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19.61.Jiang Wei has a three-week vacation from next Monday.He wants to go to Shanghai by bus and then go home by train.He wants to find a hotel near the railway station,for he plans to spend two days vesting Nanjing Road and the Chenghuang Temple in Shanghai.B
62.Mr.Sun is a manager of a big company in Beijing.Next month.Thomas,an American consultant,will pay a visit to his company.Mr.Sun is responsible for looking after Thomas.This will be Thomas'fist visit to Beijing.Mr.Sun decides to choose a hotel which is very typical of China and is convenient for him to get a quick tour of the capital.E
63.Mr.Lee is a sales manager in a company in Shanghai.Last year he got married and this Saturday will be his wedding anniversary.He met his wife while he was taking a walk along the West Lake.He has decided to celebrate their first anniversary at the place that saw the beginning of their love.A
64.Mr.Xu is a mathematics professor.Next Sunday,the International Mathematics Annual Meeting will be held in Renmin University of China.Mr Xu was invited and has asked his assistant to book a room.A hotel near the university is preferred.F
65.Ms.Wang is a mother of two children.Running a shoe shop,she lives a comfortable life.They live in Hangzhou,and have never seen the sea with their own eyes.The summer vacation is coming and Mr.Wang wants to take her children to Yantai to see the sea.C

A.Xinqiao Hotel is an international four-star hotel in Hangzhou.The hotel is perfectly located in the business center of Hangzhou City with the West Lake only a few minutes away.It is the tallest building near the West Lake.The hotel has 409rooms and suits in different styles.
B.Home Inn is next to the North Square of Shanghai Railway Station and is near the Hutai Road Bus Station.It provides standard rooms,business rooms,and superior rooms.Twenty-four-hour hot water,TVs,telephones,free broadband Internet and free parking are all availabele.
C.Yantai Hongkou Hotel is located at the center of the new coastal scenery area.The hotel is just 2.5kilometers from the train station,and 26kilometers from the airport.After a short walk,guests can enjoy the fresh sea breeze and the soft sandy beach.It offers different classes of guest rooms,such as standard rooms and business suits.
D.The Four Seasons Hotel Shanghai is a five-star hotel and is located in downtown Shanghai.Nanjing Road and Huaihai Road are only a five-minute walk from the hotel.It is four kilometers away from the railway station.All the rooms are well-designed.Room service is available at all hours.
E.Beijing Hotel is located on East Chang'an Avenue,the heart of Beijing.It has a long history of more than one hundred years.It made history as the Olympic Family Hotel by hosting distinguished guests from all over the world during the 2008Summer Olympic Games.Its services included dinging,business,tickets and entertainment.
F.Yanshan Hotel is located in the Zhongguancun High-tech Zone of Beijing.It is a business hotel and is surrounded by a number of famous universities including Peking University,Renmin University of China and Tsinghus University.Besides superior rooms,it also offers standard rooms.

分析 本文为信息匹配,介绍了顾客的相关信息和要求,让考生为其寻找符合要求的酒店.

