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I am writing is to invite you to Guangxi and spend the summer vacation with me. I have made a wonderfully plan for it. First, we can go to Beihai, there it is cool and mild, and has fun at the seaside. Then we were to go to Bama county, which is world-famous for the local people’s long life. There we can enjoy freely the fresh air, delicious food and beautiful sight. Last, I have planned take you to my hometown. We can stay there for a few days and visit some friends of me.I hope this plan suits you well but I am looking forward to your come.

【答案】1. \ is

2. wonderfully→wonderful





7.^ to (take)








5.本文是邀请对方,还未发生的事,故把were---are。be to do 表示将来。


7.固定搭配:plan to do sth.计划做某事,故在^ to (take)。

8.固定搭配:a friend of mine我的一个朋友,用名词性物主代词,表示双重所有,故把me---mine。

9.句意:我希望这个计划是和你,并祈盼着你的到来此处是并列关系,故把 but→and。

10.固定搭配:look forward to 后跟名词或动名词做宾语,故把come→coming。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】"Life is speeding up. Everyone is getting unwell." Picture this:You’re rushing1(finish) your homework on the computer. Your mobile phone rings. Suddenly the computer goes blank and you lose all your work. Now you have to stay up to get it2(do). How can you feel calm and happy?

3(invention) have speeded up our lives so much that they often leave us feeling stressed and tired. Why do you think people who live far away from4(noise) cities often seem to be happier? Perhaps because they lead5simple life.

One family in the UK went "back in time" to see6life was like without all the inventions we have today. The grandparents, with their daughter, and grandsons Benjamin, 10, and Thomas,7,7(spend) nine weeks in a house dating back to 1940. They had no microwave, computer or mobile phones.

The grandmother, Molly, said, "It was hard8(physical), but not mentally." She believed life was less materialistic."The more things you have, the more difficult life becomes," she said. The boys said they had less to fight over, their computer, for example. Benjamin also noticed that9(he)grandmother had changed from being a trendy, beer-drinking granny to one10liked cooking things.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1】【1Why do some people say they never have dreams according to Dr Garfield ?

A. They forget about their dreams. B. They don't want to tell the truth.

C. They have no bad experiences.

2】【2Why did Davis stop having dreams?

A. He got a serious heart attack. B. He was too sad about his brother's death

C. He was frightened by a terrible dream.

3】【3What is Dr Garfield s opinion about dreaming?

A. It is very useful. B. It makes things worse. C. It prevents the mind from working.

4】【4Why do some people turn off their dreams completely?

A. To sleep better. B. To recover from illnesses. C. To stay away from their problems.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1The president appeared, ______________ (陪伴) by six strong bodyguards.

2He won the ______________ (同情)of passers-by by describing his miserable childhood.

3Tom was on the way to his friend’s party when he ______________ (目睹) a traffic accident.

4He spent six months in prison before ______________ (逃离) the country.

5Some people say more but do less while others do the ______________ (相反).

6When I caught him ______________ (cheat) me I stopped buying things there.

7You had better get a doctor ______________ (pull) out your bad tooth.

8There is no need to tell me your answer now. Give it some ______________ (think) and then let me know.

9In the near future, more advances in the robot technology ______________ (make) by science.

10Up to now no conclusion ______________ (reach) about who the first prize should go to.

11This college organizes annual visits to China by groups of students in order to raise their ______________ (aware) of the importance and benefits of learning Chinese.

12My grandfather is as ______________ (energy) as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day.

13Employees ______________ (有权享受) an annual paid leave of fifteen days.

14Everyone has ______________(forget) moments in his life, which leave a deep impression on him.

15My family were moving to the countryside and I had to make some ______________ (adjust) and learn to lead a different life there.

16His name was Tony and he seemed like a human ______________ a machine (与其说像一台机器,倒不如说更像人).

17Most of them were ________________ of my opinion while David was against it. (他们大部分人赞成我的观点,而戴维反对。)

18Look, the absent-minded student is holding the book _________________(“瞧,那个心不在焉的学生把书拿颠倒了。”)

19How did it come ______________ that humans speak so many different languages?

