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对话填空 共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

Olivea---O ; Pansy---P

O:Hi, it’s you, Pansy ! I didn’t 76 r_______ you !                                                                     76          

P:Hi, Olivea ! Long time no see. I’ve changed a lot, haven’t I ?

O:Yes, indeed. You’re 77 s________ than before.                                                                  77          

P:Really ? I’m losing 78 w________.                                                                                           78          

O:But how ? Going on a 79 d_______ or … ?                                                                           79          

P:I tried to eat less, but failed. You know I’ve got a sweet tooth.

Chocolates,icecreams… all my 80 f________.                                                                          80          


P:My doctor suggested that I do more exercise. You see, as a secretary to the

mamager, I always sit at the desk doing paperwork. 81 L______ of                       81          

exercise led to my 82g______ weight day by day. So at last, I followed                           82          

his advice. I’m 83 a_______ a Yoga(瑜珈 ) course regularly,                                             83          

84 t_______a week. And I often do jogging in the evening.                                       84          

O: Can you 85 i________your Yoga coach to me ? I’m quite interested in it.                 85          

P: Sure.

76. recognize/recognise  77. slimmer  78. weight  79. diet  80. favourites

81. Lack  82. gaining  83. attending  84. twice  85. introduce


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





D:Peter,ten years ago you wanted to become a doctor...

P:Yeah,but unfortunately I didn’t(76)m___________the requirements.

D:So what did you do then?

P:Well,I was very(77)d___________,but I just had to move on and do something else with my life.So I took a year off and worked as a volunteer on an aid program.That made me realize(78)h___________important it is to raise money to help people (79)l___________a poor life.So that’s what I do.

D:Can you explain a bit more about what you(80)a___________do?

P:I go to see people,put(81)f___________our suggestion and organize activities to collect money.

D:So have you (82)a___________any of your goals?

P:Well,I guess so.I always said I wanted to help(83)o___________people.

D:And what about your plan for the (84)f___________?

P:My girlfriend and I intend to get married next year.













科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


R= Reporter     L = Mr. Li

R:Thanks for your coming to talk about your experience.

L:Not at all. I’m happy to be here.

R:Could you tell me what you were doing when the (76) d___ __ happened?           

L:Well, I didn’t know (77) e_____ when it happened. I was fast asleep at              

   that time.

R:How did you feel at first?

L:I was (78) f ____, and then I cried, racing outside. Unfortunately, I              

   couldn’t run out of my house.

R:And what happened?

L:I was (79) b       among the ruins.                                                            

R:How long were you (80) t ___there?                                          

L:I think it was long time before I was (81) r     .                                 

R:But you were lucky enough to be dug (82) o     by the soldiers soon.                

L:I didn’t know how to express my (83) g       .                                   

R:And I heard you burst into (84) t    after being saved.                                     

L:Yes. I was very sad when I saw millions of houses disappeared and many

   children (85)1____ their parents.                                                                 

R:OK. Thank you.I hope we will talk again. Goodbye.

L:It is my pleasure. Bye.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年江西省高三10月月考英语卷 题型:其他题

对话填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

A: He is very good, isn’t he?

B: Sorry, what did you say?

A: I 1.s__________ the singer was great.

B: Yes, and interesting to watch.

A: Have you seen him here 2.b_________?

B: Oh, yes. He’s always at 3. e__________ the same place on Saturdays when I come into town. I think he probably 4.w__________ the music and words by himself, 5.b________ I’ve 6.n________ heard any of the songs before.

A: It’s not fair

B: What do you 7.m__________?

A: People with musical ability 8. l_________him have to stand around here to make a living.

B: Perhaps he enjoys 9.i_________ or more money than you think.

A: I 10. h_________ so.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年江西省高一上学期第二次段考英语卷 题型:其他题


R=" Reporter    " L =" Mr." Li

R:Thanks for your coming to talk about your experience.

L:Not at all. I’m happy to be here.

R:Could you tell me what you were doing when the (76) d___ __ happened?   1.       

L:Well, I didn’t know (77) e_____ when it happened. I was fast asleep at      2.       

that time.

R:How did you feel at first?

L:I was (78) f ____, and then I cried, racing outside. Unfortunately, I       3.      

couldn’t run out of my house.

R:And what happened?

L:I was (79) b      among the ruins.                                                  4.        

R:How long were you (80) t ___there?                                5.        

L:I think it was long time before I was (81) r    .                      6.        

R:But you were lucky enough to be dug (82) o    by the soldiers soon.      7.        

L:I didn’t know how to express my (83) g      .                          8.       

R:And I heard you burst into (84) t   after being saved.                          9.        

L:Yes. I was very sad when I saw millions of houses disappeared and many

children (85)1____ their parents.                                                        10.      

R:OK. Thank you.I hope we will talk again. Goodbye.

L:It is my pleasure. Bye.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届江西省联考英语试题 题型:其他题



R =" Reporter " Z =" Zhang" Ying

R: Mrs. Zhang,last year a heavy earthquake (76) s       this area and destroyed almost all the buildings in the village. Can you tell us the details?

Z: In two weeks it will be the first anniversary of (77) w     the earthquake destroyed our village on May 12,2008. My husband and I had been

(78) r       a restaurant for several years. On that terrible day,everything was destroyed. My husband was killed in the second quake.

R: What happened in the weeks after the quake and how did you get

(79)o       it?

Z: I moved to a nearby village. The death of my husband was of course the

(80) w      thing. I was desperate.

R: What made you decide to reopen the restaurant?

Z: First of all,I had to make a living. More importantly,I did it to

(81) h       my husband. The restaurant had been his greatest achievement.

R: Was it easy to reopen the restaurant?

Z: No. My friends and relatives put some money together. I received some financial (82) a       from the local government. I was also able to take out a

(83) l       ­from the bank. With the money and all the help I got,I reopened the restaurant.

R: Do you often think about the disaster?

Z: Yes. I thought the earthquake was the day my life ended,even though I was a survivor. But I (84) m       to cheer up. I just did not know I had the

(85) c       to keep it up.