解答 61---65 BEAFC
61.答案B.信息匹配题.根据题干关键词He wants to find a hotel near the railway station可知,他想要找靠近火车站的酒店.对应B项Home Inn is next to the North Square of Shanghai Railway Station and is near the Hutai Road Bus Station.故选B.
62.答案E.信息匹配题.根据题干关键词Mr.Sun decides to choose a hotel which is very typical of China and is convenient for him to get a quick tour of the capital可知,Mr.Sun想要一家富有中国特色,并且便于参观首都的酒店.对应E项Beijing Hotel is located on East Chang'an Avenue,the heart of Beijing.It has a long history of more than one hundred years.It made history as the Olympic Family Hotel by hosting distinguished guests from all over the world during the 2008Summer Olympic Games.这家酒店坐落在北京的东长安街,有将近一百年的历史,曾在2008年北京奥运时接待过很多尊贵的客人.故选E.
63.答案A.信息匹配题.根据题干关键词wedding anniversary和He met his wife while he was taking a walk along the West Lake可知,他想在初次遇到他妻子的地方,西湖,庆祝他们的第一个结婚纪念日.对应A项的hotel is perfectly located in the business center of Hangzhou City with the West Lake only a few minutes away.It is the tallest building near the West Lake,该酒店就坐落在西湖边上,是那里最高的建筑.故选A.
64.答案F.信息匹配题.根据题干关键词A hotel near the university is preferred可知,他想要一间靠近大学的酒店.对应F项的It is a business hotel and is surrounded by a number of famous universities including Peking University,Renmin University of China and Tsinghus University,该酒店靠近很多著名的大学.故选F.
65.答案C.信息匹配题.根据题干关键词Mr.Wang wants to take her children to Yantai to see the sea可知,Mr.Wang想要在烟台看海.对应C项的After a short walk,guests can enjoy the fresh sea breeze and the soft sandy beach.故选C.

点评 信息匹配题解题技巧:1.先题后文.先看题再看文章能够将更多简单的题先做出来,当你发现简单题全部处理完毕之后,剩下的难题可以再重新回到文章当中再去找那些已经被挑剩下的段落.所以不管怎么样一定是先题后文,稍后再文题同步或先文后题.2.关键词定位(key words positioning) 和同义替换(paraphrasing).其实阅读只考两件事,一件事情是简单的:看到什么,定位什么,选择什么;而另外一个则是通过定位确定这个位置,然后再进行一个切换之后发现原来这个东西就是另外一个东西.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

1 对他的受伤表示同情.
2 计划下周去探望他.
3 让他不要担心功课.
Dear John,
I'm sorry to hear of your accident.                           
Li Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.It is natural that young people are often uncomfortable when they are with their parents.
(36)C   They often think that their parents are out of touch with modern ways;that they are too serious and too strict with their children;and that they seldom give their children a free hand.
(37)A   Parents tend to forget how they themselves felt when young.For example,young people like to act on the spot without much thinking.It is one of their ways to show that they have grown up and they can face any difficult situation.  (38)F   Most of them plan things ahead,at least in the back of their minds,and do not like their plans to be upset by something unexpected.
When you want your parents to let you do something,you will have better success if you ask before you really start doing it.
Young people often make their parents angry with their choices in clothes,in entertainment and in music.But they do not mean to cause any trouble;it is just that they feel cut off from the older people's world,into which they have not yet been accepted.   (39)E   And if their parents do not like their music or entertainment or clothes or their way of speech,this will make the young people extremely happy.
Sometimes you are so proud of yourself that you do not want your parents to say"yes"to what you do.  (40)D  It is natural enough,after being a child for so many years,when you were completely under your parents'control.
If you plan to control your life,you'd better win your parents over and try to get them to understand you.If your parents see that you have a high sense of responsibility,they will certainly give you the right to do what you want to do.

A.It is true that parents often find it difficult to win their children's trust.
B.Young people tend to do what they like.
C.They say that their parents don't understand them.
D.All you want is to be left alone and do what you like.
E.That's why young people want to make a new culture of their own.
F.While older people worry more easily.
G.Do trust your parents and follow their suggestions.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

7.Dancing is part of the human experience,like music and storytelling.These (1)Bwere probably invented together.After all,dancing is a way to tell a story to music.
Scientists say that animals dance,too,but their dancing is (2)D.The"dances"of animals have a(n)(3)A.They send messages to other animals about important phys ical(4)Asuch as hunger,or desire.But when people dance,they express many different(5)C love,joy,anger,and sadness.They also tell stories about people,places,life,or death.By dancing,people can share these feelings or (6)D with others.
All dances are good for you.For one thing,they're good for you(7)D.Dancing is good exercise.It makes you (8)Byour arms and legs,and it makes your heart work.It's an enjoyable way to keep (9)Cor to lose weight.
Besides,dancing makes you feel better about yourself.It gives you a chance to express your feelings.If you are angry or upset about something,it makes those feelings (10)CYou'll probably feel relaxed and happy afterwards,although you may also be (11)A.And if you are a quiet or fearful kind of person,dancing can help you be more (12)D.When you are dancing,you can (13)Byourself and your fears.
And finally,there's another important point about dancing.It's a(n)(14)Bactivity Some dances are for two people,and some are for(15)ABut all kinds of dances give you a chance to meet new people or to do something enjoyable with friends.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

