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阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

         My name is Virginia Mahoney. My father Bill Mahoney was a kind-hearted man. He was always ready to help others. He had 41 good sense of humor and made people smile everywhere he went. He was also a loving husband and father. 42 (sad) , we lost him on April 30 ,2013 because cancer took his life away.

         After the death of my father,my elder sister Jojo and I were very sad. But it didn’t take long for us 43 (cheer) up. We decided to do something in memory 44 our father. We talked for a few hours and then agreed to start a dub 45 (call) B kind. We wanted to encourage acts of kindness in our everyday lives,just like my father 46 (do) . After we told our mother about our 47 (decide) , she was very supportive. So some days later,B kind was started.

          B kind believes that even the 48 (small) acts of-kindness are worth recognizing,worth celebrating,and worth 49 (build) a community around. Being kind can change someone's life; it ’can also change the world. Now we encourage and help kids start B kind clubs at 50 (they) schools.

41. a。考查冠词。have a good sense of humor 意为“有很好的幽默感”。

42. Sadly。考查副词。Sadly意为“不幸的是”,用来修饰整个句子。

43. to cheer。考查非谓语动词。it takes time for sb to do sth意为“某人花时间去做某事”。

44. of。考查介词。in memory of意为“为了纪念.....”

45. called。考查非谓语动词。club是call这个动作的承受者,故用call的过去分词作后置定语。

46. did。考查时态。叙述过去发生的动作,谓语动词要用一般过去时。

47. decision。考查名词。.前面有0ur修饰,要用:decide的名词形式。

48. smallest。考查形容词最高级。前面有the修饰,表示“最小的”。

49. building。考查非谓语动词。(be) worthdoingsth : 意为“值得做某事,building和前面的:recognizing,celebrating 构成并列。

50. their。考查代词。修饰后面的名词schods ,要用their。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课程 > 第27期 2015-2016学年高二新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


                            ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

           Most of us are aware that taking breaks from physical activity is necessary to recover and prevent injuries. Taking breaks in our mental work is equally helpful.

           Recent studies show that those who give in to some kind of distraction once an hour perform better than those who just keep at it without a break. After a while,our brains can't focus so well,and we become unable to continuously treat the task as important. Taking a break allows us to come back to the job at hand with renewed energy and a sense of purpose.

           No matter how much we love our work,we cannot keep creating when we are on empty. Something as simple as a ten-minute conversation with a friend,or watching an inspiring video can give us much needed help,or point us in a new direction if we* re stuck. It is difficult to see things from a new point of view when we come at it the same way all the time. Taking a step away might be just what we need to (恢复精力) .

           We are not designed to sit around all day. As difficult as being sedentary(需要久坐的) is on our bodies,it's not helpful for our creativity and productivity,either. Getting up for a few minutes and getting our blood flowing and some more oxygen to the brain are a necessary piece of the v^ork day.

          If you know you typically have an afternoon energy slump(锐减), consider doing exercise during the lunch-time hours. Studies have shown that appropriate activity can boost creativity and productivity for two hours afterward. Plus,the change of scene and focus may just be something you need for your next breakthrough at work.

           The next time you feel guilty about taking a break, consider how much more effective it may make you in the long run.

13. According to Paragraph 2 ,recent studies show.

   A. our brains react negatively to distractions

   B. people are always working without a break

   C. taking breaks from work benefits productivity

   D. taking breaks from physical activity can prevent injuries

14. In the author's opinion,a sedentary lifestyle .

   A. is necessary sometimes

   B. means good productivity at times

   C. cannot be avoided by today's people

   D. is harmftil both physically and mentally

15. The text is meant to show the importance of.

   A. creativity at work

   B. treating work seriously

   C. taking breaks at work

   D. high productivity at work

16. Where does the text probably come from?

   A. A book review.

   B. A research plan.

   C. A science report.

   D. A business report.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\ ) 划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

         One day when I was in high school three years before,I met an old lady who had difficult in getting home by herself. I helped her go back and find she lived alone. From then on,I often visited to her on the weekend and volunteered to take care her. One year later,the old lady died. After she died,I was given a letter writing by her. She thanked me for look after her. In the envelop,there was also some money,what was enough to cover the cost of my remain time in high school. I helped the old lady,and in the end she helped her out.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D) 中,选出最佳选项。


                                 ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

           Brandon Paulin is the top official in the town of Indian Head even though he is only 19 years old. Mr. Paulin started the job in May,and his first goal is to recover the business in the town. The area includes small businesses,old homes on tree-lined streets,and new townhouses along the highway. It is about an hour’ s drive to Washington. About'4,000 people live there. But on the way to the capital,the highway passes the remains of closed businesses. The shops failed largely because of competition from shopping centers in larger cities.

