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(BBC News April 18) All flights in and out of the UK and several other European countries have been cancelled as ash from a volcanic eruption in Iceland moves south.

Up to 4,000 flights are being cancelled with airspace closed in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark among others.

The UK’s air traffic control service (Nats) said no flights would be allowed in UK airspace until at least 07:00 BST on Friday for fear of engine damage.

Safety group Eurocontrol said the problem could last for 48 hours.

The volcano is still erupting and the wind direction is expected to continue bringing clouds into UK and European airspace for some time to come.

The UK’s airspace restriction was the worst in living memory, a Nats spokesman said. Some 600,000 people are thought to have been affected.

Nats suggested that the restrictions were unlikely to be lifted (解除) after 07:00, saying it was “very unlikely that the situation over England will improve in the foreseeable future”.

Passengers were advised to contact their carriers before travelling.

Transport Secretary Lord Adonis said he was “closely monitoring the situation” and would be meeting with key transport officials on Friday morning.

Experts have warned that the tiny particles of rock, glass and sand contained in the ash cloud from the still-erupting volcano could be sufficient to jam aircraft engines.

The Health Protection Agency said the ash from the eruption did not bring a significant risk to public health because of its high altitude.

However, the British Lung Foundation has warned people with lung conditions to keep their medication (医疗护理) with them as a precautionary measure.

These are some of the knock-on effects:

    ● Eurocontrol says Germany is monitoring the situation and considering partial airspace closures.

● The two main airports in Paris and many others in the north of France are closing. 

● There is severe disruption (崩溃) in France and Spain, where all northbound flights are cancelled. 

● Nats is due to make an announcement shortly as to the arrangements that will be in place

through to 13:00 BST on Friday.

● British Airways offers refunds or an option to rebook after all its domestic flights are suspended.

Flybe announces it has cancelled all flights up until 13:00 BST on Friday and more than 25 services due to run after that.

British sports teams have been hit by travel problems after flights were grounded.

60. What may passengers do on hearing the news according to the passage?

       A. They may cancel their international flights.

       B. They may contact the airlines before traveling.

       C. They may take measures to protect their lungs from the ash.

       D. They may stay indoors till the volcanic eruption dies down.

61. Why have some European countries cancelled flights after the volcanic eruption?

A. Because the volcanic ash may make passengers ill.

B. Because people refuse to take the international flights.

C. Because the volcanic ash may jam or damage the engine.

D. Because the flights may be hit by the rocks from the eruption.

62. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. All the flights are likely to return to normal in 48 hours.

B. British people had experienced a worse airspace restriction before that.

C. Germany is monitoring the situation and considering closing all airspace. 

D. The UK airspace restrictions are unlikely to be lifted in the foreseeable future.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       When important events are happening around the world, most people turn to traditional media sources, such as CNN and BBC for the news.However, during the war in Iraq in 2003, many people followed the war from the point of view of an unknown Iraqi citizen who called himself “Salam Pax ” .(Salam Pax means peace)

       Salam Pax wrote a diary about everyday life in Baghdad during the war, and posted it on his website.Pax’s online diary was a kind of website known as a “blog”.Blogs are online diaries, usually kept by individuals, but sometimes by companies and other groups of people.They are the fastest growing types of website on the Internet.

A blog differs from a traditional website in several ways.Most importantly, it is updated much more regularly.Many blogs are updated every day, and some are updated several times a day.Also, most blogs use special software or websites, which can help ordinary people easily set up and start writing their own blogs.

       There are many different kinds of blogs.The most popular type is an online diary of links where the blog writer surfs the Internet and then posts links to sites or news articles that they find interesting , with a few comments about each one .Other types are personal diaries, where the writer talks about their life and feelings.Sometimes these blogs can be very personal.

       There is another kind of blogging, called “moblogging ”, short for “ mobile blogging ”.

Mobloggers use mobile phones with cameras to take photos, which are posted instantly to the Internet.The use of mobile phones in this way made the headlines in Singapore when a high school student posted a movie he had taken of a teacher shouting at another student on the Internet.Many people were shocked by what the student did, and wanted phones with cameras to be banned from schools.

       Many people think that as blogs become common, news reporting will rely less on big media companies, and more on ordinary people posting news to the Internet.They think that then the news will be less like a lecture, and more like a conversation, where any one can join in.

Which statement about Salam Pax was true?

A.He worked for CNN.

B.Salam Pax was not his real name

C.He was famous as a host in BBC

D.He used a mobile phone for his blog

What is the biggest difference between blogs and traditional websites?

A.Blogs are updated much more often      B.Blogs contain links to other websites

C.Blogs use special software      D.Blogs contain personal information

According to the passage, which statement about the future is most likely ? In the future …

A.everyone will have a blog

B.large media companies will be unnecessary

C.people will be able to learn the news from other points of view

D.blogging technology will be banned

What is the passage mainly about ?

A.the history of the Internet       B.new types of media

C.the war in Iraq        D.the increase of using computers


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江临海白云高级中学高一上第二次阶段考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Selina, Michael, Tony and Sam enjoy listening to the radio. Read the following description and help them make proper choices.
57. ________ Tony, a sports lover, always cares much about sports events. He dreams to be a sports reporter after graduation.
58. ________ Michael is a university student. He likes music very much, especially rock and pop music.
59. ________ Sam is a teacher. He is one of the most popular teachers, because he always likes to tell his students what is going on world widely. So he needs to know global events of all kinds.
60. ________ Selina has three children. They are very lovely. They are interested in drama, reading and watching TV as well.

