精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情




1.Which model did the man order most?

A.Nokia 8210.

B.Motorola C266.

C.Sony-Ericsson T628.

2.What can you infer from the dialogue?

A.The bus drivers seldom go on strike in England.

B.The bus drivers this time ask for different things.

C.The bus drivers this time again ask for less work and more pay.

3.What does the woman want to become?

A.A teacher.

B.A translator.

C.An actress.

4.What is the woman likely to do during the festival?

A.She may do anything that she will meet.

B.She will help her mother do some shopping.

C.She will help her mother do some cooking.

5.What can you learn from Jim’s reply?

A.He goes to most types of games.

B.Basketball is his only sport.

C.He plays basketball.




6.What is the relationship between the speakers?


B.Caller and operator.

C.Secretary and boss.

7.What does the man want to do?

A.He wants to know Ms.Amanda Rhodes’s telephone number.

B.He wants to find where Ms.Amanda Rhodes lives.

C.He wants to tell the woman Ms.Amanda Rhodes’s name.


8.Where hasn’t the man been in China?




9.What did the man buy in Xi’an?

A.An ancient jar.

B.A wonderful knife.

C.A set of china.

10.When will the woman go to the man’s house?

A.This Saturday evening.

B.This Sunday evening.

C.Next Saturday evening.


11.Where did the man work before?

A.In the bank.

B.In the shipping department.

C.In the shopping department.

12.How did the man find the wok and the workmates now?

A.The work was tiring but the people were friendly.

B.The work was interesting but the people were impolite.

C.Neither the work nor the people were satisfying.

13.What was the woman’s wish?

A.The man’s idea would come true.

B.She would make things better for the man.

C.The man would learn how to get on well with others.


14.Why is the woman worried?

A.Because she can’t speak French well.

B.Because she doesn’t have friends in Canada.

C.Because she can’t find her way to Quebec City.

15.What do we know about Montreal?

A.It is the capital of Quebec Province.

B.It is the biggest city in Quebec Province.

C.It is far away from the St.Lawrence River.

16.What can we learn from this conversation?

A.Only French is spoken in Quebec.

B.All the buildings in Quebec City are old.

C.Most people in Montreal speak French.


17.Why is the No.16 bus of no use to the man?

A.It’s always late.

B.It’s always full.

C.It gets off after the No.49 bus.

18.How long will the speaker wait for a bus sometimes?

A.One hour.

B.Ten minutes.

C.Half an hour.

19.What is the maximum number of passengers a bus is supposed to carry?




20.At what speed did a No.49 bus drive on Saturday morning?

A.60 m.p.h.

B.80 m.p.h.

C.50 m.p.h.



  Text 1

  W:…now, what mobile phone do you want to order?

  M:Well, we want 20 Nokia 8210, 40 Motorola C266 and 25 Sony-Ericsson T628.

  W:I’m sorry, we don’t have any Nokia 8210 in stock at the moment.

  M:Well, in that case, we’ll have 60 Motorola C266.This model sells well.

  W:Do you want delivery?

  M:Yes, sure.

  Text 2

  W:It says in the newspaper that the bus drivers are threatening to go on strike in England.

  M:It’s not surprising.They go on strike every two or three years.What do they want this time?

  W:Less work, more pay.

  M:That sounds familiar.

  Text 3

  M:Are you going to be a teacher after graduation?

  W:Of course.I’ve been dreaming about it for years.How about you?

  M:I’m not sure.My father wants me to be a translator.

  W:But don’t you think it’s tiring to translate all day long?

  Text 4

  M:Do you think the weather will be all right for the Spring Festival?

  W:Yes, if we’re lucky.But I think it’ll be very cold anyway.

  M:Quite possibly.

  W:Have you got any plans for the festival?It’s likely I’ll just stay home and help mother with the cooking.

  M:Well, who knows.I might do anything.You know I always do things as they happen.

  Text 5

  W:Why did you go to the basketball game, Jim?

  M:I’m a real sports lover.

  Text 6

  W:Directory Assistance.What city, please?

  M:Toronto.I’d like the number of Ms.Amanda Rhodes.

  W:How do you spell the last name, please?

  M:It’s R-H-O-D-E-S.

  W:Thank you.And do you have the address?

