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Let's ________ a date to call on our teacher.

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科目:高中英语 来源:全优设计必修五英语北师版 北师版 题型:001




1.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a school.

B.In a library.

C.In a hospital.

2.What did the woman think of the lecture?

A.It was popular.

B.It was boring.

C.It was interesting.

3.How is the girl going to spend the weekend?

A.Doing her homework.

B.Preparing for the competition.

C.Boating in the Water Park.

4.Where does the woman most probably work?

A.In a music store.

B.In a computer lab.

C.In a school library.

5.Why didn’t the man go to the exhibition?

A.The ticket was too expensive.

B.Buying tickets took time.

C.Da Vinci was not his favorite.

听力原文:(Text 1)

M:Excuse me, is it my turn now?I have been waiting for some time and I was wondering…

W:I’m sorry.The doctor is so busy.

(Text 2)

M:It was such an interesting lecture.I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

W:I must admit that I always fell asleep in the first 30 minutes.

(Text 3)

M:Have a nice weekend.Do you have anything exciting?

W:No, not really.I was thinking of boating in the Water Park with my parents.But you know the international English telling competition is coming up, so I will stay at home and prepare for it.

(Text 4)

W:Good morning, Mig music.

M:Hello, I’d like to know if I can order the new discovery CD.

W:Certainly.Let me check on the computer.Yes, the order number is CD392BK.The price is 30 ponds 99.

(Text 5)

M:Did you go to the Italian art & tech exhibition in Tianjin University last month?

W:Yes, it was wonderful.I particularly like the works by Da Vinci.

M:I wish I had gone but I heard we have to wait for two hours to get the ticket.




6.What do we learn about Bill?

A.He just got out of trouble.

B.He did something right.

C.He enjoyed what he had done.

7.What kind of film does the woman prefer?

A.Something exciting.

B.Something educational.

C.Something relaxing.

听力原文:(Text 6)

W:Hi Bill, you look happy.

M:Yes.I’ve just seen a very funny film on TV.

W:What was it about?

M:It was about a careless man who got into trouble wherever he went.He couldn’t do anything right.

W:So you like it?

M:Yes, I did.It made me laugh a lot.

W:But I rather see something not only interesting but also instructive.

M:Oh Jane, don’t be so serious.People sometimes need relaxation.

W:That’s true.But I just think that watching TV is not just for entertainment.


8.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Their future study.

B.The graduation party.

C.College entrance exam.

9.In what field is the boy most likely to work in the future?




10.What do we learn about the girl?

A.Her uncle has a company.

B.She dreams of becoming a doctor.

C.She wants to live in Hong Kong.

听力原文:(Text 7)

M:How are you, Lily.Great graduation party, isn’t it?

W:Yes.Everyone here is having a good time.Any ideas for the future?

M:Well, I’m interested in finance and my uncle runs a company in Hong Kong, so I decided to go to Hong Kong University.

W:Sounds great.Hong Kong is an international financial center.You will surely go far there.

M:What about you?

W:I’d like to go to university in Beijing.

M:What do you want to take as you major, computer science or medicine?

W:I prefer medicine.It’s always being my dream to be a doctor.


11.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Cultures of Australia and New Zealand.

B.A plan to travel to Australia and New Zealand.

C.Similarities and differences between two countries.

12.What are the people of the two countries like?

A.They are crazy about sports.

B.They like drinking and talking.

C.They are interested in shopping.

13.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.New Zealand has a warmer climate.

B.Australian beaches are slightly better.

C.Both countries are attractive to travelers.

听力原文:(Text 8)

M:I hear that you have just been to Australia and New Zealand;can you tell me something about the two countries?

W:Well, Australia is much bigger than New Zealand.You can leave a town and drive for hours before coming to the next one.There are more nationalities there.But New Zealand has a much cooler climate.

M:Is there anything similar about them?

W:They both have beautiful beaches, green forests and mountains.So traveling in both countries is very exciting.

M:What about the cultures?

W:They have very similar cultures.Perhaps because they are such close neighbors.Both cultures are very relaxed and friendly.You can go into a corner shop to buy a drink and then end up to talking to shop keeper for hours.What’s more, people in both countries are sports mad.


14.What does the boy do at the gym every week?

A.Swim three times.

B.Take a part-time job.

C.Play ping-pong sometimes.

15.Why doesn’t the girl go to the gym?

A.She doesn’t like doing exercise.

B.Study has been her first concern.

C.The gym schedule is too tight for her.

16.What is the girl probably going to do?

A.Do some sport.

