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Li Hua has been living in the city with his parents after he was born. During the past Spring Festival, his parents take him back to their hometown in the countryside for the first time, it made them all happy, especially his grandparents. He enjoyed staying with his grandparents as well as ran in the open air. He took a lot of pictures of the things that seemed strangely and new. He shared his pictures with his friends in the city on Internet. They showed great interest in one of the picture, arguing that he must be about a new kind of hamburger they hadn’t tasted yet. Some friends wouldn’t wait any longer and called on him for answer. After answered several calls, Li Hua quit their QQ group.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东湛江第一中学高一上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空



One day a fisherman called Peter went fishing in his small boat. 1. reaching a good place he knew, he 2. ( lay) down his long line into the water. After a while, 3. became very heavy. It seemed too heavy to be a fish. He began to draw in 4. line.

When the hooks began to come out of the water, he was quite 5. (surprise), for the hooks were holding the links of a heavy gold chain. When he pulled them into the boat, more and more links appeared. Soon his boat was full of the 6. (shine) links of the gold chain.

“I shall be rich, ” he said. “7. money I shall buy a new fishing boat with an engine. I shall buy a big house.”

He drew in more chain 8. he couldn’t see the end of it. There was more and more of the heavy gold chain in the boat. He was so greedy that he didn’t notice 9. was happening to his boat. It was sinking 10. (low) into the water than before. In the end Peter was drowned. He lost the gold, his boat and his life.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年辽宁省朝阳市三校协作体高三一模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空

Joyce: What do you think of the lead teacher’s speech?

Caroline: I think it was __1.__ (interest).

Joyce: __2.__ do I.I hear Mike is likely to win all the prizes in the exams this year.

Caroline: Yes, his teacher says so.He __3.__ (work) hard at his lessons every evening for months.He want to go to Oxford University next year.

Joyce: I hope he will realize his goal.

Caroline: I hope so._4.__ I think he works too hard.I hope he’ll go out and enjoy __5.__ for a change.How about your son Carl?

Joyce: Don’t mention him.Carl never starts studying.

Caroline: You’re joking.I heard that Carl __6.__ (win) the composition prize.

Joyce: You have made __7.__ mistake.That is White Carl.My son is Brown Carl.The whites live in the same community __8.__ we do.White Carl has always been so hard working.He wants to be a __9._ (write).My son likes going to the concert.He only likes singing.

Caroline: _10.__ he practices singing, he will become a singer in the future.

Joyce: Not all people can become a singer.I don’t think he has the talent.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏南京盐城两市高三一模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Maury Brown of Forbes reports that Major League Baseball’s annual ________ for 2014 will top $9 billion.

A. allowances B. revenues

C. rates D. Accounts


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南省怀化市高三一模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I _____ through the hard time but for my teacher’s generous and timely help.

A. couldn’t have gone B. could go

C. mustn’t have gone D. hadn’t gone


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河北保定市高三上学期摸底考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



The easy way out isn't always the easiest. I learned that lesson when I decided to treat Doug, my husband of one month, to a special meal. I to make homemade bread. Knowing the bread would take time, I it as soon as Doug left for work.

As l was not in cooking, I thought if a dozen was good, two dozen would be better, so I .everything. As Doug loved oranges, I also opened a can of orange and it all into the bowl. Soon there was a sticky dough(面团)covered with yellowish marks. Realizing I was ,I put the dough in the rubbish bin outside so 1 wouldn't have to Doug laughing at my work. I went on preparing the rest of the ,and when Doug got home, we sat down to Cornish chicken with rice. He tried to enjoy the meal but seemed . Twice he got up and went outside, saying he heard a

The third time he left, I went to the window to see what he was doing. I saw Doug standing about three feet from the ,holding the lid up with a stick and looking .When I came out of the house, he dropped the stick and explained that there was something in our rubbish bin. Picking up the stick again, he held the lid up. enough for me to see. I felt .But I stepped. closer and looked harder. Without it was my work. The hot had caused the dough to double in size and the fermenting yeast(酵母})made the surface. and sigh as though it were breathing.

I could see why Doug was shaken. I had to admit what the“ "was and why it was there. I don't know who was more by the whole thing---Doug or me.

1.A. chose B. managed C. had D. remembered

2.A. looked for B. got ready for C. started on D. worried about ,

3.A. weak B. interested C. successful D. experienced

4.A. used B. collected C doubled _ D. tried

5.A. poured B. watered C. dipped D. threw

6.A.pleasant B. ugly C. big D. light

7.A. defeated B. injured C. dropped.. ,.. D. lost.

8.A.feel B. keep C. face.. D. stop

9.A. bread B. orange' C.rice D. meal

10.A.disappointed B. disturbed. C. frightened. D. ashamed

11.A. voice B. cry C. shout D. noise

12.A.window B. house C. rubbish bin D. door

13.A. around B. upward C. inside D. out

14.A. alive B. important C. new D. different

15.A. happy B. cold ' C. angry D. inspired

16.A. hesitation B. doubt C. delay D. exception

17.A. pot B. floor ' C. earth D. sun

18.A. burn B. walk C. shake D. work

19.A. art B. work C. trouble maker D .living thing

20.A. embarrassed B. nervous C. regretful D. awkward


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林松原油田高中高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

A Different View

At age 14, 15 and 16, the way we looked was the most important thing in the world to us. My friends and I wanted nothing less than perfection.

