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          When 6-year-old Semra Aniston Young was asked to write about something she liked about herself,she responded with a simple but powerful message about her body image. 

          Semra's mom Kali Young said that she and her husband first saw the completed assignment at a parent-teacher conference. aHer teacher loved it and was excited to share it with us,” she said. After admiring the details in the drawing,Kali said she and her husband considered the (潜在的) meaning. “We discussed how happy we were that she saw herself as beautiful and that she loved her body,” the mom said. “We were so thankful that our daughter saw herself in a positive way.” 

          Kali,who works as an assistant headmaster at an elementary school,said she encourages her daughter to notice the positive aspects of people she sees and meets. “In a time when negatives seem to be flooding our society,I want my daughter to feel the positive and see the positive in herself and others/' she said,adding that she and her husband emphasize the importance of inner beauty qualities such as kindness and compassion

          “When it comes to outer beauty,we point out what a beautiful shirt someone is wearing,or praise a beautiful hair color or fine skin,” the mom continued, “My hope is that she can see that inner beauty is the most important and that outward beauty is represented in many different ways. I want my daughter to see herself as a beautiful,confident,young lady — inside and outside. And seeing her positive self-image through her drawing makes me so proud."

           As an educator,Kali is highly aware of the pressure and mixed messages about body images that girls experience as they grow up. And she's determined to help Semra develop confidence and have compassion from a young age.

5. How did Semra respond to the assignment?

   A. She praised her teacher.

   B. She sang a beautiful song.

   C. She showed little interest in it.

   D. She drew a joyful picture of herself.

6. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 2 refer to?

   A. The parents ’ reaction.

   B. The teacher's assignment.

   C. The parent-teacher conference.

   D. Semra's completed assignment.

7. How did Kali feel after seeing Semra’s  work?

   A. Confused. B. Happy.

   C. Shocked. D. Worried.

8. In Kali Young ’s  opinion,.

   A. Semra lacks compassion for others

   B. it is necessay to praise Semra often

   C. inner beauty is more important than outward

   D. Semra pays too much attention to her appearance

5. D 6. D 7. B 8. C



5. D. 推理判断题。根德第一段中的with a simple but powerful message about her body image 和第二段中的 After admiring the details in the drawing 可 推知,Semm画了一张很阳光的自画像。

6. D. 篇章结构题。根据第二段中的Semra’smom Kali Young said that she and her husband first saw the completed assignment at a parent-teacher conference可知,it指代的是那张自画像,即Semra 完成的作业。

7. B. 推理判断题,根据第四段中的seeingher positive self-image through her writing makes me so proud可推知,Kali Young看到Semra的—画像后很高兴。

8. C. 细节理解题。根据第四段中的My hope is that she can see that inner beauty is the most important 可知,Kali Young认为内在美胜过外表美。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课程 > 第41期 2015-2016学年高二新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


                              ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

          There is so much to see and do at Mary Arden’s Farm l Step back in time for all the sights,smells and sounds of a real Tudor (都铎王朝的) farm and explore the ho\ise where Shakespeare's mother, Mary Arden,grew up. Experience the daily routine,skills and crafts and try your hand at some of them yourself.

          Highlights at Mary Arden's Farm 

          In the morning,watch the farmer's wife prepare her home-grown food and learn about Tudor table manners when Tudors gather to eat their dinner.

          Daily activities around the farm 

          10:00 Goose parade 

          10:45Falconry (鹰猎) display 

          12:30 Tudor dancing 

          13:00 Tudor dinner 

          13:30 Blacksmith demonstration 

          14:00 Meet the shepherd 

          15:00 Falconry display 

          16:30 Tudor music 

          17:00 Animals go to bed 

          Children's activities 

          ?Discover our new exhibition all about Mary Arden and the house she grew up in 

          ?Try your hand at (箭术) 

          ?See our rare breed animals 

          ?Explore our nature trails               

          ?Enjoy refreshments and light meals

          ?Kids under ten can enjoy our adventure playground                                                 Tickets and location

          Save on tickets with the Shakespeare Five House Pass,including the entry to all five of Shakespeare's family homes and Shakespeare's final resting place at Holy Trinity Church.

          Mary Arden's Farm is located in Wilmcote,just 3. 5 miles from Stratford-upon-Avon town centre,and a short walk from Wilmcote train station.

          We are a working farm,open from March to November each year. With a full calendar of seasonal activities and Tudor events,there are lots of reasons to visit time and time again to make the most of your 12 month pass.

