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Why do men die earlier than women? The latest research makes it known that the reason could be that men’s hearts go into rapid decline when they reach middle age.

The largest study of the effects of aging on the heart has found that women’s longevity may be linked to the fact that their hearts do not lose their pumping power with age.

“We have found that the power of the male heart falls by 20--25 percent between 18 and 70 years of age,” said the head of the study, David Goldspink of Liverpool John Moores University in the UK.

“Within the heart there are millions of cells that enable it to beat. Between the age of 20 and 70, one-third of those cells die and are not replaced in men,” said Goldspink. “This is part of the aging process.”

What surprises scientists is that the female heart sees very little loss of these cells. A healthy 70-year-old woman’s heart could perform almost as well as a 20-year-old one’s.

“This gender difference might just explain why women live longer than men,” said Goldspink.

They studied more than 250 healthy men and women between the ages of 18 and 80, focusing on healthy persons to remove the confusing influence of disease.

The team has yet to find why ageing takes a greater loss on the male heart, said Goldspink.

The good news is that men can improve the health of their heart with regular exercise. Goldspink stressed that women also need regular exercise to prevent their leg muscles becoming smaller and weaker as they age.

1.The underlined word “longevity” in the second paragraph probably refers to ______.

A. health B. long life C. aging D. effect

2.The text mainly talks about ______.

A. men’s heart cells B. women’s aging process

C. the gender difference D. hearts and long life

3.According to the text, the UK scientists have known that ______________.

A. women have more cells than men when they are born

B. women can replace the cells that enable the heart to beat

C. the female heart loses few of the cells with age

D. women never lose their pumping power with age

4.If you want to live longer, you should ___________.

A. enable your heart to beat much faster

B. find out the reason for aging

C. exercise regularly to keep your heart healthy

D. prevent your cells from being lost

5.We can know from the passage that __________.

A. the reason why aging takes a greater loss on the male heart has been found out

B. scientists are on the way to finding out why the male heart loses more of the cells

C. the team has done something to prevent the male from suffering the greater loss

D. women over 70 could lose more heart cells than those at the age of 20


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届吉林东北师大附中净月校区高三上二模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Last Thursday, Michael and Linda stood behind large food trucks distributing meals to 4,000 homeless people for their wedding reception on the border town of Kilis. The couple had decided that instead of hosting their friends and family for a traditional feast reception, they would feed the victims from an earthquake-stricken area.

The idea came from the bridegroom's father, Ted, who volunteers for a Turkish relief organization. For the past few years, the organization has distributed daily meals to thousands of people who've suffered from natural disasters. He approached a representative of the organization and suggested that the family cover part of the costs of feeding them for the day.

Then he told his son, who was surprised by the suggestion, but soon won over. When he told that to the bride, she was really shocked but finally accepted because in southeastern Turkey there is a real culture of sharing with people in need. They love to share their food, their table and everything they have. And afterwards she was quite amazed about it. So, they arrived at the distribution center on Thursday to spend the day serving food and taking photographs with their grateful recipients(接受者).

On Tuesday evening, the newly married couple were still pleased with their decision to quit a personal celebration for one with a greater good. "It's like sharing a dinner with your friends and family who have this kind of thing on a daily basis or sharing something with people who don't even have the most basic things," Michael said. "Hopefully, this will also give the start for other wedding dinners to be held here with our brothers and sisters in need."

1.Why did so many people crowd in Kilis?

A. To attend Michael and Linda's wedding.

B. To support the organization.

C. To escape the damaging earthquake.

D. To help distribute free daily meals.

2.How did the couple celebrate their wedding?

A. They treated their friends and relatives to a big dinner.

B. They shared their happiness with the homeless in Kilis.

C. They afforded the entire cost of the day for feeding victims.

D. They took photos with the grateful victims.

3.What does the underlined word "approached" in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. took in B. moved towards

C. came across D. consulted with

4.We can know from the text that __________________..