In high school, we joined the gymnastics team, and our became even more important to us. We had no fat, only muscle. On the weekends, we would go to the beach, of our flat stomachs.

One summer day, all my friends were at my house . At one point, I was running back to the pool. I on a bee, and while it was dying under my foot, it stung (蛰) me. I instantly started to feel . That night, I began to run a high fever and my leg and foot were red, hot and swollen. I couldn’t walk. I could barely .

When my foot started to go numb, everyone became more . My foot was not getting enough blood. I had to go to the , and my leg hurt as if it were badly broken. I couldn’t move. All I could do was think about how soft my middle was becoming. That _ me more than any concern over my leg.

That would all when I heard the doctors mention possibly cutting off my foot. It was still not getting the supply it needed. The doctors would have to speed up their treatment.

Never before did I have such great for my foot. And walking seemed like a __ from the gods. Less and less would I want to hear my friends talk about and who was wearing what. More and more I expected visits from other kids in the hospital, who were quickly becoming my friends.

One girl came to visit me . Every time she came, she brought flowers. She was recovering from cancer and felt she should come back and the other patients.

She still had no hair, and she was swollen from medications she had been taking. I would not have given this girl a second before. I now loved every inch of her and looked forward to her .

Finally, I was improving and soon I went home. My leg was still swollen, I was walking, and I had my foot! When I would go back to the hospital, I often saw my friend. She was still visiting people and good cheer. I thought if ever there was an angel on this earth, it had to be her.

1.A. grades B. brains C. bodies D. clothes

2.A. ashamed B. proud C. sure D. tired

3.A. dancing B. chatting C. jogging D. swimming

4.A. stepped B. focused C. held D. took

5.A. upset B. fearful C. sick D. anxious

6.A. jump B. run C. stand D. rest

7.A. concerned B. relieved C. surprised D. interested

8.A. beach B. hospital C. gym D. school

9.A. blamed B. impressed C. shocked D. troubled

10.A. change B. bother C. help D. happen

11.A. nutrition B. blood C. time D. air

12.A. observation B. devotion C. appreciation D. evaluation

13.A. gift B. hand C. promise D. treat

14.A. homework B. appointment C. movies D. gymnastics

15.A. suddenly B. regularly C. eventually D. recently

16.A. advise B. encourage C. serve D. instruct

17.A. choice B. thought C. glance D. chance

18.A. words B. ideas C. flowers D. visits

19.A. but B. then C. so D. for

20.A. enjoying B. gaining C. discovering D. spreading


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃天水第一中学高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Short and shy, Ben Saunders was the last kid in his class picked for any sports team. "Football, tennis, Cricket—anything with a round ball, I was useless." he says now with a laugh. But back then he was the object of jokes in school gym classes in England's rural Devonshire.

It was a mountain bike he received for his 15th birthday that changed him. At first the teen went biking alone in a nearby forest. Then he began to cycle along with a runner friend. Gradually, Saunders set his mind on building up his body, increasing his speed, strength and endurance. At age 18, he ran his first marathon.

The following year, he met John Ridgway, who became famous in the 1960s for rowing an open boat across the Atlantic Ocean. Saunders was hired as an instructor at Ridgway's school of Adventure in Scotland, where he learned about the older man's cold-water exploits(成就). Intrigued, Saunders read all he could about Arctic explorers and North Pole expeditions, then decided that this would be his future.

Journeys to the Pole aren't the usual holidays for British country boys, and many people dismissed his dream as fantasy." John Ridgway was one of the few who didn't say, 'You are completely crazy,' " Saunders says.

In 2001, after becoming a skilled skier, Saunders started his first long-distance expedition toward the North Pole. He suffered frostbite, had a closer encounter(遭遇)with a polar bear and pushed his body to the limit.

Saunders has since become the youngest person to ski alone to the North Pole, and he's skied more of the Arctic by himself than any other Briton. His old playmates would not believe the transformation.

This October, Saunders, 27, heads south to explore from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole and back, an 1800-mile journey that has never been completed on skis.

1.The turning point in Saunders’life came when _____

A. he started to play ball games

B. he ran his first marathon at age 18

C. he got a mountain bike at age 15

D. he started to receive Ridgway’s training

2.We can learn from the text that Ridgway _______.

A. won his fame for his voyage across the Atlantic

B. built up his body together with Saunders

C. hired Saunders for his cold-water experience

D. dismissed Saunders’ dream as fantasy

3.What do we know about Saunders?

A. He followed Ridgway to explore the North Pole.

B. He once worked at a school in Scotland.

C. He was chosen for the school sports team as a kid.

D. He was the first Briton to ski alone to the North Pole.

4.The underlined word “Intrigued” in the third paragraph probably means_____.

A. Excited B. Fascinated

C. Delighted D. Convinced

5.It can be inferred that Saunders’ journey to the North Pole ______.

A. was accompanied by his old playmates

B. made him well-known in the 1960s

C. was supported by other Arctic explorers

D. set a record in the North Pole expedition


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年北京市朝阳区高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It snowed heavily all night, ______ really annoyed everyone.

A. which B. that C. when D. where