20As a clerk in this office is on vacation, I’m just helping ______________ here for about a week.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Disneynature's new true life adventure film “Born in China” takes a journey into the wilds of China few people have ever gone. Following the stories of three animal families, the film transports audiences to some of most extreme environments on Earth to witness some deeply moving (moment). A caring panda mother guides her growing baby as she begins to explore and seek (independent) actively. A two-year-old golden monkey who feels unhappy with his new baby sister (run) away from home to join up with a group of free-spirited monkeys. And a mother snow leopard (雪豹)—an animal (rare) caught on camera—faces the real challenge of raising her two babies. Featuring (astonish), never-before-seen images, the film guides audiences through China—from the icy mountains the heart of the bamboo forest—on the wings of red-crowned cranes (丹顶鹤), smoothly tying the extraordinary tales together.
“Born in China”, (direct) by accomplished Chinese filmmaker Lu Chuan, is a co-production of Disneynature and Shanghai Media Group. Disneynature is partnering with World Wildlife Fund and donating a percentage of ticket sales (help) protect pandas and snow leopards in China.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Foreign drivers will have a pay on-the-spot fines of up to £900 for breaking the traffic law to be carried out next month.
If they do not have enough cash or a working credit card, their vehicles will clamped(扣留) until they pay—and they will face an additional fee of £80 for getting back their vehicles.
The law will also apply to British citizens. The fines will be described officially as “deposits” when the traffic law takes effect, because the money would be returned if the driver went to court and was found not guilty. In practice, very few foreign drivers are likely to return to Britain to deal with their cases.
Foreign drivers are rarely charged because police cannot take action against them if they fail to appear in court. Instead, officers often merely give warnings.
Three million foreign-registered vehicles enter Britain each year. Polish vehicles make up 36 percent, French vehicles 10 percent and German vehicles 9 percent.
Foreign vehicles are 30 percent more likely to be in a crash than British-registered vehicles. The number of crashes caused by foreign vehicles rose by 47 percent between 2003 and 2008. There were almost 400 deaths and serious injuries and 3,000 slight injuries from accidents caused by foreign vehicles in 2008.
The new law is partly intended to settle the problem of foreign lorry drivers ignoring limits on weight and hours at the wheel. Foreign lorries are three times more likely to be in a crash than British lorries. Recent spot checks found that three quarters of lorries that failed safety tests were registered overseas.
The standard deposit for a careless driving offence —such as driving too close to the vehicle in front or reading a map at the wheel—will be £300. Deposits for speeding offences and using mobile phones will be £60. Foreign drivers will not get points as punishment added to their licenses, while British drivers will.
(1)The first paragraph serves as a(n) ________.
(2)The foreign drivers who break the traffic law and do not pay on the spot are likely to be fined up to ________.
(3)We can learn from the passage that ________.
A.many foreign drivers have been fined by Britain police
B.300,000 German vehicles enter Britain every year
C.25 percent of foreign vehicles entering Britain have failed safety tests
D.British drivers will be punished with points and fines for breaking the traffic law
(4)The new traffic law is mainly intended to ________.
A.limit the number of foreign vehicles entering Britain
B.increase the Britain government's additional income
C.reduce the rate of traffic accidents and injuries
D.get foreign drivers to appear in court


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:













2.参考词汇:寄宿制学校boarding school住校live on campus;


Recently, a survey has been made in Our school on whether we students should live on campus in a boarding school.The opinions are divided.










科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Many people don't realize the importance of music education in the schools today. A new study showed, however, music education is extremely important.
In college, music education is one of the largest programs. Teachers have to learn general education materials and techniques. They must learn to play every instrument; they must learn music history and music theory; they must learn instrument repair and teaching methods; they must learn conducting and so much more. At the same time, much of our culture and tradition is absorbed in music.
Music plays a very important role in our education.
Music helps with math and science. Students learn to count, and how to multiply and divide. Students also use science to help them discover what sounds good together and what doesn't. Students also need science to understand something called the “overtone series", which is about how music is produced by vibration(颤动)and why.
Students learn a lot about languages through music.Many songs are written in other languages, including ancient ones. Students must learn to translate these works to understand what they are singing about. A song is likely to be a famous short work set to music; so students are exposed to that very often while singing.
Students learn a huge amount of cooperation (协作)of body parts through music, so parts of the body can work better together. Students must use motor(肌肉运动的)skills in order to play an instrument. Singers and wind(管乐器)players must learn breath control and be in good shape to play.
Students learn about art. Some famous pieces were written about important pieces of art, and students learn about the artists and styles as they're playing the music.
Music education also brings higher thinking to our children. It allows them to think about complex patterns. Students have to be aware of what every other musician does at every time. In that way, it develops cooperation, as well. They tend to develop more ability for learning.
As one can see, music is very important to education.
(1)What can we infer about learning music in college?
A.It is an easy task without much effort.
B.It attracts more and more people to learn.
C.It is such a challenging job to finish
D.It has no value to our future life.
(2)Music benefits us a lot in many ways except for_______.
A.making us a scientist later.
B.improving language ability
C.bettering cooperation of body parts.
D.making us think more about how to learn well
(3)The underlined word “that” in Para. 5 refers to “_________”
A.the music
B.the work
C.the culture
D.the language
(4)What can we know from the passage?
A.A good achievement of science is vital to music learning.
B.Learning music to a higher level on one's own is impossible
C.People have long known the importance of music to our growth.
D.Music has benefits to the all—around development of human beings.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】What did the girl find out this morning?

A. There was an exam this afternoon.

B. There was no exam today.

C. The exam was postponed to next weekend.

