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第一节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

                             ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

            Sometimes people around you can change your life. The change may not be sudden or 41 ,but little habits can produce big 42  that make you think about what is important in your life. The person who changed my life is Julia Masi. She has 43 me so many things that I will carry with me 44 my life.

            One thing I've learned from Julia is how to balance 45 . Julia has shown me how to 46 ahead so that I can finish all my school work,enjoy sports and 47 have time for my friends. She has taught me that you can do anything if you are 48 and if you never give up. I've also learned that you can find anything fun or 49 if you connect it with something that you enjoy.

            Last year I hated studying vocabulary,but I loved playing on my computer. Julia 50  the two and showed me a website called “freerice.com” where you can 51 a word game that gives you 5 grains of rice to donate to the poor with every correct word. She 52 me to learn a hundred new 53 by filling up the rice bowl. I liked playing the game so much that I 54 about 1,000 words in just one month.

            Julia has always 55 me to try new hobbies. She showed me that going to the theater could help me become a better writer. 56 ,she taught me that discussing a play can excite an interest in reading.

            57  it wasn’t for Julia I probably wouldn’t  have 58  how easy it is to help the poor. There are so many ways that one person can 59 . I’ve learned to be more appreciative of what I own. I am 60  for the opportunities that I have been given. I will continue to think of ways to help those less fortunate for the rest of my life.

41. A. simple   B. impressive   C. necessary   D. slight

42. A. results   B. problems   C. ideas   D. decisions

43. A. taught   B. served   C. offered   D. bought

44. A. for   B. of   C. throughout   D. into

45. A. work   B. money   C. career   D. time

46. A. plan   B. get   C. move   D. stay

47. A. never   B. seldom   C. yet   D. still

48. A. excited   B. determined   C. careful   D. patient

49. A. important   B. easy   C. possible   D. interesting

50. A. shared   B. remembered   C. combined   D. separated

51. A. watch   B. play   C. raise   D. improve

52. A. challenged   B. invited   C. permitted   D. reminded

53. A. lessons   B. skills   C. words   D. stories

54. A. learned   B. read   C. used   D. spelled

55. A. allowed   B. warned   C. forced   D. encouraged

56. A. Therefore   B. Besides   C. However   D. Otherwise

57. A. Unless   B. Since   C. Although   D. If

58. A. realized   B. noticed   C. imagined   D. dreamed

59. A. turn away  B. make a difference

    C. show off   D. make a mistake 

60. A. ready   B. sorry   C. thankful   D. anxious

41. B 42. C 43. A 44. C 45. D 46. A 47. D 48. B 49. D 50. C 51. B 52. A 53. C 54. A 55. D 56. B 57. D 58. A 59. B 60. C



41. B. 由上文、中的 The change may not bg sudden以及'文中的描述可知,这种变A 可能不那么突然或者“令人印象深刻 (impressive)”。

42. C. 由下文中的 make you think about what is important in your life 可知,小习惯会带来大“想法(ideas)”,让你思考生活中最重要的是什么。

43. A. 

44. C. 由下文中的 One thing I've learned from Julia 可知,Julia “教 (taught) ”了“我”很多东西,“我”将“毕 生(throughout my life) ”铭记。

45. D. 由下文中的 Julia has shown me how to ... have time for my friends 可知,Julia 教会“我”如何平衡“时间(time) ”。

46. A. 

47. D. 由该句中的so that I can finish all my school work ... have time for my friends可知,Julia教“我”要提前“计划(plan) ”,这样,“我”就能做完功课、进行体育活动、“还(still)”有时间和朋友在一起。