14.[1]Handwritten thank-you letters are such a simple way of making other people feel good,it is strange that so few people write them anymore.At work,a thank-you letter to employees is unbelievably effective.It costs little and has no side effects.ne effort involved in writing letters is very low.The pleasure on receiving them is very high.This makes them an excellent way to reward and motivate staff.
[2]Doug Conant,manager of Campbell's Soup Company since 2001,knows the power of thank-you letters.He said that every day he works with an assistant,combing the company for people deserving thanks.He then writes them a thank-you letter.Over the past 10years he has sent 30,000thank-you letters to his employees-more than 10each day.The reward is huge:his company has remained one of the most successful in its field for years.
[3]But if these letters are so uplifting,why don't more managers write them?
There seem __________.Firstly6,chief executives running compa-nies think their own work is more valuable than that of others.Since no one ever writes them thank-you letters they don't write any themselves.Secondly,they aren't close e-nough to the business to know who deserves thanks. Thirdly,they have forgotten the strange human truth that almost everyone would do almost anything in return for a few words of appreciation.
[4]In these days of such busy schedules and people running all over the place and trying to get ahead,sometimes we forget the simplest things in life are the most power-ful and rewarding.You need to think to yourself about a time someone sent you a thank-you and how much it meant to you.Always remember to"Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you!"

76.Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the following one?
It is not at all difficult to write letters.The effort involved in writing letters is very low.
77.What's the purpose of Paragraph 2?(no more than 15words)To give an example showing how effective thank-you letters are./To provide an example to show thank-you letters are effective./To give an example to support the main idea.
78.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3with proper words.(no more than 5words)to be three reasons
79.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3into Chinese.第三,他们忘记了这样一个奇怪的人性真理:为了回报寥寥数语的感谢,几乎每个人都愿做几乎任何事./第三,他们忘了这样一个奇特而真实的人性特点:几句感谢的话,便可换来对方不遗余力的倾情付出.
80.What's the main idea of this passage?(no more than 15words)Handwritten thank-you letters are an excellent way to reward and motivate people./Handwritten thank-you letters are very important..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.A.economy    B.dated     C.relationship    D.event      E.achievement
F.applied      G.global     H.regularly      I.financial    J.promote

The World Expo (short for"exposition") is known as World's Fair.And it is a large,(41)global,non-commercial exposition that has been held since the mid-19th century.
The World Expo is the third largest(42)event in the world in terms of economic and cultural impact,after the FIFA World Expo Cup and the Olympic Games.In fact,the World Expo is regarded as the"Olympic Games of the (43)economy,science and technology."
The hosting of the World Expo must be (44)applied for by a country and approved by the international World Expo committee.Expo aims to(45)promote  the exchange of ideas and development of the world economy,culture,science and technology,to allow exhibitors to publicize and display their (46)achievement  and improve international (47)relationship.
Exhibitions are not a recent invention.They (48)dated back to the times when large-scale markets were (49)regularly  held in cities which attracted visitors and brought prosperity because they were located at major trade route intersections.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

