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12.---Is there anything you'd like for dinner?
---No,nothing ____.(  )
A.in placeB.in returnC.in particularD.in turn

分析 --晚餐你有什么想吃的吗?--没有,没有什么特别想吃的.

解答 答案是C.本题主要考查介词短语辨析.in place适当的,就绪;in return作为回报;in particular尤其,特别;in turn依次;反过来;根据句意,说话人没有什么"特别"想吃的东西,所以答案选择C.

点评 本题考查介词短语的语义辨析,考生在平时的学习中应注意积累相应的短语和词汇,并牢记其意思.在做题时,将短语的意思和题干相结合,从语法、句子结构尤其是句意上去判断,句意通顺,符合逻辑,即正确答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.What would it be like to take a walk on the surface of Mars?If you could design the tallest building in the world,what would it look like?Do you dream of being the next J.K.Rowling?This summer,you can experience all of these things,and more.All you need is an Internet connection and your imagination.
   A recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that kids spend an average of 1 hour and 29 minutes online each day.Many kids like to use that time to chat with friends,play games or check e-mail.But next time you get on the Web,try exploring the world instead."With the Internet,you can go back 11,000 years in time,or go 11,000 kilometers across the planet,"said Russell,Web search expert of Google."The whole scope of history and the world is open to you."
   There is a wealth of information to be found online.For example,if your family is going on vacation somewhere,do a quick online search on the area before you even get in the car."What's the background of the place; what's the history?"says Russell."I like to tell my kids,‘Whenever you have a question,whenever you have a doubt,search it out.'"
   Ready to launch a virtual(虚拟的) journey of your own?Here are a few starting points to get you thinking and to help you on your way.You can invite your parents along for the ride,too.Always ask for permission before downloading programs and software into your computer.And,check with a parent or adult before visiting any new Web site.
   Navigate the world in 3-D with Google Earth.Begin in outer space and zoom into the streets of any city,from Hong Kong to San Francisco.Or,visit ancient monuments and watch the changing rainforests over time.With the moon in Google Earth tool,you can walk in Neil Armstrong's famous footsteps.Take a guided tour of the moon's surface with Armstrong's fellow shuttle mate astronaut Buzz Aldrin.
56.According to Russell,the kidsC
A.spend too much time on the Internet           
B.should never chat and play games online
C.can solve their problems through the Internet    
D.should study hard instead of chatting online
57.From the passage we know thatA
A.we can find much information we need online   
B.Neil Armstrong traveled to the moon alone
C.the kids can download programs onto the computer freely
D.the kids can visit the new website freely without parents'guidance
58.According to the passage,if you want to go to Tropical Rainforests,you canD
A.take the time shuttle                                                 
B.go to the cinema to watch 3-D films
C.find a travel agency in Google                                 
D.use Google Earth
59.The passage is mainly intended forD
60.In which section of a website can we probably read this passage?C
C.Internet World


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Many people take it for granted that black is a color of bad things while white should always mean something good.This may be because,in their opinion,black is related to darkness and white to purity.However,that is not always the case.Did you know that the same one color may mean something differently in different places of the world?
In the English-speak ing world,black is the color of mourning-people wear black at the funeral.Red is concerned with danger or bloodshed(伤亡).Yellow is the word for fear.If you are afraid,you are yellow.Yet none of these sayings is true outside the English-speaking world.In China and Korea white is the color of mourning.In Russia,China and some other countries,red stands for beauty,life and excellence.In Italy and Germany,you are yellow with anger,not with fear.
Even within the English-speaking area,it is not difficult to find color contradictions(矛盾).A redcap in the United States is a porter in a railway station.In Britain,however,a redcap is a military policeman.Both names are logical,because both men wear red caps.Similarly,the British term for an American white-collar worker is sometimes called a black-coated worker.
One does not have to cross an area to find color differences.Would you rather be red-blooded or a blue-blooded?If we go back to the origin,we find that both terms are logical as both names suggest.The expression"blueblood"comes from Spain,where some noble families proudly told the world that they had"blue blood".Actually they meant that they had no Moorish or Jewish blood.But then why"blue"blood?Because they were fair-skinned,and it is only natural that their blood vessels (血管)stood out appearing blue.
56.Yellow is concerned with anger inD
A.India                        B.Britain
C.China                        D.Italy 
57.Both Britain and America would probably agree thatB
A.a redcap is a porter in a station
B.black is the color of mourning
C.red stands for beauty and excellence
D.a black-coated worker is employed in an office
58.In Britain,a redcap is aD         
A.porter   B.nobleman    C.clerk    D.military policeman
59.The best title for this reading selection isC.
A.The Origin of Blue Blood
B.Colors that Carry Bad Meanings
C.The Meaning Concerned with Certain Colors
D.The Development of the Symbolic Use of Colors.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20._______,I'm glad you made that mistake,for it will help to teach you.(  )
A.In a wayB.In returnC.before longD.day and night


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.More visitors ___________ to Beijing since the repair project was completed.(  )
A.were broughtB.are brought
C.will be broughtD.have been brought


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.More than 100students in that school_________ abroad for further study so far.(  )
A.are sentB.were sentC.had been sentD.have been sent


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.The Sino-U.S.relations,although they have experienced twists and turns in the past,______ have moved forward.(  )
A.in returnB.on the whole
C.in other wordsD.on the other hand


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.          the aid from the government,the flood-stricken area       greater loss.(  )
A.Apart from,should have suffered
B.But for,would have suffered
C.Without; could suffer
D.Except for; would have suffered


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2."What are you going to do?"He said.(变为间接引语)
He asked me what I was going to do.

