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   Camp Broadway is a children's camp in the United States. It gives children a chance to find out about the performing arts. These include drama (戏剧) ,dancing and singing. If you are 10 to 17,and enjoy performing,this could be of interest to you. It lasts 5 days and our professional artists are going to help you develop your talent or discover one.

   It lets you develop your ability to create and increase your confidence. Even if you don't think you have performing talents,these will be useful skills to have. Whatever your future job might be,it will help you to speak more confidently,clearly,and effectively (有效地) in public. This will give you the best results if you need to speak or introduce anything to a group of people.

   You also have a chance to make new friends here. And our artists will answer your questions and give you first hand advice. This will be great help if you want to progress. At the end,you have a chance to show your family what you have achieved.

   The program isn’t just open to beginners,but also to those who have some experience.

   If you are interested in this summer camp,then visit www. campbroadway. com.

[2013 山东淄博]

() 1. Who will probably join the camp?

   A. A seven-year-old child.

   B. A forty-year-old teacher.

   C. A nineteen-year-old film star.

   D. A fifteen-year-old high school student.

() 2. In this passage,the underlined word “confidence” means.

   A. 自信心   B. 知名度   C. 幽默感   D. 想象力

() 3. The second paragraph of the passage tells us.

   A. where to give a speech

   B. when the camp will be open

   C. why Camp Broadway is helpful

   D. how to find a good job in the future

() 4. In the camp,you have a chance to .

   A. learn how to write dramas

   B. show what you have achieved

   C. help your friends with their lessons

   D. draw beautiful pictures in the mountains

1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B


1. D细节理解题。由文章第一段“If you are 10 to   17....”可知,这个夏令营活动只对10到17岁的孩子开放。

2. A词义猜测题。根据文章第二段中“it will help you to speak more confidently…”可推断出confidence意为“自信心”。

3. C主旨大意题。文章第二段主要介绍了百老汇夏令营对孩子创 造力的开发、自信心的培养。所以应当是告诉我们:为什么百老汇 夏令营是有帮助的。

4. B细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段“At the end,you have a chance to show your family what you have achieved. ”可知,在百老 汇夏令营中你可以展示你所学到的东西。

题目来源:2016年启东中学作业本英语阅读理解与完形填空4 > Week 3 Traffic and travel 交通旅游


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. —Whenever you are short of money Just come to me.-

   A. Do you really mean it?

   B. I can't believe it.

   C. That's something.

   D. 'What's up7


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Robots have been designed to do many things,such as saving people,working in a hospital,serving for us and so on.

   There are some robots working in the Jinjiang Robot Hotel in Tongren,Guizhou. One hundred customers can have a big dinner in it together. Two of the robots serve drinks,while the other four serve the food. But not all the work in the restaurant is done by them. There are also people working there,especially in the kitchen. The cooks are humans,because the robots don't have the skills to cook.[2013 贵州铜仁改编]

() 1. Robots can't .

   A. save people   B. work in a hospital

   C. serve for us   D. cook dishes

() 2. customers can have a big dinner in the hotel.

   A. 50   B. 80   C. 100   D. 120

() 3. robots work in the Jinjiang Robot Hotel.

   A. 2   B. 4   C. 6   D. 8

() 4. The passage may come from a .

   A. diary   B. newspaper   C. poster   D. story


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Once there lied Loulan ancient city of the Silk Road beside the beautiful and rich Luobu Lake. Businessmen from every country came here and there were dancing parties. Everything shows that people in Loulan lived a rich life then.

   However,two thousand years later,this rich land suddenly disappeared from the map of China. Then it became an area covered with sand and dead tree trunks.

   Loulan was first “discovered” by a Swedish man Sven Hedin in 1900. People from America,Britain,Japan and Sweden,all set foot here. Then in the 1930s,a Chinese named Huang Wenbi came to Loulan for the first time. He visited and studied this area and found many relics (遗物) that were beautifully and carefully made.

   It is recorded that the ancient city of Loulan was the capital of Loulan Kingdom during the Han and Jin Dynasties (朝代) ,and covered an area of some 100,000 sq. meters. Inside the city,there were the ruins of government offices,temples and other old buildings. Outside the city there were some dried rivers and much farmland. In the past centuries,many things have been dug out there including Han Dynasty coins,mirrors and many others from Greek and Roman times. All these things show that a lot of business between East and West once took place there.

   Lying on the northwest of the Lop Nur area,the Loulan Kingdom is now a lifeless area with endless “forests” of mounds (小丘) which aren’t easily seen in other parts of the world. Its mystery (神秘) has been attracting so many people from so many countries.

() 1. Loulan was covered with 2000 years later.

   A. sand   B. dead tree trunks

   C. trees   D. sand and dead tree trunks

() 2. A man discovered Loulan first.

   A. Swedish   B. British

   C. Japanese   D. Chinese

() 3. Loulan was the capital of Loulan Kingdom during.

   A. Han Dynasty   B. Jin Dynasty

   C. Wei Dynasty   D. Han and Jin Dynasties

() 4. Many people visit Loulan Kingdom because (of) .