(1)Our character,basically,is a mixture of our habits."Sow a thought,reap an action; sow an action,reap a habit;________,reap a character; sow a character,reap a destiny (命运),"the maxim goes.
  (2)Habits are powerful factors in our lives.Because they are  often unconscious patterns,they constantly daily affect our character and produce our effectiveness or ineffectiveness.
  (3)As Horace Mann,the great educator,once said,"Habits are like a cable.We weave a rope of it everyday and soon it cannot be broken."I personally do not agree with the last part of his expression.I know habits can be learned and unlearned.But we also know it isn't a quick fix.It involves a process and a tremendous effort.
  (4)Those of us who watched the lunar voyage of Apollo 11 were shocked as we saw the first men walk on the moon and return to earth.But to get there,those astronauts had to break out of the tremendous gravity pull of the earth.More energy was spent in the first few minutes of lift-off,in the first few miles of travel,than was used over the next several days to travel half million miles.
 (5)Habits,too,have tremendous gravity pull-more than most people realize or would admit.Breaking deeply developed habitual tendencies such as procrastination(拖延),impatience,criticalness,or selfishness that go against basic principles of human effectiveness involves more than a little willpower and a few minor changes in our lives."Lift off"takes a tremendous effort,but once we break out of the gravity pull,our freedom takes on a whole new situation.
 (6)Like any natural force,gravity pull can work with us or against us.The gravity pull of some of our habits may currently be keeping us from going where we want to go.But it is also gravity pull that keeps our world together,that keeps the planets in their orbits and our universe in order.It is a powerful force,and if we use it effectively,we can use the gravity pull of habit to create the order necessary to establish effectiveness in our lives.
76.What is the best title of the passage?(no more than 8 words)
Habits make/shape you/us./Excellence comes from good habits
77.Please complete the blank in the para.1 (no more than 3 words)
Sow a habit
78.Why does the author say habits have powerful effects on our lives?(no more than 15 words)
Habits can constantly affect our character and produce our effectiveness or ineffectiveness
79.What does the writer mean by refering to gravity pull?(no more than 13 words)
Habits are like gravity,which can work with us or against us
80.What does the underlined"it"in line3 para3 refer to?(no more than 3 words)
forming a habit/growing a habit.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

8.It's strange that a man born on Labor Day has had to work so hard to succeed in life.Jacob seems like a normal person.He likes music,art and photography.His parents both got college degrees.He used to go to a beach house in Portland every summer.He is a big fan of Mexican food.Reading these facts about him may lead to the opinion that he had a great childhood.However,behind all of these is a past that would be terrible for many kids growing up.
It started when he was only two years old.His parents divorced and then remarried.Going through elementary school and middle school,he was frightened a lot.This may have led to the worst thing that could have happened to a young man.
He developed deep depression.Doing the smart thing,he talked to his parents about his problem.His parents decided that this issue was very serious and Jacob was admitted to West Hills Hospital.He stayed there for two weeks and had his depression diagnosed.Serious insomnia caused the problem.
The solution was daily medication.The medication took care of Jacob's depression problem.However,it contained a substance with lithium(锂).The side effect he suffered from lithium was that he got spoonfuls of sugar and ate it with anything else that was on his plate.This led to a weight gain of 25pounds while he was on medication.So he decided he had to lose some weight and stop the medication.
Now he has lost a big part of the weight and he has managed to solve his problem he had in high school.Now he is a happy human being.
Many people would have had a very hard time coming back from depression.Many people probably would have given up their dreams.But Jacob is not like this.He took what was a mess of his life and turned it around to become a great man and a person with a very bright future.

81.When was Jacob possibly born according to the passage?(no more than 3words)   (2marks)On Labor Day.
82.Why did Jacob suffer from deep depression?(no more than 4words)   (2marks)
Because of serious insomnia.
83.How did Jacob gain the weight of 25pounds while on medication?( no more than 5words) (3marks)
By eating spoonfuls of sugar.
84.What can we know from Jacob's story?(no more than 10words)   (3marks)
He had a hard time but never gave up..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.The storm left,_______lots of damage to this area.(  )
A.causedB.to causeC.having causedD.had caused