B.Meet her teacher.

C.Study even harder.

听力原文:(Text 9)

W:Hi, you look tired.

M:Yeah, but actually I feel great.I’ve just been working out at the gym.

W:Really?What do you do?

M:Well, usually I play ping-pong three times a week.If I have time, I go for a short swim.

W:I have never been to the gym.I am so busy with my classes that I just don’t have time to exercise.

M:Oh, that’s too bad.I think you will enjoy the gym if you start going.

W:My schedules are so tight.You know, my teachers all have great expectations of me.

M:Well, anyway, think about it.And if you will find the time, I do encourage you to try it.You’d feel 100% better.

W:Yeah.I really need to start to get some exercises.I will give it some serious thought.


17.Why is Fred invited to the program?

A.To advertise his driving school.

B.To talk about learning to drive.

C.To share his driving experiences.

18.How do Fred’s customers know about him?

A.Through friends.

B.Through newspapers.

C.Through the program.

19.Why does Fred have so many customers now?

A.He works harder.

B.He is warm-hearted.

C.He offers lower prices.

20.What does Fred do first in training beginners?

A.He calms them down.

B.He talks to them.

C.He sits beside them.

听力原文:(Text 10)

  W:Welcome to our program.Today we have invited Fred Watson, a driving instructor of over 20 years experience to talk to us about learning to drive.Well, Fred, do you think it’s getting more expensive to learn to drive these days?

  M:Well, it depends.If you come for a private instructor like me, it’s probably going to be a bit less expensive than going to a big school.The thing is, people have usually heard of the big school and trust them.Well, I get customers through personal connections.

  W:Does that mean you have to try harder to get customers??

  M:Not now, when I started I have to.But at the moment I am fully booked and my prices are quite competitive.

  W:Learning to drive is usually a nervous experience for beginners.What do you think?

  M:Well, it can be.But I try to get them to sit quietly in the drive’s seat for a few moments.With their eyes closed, you will be surprised how it changed some people.They fell much more ready for driving if they had a few quiet moments.

  W:Yes, I suppose some people are much more nervous than others.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Oh God! I think I was about seven when my sisters and I pulled this stupid stunt(惊险动作).

I remember we were watching TV when we heard my  36  , Chris, shouting from the backyard. We all    37    out to see what happened.   38 we finally located him, he was in a tree 39  from the highest tree branch. Crying, he explained he had climbed up the tree and couldn’t get down. One of us should climb up but we couldn’t   40   to get him moving down.

Luckily, my youngest sister, Ka, five then, had seen a(n) 41  situation. She suggested we grab a 42   , hold it under the branch, and tell him to   43    so we could catch him. My other sister, Yams, one year younger than me, looked at me eagerly to    44    her idea and I said “Yeah, let’s try that.”

Immediately we    45    a sheet and held it beneath the tree. Now mind you, the ages holding this blanket were    46    from seven to five, thus the sheet was probably being held up to our waist and also close to touching the ground. But we were    47    it could work.

Chris, my brother, aged four, looked down at us with hesitation, asking in a  48  voice, “Are you sure I’ll land on the blanket?” But because of a problem at  49  with his tongue being a bit attached to the mouth, it came out like this, “Ah you sho awill lan on da blanked?” “Yup!” I told him, “We’re sure!” and he let go.

How    50    he was to trust us! And no matter how  51  we held, Chris fell right 52 that sheet and landed on his stomach. This tiny seventy-pound boy had made a big    53    right in the sheet!

Because he wasn’t moving, we bent down to sense if he was still alive. Slowly, he uttered these five words, “Ah stee hi da flow!”,    54  ,  “I still hit the floor!” Poor little man!

Now Chris is fourteen and he still blames us about it.  55  , he wants to be a fireman when he grows up. 

36. A. neighbour            B. brother             C. classmate         D. cousin

37. A. headed             B. wandered           C. waited            D. stayed

38. A. After                B. Since               C. Though                   D. When          

39. A. jumping            B. looking              C. hanging           D. shaking

40. A. try                            B. manage            C. plan              D. decide

41. A. serious              B. awkward            C. similar            D. ridiculous

42. A. sheet              B. ladder               C. quilt              D. net

43. A. slide                 B. drop                C. climb                    D. move

44. A. change               B. offer               C. prove                    D. confirm

45. A. bought                B. took                C. fetched            D. snatched

46. A. counting            B. lasting               C. ranging               D. decreasing

47. A. proud                B. happy                 C. grateful            D. confident

48. A. soft                 B. trembling          C. frightening           D. loud

49. A. birth                 B. school              C. church                   D. table

50. A. lucky                 B. bright               C. stupid             D. careless

51. A. tight                 B. long               C. high                D. close     

52. A. on                  B. under              C. across             D. through

53. A. noise               B. swing              C. mark                 D. hole

54. A.in words             B. in other words      C. in a word          D. in word

55. A. Strangely           B. Fortunately        C. Eventually         D. Disappointedly


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Oh God! I think I was about seven when my sisters and I pulled this stupid stunt(惊险动作).