   A. the beautiful scenery there

   B. its developed business in the past

   C. its mysterious stories

   D. there were many relics


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   There are some people who like reading as a habit,and there are some people who only read because they’re told to. There is another kind of person who wants to make reading a habit,but just can't do it Well,here's a way to start developing your reading habit and make you a true book lover!

   Pick up a book. If you are nowhere near a book,how are you supposed to read? Try finding something to read. That can be anything,including newspapers,magazines,novels,etc. The important thing is that the book you choose should be at your level. Don’t choose a book too high for your level because it will just waste your time.

   Practice your reading habit. Now that you have found what you like to read,you can set a goal of 15 minutes a day of reading. During this time,you’re not supposed to care about anything except your reading. After 15 minutes,you can close your reading material and do something else. Practice this every day. Make it a habit. After you have gotten used to this habit,you can increase the time you need to read in a day to 20 or 30 minutes.

   Don’t give up. If you find that you cannot complete the task in the first place,don't be ashamed and hold your chin up!Remember,winners never quit!You just have to try again and again until you achieve it.

() 1. The passage is about habit.

   A. eating   B. reading

   C. listening   D. speaking

() 2. The book you read should be your level.

   A. at   B. high for

   C. low for   D. below

() 3. If you find a book you like,you can set a goal of minutes a day of reading.

   A. 15   B. 20

   C. 25   D. 30

() 4. Which of the sentences is not true according to the passage?

   A. Some people only read because they’re told to.

   B. Some people read because they like reading.

   C. Some people want to read but they canJt.

   D. People should think something else while reading.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Many young adults have roommates to share the expenses of everyday life. Otherwise,they may not be able to afford to live away from Mom and Dad. If you find a roommate who shares your values and you can get along with,do everything in your power to be polite to that person. You don't want to risk losing this important relationship.

   Etiquette Tips for Roommates:

   . Have a written agreement that spells out who pays for what and how all the expenses are divided.

   . Never borrow any clothing without asking first.

   . Have a clear understanding in all areas of the home —from the kitchen to the bathroom.

   . If you know your roommate needs a special food for a diet or health issue,never take the last one in the package. Replace anything that isn’t something you’ve agreed to share.

   . Don’t have a party without first discussing it with your roommate.

   . Be respectful of common space by keeping it tidy and clean. Never leave a sink full of dirty dishes and expect your roommate to wash them.

() 1. The passage is about etiquette for .

   A. classmates   B. roommates   C. teachers   D. families

() 2. The underlined word“replace” means .

   A. 丢弃   B. 扔掉   C. 清除   D. 更换

() 3. The writer gives tips.

   A. three   B. four   C. five   D. six

() 4. Be respectful of common space by keeping it.

   A. clean   B. tidy   C. clean and tidy   D. neat


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   It seems that these days the word “green” is everywhere. I don't just mean the color. It is a lifestyle that respects the environment and doesn’t hurt our environment. So what's the big deal? First of all,being green doesn’t just save the environment,but the green in your wallet as well. Second,it's a great way to stay healthy. So how can you be green? Here is something you can easily do.

   Use green transport 

   Ride your bike,or walk if it isn’t too far away for you. Meanwhile,biking and walking are by far the most environmentally friendly things on the planet which use no gas,and therefore produce no pollution. All of these options are environmentally friendly as public transportation carries many people at a time,rather than a car which usually carries one person at a time. Public transportation saves you money,too.

   Use reusable cups or bags 

   Many coffee shops now offer you a 10 cent discount (折扣) for bringing your own reusable mug (圆筒形的 有柄杯) . Reusable cups keep your drinks,like coffee hotter,and cold drinks,like water,colder. They can be a little expensive to buy outright,but they save the environment,and your money. You can also use reusable bags. You will save money by bringing your own lunch from home every day,and save the environment by not throwing away lunch containers. By bringing your lunch to work every day in a reusable container you are saving trees from being cut down for useless items.

() 1. The word “green ” in the first paragraph means the .

   A. color   B. lifestyle

   C. transport   D. cups or bags

() 2. Which is the most environmentally friendly transport?

   A. By bike. B. By bus.

   C. By car. D. By train.

() 3. You are saving trees from being cutting down by using.

   A. paper cups   B. paper bags

   C. reusable bags   D. All above

() 4. The passage is about .

   A. how to protect the environment

   B. how to stay healthy

   C. how to protect trees

   D. how to live a green life


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  阅读短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空(必要时可加情态动词或助动词) 。

   Now more than 20 schools in the northwest of China 1 (use) E-textbooks. Some teachers say that they make learning easier and 2 (teach) more convenient.

   Jing Xuan is excited about lessons like Chinese,English and math. She 3 (enjoy) the pictures and animations (动画) in the E-textbooks. The children here 4 (study) with E-textbooks since last September.

   With the help of the E-textbooks,some good ideas 5 (share) at times. Some parents encourage their children 6 (try) the E-textbooks to make learning easier. But others worry about their children's health.

   “You can't imagine how the growing popularity of E-textbooks is changing the way the students learn!More and more students 7 (learn) with E-textbooks in the future. However,there's still a long way to go ,” said the headmaster.[2013 山东莱宪]

1.  2. 

3.  4. 

5.  6. 



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. 他从市场上买了一些鱼,有几条还活着。

He bought some fish from the market,still .