A. Kilis is a place which lies in southeastern Turkey

B. Ted was a representative of the organization

C. Linda adopted the suggestion immediately she heard it

D. Michael doubted if more new couples would follow him


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江西省、九江一中高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

In order to help customers find what they want quickly,it’s important to keep the thousands of titles in the Main Street Movies store organized properly.This section of the Employee Handbook will tell you how to organize videos.

Each Main street Movies store has three main sections:

1.New Releases Wall.

2.Film library.

3.Video Games.

New Releases Wall.Almost 70 percent of movie rentals are new releases,and that is the first place where most customers go when they enter the store.The center section of shelves on this wall holds Hottest Hits.When new titles come into the store,place them on this wall in alphabetical order.The shelves beside Hottest Hits are called Recent Releases.The New Releases Wall,including the Hottest Hits and Recent Releases shelves,holds about 350 titles.

Film Library.The thousands of titles in the Film Library are organized into categories.The films within each category are displayed alphabetically.Here are the categories and their two-letter computer codes:

Foreign Language titles include films that were originally made in a foreign language and films with foreign language subtitles.A sticker on the back of each box tells which type of film it is.

Video Game.All the video games in Main street Movies are arranged in alphabetical order.Although video games represent only a small percentage of our inventory(库存),they are stolen more often than any other type of goods in our store.Therefore,video games are never displayed on the shelves.Shelves in the Video Game section hold cardboard with pictures and information about each game.When a customer wants to rent a particular game,you then find the game from the locked case behind the counter.

1.Whom do you think this passage is most probably addressed to?

A. The readers in the store.

B. The manager of the store.

C. The customers in the store.

D. The salespersons of the store.

2.In which order are the new movies moved in the store?

A. From Hottest Hits to Film Library to Recent Releases.

B. From Film Library to Hottest Hits to Recent Releases.

C. From Recent Releases to Film Library to Hottest Hits.

D. From Hottest Hits to Recent Releases to Film Library.

3.Why can’t video games be seen on the shelves?

A. Because they’ve been sold out.

B. Because they’re in the storehouse.

C. Because they’re in a locked case behind the counter.

D. Because they represent a small percentage of the inventory.

4.How can a customer find a film with foreign language subtitles?

A. Check the computer.

B. Look at the back of the box.

C. Check the center section.

D. Watch a few minutes of the film.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林长春市高一上学期第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It is reported that two schools, ________ are being built in my hometown, will open next year.

A. they both B. which both

C. both of them D. both of which


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届辽宁大连市高三12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Here is an astonishing and significant fact: Mental work alone can’t make us tired. It sounds absurd. But a years ago, scientists tried to find out how long the human brain could labor without reaching a stage of fatigue (疲劳). To the amazement of these scientists, they discovered that blood passing through the brain, when it is active, shows no fatigue at all! If we took a drop of blood from a day laborer, we would find it full of fatigue toxins(毒素) and fatigue products. But if we took blood from the brain of an Albert Einstein, it would show no fatigue toxins at the end of the day.

So far as the brain is concerned, it can work as well and swiftly at the end of eight or even twelve hours of effort as at the beginning. The brain is totally tireless. So what makes us tired?

Some scientists declare that most of our fatigue comes from our mental and emotional(情绪的) attitudes. One of England’s most outstanding scientists, J.A. Hadfield, says, “The greater part of the fatigue from which we suffer is of mental origin. In fact, fatigue of purely physical origin is rare.” Dr. Brill, a famous American scientist, goes even further. He declares, “One hundred percent of the fatigue of sitting worker in good health is due to emotional problems.”

What kinds of emotions make sitting workers tired Joy Satisfaction No! A feeling of being bored, anger, anxiety, tenseness, worry, a feeling of not being appreciated---those are the emotions that tire sitting workers. Hard work by itself seldom causes fatigue. We get tired because our emotions produce nervousness in the body.

1.What surprised the scientists a few years ago?