I remember we were watching TV when we heard my   36  , Chris, yelling from the backyard. We all   37  out to see what happened. 38____ we finally located him, he was in a tree 39 from the highest tree branch. Crying, he explained he had climbed up the tree and couldn’t get down. One of us should climb up but we couldn’t   40  to get him moving down.

Luckily, my youngest sister, Ka, five then, had seen a(n)   41  situation. She suggested we grab a 42  , hold it under the branch, and tell him to 43____ so we could catch him. My other sister, Yams, one year younger than me, looked at me eagerly to   44  her idea and I said “Yeah, let’s try that.”

Immediately we   45  a sheet and held it beneath the tree. Now mind you, the ages holding this blanket were   46  from seven to five, thus the sheet was probably being held up to our waist and also close to touching the ground. But we were   47  it could work.

Chris, my brother, aged four, looked down at us with hesitation, asking in a 48   voice, “Are you sure I’ll land on the blanket?” But because of a problem at 49 with his tongue being a bit attached to the mouth, it came out like this, “Ah you sho awill lan on da blanked?” “Yup!” I told him, “We’re sure!” and he let go.

How   50  he was to trust us! And no matter how 51 we held, Chris fell right 52 that sheet and landed on his stomach. This tiny seventy-pound boy had made a big   53  right in the sheet!

Because he wasn’t moving, we bent down to   54  if he was still alive. Slowly, he uttered these five words, “Ah stee hi da flow!”, in other words, “I still hit the floor!” Poor little man!

Now Chris is fourteen and he still blames us about it. Any tree he climbs he can get down on his own and,   55  , he wants to be a fireman when he grows up.

36. A. neighbour       B. brother       C. classmate     D. cousin

37. A. headed      B. wandered      C. waited      D. stayed

38. A. After         B. Since        C. Though           D. When     

39. A. jumping      B. looking        C. hanging       D. shaking

40. A. try               B. manage       C. plan       D. decide

41. A. serious        B. awkward       C. similar      D. ridiculous

42. A. sheet       B. ladder        C. quilt        D. net

43. A. slide        B. drop        C. climb      D. move

44. A. change        B. offer        C. prove        D. confirm

45. A. bought         B. took         C. fetched       D. snatched

46. A. counting       B. lasting        C. ranging        D. decreasing

47. A. proud         B. happy           C. grateful       D. confident

48. A. soft         B. trembling    C. frightening      D. loud

49. A. birth         B. school     C. church       D. table

50. A. lucky         B. bright        C. stupid        D. careless

51. A. tight         B. long       C. high        D. close  

52. A. on          B. under      C. across      D. through

53. A. noise       B. swing        C. mark         D. hole

54. A. check        B. sense       C. prove      D. claim

55. A. frankly        B. strangely       C. luckily        D. obviously


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Oh God! I think I was about seven when my sisters and I pulled this stupid stunt(惊险动作).

I remember we were watching TV when we heard my   36  , Chris, yelling from the backyard. We all   37  out to see what happened. 38____ we finally located him, he was in a tree 39 from the highest tree branch. Crying, he explained he had climbed up the tree and couldn’t get down. One of us should climb up but we couldn’t   40  to get him moving down.

Luckily, my youngest sister, Ka, five then, had seen a(n)   41  situation. She suggested we grab a 42  , hold it under the branch, and tell him to 43____ so we could catch him. My other sister, Yams, one year younger than me, looked at me eagerly to   44  her idea and I said “Yeah, let’s try that.”

Immediately we   45  a sheet and held it beneath the tree. Now mind you, the ages holding this blanket were  46  from seven to five, thus the sheet was probably being held up to our waist and also close to touching the ground. But we were   47  it could work.

Chris, my brother, aged four, looked down at us with hesitation, asking in a 48 voice, “Are you sure I’ll land on the blanket?” But because of a problem at 49 with his tongue being a bit attached to the mouth, it came out like this, “Ah you sho awill lan on da blanked?” “Yup!” I told him, “We’re sure!” and he let go.