13. When can visitors learn about Tudor table manners at Mary Arden's Farm?

   A. At 10:00.   B. At 12:30.

   C. At 13:00.   D. At 15: 00.

14. At Mary Arden's Farm,children over ten can .

   A. look after rare breed animals

   B. have a chance to shoot arrows

   C. play in the adventure playground

   D. plan an exhibition about Mary Arden

15. What do we know about Mary Arden's Farm?

   A. It is open all the year round.

   B. It provides many seasonal activities.

   C. It is 3. 5 miles from Wilmcote train station.

   D. It offers free tickets for Shakespeare's family homes.

16. The purpose of this text is to .

   A. show the history of Mary Arden's Farm

   B. stress the importance of Mary Arden's Farm

   C. give a brief introduction to Mary Arden's Farm

   D. give tips on how to enjoy yourself at Mary Arden's Farm


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


          When Lydia Nash appeared on the TV programme Who wants to be a millionaire? and was fortunate enough to win £16,000,she decided to give all the money away. This wouldn't  have been surprising if she had been rich or famous,but Lydia is a 19-year-old student.

          Lydia gave all the money to a charity which helps orphans in Thailand. ul first visited the orphanage when I was seventeen,and I felt very depressed by what I saw. When I got back to England I felt angry — looking around all I could see were people who were obsessed with money. That persuaded me to return to Thailand the following year."

          After she donated the money some of her friends thought that she had made the wrong decision. “Some people said I should have saved it for a deposit,” Lydia said. aStudents always complain about being poor. But there's  an enormous difference between us and people who have absolutely no money."

          With the help of the money Lydia gave them,the charity has just finished building “Rainbow House”,a new facility that will house 50 young children.

          If Lydia had won a million pounds and not only £16,000,would she still have given away all the money? She said, “Before going on the show I thought a lot about what it would be like to have a lot of money and I realized that I wouldn't  like it at all. And as I had been to the orphanage and had seen all the work that needed to be done,I knew how useful that money could be. I definitely think I got more enjoyment from giving the money away than if I had kept it for myself."

1. Why were people surprised at Lydia's  donation?

   A. She is an orphan.

   B. She isn’t very famous.

   C. She is young and not very wealthy.

   D. She donated a large amount of money.

2. The underlined words “obsessed with” in Paragraph 2

probably mean.

   A. very proud of   B. very careless of

   C. too interested in   D. rather generous with

3. According to the text,the charity used Lydia's  money to.

   A. buy many books   B. buy some clothes

   C. build a playground   D. build a new house

4. How did Lydia feel about her donation?

   A. Regretful. B. Doubtful.

   C. Excited.   D. Hopeful.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。 .

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\ ) 划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

         My younger sister asked me that I could lend her 20 dollar yesterday afternoon. I refused because I was saving money for the beautiful dress. Yesterday evening,I found the $20 bill I have put on my desk gone. I immediate thought my sister had taken it. So I ran to her room and asked her to return back my money in anger. But she said she hadnt taken them. Just then,my mother came in. When she knew what had happened,she said, Your sister didn't take it. I took it because I need some money this afternoon. I apologized my sister and decided to stay calmly from then on.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


          Feel too old or too stupid to learn a second :

language? It may be worth peraeven(坚持).A study that tracked hundreds of Scottish people for decays gives the strongest evidence that speaking an extra language slows the mental decline that accompanies ageing. The benefits hold regardless of your IQ and even if you learn vour second language as an adult. 

          Previous studies have shown that people with disease(老年痴呆) who are fluent in two languages exhibit symptoms of the condition four or five years later than people who are(只用一种语言的) .However,it has been difficult to explain the effects of knowing multiple languages.

          To resolve the issue,Thomas Bak of the Universi  of Edinburgh,UK turned to the study,which has tracked about l,l00 people bom in 1936 in and around Edinburgh. AH were monolingual English speakers at age 11 ,when they had taken a series of (认知的)           Although the study wasn't  designed to investigate language effects,itvv provides a unique research opportunity,says Ellen Bialystok at York University m Toronto,Canada,who was the first to discover that being bilingual delays the beginning of Alzheimer 's  disease .

          853 of the participants were tracked down when they were in their early 70s. Almost 262 of them had learned;to speak at least one additional language and 65 had learned it after the age of 18. Bak gave the participants cognitive tests and compared these with the test scores :from when they were 11. Those who had learned an extra;language performed better in the cognitive tests in their 70s,indicating that the extra language itself is beneficial.                 Bialystok says the cognitive benefits seen in the;Scottish study agree with her own work on blllngua people with Alzheimer' s  disease,suggesting that thei same beneficial processes are at work:

         How could languages protect the brain? A theory is that people who speak several languages constantly :activate all the available words in each one before choosing the appropriate expression,giving them some ;:mental exercise.

9. According to the text,the mental benefits of learning a second language .

   A. may decrease while ageing

   B. can change with learners’ IQ

   C. can help learners when they ’re old

   D. are related to when one starts to learn it

10. How did Thomas Bak get his conclusion?

   A. By studying Scottish history.

   B. By watching participants’ behavior.

   C. By comparing participants’ test scores.

   D. By analyzing participants’ questionnaires.

11. What can we leam about Thomas Bak's study?

   A. It was carried out in 1936. 

   B. Its result supports Bialystok's finding.

   C. It was aimed at looking into language effects.

   D. 262 of the participants failed to speak a second language.

12. Why can learning a second language benefit the brain?

   A. It can raise speakers ’ spirits.

   B. It increases mental activities.

   C. It helps reduce mental diseases.

   D. It can activate all the physical expression.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


          You've probably heard about the -dangers of smoking. The good news is that fewer teens smoke today than at any time since the 1990s. But here's  the bad news. Every day,nearly 4,000 kids in the U.S. try a cigarette for the first time. And every day,1,000 kids become regular smokers. Almost all teen smokers plan to quit within five years. But more than 60 percent are still smoking 7 to 9  years later.

