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最近,江苏徐州依照超女模式海选20名“魅力教师”引发了众多争议,为此你班学生以“Do you think this contest is good?”为题进行了辩论。请你就同学们讨论的情况给某英文报社写一篇100 – 120 词的文章,开头已给出,不记入总词数。







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   A Charming Teacher contest was launched recently in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province. Selecting charming teachers using the “Super Girl” model has raised a lot of debate.



A Charming Teacher Contest was launched recently in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province. Selecting charming teachers using the “Super Girl” model has raised a lot of debate. Opinions are mainly divided into two groups.

On one hand, some students in my class are in favor of the contest because they believe teachers should show their talent/ gift in public instead of being limited to the classroom. At the same time, it is of great help in changing teachers’ image. In their opinion, teachers should not leave people the impression of just being serious and hard-working. They can be attractive/ charming, too.

However, other students think the other way round. They hold the view that teaching is not for entertainment, so it is unnecessary for a teacher to be good/charming-looking. Students will be misled by such a contest. Besides, it is unfair to the older teachers with plenty of teaching experience, which is where a teacher’s real charm/ attraction lies.

     In a word, every coin has its two sides. So does the Charming Teacher Contest. It has both advantages and disadvantages. 