48. B. 由下文中的 if you never give up 可知,她教“我”如果你“有决心 (determined)”、不放弃,那你就能做成 任何事。

49. D. 由上文中的anything ftm可知,“我” 还认识到,如果你把你正在做的事情和你喜欢的事情联系在一起,你就会发现你正在做的事情很“有趣(interesting)”。

50. C. 由.下文的描述可知,Julia把记单词和玩电脑“结合(combined) ”在一起。 

51. B. 由下文中的 I liked playing the game 可知,在这个网站,你可以“玩(play) ”一 个单词游戏。

52. A. 

53. C. 由上文的描述可知,Julia“向我挑战(challenged) ”,如果“我”学到一百个“单词(words) ”,就可以把捐给穷人的米碗装满。

54. A. “我”非常喜欢这个游戏,所以“我在一个月内“学会(learned)”了大约一千个单词。

55. D. 由下文中的 She showed me that going to the theater could help me;become a better writer可知,她经常“鼓励(encouraged )”“我”去尝试培养新的爱好。

56. B. 上下句之间是递进关系,故用“此外 (Besides) ”。

57. D. 

58. A. “如果(If) ”不是 Julia 的话,“我”可能不会“意识到(realized) ”帮助; 穷人是多么简单的事情。

59. B. 由文中的描述可知,每个人都可以“有所作为(make a difference) ”。

60. C. 由上文中的 be more appreciative of what I own可知,“我” 很“感激(thankftil)”曾经有机会去帮助别人。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课标 > 第41期 2015-2016学年高二课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. We recognized the possibility and took steps to   (避免它发生) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

根据括号内的汉语提示补全下面句子(每空一词,含缩略形式) 。

1. It may take a little time to(适应这里的气候) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。


           Lindha was a student at Kansas State University. She is here to tell us about her time in Kansas in the city of Manhattan. .

           What were the best things about it?

           Manhattan has a great university feel to it. I loved going to the football games. We would spend the whole day tailgaying (开车尾派对) outside the stadium,drinking beer and having a big barbecue.

           What do you think of the people there?

           People from Kansas are so friendly. However,I'd say that many Kansans are very sheltered and dont pay much attention to life outside the US. But as the grandma of my Kansan friend might say,re still sweet as pie."

           What wjere the worst things about being there?

           It's very difficult to get around Kansas without a car. Everything's so spread out and there isn’t  really a public transportation system.

           What was the funniest thing that happened while you were there?

           I remember one trip I took with my friend to her grandparents’ house. They had horses and asked me if I wanted to go for a ride. I had never ridden a horse before but I decided to have a try. I hopped (跳上) on and everything was fine for a minute. But then the horse went crazy. It started bucking(猛然弯背跃起) and making these crazy noises. I thought I was going to die. My friend eventually calmed the horse down but not before I had destroyed an entire section of the fence. I thought they would be mad but they were just in shock — they couldnt believe I had stayed on the horse for that long.

           Did you have any other problems?

           I'm Swedish,but my English is pretty good because my dad's English. But it took a little while to get used to the accent. The people from the cities dont have a strong accent,but the people from the country are hard to understand sometimes. You also have to be careful with the weather. In the winter it was absolutely freezing,and during the summer it was so hot I thought I might die. Of course,they have heating and air conditioning everywhere.

21. What's Lindha's impression about people in Kansas?

   A. They are kind but unhappy.

   B. They are nice but isolated.

   C. They are patient and amusing.

   D. They are honest and generous.

22. What do we know about Lindhas horse riding experience?

   A. She fell off the horse's back.

   B. She finally got the horse under control.

   C. She was brave but destroyed part of a fence.

   D. She had a wonderful and unforgettable experience.

23. We learn from the text that Lindha .

   A. doesnt like the weather in Kansas

   B. speaks English with a Swedish accent

   C. speaks highly of the transportation system in Kansas doesn’t  

   D. like the school life in Kansas State University


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



           We all know donating blood provides a vital lifeline to those in need,but a growing body of research suggests that it could have health benefits for the donor too.

           Findings have shown that donating blood reduces the risk of heart attacks and even cancer.

           It even bums quite a bit of energy — 650 calories(卡路里) for every pint (568 ml) given.

           The news could come as a promotion (宣传) of British blood banks which use an average of 7 ,000units of blood every day.