A. BBC Radio 3
BBC 3 broadcasts radio entertainment all day, every day. Hear the original radio comedies which became TV hits and the all-time comedy greats. There’s drama as well as reading of favourite books and a daily show just for kids.
B. BBC Radio 2
BBC Radio 2 Music celebrates the very best in music. It’s a station for people who are passionate about rock and pop music. The station plays a rich mix of modern and classic artists and is devoted to the success of new rising bands.
C. BBC Radio 1
Devoted to giving you comments on news and sports events. Special rights on all the major sports events including up to the minute news and debates.
D. BBC World Service
World Service gets to the heart of global events. Programmes cover news to science and the environment to arts, religion and music of all kinds.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年安徽省涡阳四中高一下学期第一次质量检测英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

You might think that “global warming” means nothing more than a rise in the world’s temperature But rising sea levels caused by it have resulted in the first evacuation(撤离)of an island nation—the citizens of Tuvalu will have to leave their homeland.
During the 20th century , sea level rose 8—12 inches. As a result ,Tuvalu has experienced lowland flooding of salt water which has polluted the country’s drinking water.
Paani Laupepa , a Tuvaluan government official ,reported to the Earth Policy Institute that the nation suffered an unusually high number of fierce storms in the past ten years .Many scientists connect higher surface water temperatures resulting from global warming to greater and more damaging storms.
Laupepa expressed dissatisfaction with the United States for refusing to sign the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement calling for industrialized nations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions(导致温室效应的气体排放),which are a main cause of global warming . “By refusing to sign the agreement ,the US has effectively taken away the freedom of future generations of Tuvaluans to live where their forefathers have lived for thousands of years,” Laupepa told the BBC.
Tuvalu has asked Australia and New Zealand to allow the gradual move of its people to both countries .
Tuvalu is not the only country that is vulnerable (易受影响的)to rising sea levels .Maumoon Gayoon ,president of the Maldives ,told the United Nations that global warming has made his country of 311,000 an “endangered nation”.
【小题1】The text is mainly about           .

A.rapid changes in earth’s temperature
B.bad effects of global warming
C.moving of a country to a new place
D.reasons for lowland flooding
【小题2】According to scientists ,the direct cause of more and fiercer storms is           .
A.greenhouse gas emissions in industrialized nations
B.higher surface water temperatures of the sea
C.continuous global warming
D.rising sea levels
【小题3】Laupepa was not satisfied with the United States because it did not        .
A.agree to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions
B.sign an agreement with Tuvalu
C.allow Tuvaluans to move to the US
D.believe the problems facing Tuvalu were real
【小题4】The country whose situation is similar to that of Tuvalu is          .
A.Australia B.New ZealandC.the MaldivesD.the United States


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江临海白云高级中学高一上第二次阶段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Selina, Michael, Tony and Sam enjoy listening to the radio. Read the following description and help them make proper choices.

57. ________ Tony, a sports lover, always cares much about sports events. He dreams to be a sports reporter after graduation.

58. ________ Michael is a university student. He likes music very much, especially rock and pop music.

59. ________ Sam is a teacher. He is one of the most popular teachers, because he always likes to tell his students what is going on world widely. So he needs to know global events of all kinds.

60. ________ Selina has three children. They are very lovely. They are interested in drama, reading and watching TV as well.

A. BBC Radio 3

BBC 3 broadcasts radio entertainment all day, every day. Hear the original radio comedies which became TV hits and the all-time comedy greats. There’s drama as well as reading of favourite books and a daily show just for kids.

B. BBC Radio 2

BBC Radio 2 Music celebrates the very best in music. It’s a station for people who are passionate about rock and pop music. The station plays a rich mix of modern and classic artists and is devoted to the success of new rising bands.

C. BBC Radio 1

Devoted to giving you comments on news and sports events. Special rights on all the major sports events including up to the minute news and debates.

D. BBC World Service

World Service gets to the heart of global events. Programmes cover news to science and the environment to arts, religion and music of all kinds.



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年河南省高三第二次月考英语试题 题型:阅读理解

People playing computer games to train their brains might as well be playing Super Mario, a new research suggests. In a six-week study, experts found people who played online games designed to improve their cognitive skills didn’t get any smarter.

    Researchers recruited(招募) participants from views of the BBC’s science show Bang Goes the Theory.More than 8,600 people aged 18 to 60 were asked to play online brain games designed by the researchers to improve their memory, reasoning and other skills, for at least 10 minutes a day, three times a week.

1.What’s the purpose of online brain games according to the designers?

    A.To take part in the study.

    B.To draw public attention to computer.

    C.To provide free service to teenagers.

    D.To improve players’ IQ.

2.How many people were inveolved in the study made by the researchers?

    A.About 60.        B.Only 2700.       C.8600 or so.      D.Around 11,300.

3..What’s the result of the study about online games?

    A.Those who didn’t play online games felt disappointed.

    B.Those who played online games proved smarter.

    C.Online games don’t improve the players’ skills at all.

    D.Online games will be more popular than before.

4.The best title for the passage may probably be          .

    A.Don’t Play Games Any More           B.New Study of IQ

    C.Brain Games Don’t Raise IQ          D.Brain Games and Super Mario


