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18.Two weeks later,I registered for my course and started going to lectures.It was really difficult to concentrate at first,and I could only really pick up bits and pieces.Over time though,as my Spanish improved,it became a lot easier and a lot more interesting.
I made friends with the other Erasmus students in my classes.It was difficult to get to know the Spanish students as most of them had already formed their own groups of friends and stuck to them.I did meet a few friendly Spanish people,but the vast majority of my friends were other foreign students.
I didn't really experience too much of a culture shock as I learnt a lot about the country through my major courses,but there were a few things that still took me by surprise,such asthe laid-back attitudeof the people.It meant life moved in general at a slower pace,which could be frustrating at times,but 1 soon grew to love it.
I didn't miss home too much as I kept in contact with family and friends online through Skype.It was also easy to get a cheap flight back for the weekend if I liked a weekend of home comforts.However,I was always so busy that I never really spared time for homesickness.My family came over a few times to visit and it was always good to have a fresh perspective(视角) on the city as they would appreciate things about Valencia I hadn't noticed or took for granted.
I have many fond memories of Valencia,especially the days spent on the sunny beach the brilliant food,the all-night party and the festivals.I'll definitely go back for a weekend with all the friends 1 met there and I hope to keep in touch with my Spanish friends too.I thoroughly recommend studying abroad,and although it may seem tough early on,the chances are you'll have a great time.
45.At first,the writer found it difficult to follow lectures becauseB.
    A.he showed no interest in them           B.he was poor in Spanish
    C.they involved difficult courses         D.they were badly organized
46 In Paragraph 3,the underlined phrase"the laid-back attitude"refers toD.
    A.the impolite behavior            B.the bad cultural atmosphere
    C.the interesting habit            D.the leisurely lifestyle
47.According to the passage,the writer's familyC.
    A.had many online friends                            B.well supported his study
    C.thought well of Valencia                           D.often traveled abroad
48.What can be inferred,from the passage?C
    A.Foreign students were not welcome among the Spanish ones.
    B.The Spanish culture challenged most foreign students.
    C.The writer has finished his study abroad.
    D.The writer has made many Spanish fnends.

分析 整个文章讲的是:在作者到了的两个星期后,登记了他的课程,开始听课了.一开始,他很难集中注意力,捕捉到的只是只言片语.但是,过了一段时间,随着我西班牙语水平的提高,事情变得简单了,也变得更有趣了.接着写了作者在西班牙交了几个好友,通过进一步的学习,作者更多的了解了西班牙这个国家,以及那儿的人民,他们对生活悠闲的态度,作者感到吃惊.再写了作者对Valencia市美好的回忆和自己的家人的联系情况.留学结束,即将归国,最后向读者建议有机会一定要去国外留学.

解答 45、答案:B.根据第一段Over time though,as my Spanish improved,it became a lot easier and a lot more interesting.说明作者报名注册的时候,西班牙语很差,以致于开始时听讲座听不太懂捕捉到的只是只言片语.
46、答案:D.根据第三段It meant life moved in general at a slower pace,which could be frustrating at times,but 1 soon grew to love it.可知,总的说来,那里人们的生活节拍很慢,很快作者喜欢上了它.说明这个短语the laid-back attitude是"悠闲的生活态度"之意.
47、答案:C.根据第四段My family came over a few times to visit and it was always good to have a fresh perspective(视角) on the city as they would appreciate things about Valencia I hadn't noticed or took for granted.可知,作者的家人去过Valencia市几次,对Valencia市有一个全新的认识,并且喜欢上了那里的事物.所以作者的家人对Valencia市给与了高度评价.故答案选C.
48、答案:C.根据第五段I'll definitely go back for a weekend with all the friends 1 met there and I hope to keep in touch with my Spanish friends too.I thoroughly recommend studying abroad,and although it may seem tough early on,the chances are you'll have a great time.可知,作者希望和他的西班牙朋友保持联系,同时向读者建议有机会一定要去国外留学,说明作者已经完成了在国外的学业.故答案选C.