           Most people hope every teen in the world stays away from cigarettes,but not the people who work for- tobacco companies. Before people knew that cigarettes were dangerous,tobacco companies openly marketed their products to teens. In the early 1900s,some cigarette packs included collectible baseball cards. In the 1940s and 1950s,tobacco advertisements often featured actors and actresses. That ended in 1964,when the U.S. government released the results of a major scientific study on the effects of smoking on health. New laws banned cigarette advertising on TV and radio.

            Advertising isn't  the only way tobacco companies have tried to market their products. Candy-flavor^

cigarettes were once common. They contained tone (有毒的) chemicals and were as dangerous and addictive as regular cigarettes. Studies showed that these products were especially popular among teen smokers. And many teens mistakenly believed that these sweet cigarettes were safer than unflavored cigarettes. In 2009,flavored cigarettes were banned in the U.S..

            By now,maybe you,ve noticed a pattern: Each time new laws are passed to protect teens,tobacco companies come up with new methods. Many states have approved high taxes on cigarettes; and prices have been increased to reduce smoking. To deal with this,tobacco companies give discounts to convenience stores so they can charge less for cigarettes.

            The fact is that tobacco companies need you to become addicted to a deadly habit. Without new smokers,they will eventually go out of business. But you can at least make sure of one thing: They won't get you.

5. We can learn from Paragraph 1 that .

   A. smoking is still a problem among teenagers

   B. the number of teen smokers has increased greatly

   C. there are more teen smokers in the U.S. than other countries 

   D. the U.S. government has paid more attention to teen smokers 

6. Which of the following is the correct order according to the text?

a. Flavored cigarettes were banned in the U.S..

b. Some cigarette packs contained collectible baseball cards.

c. New laws banned cigarette advertising on TV and radio.

d. Tobacco advertisements often featured actors and actresses.

   A. a-d-c-b   B. b-a-c-d   C. b-d-c-a   D. a-b-d-c

7. Compared with regular cigarettes,candy-flavored cigarettes were.

   A. cheaper for teens

   B. much more addictive

   C. more popular among actors

   D. as harmful as regular cigarettes

8. The text is most probably taken from .

   A. a geography textbook    B. a newspaper report   

   C. a travel magazine       D. a book review


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



          Sixteen dollars!That's the price of a movie ticket plus tax in Los Angeles. Thanks to an Indian chemist,that amount of cash could also provide clean water for a year for a poor family in the developing world.

          Thalappil Pradeep,a chemistry professor at the Indian Institute of Technology,spent 14 years developing a water filter(滤水器) system that can. remove pollutants from India's groundwater as it is being pumped. The water purifier,which Pradeep first showed to the public in 2012,is the first filter of its kind in India. The country's federal government recently decided to place the pumps across the nation,Pradeep said. He and a team of students formed a company to keep up with the work,he added.

            The device(设备) come in two sizes and at three price levels,which include installation (安装) costs: The $16 version is for homes; a larger one that can be used at schools and office buildings is $500 (connecting a whole village costs $700 more) . The larger purifier,which stands nine feet tall,produces about 80 gallons of clean water per hour.

            Worldwide,663 million people do not have access to clean and safe water. In India,access to clean water is particularly poor. About 21  percent of illnesses in India are caused by drinking dirty water,and more than 100,000 deaths are caused by water-borne illnesses each year.

           The first of Pradeep‘s  pumps was "installed in West Bengal,a state in eastern India,in 2012. The state government took notice and installed pumps at 330 schools across the region. As a result,now about 500,000 people have access to clean water from these pumps,said Pradeep.

9. What did India’ federal government plan to do recently?

   A. To produce water purifiers itself.

   B. To set up a water purifier company.

   C. To help Pradeep continue his research.

   D. To use the water filter system nationwide.

10. What can we know about Pradeep's  device?

   A. It has three sizes and three prices.

   B. It first appeared in public in 2012.

   C. It can purify 80 gallons of dirty water per day.

   D. It is the first widely used water filter in the world.

11. What does the author want to stress by using the figures in Paragraph 4 ?

   A. People in India live a healthy life.

   B. Clean drinking water is not hard to get.

   C. The water purifier is important to India.

   D. It's hard to cure illnesses caused by drinking dirty water.

12. What is the text mainly about?

   A. A water filter system.

   B. Water problems in India.

   C. An Indian chemist's life.

   D. The cost of the water purifier.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. This is an area of outstanding natural(美) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. 实在抱歉,这么晚给您打电话。

I must  calling you so late.

