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【题目】Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Today, the events 1 in realistic-looking or-sounding video and audio recordings need never have happened. They can instead be 2 automatically, by powerful computers and machine-learning software. The catch-all term for these computational productions is “deepfakes”.

The term first appeared on Reddit, a messaging board, as the username for an account which was producing 3 videos. An entire community 4 up around the creation of these videos, writing software tools that let anyone automatically 5 one person’s face onto the body of another. Reddit shut the community down, but the technology was out there. Soon it was being applied to political 6 and actors.

Tools for editing media 7 have existed for decades—think Photoshop. The power and peril of deepfakes is that they make fakery cheaper than ever before. Before deepfakes, a powerful computer and a good chunk of a university degree were needed to produce a realistic fake video of someone. Now some photos and an Internet connection are all that is required.

The consequences of cheap, widespread fakery are likely to be 8, albeit slow to unfold. Plenty worry about the possible impact that believable, fake footage of politicians might have on civil society—from a further loss of trust in media to the 9 for electoral distortions. These technologies could also be deployed against softer targets: it might be used, for instance, to bully classmates by creating imagery of them in embarrassing situations. In a world that was already saturated with 10 imagery, deepfakes make it plausible to push that even further.














1考查动词。句意:今天,那些看起来真实、听起来真实的视频和音频记录所记录的事件根本不需要发生。根据句意可知,此处指视频和音频录制的事件。G. captured“拍摄,录制”。故G选项正确。

2考查动词。句意:它们可以由强大的计算机和机器学习软件自动生成。根据句意可知,此处指自动生成。J. generated“使形成;发生”。故J选项正确。

3考查形容词。句意:这个词最早出现在社交新闻网站Reddit上,是一个制作假视频的账户的用户名。根据上文The catch-all term for these computational productions is “deepfakes”.可知,此处指假视频。D. fake“假的”。故D选项正确。

4考查动词。句意:整个社区都围绕着这些视频的创作而兴起。spring up“出现,涌现”,sprangspring的过去式。F. sprang“涌出;跃出”。故F选项正确。

5考查动词。句意:他们编写软件工具,让任何人都可以自动地将一个人的脸粘贴到另一个人的身上。根据语境可知,此处指用软件工具将一个人的脸粘贴到另一个人的身上。H. paste“粘贴”。故H选项正确。

6考查名词。句意:很快,它就被应用到政治人物和演员身上。根据空前political及空后and actors可知,此处指政治人物。C. figures“人物”。故C选项正确。

7考查副词。句意:手工编辑媒体的工具已经存在了几十年,比如Photoshop。列举Photoshop这一款编辑数字照片或图像的软件工具,由此可知,此处指手工编辑媒体的工具,设空处修饰editing,使用副词形式。E. manually“手动地;用手”。故E选项正确。

8考查形容词。句意:廉价、普遍的造假行为的后果可能是深远的,尽管要慢慢显现出来。根据下文Plenty worry about the possible impact可知,此处指廉价、普遍的造假行为的后果可能是深远的。K. profound“深厚的;意义深远的”。故K选项正确。

9考查名词。句意:许多人担心政客的虚假镜头可能会对公民社会产生影响——从对媒体的信任进一步丧失到选举扭曲的可能性。根据句意可知,此处指选举扭曲的可能性。B. potential“潜能,可能性”。故B选项正确。

10考查形容词。句意:在一个已经充斥着极端画面的世界里,深度造假似乎更有可能推动这一趋势。根据上文These technologies could also be deployed against softer targets: it might be used, for instance, to bully classmates by creating imagery of them in embarrassing situations.可知,此处指极端画面。I. extreme“极端的”。故I选项正确。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:






Tina, 14, is hard-working student. She studies hard, follows the rules at school, and do whatever her parents, teachers and even friend tell her to do. She seems to be used to say “yes” to everything. But Tina is not always happy about this. “Sometimes her friends invite me to do something together, but I’ve got the other plans already,” Tina said. “And sometimes people ask too much favors from me. For example, every day a student is in duty to keep the classroom clean, and there is one girl whom always wants to change shifts (轮班) with me. I don’t feel like helping her, because I just cannot say no.” “I wish I could change,” Tina thought to herself.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】DirectionsComplete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Like AIDS, flu is caused by a virus, a tiny packet of genes in a protein coat so simple that most biologists don’t 1 viruses truly “alive” until they invade(入侵)a host cell. Then they hijack the cell and use its energy to 2 out 100,000 to 1 million copies of themselves in just 10 hours. Eventually they become so great in number that they 3 the cell from within, flooding out to further infect the body. They are spread from respiratory(呼吸的)passages, through the cough and sneeze droplets on doorknobs, desktops, coat sleeves and food tables.