点评 该篇阅读主要考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构以及细节知识的理解和掌握.该题型要求考生从整体上把握文章的逻辑结构和内容上的联系,理解句子之间、段落之间的关系,对诸如连贯性、一致性等语段特征有较强的意识和熟练的把握.这一考查题型对阅读理解提出了更高层次的要求,即不仅要有阅读速度,要对所读文章的主旨要义、具体信息要有所了解,尤其重要的是要掌握作者的写作意图、观点,并且能够把握文章的写作结构和脉络层次.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.Theyagreed with(同意) you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Directions:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.My basketball coach (教练)at Princeton used to say,"On the court (球场),you can tell who is selfish."
When my sister Michelle brought Barack Obama home to meet the family,she said to me,"I want you to take him out to play,to see what type of man he is when he,s not around me"So I invited Barack to play basketball with a few friends of mine.
I was very nervous although I had already met Barack a few times.I was thinking this guy seemed like a good guy.
We played a hard five-on-five.He was thin but not weak at all.He played extremely left-handed.He dealt with everything perfectly.He wasn't the best guy out there or the worst guy.I liked the fact that he was confident but wasn't proud.Barack was very team-oriented (有团队精神的),very unselfish.He played as if he was one of us-he wasn't trying to be president of Harvard Law Review.But the best part about it was that when we were on the same team,he did not pass me the ball each time.He wasn't trying to suck up to my sister through me.I was glad to give my sister the good news,"Your boy is straight."
He isn't selfish,which is the greatest praise you can give both a player and a leader.America has got a guy who is running a government in an efficient manner.That's the same guy I got to know playing basketball when he was visiting my family.
56.Why does the author begin the passage with his coach's words?D
A.He wants to remember and thank his coach.
B.He wants to show that he is a good basketball player.
C.He wants to tell his sister about the words.
D.He wants to use the words to test a person.
57.Through the basketball game,the author found.out that Barack Obama.B
A.played best all the time
B.was strong enough to play
C.was not confident sometimes
D.wanted to be the team leader
58.The underlined phrase"suck up to"in the third paragraph can be replaced byA
A.make someone happy 
C.know about
D.look after.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Table manners are very different in every country.For example,when you are in England you must not lift your soup plate to your mouth.This is very impolite.But when you are in Japan this is completely normal.Lifting your plate to your mouth in Japan is a traditional way of drinking your soup.And also in Japan you don't have to worry about making a noise when you drink it.It just shows that you really like the food!But it is not the same in Britain,so you shouldn't make a noise when eating there.
In Britain,people don't put their hands or arms on the table during the meal.But in Mexico,guests keep their hands on the table all the time.In fact,you should watch what your hands do very carefully.In Arab countries,it is impolite when you eat with your left hand,so don't do it!
In all the cultures it is impolite to speak when you are eating.In Ukraine you should not start eating first; you should wait for all the others to start eating with you.You also have to say"please"and"thank you"every time you ask for and get something.If you don't like some food,don't make faces and don't say:"Yuk!I hate that!"
The best way to avoid making mistakes in other countries is to watch the host and try to do as he does.

8.It is normal to lift the soup plate to your mouth inA.
9.When you are eating in Japan,making a noise means thatB.
A.you feel sick    
B.you enjoy the food
C.you dislike the food    
D.you are starving
10.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?D
A.It's polite to keep your hands on the table in Britain.
B.In Arab countries you should eat with your left hand.
C.Speaking while eating is polite in some cultures.
D.In Ukraine,guests had better eat after hosts.
11.How is the text developed?C
A.By following time order.
B.By explaining reasons.
C.By raising examples.
D.By following space order.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

13.Talking with Notebooks
I had been going through a tough time dealing with the problems of growing up and communicating with my mother.Whenever I got angry,we would end up ih(36)Dwith each other,unwilling to share our real feelings.
Several days ago I ran away from home to(37)Bthe anger and pain bottled up(38)Ame.I stayed away for many hours,well into the night,before I finally decided to (39)Chome.Walking through the front(40)B,I immediately saw all the(41)Aand anger on my mother's face.For days after that,we said the(42)C.Everything we did was filled with tension,(43)Bwe desperately needed a talk and agreed to have breakfast together in a local café the next morning.It turned out to be a(44)Dpoint of our relationship.
On our way to the table I(45)Amy mother having two notebooks and some pens,"(46)Bare they for?"I asked,"Sometimes it is easier to write down our feelings than to(47)Babout them."She explained.She then(48)Cme a notebook and kept one for herself.The(49)Cwere that she would pick a topic,and we would write down our (50)Dbout it,however long or short.Our first(51)Cwas:"Why I am so angry."I wrote a half page,and mum(52)Aup nearly three pages.Tears streamed down her face as she wrote.
After finishing writing we(53)Cour notebooks and read what the other had written.On starting reading mum's words,I began to cry and so did she.Amazingly enough,when we finished discussing them,all the anger inside me was
(54)DI gained a special gift that day at the restaurant.Mum and I continue to use our notebooks as a (55)Bof communicating our problems.No matter how we feel,our notebooks are a safe place to express it.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.When ____ to danger and conflict,men tend to increase blood pressure,______ nervous and  anxious.(  )
A.exposed; feltB.exposed; feeling
C.exposing; feelingD.exposing; felt


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

May I have you attention please?I have a little things to tell you.When you have a class here in the language lab,please be here a little early.Change your shoes before enter the lab.Don't bring anything here except your text books.When you are into,please don't touch these machine without permission.Always do as the teacher tell you to.In class you should only speak the English,not Chinese.Recorders can be used make a copy of the listening materials.When class over,turn off your machines and leave the lab one by one.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.The doctor is skilled at treating hart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients,so he has a very good ______.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.The global financial crisis has contributed to(48)amore fierce competition in job markets.College graduates are finding themselves in a situation(49)wheretoo many job seekers are fighting for survival.Our class has had a heated discussion on this problem.
Some think that(50)it makes sense that they realize an early employment by lowering their income expectations.They also believe there are better opportunities for development(51)if/whenthey go to work in the west or rural areas.Others consider full employment an unrealistic goal,(52)sothey choose to continue their further study(53)orgo to vocational schools to learn some practical skills to make better preparations for future careers.
As(54)for/tome,I am confident and capable of overcoming the current difficulties and challenges after a series of timely measures taken by the government.All I need to do is make sure(55)thatI can make full use of our talent and skills.