How   50  he was to trust us! And no matter how 51 we held, Chris fell right 52 that sheet and landed on his stomach. This tiny seventy-pound boy had made a big   53  right in the sheet!

Because he wasn’t moving, we bent down to   54  if he was still alive. Slowly, he uttered these five words, “Ah stee hi da flow!”, in other words, “I still hit the floor!” Poor little man!

Now Chris is fourteen and he still blames us about it. Any tree he climbs he can get down on his own and,   55  , he wants to be a fireman when he grows up.

36. A. neighbour       B. brother       C. classmate     D. cousin

37. A. headed      B. wandered      C. waited      D. stayed

38. A. After         B. Since        C. Though           D. When     

39. A. jumping      B. looking        C. hanging       D. shaking

40. A. try               B. manage       C. plan       D. decide

41. A. serious        B. awkward       C. similar      D. ridiculous

42. A. sheet       B. ladder        C. quilt        D. net

43. A. slide        B. drop        C. climb      D. move

44. A. change        B. offer        C. prove        D. confirm

45. A. bought         B. took         C. fetched       D. snatched

46. A. counting       B. lasting        C. ranging        D. decreasing

47. A. proud         B. happy           C. grateful       D. confident

48. A. soft         B. trembling    C. frightening      D. loud

49. A. birth         B. school     C. church       D. table

50. A. lucky         B. bright        C. stupid        D. careless

51. A. tight         B. long       C. high        D. close  

52. A. on          B. under      C. across      D. through

53. A. noise       B. swing        C. mark         D. hole

54. A. check        B. sense       C. prove      D. claim

55. A. frankly        B. strangely       C. luckily        D. obviously


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Oh God! I think I was about seven when my sisters and I pulled this stupid stunt(惊险动作).

I remember we were watching TV when we heard my   36  , Chris, yelling from the backyard. We all   37  out to see what happened. 38____ we finally located him, he was in a tree 39 ____ from the highest tree branch. Crying, he explained he had climbed up the tree and couldn’t get down. One of us should climb up but we couldn’t   40  to get him moving down.

Luckily, my youngest sister, Ka, five then, had seen a(n)   41  situation. She suggested we grab a 42___, hold it under the branch, and tell him to 43____ so we could catch him. My other sister, Yams, one year younger than me, looked at me eagerly to   44  her idea and I said “Yeah, let’s try that.”

Immediately we   45  a sheet and held it beneath the tree. Now mind you, the ages holding this blanket were   46  from seven to five, thus the sheet was probably being held up to our waist and also close to touching the ground. But we were   47  it could work.

Chris, my brother, aged four, looked down at us with hesitation, asking in a 48____ voice, “Are you sure I’ll land on the blanket?” But because of a problem at 49 with his tongue being a bit attached to the mouth, it came out like this, “Ah you sho awill lan on da blanked?” “Yup!” I told him, “We’re sure!” and he let go.

How   50  he was to trust us! And no matter how 51 we held, Chris fell right 52 that sheet and landed on his stomach. This tiny seventy-pound boy had made a big   53  right in the sheet!

Because he wasn’t moving, we bent down to   54  if he was still alive. Slowly, he uttered these five words, “Ah stee hi da flow!”, in other words, “I still hit the floor!” Poor little man!

Now Chris is fourteen and he still blames us about it. Any tree he climbs he can get down on his own and,   55  , he wants to be a fireman when he grows up.

36. A. neighbour       B. brother       C. classmate     D. cousin

37. A. headed      B. wandered      C. waited      D. stayed

38. A. After         B. Since        C. Though           D. When     

39. A. jumping      B. looking        C. hanging       D. shaking

40. A. try               B. manage       C. plan       D. decide

41. A. serious        B. awkward       C. similar      D. ridiculous

42. A. sheet       B. ladder        C. quilt        D. net

43. A. slide        B. drop        C. climb      D. move

44. A. change        B. offer        C. prove        D. confirm

45. A. bought         B. took         C. fetched       D. snatched

46. A. counting       B. lasting        C. ranging        D. decreasing

47. A. proud         B. happy           C. grateful       D. confident

48. A. soft         B. trembling    C. frightening      D. loud

49. A. birth         B. school     C. church       D. table

50. A. lucky         B. bright        C. stupid        D. careless

51. A. tight         B. long       C. high        D. close  

52. A. on          B. under      C. across      D. through

53. A. noise       B. swing        C. mark         D. hole

54. A. check        B. sense       C. prove      D. claim

55. A. frankly        B. strangely       C. luckily        D. obviously