The cause of flu was unknown for many years—the virus wasn’t isolated until 1933. But now we know what makes flu such an annual irritant, and so 4 deadly, is that like HIV that causes AIDS, it is moving 5. Made of RNA instead of the more stable DNA, it changes like a movie monster, making vaccinations(疫苗接种)useless in a year or so.

One thing we know about the flu is that we can’t predict it. In part that’s because occasionally the flu will change completely in what is called a “shift” and 6 humans by such a surprise that a pandemic(流行疾病)breaks out. An estimated three to six shifts occurred in the 18th century, four in the 19th, and three in the 20th, the 1918 pandemic, the 1957 Asian flu and the 1968 Hong Kong flue. Because it can take six to nine months to make enough of an effective vaccine, a deadly shift that 7 around the world is what gives health authorities nightmares.

But there is a global network to try to stop such a pandemic in its tracks. More than 80 countries and 121 U.S. cities belong to a reporting system to 8 flu.

And now, doctors know what causes flu. They have decades of experience with vaccines to fight it, and they even have anti-viral drugs, though those are expensive and of limited 9.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

If you can’t seem to catch enough Z’s during the week, you’re not alone. But bad things happen to your body when you’re sleep-deprived, not least of which is weight gain. Well, here’s some good news: Sleeping in on the weekend to make up for sleep lost during the week is 1 with lower body mass index (BMI), according to a study published in the Oxford University Press journal Sleep.

The researchers, a collaboration of scientists based in Boston, Massachusetts, and the Republic of Korean, sought to determine if what they refer to as “catch-up sleep”2 body mass index (BMI) in the general population. To do so, they conducted face-to-face interviews of a random sampling of 2,156 adults, comparing their sleep habits with their BMI scores. The 932 participants who slept in – “catch-up sleepers” (people who sleep longer on the weekend than on weekdays by approximately two hours) had a(n)3 lower BMI than the other subjects. What’s more, every additional hour of catch-up sleep was linked with a decrease in BMI.

As to why sleeping in on weekends can lead to weight loss, one of the study co-authors, Robert Thomas, MD, MMSc, of the Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Department of Medicine at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston,4 Reader’s Digest of the “substantial(大量的) experimental and epidemiological(流行病学的) data that short sleep contributes to weight gain.” He notes, “our best 5 as researchers are that there are balances to be kept, and the body can adjust and 6 within reason. Catch-up sleep allows the basic balance to be maintained.”

Although the study showed significant differences in BMI with the 7 of two or more hours of catch-up sleep, Dr. Thomas points out that there are “substantial individual differences,” such that the benefit we get from those extra hours will vary 8 on how much sleep each of us generally needs. “To determine your optional sleep, you can track the time spent sleeping on nights when there is no need to wake up to an alarm,” suggests Liza Baker, a health coach at Simply Health Coaching. That tells you about how many hours of sleep your body likes to get, since it 9 greatly across the population, from just 4 to 5 hours to 9 to 10 hours.

So can you actually lost weight by sleeping in on the weekend? Only if you’re paying off a sleep 10 from the week, according to the result of this study. It helps if you’re also eating less, Dr. Thomas adds.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Health Workers Aim to Save Lives of Mothers, Babies with Smartphone Data

A new project in India and Uganda is aimed at helping health workers save the lives of mothers and babies with information from electronic devices.

The $100 million project is 1 by the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the World Bank and other groups. Officials plan to 2 the project to a total of 10 countries. The goal is to 3 the premature deaths of 6 million women and children by 2030.

Raj Shah is president of the Rockefeller Foundation, which leads the project. The group is providing $60 million of the $100 million 4 cost. Shah said the plan is to give health workers low-cost tools to help them gather the information they need to help communities and families most at risk.

