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 You are lucky enough to escape ______ after making such a mistake.

    A. from punishing                     B. from being punished  

    C. being punished                     D. punished


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

◆1. Malan Flower: China Children's Art Theatre stages a fairy tale musical (音乐剧) "Malan Flower" this weekend.

Beautiful Malan flowers were blossoming everywhere on Malan Mountain, and hard-working girl Xiao Lan was married to the god of flowers, Ma Lang. They lived a happy life in harmony with Grandpa Tree. and all the lovely little animals. However, greedy Old Cat made use of the jealousy of elder sister Da Lan to kill Xiao Lan, in an attempt to keep the magic Malan flower under her possession.

This fairy tale entertained three generations of Chinese youth.

Time: 7: 30 p. m., until August 21

Place: The Great Theatre of the Cultural Palace of the Nationalities, west of Xidan Area

Tel: 6602-2530

◆2. Joyful jugglers: The China Acrobatic Troupe is staging a nightly variety show at the Tiandi Theatre, where the seemingly impossible becomes a reality, where performers spin (旋转) plates and juggle umbrellas.

Contortionists (柔术演员) show incredible feats of flexibility and acrobats leap through the air. Integrating juggling, unicycling, balancing and jumping through hoops with the finest ancient Chinese dancing, the performance will amuse you.

Time: 7: 15 p. m., daily

Place: 10 Dongzhimen Nandajie, Chaoyang District

Tel: 6502-3984

◆3. Tour of love: Taiwan singer David Tao (Tao Zhe), who is on a global tour, will arrive in Beijing next month.

Tao Zhe was born into a musical family. His father is an expert in Western pop music while his mother is from a family famous for playing Peking Opera. This probably explains why Too approaches pop music from a unique angle (角度), which separates him from the average pop singer.

With the song "Forever Love You" as the theme of the concert, Tao will share his love and ideas for life and music with his fans.

Time: 7: 30 p. m. , September 10

Place: Capital Gymnasium, Baishiqiao Lu

Tel: 6835-4055

◆4. Army artist: An exhibition featuring artist Li Shaozhou's personal and meticulous (注意细节的) style of painting will be held at the National Art Museum of China.

Born in Henan Province, Li showed strong interests in art during his childhood, and was a specialized artist in the army.

The exhibition will present 65 paintings of modern figures, birds and flowers that he has made over the past decade, during which he has formed his own style by absorbing other painting techniques.

Time: 9 a. m. ~ 5 p. m., August 23 ~ 29

Place: 1 Wusi Dajie

Tel: 8403-3500

Which advertisement will Michael be most interested in if he likes fairy tales?

A. Malan Flower.   B. Joyful jugglers.        C. Tour of love.    D. Army artist.

What phone number should you dial for further information if you are a pop song fan?

A. 6602-2530.       B. 6502-3984.      C. 6835-4055.     D. 8403-3500.

On which page do the above passages most probably appear in the newspaper?

A. Opinions. B. Business.         C. Sports.          D. Listings.


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省会昌中学2009-2010学年度高二第二学期第一次月考 题型:阅读理解

Chinese sword play
Learn Chinese swordsmanship and practice Chinese sword play under the instruction of a professional in Ditan Park every Sunday afternoon.
Fee: 60 yuan(US$ 7.2)
Time/Date: 2 pm --- 3:30 pm, October 10.
Place: Meet at the south gate of Ditan Park, across the overpass north of the Lama Temple, Chaoyang District.
Tel: 8457-2772
See Lu Xun’s former residence
Visit the museum and former residence of Lu Xun, the father of Chinese modern literature, and learn about this period of Chinese history, from 1910 to the late 1930’s.
Fee: 50 yuan(US$ 6)
Time/Date: 2:30 pm --- 4:30 pm, October 16
Place: Meet in front of Lu Xun’s Museum, Fuchengmennei Dajie, Xicheng District
Tel: 6432-9341
Hike on Heifengkou Great Wall
Heifengkou Great Wall is about one and a half hours’ drive north of Beijing. The hike starts from the village at the foot of the mountain where the Great Wall meanders to the top.
Fee: 150 yuan(US$ 18) for adults, 100 yuan(US$ 12) for kids under 12.
Time/Date: 8:30 am --- 5:30 pm, October 16
Pick-up: Meet at 8:30 am in front of the Big Easy, at the South Gate of Chaoyang Park, returning by 5:30 pm.
Contact Lucy at lucy @ highclub. cn, or 6553-3920 for signing up.
Tai Chi class
This is a beginner’s level of Chen-style Tai Chi class, instructed by Paul Wang, who speaks excellent English and has a lot of experience teaching Westerners. He is the 12th generation master of Chen-Style Tai Chi, Tai Chi Sword, and Shaolin Temple longquan.
Time/Date: 10 am --- 11:30 am, October 12.
Fee: 60 yuan(US$ 7.2)
Place: In front of Jintai Gallery, inside the West Gate of Chaoyang Park, Chaoyang District
Tel: 6432-9341
Contact Gina at linshujuan@chinadaily. com. cn.
60. The underline word “residence” in the second text possibly refers to ______ .
A. a work    B. a famous person     C. a park        D. a house
61. If John wants to learn Chinese sword play, he may go to _____.
A. Ditan Park at 2 pm --- 3:30 pm, October 10
B. Fuchengmennei Dajie at 2:30 pm --- 4:30 pm, October 16
C. the South Gate of Chaoyang Park at 8:30 am
D. Chaoyang Park at 10 am --- 11:30 am, October 12.
62. If you are free from 10:00 am --- 11:30 am, you may go to _____.
A. learn Chinese sword play
B. hike on Heifengkou Great Wall
C. visit the museum and former residence of Lu Xun
D. take the Tai Chi class 
63. In which section of the newspaper can you find the information above?
A. Sports.    B. Entertainment.     C. Advertisements.    D. Brief


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解



Russian dances: The famous “Little White Birth” Dance Troupe will travel from Russia to present performances in Beijing.