           It is thought that the benefits arise from- lowering high iron levels.

           Iron affects how thick and sticky the blood is. High iron levels cause the blood to be thicker.

           Raised iron levels also keep blood from flowing smoothly.

           Because donating blood removes some of its iron,it may therefore have a protective benefit if done on a consistent basis by helping thin the blood.

           According to a study from the Journal of the American Medical Association,researchers found that those aged 43 to 61 had fewer heart attacks when they donated blood every six months.

           A study of 2 ,682 men from Finland found they had an 88 percent reduced risk of heart attacks than those who didnt donate,reported Medical Daily.

           Likewise,a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute also links iron to an increased cancer risk.

           The four-and-a-half-year study involving 1,200 people found those who made blood donations twice a year had a lower risk of cancer and death than those who didn’t.

           However,these benefits depend on making donations on a regular basis,rather than once in a while.

           Another side effect of donating blood is that it can bum a large number of calories too .

           The University of California in San Diego says that for every one pint of blood donated,650 calories are burned as the body must fill itself up.

           Although this seems to be an attractive effort-free way to lose weight,the NHS Blood and Transplant centre still encourages people to donate for the benefit of others first,rather than for themselves.

6.  How can giving blood prevent heart disease?

   A. By keeping blood from flowing fast.

   B. By increasing blood's thickness.

   C. By reducing iron in the blood.

   D. By helping iron work better.

7. What is the healthiest way to donate blood?

   A. Give blood regularly.

   B. Give blood every six months.

   C. Make donations in middle age.

   D. Donate a small amount each time.

8. The author mentions the three studies to.

   A. prove the serious harm of cancer

   B. solve the problems of giving blood

   C. explain the reasons for heart disease

   D. show the benefits of blood donations

9. According to the NHS Blood and Transplant centre,donating blood .

   A. is an attractive way to lose weight

   B. should be based on selflessness

   C. involves some degree of risk

   D. may bum too many calories

10. Which of the following can be the best title?

   A. Blood donation is vital to the receiver

   B. Giving blood is good for your health

   C. Donating blood helps prevent heart attacks

   D. Giving blood has proven to be completely safe


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


         Larry asked his wife,Claire,to test 1.a new household robot for his company while he was away. Claire felt 2. (alarm) to see how tall,handsome and human the robot looked. His name was Tony. After a while”Claire began to trust Tony and told him how she thought she was 3. (超重的) and unattractive compared to the rich and powerful Gladys Claffem and her friends. Tony promised to help as a(n) 4.  (恩惠) .He gave her a new 5. (发型),

improved her makeup and suggested she invite them to a party at her home. On the night of the party,Tony suddenly held Claire in his warm arms and 6. (声明) that he didn’t want to leave her.When the doorbell rang he disappeared and Claire realized that Gladys and her friends had seen her with Tony through the window. They thought Tony was Claire's handsome new lover. Claire was happy to be 7. (嫉妒) by the women but upset that Tony was just a robot. The company was satisfied that Tony had made Claire feel better but felt he had to be rebuilt as it was not good for women to fall in love with machines.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


          1. the J Street Band got together is an interesting story. Lead singer Jeremy put the band together. He held a blind audition for interested musicians. It was surprising 2. he chose.He selected a guitarist who was a 70-year-old. It made no difference 3. he was old or young —

the guy rocked!

          They play mostly their own songs. Their style of music is unique. Eric is the one who writes the lyrics. In 2013 they had a number one hit. Cheering fans greet them everywhere. Their ability to appeal to mixed audiences is 4. makes them different.They will start their national tour from San Jose this year. 5. they go on this tour is 6.they love the things they do.

          It's hard to say 7. makes a band successful. What matters most is 8. the fans like the band's songs and style. However,most people don't realize 9. long musicians work in the shadows before achieving recognition. Both talent and hard work are required if they want to achieve 10. they dream of.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. The road and the railway are (平行的) to each other.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. It was Harold's that he should be buried next to his wife.