The project will provide 5 such as real-time risk maps to help health workers reach mothers and children. Workers also will be able to study non-health data on climate or social media patterns to predict and prepare for local disease 6 or health emergencies.

Shah told Reuters, "A few years ago, these community health workers had no real technology ... today the vast majority of them have smartphones with data and software technologies in their hands --- and with those, we can help them do their work better."

A U.N. report published last week 7 that more women and newborn babies survive now than ever before. But the report said that a baby or a 8 woman still dies every 11 seconds somewhere in the world.

Deaths of mothers are nearly 50 times higher for women in sub-Saharan Africa than in 9 countries. The report also found that babies in Sub-Saharan Africa are 10 times more 10 to die in their first month of life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Nine times out of ten, students complain to their Physical Education teachers about being out in the hot sun, running around for no reason. Perhaps in lower level education, children see it as a 1 of escaping the classroom, but as they grow older, it’s simply looked upon as a huge waste of time and energy.

However, engaging in acts of physical activity from a young age is very important for both the mental and physical health of a child; the habits learnt in youth tend to continue into adulthood, thus having an effect on the prevalence of obesity and 2 illnesses in society. Physical activity has been 3 with an increased life expectancy in adults so its importance is obvious, but its value for children sometimes needs to be 4. It is never too early to start teaching a child5 behavior and habits; however, in middle childhood (ages 6-10) children tend to be in a stage of development where they think very literally and will absorb everything you teach, do and say.It is during this stage of development that they are most likely to be taught healthy eating habits, develop exercise programs and have an interest in 6 sports.

Physical activity is one of the most important things we all can and should do to keep our body in healthy 7. There are many health conditions that don’t require a pill to be swallowed on a daily basis but ca be helped with a tiny amount of time invested in exercising. Physical activity is 8 for both mental and physical health. It has also been considered a tool for boosting our social life.

People who see exercise as a total waste of time should understand that exercise is essential to life because it not only prevents us from being susceptible to illness, but it also teaches us how to be disciplined in the 9 that we have complete control over our body and its outcome. Today we live in an environment where we get more unhealthy foods and beverages for a lesser cost, which in 10 promotes greater consumption, and unhealthier children and adults.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Bears __________ fat stores throughout the summer and fall to have energy enough to last them through their winter sleep.

A. pack up B. build up

C. bring up D. take up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Get a taste of the amazing world of engineering

Do you want to help shape the future of everything from entertainment and transport to sport and the environment? Then you might want to think about the fascinating world of engineering. Tomorrow's Engineers Week is running 4-8 February 2020, and is the perfect time to get an idea of what engineering is all about.

Engineers are the people who use scientific knowledge, ranging from long-established scientific laws to cutting-edge discoveries, to solve problems and improve life for all of us. Tomorrow's Engineers Week aims to get young people interested in this exciting career. It also wants to change the way we think about engineers.

One place to find out more about engineers is the website thisisengineering.org.uk, where you can meet 16 young engineers with amazing and different jobs. There's Halvard, who builds farm robots; and Olivia, who uses her chemical engineering skills to create soaps and shampoos kind to the skin and the environment. Alice digs train tunnels deep underground. Michelle builds rides. As a child, she loved these thrilling rides. At the age of 14, she attended a lecture on roller coaster design, and then she realized that engineering was a great way to turn her passion into her career.

If you want to meet some inspirational engineers, ask if your school has signed up to take part in the Big Assembly (大型集会) on 6 February. Don't worry if not, though, you can check it out yourself afterwards on the tomorrowsengineers.org.uk website.

1The goal of Tomorrow's Engineers Week is to________.

A.introduce young engineers

B.announce the latest discoveries

C.show the future work of engineers

D.attract the youth' s interest in engineering

2Which of the engineers fancies building roller coasters?



3What is the main purpose of the passage?

A.To explain what engineering is all about.

B.To advertise Tomorrow's Engineers Week.

C.To encourage schools to sign up for an assembly.

D.To introduce the website thisisengineering.org.uk.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 I was just chatting with the director when a stranger __________.

A. cut in B. cut down

C. cut off D. cut up