  M:It’s 418 Kingston Road.

  W:The number is 9870248.

  Text 7

  M:Hi, Emma.

  W:Hi, Bill.Long time no see.Where have you been these days?

  M:Well, I have been to China for a visit.

  W:Is that so?Which city have you been to in China?

  M:Many cities.Such as Beijing, Xi’an, Shanghai and of course Hangzhou.

  W:Have you bought something special?I heard China is a country full of mysteries.

  M:Yes, I bought a nice ancient jar in Xi’an.

  W:Really?I believe it wonderful.May I have a look some day?

  M:Sure.I’d like to invite you to my house for dinner this Saturday evening.Then you can see it.

  W:I’d love to, but I have promised my mother to have dinner with her that evening.

  M:Then how about Sunday evening?

  W:That will be fine.

  Text 8

  W:I keep meaning to ask you.Are you happy that you work in the shipping department?

  M:To tell you the truth, I’m sorry that I have changed my job and have come to the shipping department.I wish I hadn’t done it.

  W:Really?But why?

  M:You see, the work is tiring and the people in that section aren’t friendly.

  W:That sounds too bad!Sorry to hear that.What do you plan to do next?

  M:Well, I hope the bank is willing to take me back.

  W:Is that likely?

  M:I don’t know yet.

  W:Well, I hope things work out for you.


  Text 9

  W:I’m thinking of visiting Quebec Province, in Canada, next summer.Well, you know, I think I’m going to visit Montreal, first, it’s the capital of Quebec Province, isn’t it?.

  M:No, Quebec City’s the capital, but Montreal’s the biggest city in the province.It’s a wonderful place.That’s where I met my girlfriend.It was on the river.

  W:The St.Lawrence River?That’s near Montreal, isn’t it?

  M:Near it?Montreal is on it.The river runs right through the city.

  W:Oh, really?Hey, do you think I can get by in English?I know people speak French there but my French is poor.

  M:Well, people speak both French and English there, but you’ll hear most people speak French.So you’d better go over your French.

  W:Oh, I didn’t realize that French was still so important.

  M:Yeah.Montreal is the third largest French-speaking city in the world.

  W:Now what about Quebec City?

  M:It’s a beautiful city.Old, lots of buildings there go back to the 17th or 18th century.

  Text 10

  Hi, I’d like to talk to the manager about something.I have to travel every day from So Uk Road to the airport.Two buses travel along this road:the No.49 and the No.16.However, by the time the No.16 reaches So Uk Road it is always full, so it is of no use to me.This leaves the No.49, which sometimes has empty seats on it.

  Your timetable is there.It shows that there are buses from So Uk Road to the airport every ten minutes.If this is so, why do I have to wait half an hour for a bus nearly every day?

  The rules say that if there are empty seats on a bus, they must stop at every stop people are waiting.Why is it, therefore, that half empty buses go straight past me when I am standing at the bus stop?

  The rules say that no bus may carry more than 40 seated passengers and 20 standing passengers.Yesterday I was the first to get off the bus when I reached the airport.I counted the other passengers as they got off.There were 129 of them.

  Clearly printed on the back of every bus is a sign that says“Highest speed:50m.p.h.”.The distance from So Uk Road to Kai Tak is 10 miles.On Saturday morning a No.49 bus traveled this distance in 10 minutes.At times it must have done at least 80 or even 90 m.p.h.

  It is obvious that our bus companies have no respect for the rules nor consideration for the passengers.Can nothing be done about this?


科目:高中英语 来源:2007年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试、英语(四川卷) 题型:001




例:How much is the shirt?





1.Who is coming for tea?




2.What will the man do next?

A.Leave fight away.

B.Stay for dinner.

C.Catch a train.

3.What does the mall come for?

A.A lecture.

B.A meeting.

C.A party.

4.What size does the man want?




5.What are the speakers talking about?

A.Life in Southeast Asia.

B.Weather conditions.

C.A holiday tour.




6.What is the man doing?

A.Giving a speech.

B.Chairing a meeting.

C.Introducing a person.

7.Why does the woman sing so well?

A.She has a great teacher.

B.She teaches singing.

C.She is young.


8.What is the second gift for Jimmy?

A.A car.

B.A watch.

C.A computer.