           Mr. Paulin says when some people drive into Indian Head and see the empty buildings,they just turn around and leave. He hopes to return the town to a friendly, successful place where people want to live and visit. “Many years ago,Indian Head was a booming town,and that's  what I want to get back,“he said.

           Right now,people who own the old empty buildings are permitted to use their p’rapeW/es (财产) to reduce their taxes. Mr. Paulin wants to change the situation. He plans to charge owners a fee for their empty buildings,and to increase the cost every year. Only in that way will owners hurry to establish a new business. The owner of a local food store,Kelly Murphy, says, “Mr. Paulin's age doesn’t  bother me. I know he's excited,and when we get around,him,we feel excited,too. We haven’t felt like that for many years in this town."

            Mr. Paulin began participating in city politics when he was ten years old. At that time,he urged town officials to put on signs urging drivers to be aware of pedestrians. Mr. Paulin succeeded. Since then,he has been involved in the town government.

            As a mayor,Mr. Paulin earns $6,000 a year. In comparison ,most U.S. legislators (立法委员) earn an average salary of about $40,000 a year. Mr. Paulin lives at home and takes college classes online. His mother,Wendy Paulin,says her soil accepts challenges and works on problems until he has a solution.

1. According to the text,Brandon Paulin's ambition is to.

   A. start a business in Indian Head

   B. reduce the taxes of Indian Head

   C. make Indian Head a booming town again

   D. build a lot of townhouses along the highway

2. Why does Brandon Paulin plan to charge for empty buildings?

   A. To introduce a new property tax.

   B. To help the owners repair the buildings.

   C. To follow the examples set by large cities.

   D. To encourage the owners to start their business.

3. What's Kelly Murphy's attitude towards Brandon Paulin? 

   A. Positive. B. Critical.

   C. Worried. D. Sympathetic.

4. We can learn from the last two paragraphs that Brandon Paulin .

   A. became active in politics as a boy

   B. takes his income seriously as a mayor

   C. earns more than most U.S. legislators a year

   D. thinks it is a challenge to take college classes


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


           Last week,we took part in a press conference at NASA’s Johnson Space Center promoting the release of The Martian movie. We spoke with several NASA officials and an astronaut about their plans to help humans set foot on Mars. They all shared with us the big challenges ahead in order to accomplish that. However,it is something they take seriously,and are determined to achieve.

           In an interview at Space Center Houston,The Martian producer Aditya Sood told us the experience of working on the movie with NASA employees was amazing. He said he enjoyed interacting with folks who tried to solve a lot of difficult problems every day. We got an idea of what Sood was talking about when we interviewed some of the scientists responsible for getting humans to Mars.

           Planetary Science Division Director Jim Green told us that getting humans on the surface of Mars in 2035 is probably too ambitious. They are actually looking to get a “human presence in the neighborhood” by the 2030s,meaning in Mars* orbit. Their goal for landing on Mars is for the 2040s or 50s.

           The spacecraft that will take humans to Mars will be the Orion. It is not quite as futuristic-looking as the spaceship in The Martian. In fact,the Orion looks more like the spacecraft that took us to the moon. However,according to their website ,“NASA’s Orion spacecraft is built to take humans farther than they’ve ever gone before."

           When asked if they will really be ready to go to Mars in the 2030sr Stu McClung,the manager of Mechanical,Pyrotechnic,Landing and Recover Systems,told us with confidence and pride,MMy capsule will be ready!” Although,he did make that statement with a bit of a wry smile(苦笑) .That is because he adfnits they still have a lot to figure out.

9. What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 1 refer to?

   A. The press conference.

   B. Taking humans to Mars.

   C. The release of The Martian.

   D. Speaking with NASA officials.

10. After interviewing some scientists,the author realized that.

   A. Aditya Sood had been lying

   B. making The Martian wasn't so difficult

   C. working with NASA employees was successful

   D. NASA employees really faced a lot of challenges

11. What does Jim Green think they can achieve by the 2030s?

   A. Helping humans land on Mars.

   B. Taking humans into Mars,orbit.

   C. Finding the landing spot on Mars.

   D. Learning about the neighborhood of Mars.

12. What do we know about the Orion?

   A. * It can be seen in The Martian.

   B. It once landed on the moon.

   C. It has an amazing look.

   D. It will land on Mars.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(2) 这些故事如此有趣以至于我想再听一次。

They are I want to listen to them again.

These stories are I want to listen to them again.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 25. The shows a wide difference in tastes around the country.

   A. calendar   B. research .

C. decision   D. invitation


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

67. Mrs. Smith (lead) them along a dark hallway to a small room.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

74. 就我命知,南希没有兄弟姐妹。

, Nancy has no brothers or sisters.

