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5. Brian wouldn’t leave work until he the job he’d done.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. (invite) to speak,V11 start making preparations tomorrow.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


One Hundred Years of Solitude By Gabriel Garcia Marquez

             It's a book full of colorful characters set in the fictional town of Macondo. The story,which involves six generations of one family,begins with the romantic dreams of the towns founder,Jose Arcadio Buendia,and ends with the ruin of his family line and the city he tried to make great. Its an interesting book in which so much happens. It will inspire you to connect with your family,love more deeply,dream bigger,and find deeper truths within yourself. Marquez was awarded the 1982 Nobel Prize for Literature. One Hundred Years of Solitude has been translated into more than three dozen languages.

                               —Susan Farris,Washington, D. C.

Tuesdays with Morrie By Mitch Albom 

             After discovering his college professor,Morrie,was dying,author Mitch Albom spent fourteen Tuesday afternoons with him learning life's lessons. Many people have found inspiration in the dying man's last words on aging,family,marriage,and culture,to name a few. Yet,those who have done a lot of soul-searching of their own might not find self-help books very necessary. Nevertheless,with our busy lives,it is always good to be reminded of the things that are most important in life. Overall,Tuesdays with Morrie is a quick read with a long-lasting impact.

                                 —Michael Langdon,San Francisco 

The Tipping Point By Malcolm Gladwell 

              My sister is a marketing major,and she lent me this book. At first it seemed pretty technical — I know nothing about marketing — but I finally got the message. Gladwell explains that ideas spread through society much like viruses do. He also says that certain people are naturally effective communicators who help spread these ideas. And,if the situation is right for an idea to spread, sometimes a small change can then cause it to spread like wildfire. He illustrates(阐述) his point with convincing examples of successful ideas that have changed the world.

                                         —Kate Howson,Manchester 

33. What can we learn about One Hundred Years of Solitude?

   A. It was written in 1982.

   B. Its an inspirational story.

   C. Its hero's dream finally came true.

   D. Its based on the author's true life.

34. In Michael Langdons mind, Tuesdays with Morrie  .

   A. is worth reading

   B. is hard to understand

   C. should expand its impact

   D. should discuss more life's lessons 

35. Which of the following does Malcolm Gladwell probably agree with?

   A. Humans are bom to change the world.

   B. Little things can make a big difference.

   C. Common people can't change the world.

   D. Successful men also need others’ help.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



               As a sculptor,Gregory Kloehn often felt his sculptures that stayed in one place for years on end,lacked a meaningful purpose. So he decided to channel his artistic energies into creating homes.

               Over the years,he built lots of small houses,bars and restaurants from recycled shipping containers. But the thought of doing the same for the homeless never occurred to him. That idea hit in 2013 when a homeless couple in search of a tarp(防水布) ,knocked at his door. While Gregory did not have a tarp,he did have a small wooden structure complete with a water tank and built-in kitchen that he offered them. They were so grateful for his generosity that Gregory decided to build more for other people in similar situations.

               Since starting the Homeless Homes Project in 2013,Gregory has donated ten homes to the most needy. The brightly colored houses that are the size of a regular sofa,are not fancy,but they do provide a safe place for the homeless to sleep in.

               Gregory often goes hunting for raw materials by digging through dumpsters(垃圾箱) in an industrial area of Oakland. Everything he finds is usable — refrigerator doors become house doors,pizza delivery bags turn into insulators (隔热层) , while washing machine doors often serve as windows. Wheels at the bottom allow the homes to move around easily,while pitched roofs (斜屋顶) help make the shelters rain-proof. Gregory says that each mobile shelter which is built with a team of volunteers,costs between $30-$50 in screws,nails,glue,and the gas that he uses to search for materials.

                Like any other project,Gregory has seen his fair share of challenges. The original house which inspired the whole movement was firebombed,while another was stolen. One homeless recipient (接受者) sold his home for $80,which has since been used as a dog house. But those incidents are few and far between. Most are thrilled with their houses. A woman named Wonder calls her new home,which is made from an unwanted picnic table,the best one she has had in five years.

6. Gregory decided to create homes because.

   A. he had no house of his own

   B. he was inspired by other artists 

   C. he wanted to become an architect

   D. he would like to try something different

7. How did Gregory treat the homeless couple who knocked at his door?

   A. He invited them to dinner.

   B. He gave them some money.

   C. He provided a house for them.

   D. He offered them what they wanted.

8. The houses Gregory has donated .

   A. are made of high-quality material

   B. can move around with their owners

   C. are built completely by Gregory himself

   D. have refrigerators and washing machines inside

9. What can we learn about the Homeless Homes Project?

   A. It receives much support from the public.

   B. Its (Jonations are all kept in good condition.

   C. It was actually created by a homeless couple.

   D. Its donations are unpopular with the homeless.

10. How does Wonder feel about her new home?

   A. It needs improving.

   B. It truly meets her needs.

   C. It isn't worth a penny.

   D. It should be sold at a good price.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

[即学即练]根据括号内的汉语提示补全下面句子(每空一词) 。

1. It took a,few seconds for her eyes to   (适应黑暗) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 2. The loud noise that Clancy heard came from the fight between the whales and the killers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

b. Write your address opposite your name. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. If he's only interested in your looks,that shows how (肤浅的) he is.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. I shall never forget the day we first met in the park.