A. Fatigue toxins could hardly be found in a laborer’s blood.

B. The brain could work for many hours without fatigue.

C. Albert Einstein didn’t feel worn after a day’s work.

D. A mental worker’s blood was filled with fatigue toxins.

2. According to the author, which of the following can make sitting workers tired?

A. Challenging mental work. B. Endless tasks.

C. Physical labor. D. Unpleasant emotions.

3. Which of the following is properly used to describe the author’s attitude to the scientists’ idea?

A. He hesitates to accept them. B. He doubts them.

C. He argues against them. D. He agrees with them.

4. It is implied in the passage that in order to stay energetic, sitting workers need to ___________.

A. enjoy their work B. have some good food.

C. exercise regularly D. discover fatigue toxins


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年内蒙古包头九中学高一12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Sports shoes that work out whether their owner has enough exercise to warrant time in front of the television have been devised in the UK.

The shoes — named Square Eyes — contain an electronic pressure sensor and a tiny computer chip to record how many steps the wearer has taken in a day. A wireless transmitter passes the information to a receiver connected to a television, and this decides how much evening viewing time the wearer deserves, based on the day’s efforts.

The design was inspired by a desire to fight against the rapidly ballooning waistlines among British teenagers, says Gillian Swan, who developed Square Eyes as a final year design project at Brunel University to London, UK. “We looked at current issues and childhood overweight really stood out,” she says. “And I wanted to tackle that with my design.”

Once a child has used up their daily allowance gained through exercise, the television automatically switches off. And further time in front of the TV can only be earned through more steps.

Swan calculated how exercise should translate to television time using the recommended daily amounts of both. Health experts suggest that a child take 12,000 steps each day and watch no more than two hours of television. So, every 100 steps recorded by the Square Eyes shoes equals precisely one minute of TV time.

Existing pedometers (计步器) normally clip onto a belt or slip into a pocket and keep count of steps by measuring sudden movement. Swan says these can be easily tricked into recording steps through shaking. But her shoe has been built to be harder for lazy teenagers to cheat. “It is possible, but it would be a lot of effort,” she says. “That was one of my main design considerations.”

1.According to Swan, the purpose of her design project is to ________.

A. keep a record of the steps of the wearer

B. deal with overweight among teenagers

C. enable children to resist the temptation of TV

D. prevent children from being tricked by TV programs

2.Which of the following is TRUE of Square Eyes shoes?

A. They regulate a child’s evening TV viewing time.

B. They determine a child’s daily pocket money.

C. They have raised the hot issue of overweight.

D. They contain information of the receiver.

3.What is stressed by health experts in their suggestion?

A. The exact number of steps to be taken.

B. The precise number of hours spent on TV.

C. The proper amount of daily exercise and TV time.

D. The way of changing steps into TV watching time.

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A. Smart Shoes Decide on Television Time

B. Smart Shoes Guarantee More Exercise

C. Smart Shoes Measure Time of Exercise

D. Smart Shoes Stop Childhood Overweight


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北邢台第一中学高二12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


It’s The Thought That Counts

This past Christmas was one of the best I have ever had. This was made possible by my sister, Amy. She is eight years older and has already made it into“real world”.

My sister bought me three wonderful gifts, only one would capture my heart forever. First she handed me the . Because Amy is careful with her actions, I knew this was her favourite. It was a bottle of perfume(香水). I was happy with it, yet as to what lay ahead. Next she handed me a box. After away the wrapping paper, I found a stylish and expensive sweater. I was deeply moved that my sister was so . Then she handed me the gift. Judging by the familiar size and , I knew it was a CD. It was the soundtrack (电影原声带)to the movie“Rocky”, with songs inspiring to all athletes, dreamers…I loved it, but not as much as I would after what my sister explained to me.

She was to a knee injury that me half of my soccer season. I desired to be with my team-mates and each minute I sat on the bench. I tried hard, hoping my knee injury would heal soon. This was what led my sister to buying that CD.