9.Why does Jimmy feel happy?

A.He lives with his parents.

B.He’s got what he dreamt of.

C.He’s received lots of presents.


10.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.They are friends.

B.They are strangers to each other.

C.They are husband and wife.

11.Why does the woman come to talk with the man?

A.To get a job.

B.To take a test.

C.To see the secretary.

12.What does the man mean by saying sorry?

A.He can’t hear the woman clearly.

B.He doesn't need a designer.

C.He can’t help the woman.


13.What do we know about the woman?

A.She lives close to the office.

B.She is new to the company.

C.She likes the big kitchen.

14.How does the man go to work?

A.On foot.

B.By bus.

C.By car.

15.Why was Susan late for work?

A.She missed the bus.

B.Her train was late.

C.Her car broke down.

16.What will the man do the next day?

A.Go to work by train.

B.Visit Lily in her flat.

C.Leave home earlier.


17.Where can you most probably hear this talk?

A.In a class of the English language.

B.In a class of the Greek language.

C.In a class of the French language.

18.How long does the class last?

A.11 weeks.

B.13 weeks.

C.15 weeks.

19.What is “the short-cut” to learning words according to the speaker?

A.Taking more courses.

B.Reading basic words aloud.

C.Learning how words are formed.

20.Why is the class popular?

A.It is not offered each term.

B.It’s taught by Professor Morris.

C.It helps to master some useful rules.


科目:高中英语 来源:徐州市2006-2007学年度高三第一次质量检测、英语试题 题型:001




1.What did the woman think of the lecture?

A.It was popular.

B.It was boring.

C.It was moving.

2.What arc they going to do?

A.Play basketball.

B.Go skating.

C.Do some cleaning.

3.How is the weather when the conversation takes place?

A.Sunny but cold and windy.

B.Cloudy and freezing.

C.Cloudy and windy.

4.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a school library.

B.In a hospital.

C.In a department store.

5.What does the man want to do?

A.To return a ticket to the woman.

B.To return to Chicago.

C.To purcbase a plane ticket.




6.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Their future study.

B.The graduation party.

C.College entrance exam.

7.In what field is the boy most likely to work in the future?




8.What do we learn about the girl?

A.Her uncle has a company.

B.She dreams of becoming a doctor.

C.She wants to live in Hong Kong.


9.What is the main reason for the doctor's trip?

A.A jazz concert.

B.A medical conference.

C.A wedding party.

10.At what time does the doctor's flight arrive in New Orleans?




11.Which of the following statements about Dr.Ellis is probably true?

A.He is a jazz fan.

B.He is a sports fan.

C.He is a film fan.


12.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.Cultures of Australia and New Zealand.

B.A plan to travel to Australia and New Zealand.

C.Similarities and differences between the two countries.

13.What arc the people of the two countries like?

A.They are crazy about sports.

B.They like drinking and talking.

C.They are interested in shopping.

14.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.New Zealand has a warmer climate.

B.Australian beaches are slightly better.

C.Both countries are attractive to travelers.


15.At what stage is the woman in her study?

A.She is a junior.

B.She is a senior.

C.She is a teaching assistant.

16.What is the professor's first reply to the woman's request?

A.He doesn't intend to offer the course.

B.He doesn't think the course will interest her.

C.He thinks the course will be too difficult for her.

17.What does the woman say to persuade the professor to help her?

A.She is well prepared.

B.She wants to take an easy court.

C.She wants to read a book in his course.


18.Which is NOT among the purposes of camping?

A.To learn to recognize plants and animals.

B.To learn how to feed the animals.

C.To get to know more about yourself and your place in nature.

19.Why do most campers travel to the National Park?

A.Because they find it cleaner than other parks.

B.Because they have nothing else to do.

C.Because they like to relax.

20.What can be learnt from the passage?

A.Campers should respect nature.

B.Campers don't hurt wild animals.

C.There are fewer people camping now.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013福建高考英语试题 题型:001



1.What does the man want to do?

A.Take photos.

B.Buy a camera.

C.Help the woman.

2.What are the speakers talking about?

A.A noisy night.

B.Their life in town.

C.A place of living.

3.Where is the man now?

A.On his way.

B.In a restaurant.

C.At home.

4.What will Celia do?

