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Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all! It speaks than words. According to specialists, our bodies send out more than we realize. In fact, non-verbal communication(非言语交际) takes up about 50% of what we really , And body language is particularly when we attempt to communicate across cultures(文化). What is called body language is so ,a part of us that it's actually often unnoticed. And misunderstandings occur as a result of it. , different societies treat the_____, between people differently. Northern Europeans usually do not like having ______, contact(接触) even with friends, certainly not with ______. People from Latin American countries______, touch each other quite a lot. Therefore, it's possible that in , it may look like a Latino is a Norwegian all over the room. The Latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving . The Norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep —which the Latino will in return regard as .

Clearly, a great deal is going on when people . And only a part of it is in the words themselves. And when parties are from ______ cultures, there's a strong possibility of ______. But whatever the situation, the best is to obey the Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be .

1.A. straighter B. louder C. harder D. further

2.A. sands B. invitations C. feelings D. messages

3.A. hope B. receive C. discover D. mean

4.A. immediate B. misleading C. important D. difficult

5.A. well B. far C. much D. long

6.A. For example B. Thus C. However D. In short

7.A. trade B. distance C. connections D. greetings

8.A. eye B. verbal C. bodily D. telephone

9.A. strangers B. relatives C. neighbours D. enemies

10.A. in other words B. on the other hand C. in a similar way D. by all means

11.A. trouble B. conversation C. silence D. experiment

12.A. disturbing B. helping C. guiding D. following

13.A. closer B. faster C. in D. away

14.A. stepping forward B. going on C. backing away D. coming out

15.A. weakness B. carelessness C. friendliness D. coldness

16.A. talk B. travel C. laugh D. think

17.A. different B. European C. Latino D. rich

18.A. curiosity B. excitement C. misunderstanding D. nervousness

19.A. chance B. time C. result D. advice

20.A. noticed B. treated C. respected D. pleased
























2.A. sands沙子;B. invitations 邀请;C. feelings感觉;D. messages信息;根据本句句意,我们身体语言所表达的信息比我们能意识到的还要多,故选D



5.A. well好的;B. far 远;C. much 很多 ;D. long长;根据句意,其实,所谓的身体语言在日常生活中是如此的司空见惯,以至于我们都没有注意到它,故选C




9.A. strangers陌生人;B. relatives亲戚;C. neighbours邻居;D. enemies敌人;根据句意,他们不喜欢朋友间的身体接触,更别说陌生人了,故选A




13.A. closer靠近;B. faster 快的;C. in 在。。里面;D. away远离;根据句意,拉丁美洲的人会为了表达友好而与人靠的更近,故选A.



16.A. talk说话;B. travel旅行;C. laugh 笑;D. think认为;根据句意,当人们在谈判时,talk谈判,故选A

17.A. different 不同的;B. European欧洲的;C. Latino拉丁洲;D. rich富有的;根据句意,当他们双方是来自不同过的文化时,误解就会产生,故选A


19.A. chance机会;B. time时间;C. result结果;D. advice建议;根据句意,最好的建议是遵守黄金准则,故选D




科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建省高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

“Could you please show me how to send an e-mail?”he asked.

→ show him how to send an e-mail.

A. He asked if I can B. He told me to

C. He asked me that I could D. He asked me to


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江省高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

-Can you lend me some more money?

-Sorry,I’ve got at hand myself.You know the cell phone cost me all I had just now.

A.no B.not C.none D.nothing


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江杭州求是高级中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Most Year 3 students in high schools are working hard day and night for the 2015 college entrance examinations, hoping to gain __________ to their dream universities.

A. application B. admission

C. connection D. agreement


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江杭州求是高级中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I wanted to catch _____ early train, but couldn’t get _____ ride to the station.

A. an; the B. /; the

C. an; / D. the; a


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年云南腾冲第六中学高二上教学质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

One of my wonderful memories is about a Christmas gift. Unlike other gifts, it came without wrap(包装).

On September 11th. 1958. Mum gave birth to Richard. After she brought him home from hospital, she put him in my lap, saying. "I promised you a gift, and here it is. " What an honor! I turned four a month earlier and none of my friends had such a baby doll of their own. I played with it day and night. I sang to it. I told it stories. 1 told it over and over how much I loved it!