After mentioning what was behind the , Amy played the CD for me. Even though I had heard those songs a thousand times, each note struck me as if it were . It played in my soul and on my emotions. I breathlessly, as the words“Trying hard now. It’s so hard now”sounded through the room. It me in a way beyond the happiness most gifts could bring. I couldn’t_______ crying and hugged my sister. Knowing that my sister had my problem so deeply made me realize that I am the little sister in the world. I had never received a gift with so much behind it! I’ll cherish it forever.

1.A.and B.but C.which D.for

2.A.smallest B.prettiest C.dearest D.largest

3.A.most B.less C.least D.more

4.A.anxious B.excited C.delighted D.curious

5.A.putting B.tearing C.carrying D.giving

6.A.helpful B.fashionable C.rich D.generous

7.A.rest B.last C.other D.favourite

8.A.color B.style C.pattern D.shape

9.A.immediately B.quickly C.suddenly D.secretly

10.A.explaining B.replying C.referring D.talking

11.A.paid B.stopped C.took D.cost

12.A.enjoyed B.valued C.suffered D.spent

13.A.gift B.story C.sweater D.Christmas

14.A.alive B.new C.strange D.familiar

15.A.listened B.danced C.laughed D.remembered

16.A.harmed B.helped C.broke D.touched

17.A.burst B.hold C.help D.prevent

18.A.found B.got C.felt D.solved

19.A.luckiest B.cleverest C.bravest D.best

20.A.hardship B.thought C.money D.experience


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河南陕州中学高二上第二次精英对抗赛英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

With the popularity of Harry Potter novels, the number of children applying to boarding schools has risen, many of them hoping to find their own version of Hogwarts. However, others have interpreted this trend as a reaction to longer working hours and the break up of more marriages. The boarding schools of fiction are presented as one long midnight feast with pillow fights making firm friendships. However, some people say the reality is children having more homesickness and a lack of individual attention. Modern boarding schools have done much to get rid of the image of the mass dormitories with 40 or more beds in one room, some going as far as providing private rooms with bathrooms. Similarly, they make great announcements for their academic advantage, particularly in view of the increase in exams, homework and university entrance requirements facing children wishing to succeed in the modern world.

Alongside these more conventional schools, two types of boarding schools have also become more popular recently. Sports academies and stage schools seek to cater for children with particular interests and talents, while so-called troubled-teens have been able to turn to a range of religious or wilderness schools to solve their problematic behavior.

Boarding schools allow children a safe space in which to accomplish greater control and independence over their daily lives. Teachers and staff can look after and support but they are unlikely to be over-protective. This can be a great preparation for university or for working away from home in later life as it provides an intermediate step between childhood and full independence.

However, Parents are a child’s most natural support and best role models to learn from. If they are separated from them for long periods of time, this may damage their relationship and leave the child feeling anxious or alone. Schools are unlikely to be able to copy the detailed knowledge of each individual child that a parent has and therefore cannot be as effective in supporting the child.

To sum up, boarding schools have both their advantages and disadvantages, so it is up to you to decide whether to send your children to boarding schools or not.

1.What do we know from the passage?

A. More and more children go and visit Hogwarts on their own.

B. Pillow fights in boarding schools make firm friendships in reality.

C. More children want to go to boarding schools because of Harry Potter novels.

D. There aren’t special schools for the particularly talented children.

2.What kind of schools may be the most suitable for the so-called troubled-teens?

A. sports academies B. Wilderness schools

C. Conventional schools D. Stage schools

3.We learn from Paragraph 4 that __________.

A. teachers of boarding schools are the best examples for children to learn from

B. children can be more independent if they are separated from their parents

C. parents know their children better than teachers of boarding schools

D. schools are much more effective than parents in supporting children

4.What is the author’s opinion of boarding schools?

A. Neutral B. Negative

C. Positive D. Critical


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北邢台市高二上第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达



















Recently the Student Union has carried out a survey—“To whom do you go when in trouble/conflict?” The results are as follows.

