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---________ it be Li Ping who broke the glass?

---No.It ________ be Wu Dong who did it.

  1. A.
    Can; must
  2. B.
    Must; can
  3. C.
    Must; must
  4. D.
    May; need

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Jack-J; Laura-L

J: I’d like to mail this box to Hong Kong. How much will it be, please?

L: Do you want to send it first class or second class?

J: How much is first class and how (76)l       does it take?                                  

L: It’s a light box. First class would cost $ 8.20. I(77)g      it                                       

will take about eight to ten days to arrive.

J: And second class?

L: Sending it second class would be (78) c       ,                                                  

 but it wouldn’t arrive (79)u      about a month from now. You’ll pay $ 4.90 only. 

J: Oh, I want it to arrive (80)e      than that. I’ll mail it first class.                                

L: What’s in the box? I need to know in order to(81) c       the form.                    

J:A(82)s        of glasses.                                                

Are there any other forms I need to fill out because it’s going to a foreign country?

L: Yes , one more. You have to write clearly what is in the box and the (83) v       

J: Here it is.

L: You forgot to put a return address on this box. It’s not a post office rule,

but we usually (84)a    people that all mail have a proper return address.                 

J: OK. I’ll do it right now. I’ll also buy ten 60-cent stamps.

L: Let’s see. The box and the stamps. Your (85)t       bill comes to $ 14.20.          

J: Thank you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the World Wide Wait because it______be very slow.

A.should               B.must                  C.will                   D.can


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届山东省高二上学期期末模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

That “Monday morning feeling” could be a crushing pain in the chest which leaves you sweating and gasping for breath. Recent research from Germany and Italy shows that heart attacks are more common on Monday mornings and doctors blame the stress of returning to work after the weekend break.

The risk of having a heart attack on any given day should be one in seven, but a six-year study helped by researchers at the Free University of Berlin of more than 2,600 Germans showed that the average person had a 20 per cent higher chance of having a heart attack on a Monday than on any other day.

Working Germans are particularly not protected against attack, with a 33 per cent higher risk at the beginning of the working week. Non-workers, by comparison, appear to be no more at risk on a Monday than any other day.

A study of 11,000 Italians proved 8 am on a Monday morning as the most stressful time for the heart, and both studies showed that Sunday is the least stressful day, with fewer heart attacks in both countries.

The findings could lead to a better understanding of what is the immediate cause of heart attacks, according to Dr Stefan Willich of the Free University. “We know a lot about long-term risk factors such as smoking and cholesterol(胆固醇)but we don’t know what actually causes heart attacks, so we can’t give clear advice on how to prevent them,” he said.

Monday mornings have a double helping of stress for the working body as it makes a rapid change from sleep to activity, and from the relaxing weekend to the pressures of work.

“When people get up, their blood pressure and heart rate go up and there are hormonal(内分泌)changes in their bodies,” Willich explained. “All these things can have an unfavourable effect in the blood system and increase the risk of a clot(血凝块)in the arteries(动脉)which will cause a heart attack.”

“When people return to work after a weekend off, the pace of their life changes. They have a higher workload, more stress, more anger and more physical activity,” said Willich.

1.Monday morning feeling, as this passage shows,         .

A.is not so serious as people thought

B.is harmful to working people in developed countries.

C.is the first killer in Germany and Italy.

D.is created by researchers in Germany and Italy

2.To protect people from suffering from heart attack, doctors have paid much attention to    

A.people’s working time

B.people’s living place

C.people’s diet and lifestyle

D.people’s nationalities

3.It can be learned from this passage that heart attack has nothing to do with     .

A.blood pressure                         B.heart rate

C.hormonal changes                       D.blood group

4.If the researchers give us some advice to avoid Monday morning feeling, what might it be?

A.Stop working on Monday

B.Create a pleasant working environment

C.Get up late on Monday morning

D.Go to work with a doctor



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年安徽省黄山市高三第一次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

It's not a new phenomenon, but have you noticed how many nouns are being used as verbs? We all use them, often without noticing what we're doing.

I was arranging to meet someone for dinner last week, and I said “I’ll pencil it in my diary”, and my friend said “You can ink it in”, meaning that it was a firm arrangement not a tentative one!

Many of these new verbs are linked to new technology. An obvious example is the word fax. We all got used to sending and receiving faxes, and then soon started talking about faxing something and promising we'd fax it immediately. Then along came email, and we were soon all emailing each other madly. How did we do without it? I can hardly imagine life without my daily emails.

Email reminds me, of course, of my computer and its software, which has produced another couple of new verbs. On my computer I can bookmark those pages from the World Wide Web that I think I'll want to look at again, thus saving all the effort of remembering their addresses and calling them up from scratch. I can do the same thing on my PC, but there I don't bookmark; I favorite—coming from “favorite pages”, so the verb comes from an adjective not a noun.

Now my children bought me a mobile phone, known simply as a mobile and I had to learn yet more new verbs. I can message someone, that is, I can leave a message for them on their phone. Or I can text them, write a few words suggesting when and where to meet, for example. How long will it be before I can mobile them, that is, phone them using my mobile? I haven’t heard that verb yet, but I’m sure I will soon. Perhaps I’ll start using it myself!

1.“I’ll pencil it in my diary” in the second paragraph probably means          .

A.it was a firm arrangement

B.he prefers a pencil to a pen

C.the arrangement should be written as a diary

D.it was an uncertain arrangement

2.A website address can be easily found if it has been______.

A.favorited          B.messaged         C.emailed           D.texted

3.Which of the following has not been used as a verb yet?

A.message          B.mobile            C.email             D.page

4.The best title for this passage is____.

A.Technology and Language.               B.Development of the English language

C.New Technology and New words            D.New Verbs from Nouns



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年黑龙江省大庆市高三第三次月考(期中)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The life of a high school student is usually active, exciting and full of fun, but it ______ be stressful sometimes.