One morning, however, I found its bed empty. My doll was gone! I cried for it. Mum wept and told me that the poor little thing had been sent to a hospital. It had a fever. For several days, I heard Mum and Dad whispering such words as "hopeless", "pitiful", and "dying", which sounded ominous.

Christmas was coming. "Don’t expect any presents this year." Dad said, pointing at the socks I hung in the living room. "If your baby brother lives, that'll be Christmas enough. " As he spoke, his eyes filled with tears. I'd never seen him cry before.

The phone rang early on Christmas morning. Dad jumped out of bed to answer it. From my bedroom I heard him say. "What? He's all right?" He hung up and shouted upstairs. " The hospital said we can bring Richard home!"

"Thank God.'" I heard Mum cry.

From the upstairs window, I watched my parents rush out to the car. I had never seen them happy. And I was also full of joy. What a wonderful day! My baby doll would be home. I downstairs. My sacks still hung there flat. But I knew they were not empty; they were filled with love!

1. what happened to the author on September 11 1958 ?

A. He got a baby brother

B. He got a Christmas gift

C. He became four years old

D. He received a doll

2. What does the underlined word “ominous” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. Impossible. B. Boring

C. Difficult D. Fearful

3. Which word can best describe the feeling of the father when Christmas was coming?

A. Excitement. B. Happiness.

C. Sadness. D. Disappointment.

4. What is the passage mainly about ?

A.A sad Christmas day

B.Life with a lovely baby

C. A special Christmas gift.

D. Memories of a happy family


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年温州市高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

A boy selling magazines walked up to a house that very few people visited. The house was old and the owner came out. The boy’s parents told him to stay away from the house. A lot of other neighbourhood children were told the same from their parents.

As he was to walk away, the door slowly opened. "What do you want?" the old man asked. The little boy was very afraid at first. “Uh, sir, I'm selling these magazines and I was wondering if you'd like to buy .” The old man just stared at the boy. The boy could see that he had figurines(小雕像)on a table near the door."Do you collect dogs?" the boy asked. "Yes, I do.They're my families here." The boy then the man, as it seemed that he was a very lonely person. "Well, I do have a magazine here for collectors. It's very good for , especially with a cover about dogs.” The old man was ready to close the door and said, “No, boy, I don’t need any .”

The boy was sad that he was not going to finish his job for the day. He also felt sad the old man being so alone in the big house. The boy went home and then had a/an . He had a little dog figurine that he got from his aunt. The figurine did not mean to him because he had a lovely dog and a large family. The boy back for the old man's house with the figurine. He knocked at the door again and the old man came to the door. “Boy, I thought I had told you I didn’t need magazines.”

“No, sir, I wanted to bring you a gift.” The boy handed him the figurine and the old man's face . "I have one at home. This one is for you.” The old man was simply ; no one had ever shown him so much . From that day on the old man started coming out of the house and talking with people. He and the boy became friends.

1.A. always B. usually C. hardly D. frequently

2.A. quick B. ready C. straight D. last

3.A. one B. ones C. it D. them

4.A. magazine B. house C. boy D. dog

5.A. was sorry for B. was grateful to C. was satisfied with D. was proud of

6.A. me B. you C. him D. them

7.A. magazines B. friends C. dogs D. figurines

8.A. in B. towards C. for D. with

9.A. expression B. journey C. word D. idea

10.A. more B. much C. many D. less

11.A. walked B. ran C. hurried D. headed

12.A. and B. so C. but D. as

13.A. lit up B. gave up C. pack up D. came up

14.A. shocked B. troubled C. frightened D. worried

15.A. thanks B. money C. kindness D. help


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年温州市高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Please __________ the numbers and I’m sure they will __________ more than 1, 000.

A. add to; add to B. add up; add up

C. add up; add up to D. add to; add up


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年天津宝坻四校高二11月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It is difficult for any of us to eat better, exercise more, and sleep enough, ________we know

we should.

A. because B. even if

C. unless D. before

