).

2If I were in your shoes, I’d ______(辞职)immediately.

3She never speaks ill of anyone in his or her _______ (不在).

4I will _________(陪伴)her to the concert.

5The tests are supposed to provide a basis for the _______ (评价)of children.

6I ________ (目睹) an accident and felt scared.

7They _________(逃离)the village because of the heavy flood.

8He got in at the _______(浅的)end of the swimming pool.

9He _________ (同意) of my plan for the weekend.

10A _________(数字的) camera is handy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】When it comes to the benefit of volunteering, a lot of people think it s all about the warm feeling after helping someone. 1. As is known, charity work requires a wide variety of people to do a wide variety of things for everything to work. It means that there are some surprising benefits for volunteers. For example, volunteering:

Teaches you new skills.

From helping making websites to teaching immigrant kids your native language, or to arranging events for charity, volunteering can really be almost anything. It means that when you get involved in charity work, a lot of the time you will face challenges. 2.

Can teach you what truly matters.

It’s a great way to find new perspectives(角度) on life. When you’ve been at it for a while, you just might find yourself re-evaluating your advantages. 3. One of my friends went from wanting to be a lawyer to discovering a true passion for teaching


Maybe it is not surprising, but what might surprise you is how genuine these friends are. Some of my long-term friends are people I’ve met through volunteering. I’m not that kind of guy that makes friends purely for connections, but sometimes it’s very convenient to have a broad network.

Summed up in one line: volunteering helps you grow. 5. You meet a wide variety of people who don’t have a lot in common with. You learn to get along with people involved in many different walks in life. You learn to know what you are to do. So if you’ve ever considered volunteering, what are you waiting for?

A. You might even decide on a completely new path to take in life.

B. Helps you make new friends

C. As it turns out, that’s far from the only benefit.

D. Volunteering helps you look outside yourself and your problems.

E. Through overcoming the challenges, you learn completely new skills.

F. Not only as a person, but it helps you develop your skill as well.

G. Can help improve social skills


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)When I began to sing, he laughed and it made me (尴尬的).
(2)Our farm (占地面积) an area of 10,000 square metres.
(3)You never get a second chance to make a first (印象).
(4)I'd (感激) it if you could turn it down.
(5)You have to be ( 耐心的) with my mother. She is going rather deaf.
(6)You look tired— you should take a (假期) .
(7)After some difficulties I was (幸运的) in finding a most respectable young man as my assistant.
(8)We turned to see the (接近) car slow down.
(9)I mustn't annoy my boss because I can't (负担得起) to lose my job.
(10)In (结论), I'd like to thank you for all you've done for me.
(11)The car is (装备) with air conditioning.
(12)All students have free (接近, 通路) to the library.
(13)A driver should (全神贯注) on the road when driving.
(14) (比较) to that one, this one is better.
(15)Once you are (上瘾的) to smoking, it is difficult for you to get out of it.