A.Find a player.

B.Watch a game.

C.Play basketball.

5.What day is it when the conversation takes place?





听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。

6.What is Sara going to do?

A.Buy John a gift.

B.Give John a surprise.

C.Invite John to France.

7.What does the man think of Sara's plan?





8.Why does Diana say sorry to Peter?

A.She has to give up her travel plan.

B.She wants to visit another city.

C.She needs to put off her test.

9.What does Diana want Peter to do?

A.Help her with her study.

B.Take a book to her friend.

C.Teach a geography lesson.


10.Why does the man call the woman?

A.To tell her about her new job.

B.To ask about her job program.

C.To plan a meeting with her.

11.Who needs a new flat?




12.Where is the woman now?

A.In Baltimore.

B.In New York.

C.In Avon.


13.What does Jan consider most important when he judges a restaurant?

A.Where the restaurant is.

B.Whether the prices are low.

C.How well the food is prepared.

14.When did Jan begin to write for a magazine?

A.After he came back to Sweden.

B.Before he went to the United States.

C.As soon as he got his first job in 1982.

15.What may Jan do to find a good restaurant?

A.Talk to people in the street.

B.Speak to taxi drivers.

C.Ask hotel clerks.

16.What do we know about Jan?

A.He cooks for a restaurant.

B.He travels a lot for his work.

C.He prefers American food.


17.What do we know about the Plaza Leon?

A.It's a new building.

B.It's a small town.

C.It's a public place.

18.When do parents and children like going to the Plaza Leon?

A.Saturday nights.

B.Sunday afternoons.

C.Fridays and Saturdays.

19.Which street is known for its food shops and markets?

A.Via del Mar Street.

B.Fernando Street.

C.Hernandes Street.

20.Why does the speaker like Horatio Street best?

A.It has an old stone surface.

B.It is named after a writer.

C.It has a famous university.


科目:高中英语 来源:北京市2012届高三高考预测英语试题 题型:001




1.Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A.In the hospital.

B.At a nursery.

C.In a library.

2.When are Jenny's parents coming?

A.In April.

B.In June.

C.In July.

3.What will the woman probably do?

A.Go to visit the writer.

B.Buy the writer's new book.

C.Write a book review.

4.What does the man mean?

A.The lady's room is a long way from here.

B.She has to sign up for using the lady's room.

C.She is not able to use the lady's room right now.

5.Why won't the woman eat any more?

A.She is losing weight.

B.She isn't feeling well.

C.She has had enough.




6.What do we know about Kate?

A.The doctor's advice does her no good.

B.She hasn't got well though she has seen a doctor.

C.She's too busy to see a doctor.

7.Who will go to see Kate?

A.The woman.

B.The man.

C.Both of them.


8.What does the man want?

A.Less work.

B.More fun.

C.A holiday.

9.How does the man feel?




10.What is the man's attitude towards his older generation?





11.Why does the man hire some bikes?

A.To visit the island with his friend.

B.To go to visit the bicycle rental(出租)shop.

C.To go graveling abroad.

12.What does the woman suggest?

A.See her tomorrow.

B.Go to the beach.

C.Hire a motorbike.

13.Where is the man staying?

A.At Burt's Bicycle Rental.

B.At the Holiday Sun Hotel.

C.At No.100 Teekman Street.


14.When did Meg hand in the report?

A.On September 3rd.

B.On September 5th.

C.On September 1st

15.What is the most important to Starbucks’ success?

A.The taste of its coffee.

B.Its selections of stores and service.

C.Its management.

16.What does the professor advise Meg to do?

A.To leave out some figures.

B.To change a new topic.

C.To do more research.


17.How many American rivers are seriously polluted?

A.One-sixth of them.

B.One-third of them.

C.Half of them.

18.When did Susan start the work of cleaning the river?

A.Three years ago.

B.Last August.

C.A few weeks ago.

19.What did the students find when they came to the river this year?

A.There was no garbage left to clean up.

B.The river had become to clean that a lot of water-birds came back.

C.The river was much cleaner and they had to search for garbage.

20.What was the expected reaction of the local people into the river.

A.Most of them would keep on throwing garbage into the river.

B.They would join the students in changing the situation.

C.They would become more aware of the pollution problem.