The troupe, founded in 1948, is famous for their combination of Russian folk dances and classical dancing art.

It has been invited by the Beijing Foreign Culture Exchange Co. in order to give four performances in Beijing.

Tickets are available through ticket hotlines and website such as www. paio. com. cn, www. chinaticket, com and www. ticket, elong. com.

* Time: 7: 30 pm, January 18 - 21

* Place: Beizhan Theatre, 135, Xiwai Dajie,

Xicheng District

* Tel: 6606-4258


Kite show: All together 81 kites collected by the China National Art Museum is on show in the Yanhuang Art Museum.

Kong Xiangze, an expert on Chinese kites, published a book on kites, explaining the origins of the kite-making process. The exhibited kites are made in a traditional Chinese style.

* Time: 9 am-5 pm until February 11

* Place: 9 Huizhong Lu

* Tel: 6491-2902


Folk music: A concert of classics of Chinese folk music will greet audiences on the first day of the Year of Snake at the Beijing Concert Hall.

The China Song and Dance Ensemble will perform dozens of traditional instrumental pieces, such as “Full of Joy”, “Colourful Cloud Chasing the Moon” and “Spring Festival Suite”.

* Time: 7: 30 pm, January 24   

* Place: 1, Beixinhuajie, Xicheng District

* Tel: 6559-8285


Flower festival: The Beijing Botanical Garden is bringing people a blooming festival with the beautiful flowers in its tropical plants greenhouse.

The garden has introduced nearly 80 kinds of flowers abroad for the exhibition.

There is also an exhibition of potted narcissus (水仙) landscapes (盆景). More than 300 mini landscapes involving imported narcissus will be displayed, people can get a preview of the show by visiting www. beijingbd, com, the garden’s website.

* Time: 8:30 am-5 pm until January 28

* Place: Wofosi Lu near the Fragant Hills

* Tel: 8259-5547

1.Suppose you are too far away from Beijing or you can’t spare time to go there in person, which of the following shows can you enjoy all the same?

A.Russian dances.

B.Kite show

C.Folk music

D.Flower festival

2.. The phrase “get a preview of” used in the passage means ______.

A.watch in advance

B.see more clearly

C.get good position of

D.get a general idea of

3. If you and your classmates have a free evening to spend on the 19th of January, which is a useful number to call?







科目:高中英语 来源:2013届云南省芒市高一期末英语卷 题型:阅读理解



Sunday, June12

Dear Li Yang and Lu Ming,

You are invited to a party for our foreign teacher Miss Green’s return to England for her holiday. She leaves on June 21.

The best part of the party will be when we sing and dance together.

Party given by: Students’ Union

Date: Saturday, June 18,2006

Time: 6:00p.m. to 9:30p.m.      

Place: The Students’ Dining Hall

Reply by: Friday, June 17

Food and drinks will be provided at the party.

Zhang Yu

PS: This event is NOT to be missed! We hope to see you there!


1. When will they have the party?

A.On Sunday, June12th.

B.On Friday,June 17th.

C.On Saturday, June18th.

D.On Tuesday,June21th.

2.How long will the party last?

A.For three hours.

B.For two hours and a half.

C.For four hours and a half.

D.For three hours and a half.

3. According to the invitation, which sentence is TRUE ?

A.Miss Green leaves on Tuesday.

B.They are not going to sing.

C.They are not going to dance.

D.They can’t eat food at the party.

4. Who are Li Yang and Lu Ming?

A.Zhang Yu’s teachers.

B.Zhang Yu’s students

C.Zhang Yu’s schoolmates.

D.Zhang Yu’s sisters.



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年广东华南师大附中高三综合测试英语卷(三) 题型:书面表达



     If you like to break things when you are unhappy, the Nanjing Zhonghua Middle School is the school for you. This term, Nanjing Honghua Midlde School will build a "stress wall" to help students who feel unhappy because of schoolwork or for

other reasons.

     Tao Dehua, a leader at the school said the idea of a stress wall started when

footprints were found on some newly painted walls and some school windows were


     "These things happen because some students feel lots of pressure from their

studies or because they don't get along well with other students. When under stress,

the body get ready to either run or fight and becomes very nervous. Hitting the wall

can help relax the body and take away stress," Tao said.

     "Tests and homework make me Sad," said Lu Yan, a junior girl."I can't wait to

hit the wall. It will help me a lot with my problems."     

     Another girl student who wouldn't give her name said that the wall won't help.

"Mainly because it can't talk," she said. "I need to talk to someone when I'm sad."



2、然后以约120个词就“Should the stress wall be built"这个主题发表你的看法,并












